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ChasingSin Page 2

by Sara Brookes

  Those seconds could be the difference between life and death.

  Three hours later, Snyder pulled the truck into an open parking spot in front of a hotel where they’d rented some rooms before heading out on the chase. Kate climbed over Tripp as soon as the locks disengaged and pushed out of the cab. She rounded on them, her eyes bright with anger as she waited.

  “Looks as if she’s itching for a fight.” She’d been quiet the entire ride and had barely spoken to them as they’d watched a wrecking crew dislodge her Jeep from the house. The vehicle was a total loss, and now they were down a chase vehicle.

  Even if the car wasn’t salvageable, Snyder hoped Kate learned a valuable lesson. Considering the glare being shot his way right now, he doubted it. “You think? Better to get this over with now than face it tomorrow while we’re out on the road again. She’ll get on a roll cussing us out and get pissed when she misses a tornado.”

  Tripp followed Snyder out and locked the truck. Kate flew at them in a blur, but he managed to reach out and snag her arm before she landed a punch. The glare of her clear gray eyes rivaled the most violent of storms, but didn’t faze Snyder. He’d already been on her bad side once today, no point in trying to avoid it again.

  “I don’t want to see either of you in the field again. Got that?”

  The events of earlier had finally come to a head and Snyder allowed his own emotions to spill over. “Jesus Christ, where was your head back there?”

  “You could have gotten yourself killed,” Tripp added, annoyance evident in the statement.

  Kate snorted. “You’d probably like that, wouldn’t you? Eliminate some of your competition.”

  “Colleague,” Snyder corrected as he pointed at her. “We’re all out there risking our asses for the same reason. There is no competition when it comes right down to it and you know it.”

  Her eyes flared with heat. “Bullshit. This is just some game for you two. Some way for you guys to pass the time waiting for the next hurricane season to blow in. This is my turf, my show on the ground. If you’re not going to let me do my job, neither of you have any business behind the wheel of a chase vehicle.” She pushed into Snyder, jabbing her finger into his chest to emphasis her words.

  Getting her to see the voice of reason would be impossible, but he was hardheaded enough to push the issue. If he didn’t, he was afraid they’d lose her. Easing his posture, he clasped her finger, turning her hand so he could weave his fingers through hers.

  “Kate, stop it. Think about what you just did. The risks you took just to get the shot. You nearly hit us twice because you were barreling along at a high rate of speed. It wasn’t just your life on the line, it was all three of ours. You have no right to take those kinds of chances.”

  A scowl darkened her pretty features and told Snyder he hadn’t made a dent.

  “If you two have lost your nerve, then stay out of my way.” Tripp intercepted Kate as she pushed away from Snyder. “Let go of me.”

  “Not if you’re going to keep putting yourself in extreme danger like you just did. That was uncalled for and you know it.”

  “It’s my business what I do. This is my research. My life.”

  Snyder stepped next to Tripp, barring her from leaving. He purposefully kept his voice smooth and calm in an effort to erase some of her ire. “There’s a distinct difference between science and being reckless. You’re being unreasonable right now, and until you get your head out of your ass, you’re not going anywhere.”

  “You’re a prick,” she shot back, the words scorching his soul as they knifed through it. “Both of you.”

  He folded his arms and refused to move despite her steely glare. They’d faced worse storms than her. “So we’ve been told.” When she huffed out a breath and turned her face away to stare out at the horizon, he’d finally had enough. His arms lowered, his hands skimming against her back.

  Tripp reached up and brushed her dirt-encrusted hair out of her face. “Why do you do this to yourself, Kate? Just to prove something? Everyone knows you’re the best out in the field. Stop trying to kill yourself.”

  “The only point you’ll prove is we’ll have a grave to stand over instead of chasing the storms,” Snyder added.

  “Why do you two care what I do?” Frustration saturated her voice and it broke Snyder’s heart to hear her talk like this.

