The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2)

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The Highlander Who Saved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 2) Page 33

by Allie Palomino

  She relaxed, seeing Gavin. She smiled tentatively, placing her index finger over her lips- her full, plump, bruised lips. Heat flared, centering around his groin.

  Riley stirred awake and he followed Andie’s gaze.

  “Papa!” he said excitedly, and Gavin smiled at him, coming into the room.

  He looked to Andie, his smile fading instantly. “If ye require privacy, I’ll leave.”

  She shook her head no and ruffled Riley’s hair. He giggled. “Nay at all,” she said smiling.

  It looked to Gavin as if they had become fast friends. It was an unusual occurrence because Riley never took to anyone- especially to a woman.

  Not since his mother.

  He studied her face. She had bruised and split lips. Her cheeks were blue and her left eye was bruised. She looked as if she’d been savagely beaten.

  “Papa, did ye know Andie knows how to wield a sword? She has her own!”

  Surprise, mixed with doubt, entered into his eyes.

  “Riley,” she warned.

  “Aye. I didna believe her at first, but she told me her papa showed her since she was young. And she can even use a bow and arrows!” he said excitedly.

  Gavin’s eyebrows rose slightly, mocking her, as if that were absurd. Andie saw the look on his face and her ire grew. Pompous ass! Well, she would prove it to him.

  Gavin spoke to his son. “Why doona we let Andie dress, Riley?”

  Andie shook her head. “‘Tis no needed, Gavin. I have on what I came here with.”

  Gavin nodded, understanding. “I’ll have a servant bring ye something.”

  Riley turned to Andie. “Ye arena going anywhere, are ye Andie? That mean mon is still out there,” he said worriedly.

  “Nay, Riley. I’ll be here, for now, until I return back to my home.”

  Riley smiled, satisfied for the moment. He skipped over to his father.

  “Andie, want to see my chamber? Papa just put a sword on the wall for me. It has a lot of family his-story,” he said.

  “History,” his father corrected.

  Andie smiled. “Aye, I would like that verra much. Give me a minute and I’ll be right there.”

  As Gavin and Riley exited the room, Gina passed by. “Gina, Andie McBride is staying in that chamber. Have a bath brought to the chamber and some fresh clothes. Andie is young, rather small but tall,” he said as an after thought. Gina bobbed her head and curtsied. He hoped that Gina would know what size garments to get her.

  Riley and Gavin were in Riley’s room when Andie entered, still in her battered clothes.

  “Amazin- this is a verra nice chamber, Riley,” she said, smiling at Riley.

  Gavin noticed her curves, her hips, her breasts, her everything. He hadn’t been able to see her all that well last night, but he saw her now and his body responded violently.

  Riley showed her his many small collections- from worms, to butterflies, to other insects Andie found repulsive. Gavin stared at her, noting that although she found these items revolting, she masked it for Riley’s sake. He almost found that humorous.

  “I think Andie may want to bathe now, Riley. Let her return to her chamber,” Gavin said, eyeing her.

  “Will ye play with me later?” he asked hopefully.

  She didn’t have the heart to deny him. She smiled. “Yes, Riley.”

  “We need to have a talk after ye finish yer bath, Andie. Ye and my men. We need to understand what’s happened to yer clan,” he said, and saw the grimness return.

  She nodded. “For someone who thinks my name is a mon’s name, ye certainly have nay qualms saying it,” she said.

  “In my head, I hear Andrea, nay Andie,” he said and couldn’t help smiling at her look of annoyance.

  “That’s the first time I see ye smile, Gavin,” she said, shocked.

  “‘Tis rare. Doona get used to it,” he countered, his smile falling.

  She left the room and entered her own. She was happy to see a tub there, filled with deliciously warm water. She took a bath, using the soap provided. She washed her face and hair. After what felt like the most luxurious bath she’d ever taken, she felt very refreshed. Now for the clothes, she thought. Walking over to the bed, Andie stopped mid-stride.

  There was a man’s plaid and a large tunic. She started laughing. She shrugged. These would have to do.

  Gavin was seated with his men in the large great room. He was explaining what had transpired the night before for those who didn’t know. Riley was sitting on his lap, as usual.

  Andie stopped at the top of the stairs. The room was so devoid of color. Everything appeared to be grey or brown. Dingy, she thought to herself. There was one massive table, where Gavin sat at the head. The table was off to the right in the back of the room. There was a great opening that led to the sitting area. In the sitting area, swords hung over the massive hearth. Chairs and lounges had been placed in front. There was so much lacking: no colors, flowers, or rushes.

