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ChasingSin Page 9

by Sara Brookes

  “About that offer I made earlier…” Snyder dropped her hand, flashing a devastating smile. Growing bold, she went to her knees in front of him. She took him into her mouth, sliding the flat of her tongue against his hard length. His groan dripped with pleasure and she took it as a sign to keep going. Snyder’s hands rested against her head, his fingers threading through her hair to hold it in place as she sucked him. Her tongue cradled his shaft, stroking slowly along it.

  She quickened her pace, listening as Tripp whispered encouraging words to her. The thought of someone watching while she sucked this man off made her excitement grow. She wanted Snyder begging for more, but she also wanted to leave him hanging on the edge, so she left him just short of release.

  He muttered a few insults as she stood.

  Smirking, she turned to find Tripp lying on the chair, his cock in hand as he worked a coating of lubrication over himself. She tapped Snyder on his chest, leaning against him. “He really seems to be enjoying himself without us. Should we just sit back and appreciate the show?”

  Tripp’s eyes narrowed and he pointed to Snyder, then gestured for him to come join him.

  “When a sexy man puts up that kind of tempting offer? Hard to resist.” He kissed the top of her head, but pulled her along behind him.

  This time she had a head-on view and watched as Snyder worked himself onto Tripp. The minutes seemed to drag by, but she was in no rush to hurry the moment along.

  Both men let out deep groans saturated with pleasure as Snyder finally took all of Tripp’s cock. She watched with rapt attention, and didn’t realize she was staring at them until Tripp cleared his throat. His hand lifted, threading through her unbound hair. He tugged gently, and at first, she resisted. The sight before her was too irresistible to not play voyeur.

  She’d found she’d enjoyed watching them earlier, and far be it from her to butt in when they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Tripp obviously had other ideas and smiled as he pulled harder, taking away her choice.

  She tilted her head slightly as she lowered it, waiting for that precious moment when their mouths met. Tripp’s voice resonated from his throat as their lips touched and he immediately turned his head a bit in order to deepen the kiss. She felt the chair shake faintly and Snyder’s hand brushed against the top of her head, pushing her hair out of the way.

  Breaking away, she glanced up and he gestured for her to come closer. His eyes gleamed with mischief and a quick glance down at Tripp showed he wore the same expression.

  “As much as I like kissing you and even having you play voyeur, you need to get that sweet cunt of yours up here so I can have a taste…” Tripp’s tongue skimmed against his lips in anticipation as his statement trailed off.

  “Didn’t get enough earlier?”

  The amusement vanished from his expression and he held her head between his hands. “Never. I will never get enough of you. If you ever think otherwise, I will do my damndest to spend all my free time showing just how wrong you are.”

  At his words, her body seemed to scream for the attention he promised. His expression changed again, the glint returning to his eyes to signal the serious moment was over. “Now go to him. Give him a big kiss for me.”

  As she started to move, he snagged her leg and hip, positioning her so she straddled his shoulders. His tongue pressed against her pussy and Snyder leaned forward in enough time to swallow her contented sigh.

  She felt his body lift, then lower and realized he’d started riding Tripp again while he kissed her. Hot breath huffed against her thighs and damp folds, further adding to the heat building inside her core.

  The abrasiveness of Tripp’s unshaven chin provided a delicious amount of friction against her clit. He held her in place by splaying his hands wide against her upper thigh and bottom. He shifted, moving so his tongue flicked against the hard nub of her clit.

  Snyder kissed her senseless as she rode Tripp’s mouth. She thought she’d known fulfillment, but this moment proved her wrong. She gasped for air when Snyder finally released her from his powerful kiss and she let her head fall back. Tripp’s tongue swept against her again, this time his teeth grazing swollen flesh to send a shock wave through her.

  Snyder leaned forward, his teeth finding one of her nipples just as Tripp shifted his hand to press his fingertips against her opening. She bowed back, jutting out her chest in offering while staying mindful of the man’s head between her legs.