  The last thing he wanted to do was mourn this woman when he, and his partner, cared so much for her. They hadn’t worked up the courage to tell her what they wanted because they were afraid it would change the course of their friendship. One look at her at this very moment and he decided maybe he had the courage after all.

  Snyder glanced at Tripp and wasn’t surprised to see the wide smile on his lover’s handsome face. He was glad to see Tripp confirm something they’d discussed for the past few months, it made this so much easier knowing he was right there beside him.

  Snyder cleared his throat. “Then we’ll have one less person to care for too.”

  Kate snorted softly and rubbed her finger under her nose, wiping away some of the dirt. “Whatever.”

  Snyder’s hand slipped around her waist when she started to move away. “Kate.”

  She turned and met their gazes, studying them both intently for a few minutes before speaking. “You’re kidding, right? Someone put you two up to this. Some kind of ‘let’s play a joke on the boss’ thing. Payback because of what just happened. I don’t have time for this—”

  Snyder’s grip tightened. She had to understand this wasn’t just some ruse to lighten the mood. “No, Kate. Tripp and I are serious. We want you between us and not just during a chase.”

  “We’ve watched you take risks for years,” Tripp added. “Now we’re stepping in and asking you to stop because—”

  “What? You two feel some kind of need to fuck me? Seriously, where is the camera?” She smiled and shook her head in disbelief.

  Snyder frowned. The stress of the day had obviously taken its toll. “No cameras. No joke.” To show her they meant business, he nudged closer to her body, not stopping until he’d backed her against his truck.

  He caged her in with his arms, feeling the indentions the hailstones marked in the body of the truck. Right now, he was unconcerned for the bodywork the vehicle would need and more concerned about the sensuous curves of the body pressed against his.

  “Naked. Between us. Right now.”

  Her grin faltered and she appeared genuinely surprised. “Never would have taken you two for exhibitionists.”

  Tripp clicked his tongue. “A smartass comment? Sounds as if it may be too much for someone and she’d rather make a mockery of what we want.”

  Her gaze cut to him. “Don’t think I can handle you both?”

  Snyder heard the catch in her breath as she spoke and noticed the glimmer in her eyes. They had her hook, line and sinker.

  Time to reel her in.

  “Prove it.”

  Her eyebrow lifted. “Is that a dare?”

  The teasing smile she gave made it hard for him to think of anything other than kissing those luscious lips just inches away from his mouth. He reached down to lift her leg, caressing her knee as he wrapped the long, slim length of her limb around his waist. Tripp moved closer and Snyder watched her eyes glaze over as Tripp’s hand skimmed over her hip and slid down to cup her buttock.

  A second later, Snyder hissed softly as the tips of Tripp’s fingers grazed over the zipper of his jeans. He pushed his hips forward in response, pressing Tripp’s fingers hard against her. He grinned as Kate’s head fell back against the truck’s window and she let loose a soft moan. His lips cruised over her neck, scenting lavender soap under the layers of fresh dirt clinging to her skin.

  “Not a dare. A promise.”

  His arms tightened around her. He gave a grunt when she lifted her head and her mouth closed hard over his.

  He’d expected her to lash out and call him vicious, inventive names he could use later whenever t
he next hurricane tried to rip his plane out of the sky. His heart pounded as her mouth crushed over his to demand everything from him right then and there.

  She was all he could have ever hoped for. Confident. Powerful. Sexy. Not that he expected anything less from Dr. Kate Sinclair.

  Tripp’s voice sounded low just inches away and Snyder’s sex drive immediately went haywire, screaming for any kind of relief. The sensation wasn’t unlike how he felt facing down the tornado a few hours ago. Only this time, he knew what lay on the other end of this chaos.

  Sweet, sweet ecstasy.

  He cupped Kate’s nape, holding her mouth against his as he turned and started to make his way to the room. The door opened with a soft click and he broke away to catch Tripp’s eye. His lover smiled, waving them inside so they could continue this in the privacy of their room.