  Her body raged out of control and she didn’t seem to be of the mind to stop it.

  Tripp’s hand tapped lightly against her thigh as he urged her to shift one of her legs. As she set her foot against the wood planks, he surprised her by driving two fingers inside her pussy. A shudder of excitement coursed through her. His fingers withdrew only to push into her again, starting a rhythm she came to love. She rode his fingers, urgently seeking release by any means necessary, pushing back against the fingers buried in her cunt.

  Once again, she found herself tethered between the two men.

  Snyder had been right, this was home.

  She’d never been the recipient of this much love and hope. This much unwavering passion to live life to the fullest no matter what. Their enthusiasm for her was intoxicating. She returned it, gifting them just as they gifted her with their remarkable love.

  Tripp tapped his free hand against the back of her thigh. “Move up for me, love.”

  Reluctantly, she slid off his fingers, whimpering at the loss of contact with Snyder as well. She glanced over her shoulder just as Tripp slid the two fingers he’d buried in her into his mouth. He smiled around them as he sucked.

  “She is more than ready for you, Snyder.”

  He gestured to her with those very same fingers and catching his meaning, she turned, now straddling his waist to face him. As she leaned down to kiss him, she slid back, offering herself to Snyder.

  His hand slid over the swell of her hip to gently guide her into position. Something wet and cold skimmed against her anus and she gave a moan of satisfaction when she realized his intent was to slide into her ass, not her pussy.

  His thumb dipped past the tight ring. “I have wanted to do this since our first night together. Especially after you confessed that interesting bit of information about being able to orgasm just from this alone. Hope you don’t mind.”

  She remained still, holding herself in place while he prepared her as necessary even though all she wanted for him to do was drive into her. His movements relaxed her, making her feel pliable and so light she could have been carried off in the hurricane’s winds.

  She got so lost in his attentive touch, it came as a surprise when he slowly pushed into her. When she gasped, Tripp caught her mouth in a stirring kiss while Snyder took his time working into her ass. The feeling of fullness spread out, warming her all the way to her core. She relaxed, keeping her muscles as loose as possible while her body adjusted to the change.

  Pleasure spread out in consuming waves as he finally slipped into her to the hilt. The movement had undoubtedly slid him up Tripp’s cock. They stayed unmoving as the wind began to pick up around them. The connection was almost too exceptional, too intimate, to fracture by moving.

  But it soon became apparent she needed someone to move. “As much as I enjoy knowing you’re buried in his ass while he’s buried in mine, someone needs to make me come soon. Very soon. Or do I need to go get one of my vibrators?”

  The threat had the intended effect. Snyder growled. “You will do no such thing.” His fingers dug into her hips to hold her immobile as he began to thrust into her. She allowed Snyder to initiate the pace he wanted. Whenever he slid onto Tripp, he would nearly withdraw from her. He set the pace to slow at first and gently rocked to allow her to feel each and every inch of his cock.

  Tripp’s lips suddenly spread in a wide smile.

  Her eyes narrowed. “What’s that grin for?”

  “You. You’re gorgeous like this, my sweet Kate. Your nipples are brushing again
st my chest every time Snyder drives into that beautiful ass. I can only imagine what your cunt feels like right now. Wet and dripping, I bet.” She nodded as Tripp threaded his fingers through her hair. “We’re going to make you come, Kate. Hard. And then we’re going to make love to you by burying ourselves in that hot heaven between your legs.” He tugged her mouth to his, spearing his tongue into her mouth.

  Her fingers dug into his biceps as she emitted a low groan that dripped with need and want. Her clit was hot and swollen as her arousal increased. She desperately wanted to reach down and finger it. But she wanted the orgasm she’d promised them in the hotel room months ago more.

  Snyder’s pace began to slowly increase, drawing both her and Tripp along with him to wherever he decided to take them. He stilled after pulling her back onto him, and from the position, she could tell he’d seated himself fully onto Tripp.