  She moaned, the soft noise rumbling her chest against his, and he finally released her so she slid slowly down his body. He made no effort to hide the fact he had a raging hard-on and her eyes sparkled with mischief as she pressed her hip against it.

  “I knew there was…something. I think I’ve always known, but I thought I was crazy. That I was imaging things just because we all worked so closely together.” Her hands dropped, her fingers playing absently with the hem of her ruined shirt. She seemed to notice the state of her clothing at that moment and her eyes widened in surprise. “I need to wash up. You both deserve better than someone resembling a pigpen.”

  Tripp shrugged. “Filthy isn’t such a bad thing.”

  Her laughter danced on the air as Tripp approached her, stripping off his mud-stained shirt to discard it. Snyder hadn’t thought it possible, but he wanted these two people even more than before.

  Just when he thought he had it under control, Tripp had to go make a comment that made him want to sink into the man over and over. This was one of those moments.

  “In fact, I’d venture to guess the three of us are going to get pretty damn dirty before the night is over. No, wait. No guessing. I guarantee it.”

  Chapter Two

  Kate shoved her hands in her pockets as her lips burned from Snyder Morgan’s breathtaking kiss. The dirt coating her fingers flaked off as she did and reminded her of the chances she’d taken out in the field.

  “I can’t promise I won’t screw this up between the three of us—”

  “Same here,” Snyder interrupted. “Been just the two of us for a long time.”

  The matter-of-fact sound of the statement caused Kate to freeze as she started to remove her sneakers. “Is this going to cause a problem?”

  “Oh hell no.” Snyder reached over and flipped the security latch.

  It was then she noticed the room. The overstuffed couch positioned in front of a high-end flatscreeen television. The enormous bed centered on the far wall. It certainly wasn’t the Ritz, but it was far nicer than what she’d been assigned when they’d checked in. The mustard-yellow and dark-brown color combination left something to be desired though.

  “Wait a second. This place is twice the size of my dinky room. What gives? Isn’t the senior person in the group supposed to get the nicer room?”

  “Honeymoon suite.” Tripp’s gaze swept around the room and smiled. “Kanas style at least.”

  “Something you boys keeping secret?”

  Snyder pulled off his shirt and suddenly she was surrounded by yards and yards of hard muscled male flesh. His eyes shone as he stood there, his body strung tight as if he would snap at any moment. “No. Just a matter of size.”


  Tripp’s chest rumbled with laughter. “Think about it. Two fully grown men who are fond of taking showers together? Not to mention who prefer room to maneuver while they’re in bed. And I don’t mean while sleeping.”

  She swallowed hard at the thought of them in bed together. The adrenaline she thought burned away after the chase flared to life, enhancing the effect the men seemed to have on her.

  She liked sex. She liked it dirty and raw. And she liked it enough to never make any kind of apologies about just how rough and uninhibited she liked it.

  Being with Snyder and Tripp together was right up her alley.

  “Besides, Tripp and I have stayed in this room every chase season we’ve been with you. It holds a bit of nostalgia for us. But something tells me we’re about to make new memories tonight.”

  They shifted around her and she tried desperately to not think about how good this felt. How the heat of their bodies caused a tightening in her pussy. How her body still resonated from how they’d both made her feel minutes ago while they’d pinned her to the truck. Despite the fact her body was trying to remind her exactly what she wanted, she needed to think with her head.

  Something could go terribly wrong and she needed to remind them of the consequences. Someone had to have the level head in all of this and she tried not to think about the fact she was the least balanced of them all. She knew the lust prevalent in the air around them couldn’t drive out the reality.

  “I don’t want to ruin—or change—things between you. That’s not worth risking our friendship.”

  Tripp moved closer, his hands lifting to cup her jaw. His brown eyes were bright with heat as he smiled down at her. “I think of it as we’re enhancing.”

  “Making it better,” Snyder added as he pulled her against his body.