  The moments they’d been together before hadn’t been this potent and raw.

  She broke the kiss, breathing hard. “I want to come.”

  “Sounds as if our girl is going to blow soon.”

  “Oh fuck yeah.” Tripp nodded just as Snyder’s cock grew harder inside her, and she knew he had to be anxious for any kind of relief. The glint in Tripp’s eyes delighted her and she gladly seized the moment to take over. She pushed back into Snyder, swiveling her hips against him in order to force him down onto Tripp’s cock. They moved, thrusting and frantically working toward release like a well-oiled machine.

  She slammed onto Snyder, grinding onto him with such force he had no choice but to take all of Tripp. His shout of release was quickly carried off in the wind, but she triumphed in the fact she’d done this to him—to them both.

  “Your turn,” she said to Tripp, and reveled when his eyes lost complete focus as he came as well. The power of the moment washed over her and she exploded, colors dancing behind her eyes from the intensity. As her body trembled from the intoxicating release, the men cradled her, holding her between them where she knew she belonged.

  Chapter Seven

  Kate woke to the sound of the generator rumbling out on the front porch. When they’d all finally crawled back into bed, the power had still been on. The loss of electricity signaled the storm had barreled even closer in the hour she’d been asleep.

  So close, she knew this would all be over soon.

  And then she’d have to face the real issue at hand.

  Looking over her shoulder, she saw the graceful lines and planes of Snyder’s back as he slept. Tripp was nowhere to be found, but the scent of strong coffee drifted in the air and stood as a signal he was already up and moving around.

  If he even went to bed at all.

  Her stomach grumbled loudly and she giggled as she slipped from the bedroom, shutting the door behind her so as not to disturb Snyder. A quick, cold shower, and five minutes later, she entered the kitchen just as Tripp slid two over-easy eggs onto a small plate.

  “Oh God, I’d forgotten your cooking skills even when there’s little to work with. I’m so hungry, I could eat a cow.” She’d certainly expended enough energy with the men over the past twenty-four hours. Certainly a much different way than how she’d expected to spend her time waiting for the storm to arrive.

  Sex while storm chasing.

  “They’ve been better. I can’t promise anything fancy if we lose the generators, but if we do, beans and franks will be the least of our worries.”

  “What do the forecast models say?”

  “She’s showing signs of strengthening.”

  Her good mood faded. Even though her forecast track had been different, she hadn’t foreseen any indication Hurricane Jean would find something to feed on. The idea that she’d been wrong didn’t sit well with her.

  “The eye wall will be here in a few hours. Things are going to deteriorate very rapidly from now on, as if they weren’t bad enough as it is. Your next door neighbors lost their car port about fifteen minutes ago.”

  He hadn’t pulled any punches and she appreciated it. She could have simply found out the truth within a few minutes by checking the laptop on the other side of the counter, but the fact he didn’t gloss things up meant a lot.

  “How does it look outside?”

  “Rough and angry.”

  She grinned as she forked some of the egg into her mouth. “Just the way I like it.”

  Tripp snorted and sipped his coffee. “Snyder’s still asleep, I take it? Did we wear him out?”

  “What I suspect would be the first time of many if we had more time.”

  He handed her a napkin and a mug. “Decaf for you. Hi-test for me. Eat up. It may be a few days before you’re going to eat this good again. And we’ll always have more time, Kate.” He pulled a stool beside her and sat down with a thud. He elbowed her in the side and smiled. “Or are you going to raise this baby on your own.”

  Kate’s blood suddenly ran cold and the mug slipped out of her hand.

  “Whoa there, sugar.” Tripp neatly caught the mug, spilling a few drops on the back of his hand as he did. He reached for the stack of napkins he’d placed in the center of the island and wiped it off.

  A sharp pain stabbed behind her eyes and she fought to swallow the emotion building in her throat. This week hadn’t been going at all as she planned, and while she could handle the sudden change in her sex life, this particular subject was the very last thing she wanted to talk about.

  “I don’t know—”

  Tripp’s hand lifted and cradled her jaw. “Stop, all right? Don’t cheapen this moment by telling me I don’t know what I’m talking about. My sister kept me routinely updated all throughout her pregnancy last year, so I’m familiar with the signs. We may not have seen each other for a few months, but I still remember sucking on those gorgeous breasts of yours in that hotel room. You weren’t as sensitive as you were last night.”

  Her hands started to shake and she wove her fingers together in an effort to still them. Tripp placed his hand over hers and smiled. “That’s why you’ve been running, isn’t it? Why you’ve made it so we’ve had to chase you.”

  She nodded, wetting her lips. He knew, so there was no use keeping it from him any longer. Doing so would just make matters worse and it wasn’t as if he hadn’t already figured out the secret she’d been holding onto for the past few weeks.


  “I don’t have to remind you how unnecessary that is.”

  “I know. I already told Snyder I couldn’t tie you two down with one place. A baby is going to do that without question.”

  “Did you ever consider the fact we might want to be tied down?”

  She contemplated what he said and reminded herself she’d heard those words before. “That’s what Snyder seemed to allude to.”

  “Because it’s the truth. You have this irrational fear you need to get over.”

  He was right, as much as it pained her to admit it. “I can chase these horrific storms. Put myself in danger without blinking an eye and yet I can’t seem to face the truth standing right in front of me.”

  “There’s absolutely no reason you need to face this alone. We’ll get through this and figure it out just as we always do. We’re problem solvers, that hasn’t changed. While I don’t consider this a problem, we’ll be all right.”

  The sound of water running in the bathroom signaled Snyder was up and moving around. The panic that had eased a bit while talking to Tripp roared to life again. “I know this is wrong of me to ask, but—”

  Tripp frowned, his shoulders dropping as he sighed. “He has the same right to know that I do.”

  “I know. I just…I have a few more things to work out in my head about it. Please just let me do that before you tell him.”

  His hair shifted as he shook his head and gave her a stern glare. “No, you’ll tell him. It’s not my place to. Are you sure you don’t want to tell him now? The worst of the storm is just about here, and once we’re in the thick of things, there’s no telling what
’s going to happen.”

  “We’ll be all right.”

  “Of course we will.” Snyder strode into the kitchen with his usual swagger.

  She gave Tripp a pleading look as Snyder shuffled past. The man at her side hesitated at first and she grabbed his hand when he started to pull away. He wove their fingers together before she lifted their joined hands to her mouth and pressed a gentle kiss to his knuckles.

  He smiled and shook his head as he chuckled quietly. “Never could say no to you,” he whispered as he pulled their hands to his own mouth and pressed a kiss to the same spot.

  “So what’s on tap today, happy campers? Are we going to get out there and chase this hurricane or sit here and make googly eyes at each other all day? Not that it’s a bad plan, but I think we’re all intelligent enough to think of more appealing things to do if that’s the case.”

  Snyder’s enthusiasm was infectious and she found herself smiling despite what just happened. She would tell Snyder. It just needed to happen in the right time and the right place. He was caught up in the anticipation of what today would bring. Hell, she felt it herself and she wasn’t about to deny him the very thing he loved so much. The very thing he seemed to live for.

  “I was thinking of taking the cameras down to the seawall.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me. Give me about five minutes to get everything ready and I’ll meet you two out front.” The front door slammed seconds later and signaled his evident rush to get things moving.

  Tripp tapped her shoulder and she tried not to feel guilty as she turned to face him. His stern expression softened as he brushed her bangs out of the way and kissed her forehead.

  “I know you’ll tell him when you feel you’re ready, but remember he gets a say in all of this. He needs to know soon because I know him well enough that he’s going to want to fawn all over you as much as I want to do right now.”


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