  Trapped between them, she couldn’t move. After a few moments of deliberation, she decided she didn’t want to be anywhere else. This seemed too perfect, so…acceptable. Their close friendship made her completely at ease with them and this seemed to be a normal extension of the level of trust they all shared.

  One night to get it out of our system.

  Easy enough.

  “As you said, no one can make any promises that this will be perfect. But it will be for us. Just us.” Tripp’s lips pressed against hers. Once, twice, before he took her in a possessive kiss she hadn’t expected. Swept up, she opened her mouth to his, sighing and relaxing completely against Snyder as Tripp’s tongue slid between her lips.

  Snyder pushed her hair to the side, his lips pressing firmly against her nape even as Tripp continued to kiss her. “We understand you are who you are, Kate. But if you keep taking these kinds of risks, you won’t be around to take them anymore.”

  “And we’re fond of you right where you are.” Snyder’s voice was low and seductive, his words captivating her just as much as Tripp’s kiss. He swept her up into his arms, holding her tight against his body. “But maybe we would like you a little cleaner after all. How about the three of us move this into the shower?”

  Minutes later, she sighed as hot water hit her shoulders and the muscles immediately began to ease. Sometimes she forgot how stressful it could be to be in the field. It was easy for her to get wrapped up in the chase and forget about everything else.

  But now she couldn’t forget about the fact she stood here sharing the oversized shower space with two men she’d known for years. Two very gorgeous men who obviously took care of their bodies. While their physiques were similar, their appearances couldn’t have been more different. Tripp’s short brown hair was slicked away from his handsome face from where he’d stuck his head under the spray. Drops of water dotted Snyder’s shaved head and she was tempted to run her hands over the smooth surface to whisk it away.

  Instead, their hands roamed her body, their touch gentle but firm enough to wash away the remnants of the dirt the tornado had thrown her way. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to simply bask in the feel of their combined touch.

  Breaking away, Tripp lowered himself to the teak bench lining the back wall, balancing there while he skimmed his hand down Snyder’s side. He reached out to the towel rack, pressing his lips against Snyder’s hip as he did. In turn, Snyder skimmed his hand over the top of Tripp’s head and she shivered despite the hot water.

  Something about watching them be so intimate with one another lit a fire inside her. She’d seen
them steal a quick kiss here and there while they were out in the field when they thought no one was looking, but they’d done a good job of keeping their private life just that—private.

  Now, though, it was all out for her to see and she couldn’t think of anything sexier. Her pussy tightened in reaction to the sight as warmth began radiating out from her core.

  Snyder took the washcloth Tripp offered and immediately began lathering it with soap. Tripp pulled her closer, his lips brushing against her lower abdomen. The two men constantly touched her, either alone or together. As if they couldn’t bear to not have some kind of contact with her.

  She loved every second of it.

  “Scoot closer to Tripp, love. Let me slide behind you so I can wash your back.”

  Tripp pulled her toward him before she could comply.

  “I think now that you’re sufficiently clean, we should get you dirty again.” Tripp’s head dipped and his tongue blazed a path of heat against her clit. A sigh spilled from her mouth as she arched for more and her head fell against Snyder’s shoulder.

  Her chest still slick from the lavish attention they’d taken when they’d washed her breasts, Snyder’s fingers slid easily over her hard nipples. She winced in protest; there wasn’t enough friction for her.

  Snyder gave a deliciously dark laugh and stepped back so her chest was directly under the water spray again. Tripp hitched her knee over his shoulder and cradled her backside in his hands as he tilted her pelvis for greater access for his mouth.

  “Hook your hands around my neck so you can open up.” Before she’d even gotten her hands linked behind Snyder’s neck, Tripp lifted her other leg and drove his tongue into her pussy.

  She cried out, pushing against his face in an effort for more as heat exploded wherever they touched her. He groaned softly in answer, using his fingers to spread her wider so he could delve even deeper. She moved without thinking, enjoying the sensations swamping her.


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