  Gavin noticed all of his men looking over his shoulder as he spoke, and it was annoying him.

  “The meeting is here,” he said sternly, and all of their gazes returned back to him.

  He kept talking and stopped again when he saw their attention drifting. Annoyed, he looked back and almost fell out of his chair.

  She was at the top of the stairs, examining the room below. Andie had men’s plaid on, and Gavin could see her knees! It was really tight on her, showing off her backside. And the tunic! Lord, it looked like a second skin, he thought. She had gathered it into a knot on her side, he assumed, because it was too large.

  Andie turned towards him to descend the stairs. She smiled and he scowled. Gavin’s gaze went to her full breasts. He felt himself heating. Overheating.

  What was his problem, she thought. He never smiled- the louse. Such a pain in the arse, she thought. Not even a day she had known him, and she already had him pegged as a grumpy man.

  By the time she’d descended the stairs, carefully doing so because of her short plaid, he was there waiting. He took her by the arm and pulled her aside.

  “What are ye wearing?” he snarled.

  “This is what was left in my room for me, Gavin. Get yer hands off me!” she said angrily.

  He looked at her up and down, and called for Gina. Gina came in running at his bidding.

  “Gina, what is the meaning of this?”

  “Of what, laird?”

  “I asked ye to give Andie McBride clothes. What is this?” he asked with a wave of his hand.

  “Laird, I thought she was a mon! With a name like Andie,” Gina stuttered, flustered.

  Andy looked indignant.

  Gavin looked amused.

  When Gavin laughed, his men looked over to where Gavin stood, surprised at the noise emanating from their laird.

  “It’s spelled with an ‘ie’ nay a ‘y’,” she said, her face growing red.

  “I’m truly sorry, milady,” Gina said, flustered still.

  “Nay, ‘tis alright. Ye didna know better. What’s yer name?” she replied, laughing.

  Gina tentatively smiled. “Me name’s Gina.”

  “‘Tis verra good to meet ye,” Andie said, taking Gina’s hands and patting them. Gina was taken aback at Andie’s warmness. Gavin was also surprised.

  “What’s the matter? Did I offend ye?” Andie asked.

  Gina immediately turned redder. “Nay, mistress, ‘tis jost that ye’er verra friendly with me.”

  Andie looked confused. “Well, sure. Why wouldna I be?”

  “Well, I am a servant, mistress.”

  “Nonsense, Gina. And I insist ye call me Andie, please.”

  Gavin was surprised by Andie’s gentleness and kindness. The women he’d bedded barely spared a glance at the servants, despite them having been from the same class.

  “But ‘tis a mon’s name,” Gina said, actually perplexed. Then she excused herself.

  Andie blew up air, ruffling her still damp hair. Gavin noticed the curls forming
in her rich, wheat-colored hair. He looked at her eyes- her honey-colored eyes.

  Hair of wheat and eyes of honey,

  Defeat will come in stealth,

  Blind ye will be, for she will be bonny.

  Fool you she will, with her lust of title and wealth.

  “We’ll have the meeting now, Andie,” Gavin said, clearing his throat.

  “Yes,” she said, and walked over to where the men sat.

  All of his men were staring at her- her legs, bare knees, her chest, and her backside. Gavin saw pure lust in their eyes. Feelings so unfamiliar to him rose to the surface. He slammed his hand down on the table, getting their attention. Andie looked up at him in surprise. He looked at her and grew angrier. She had no idea that his men were lustily leering at her.

  Andie sat at the table, taking a seat next to his, and waited. She was careful to hide her reaction to Gavin’s outburst.

  Gavin took his seat and looked to his men. Riley walked over to them and Gavin backed up to let him sit on his lap, but it wasn’t Gavin he went to, it was Andie.

  She pulled back unconsciously to allow him to sit on her lap, and wrapped her arms around him, as if it was an everyday thing. Gavin grew pensive. His son was becoming entirely too close to that woman.

  “Men, this is Andie McBride.”

  There were audible grumblings of shock.

  “This is Andie McBride? McBride’s youngest? His son?” Kurt asked.

  Andie pursed her lips together in annoyance. Gavin almost cracked a smile. Riley giggled.

  “Laird McBride,” she corrected.

  They all stared at her as if she’d lost her mind.

  “Ye think ye’re laird? They musta slapped ye hard, hinny, to get those bruises. Knocked all sense out of ye! I can slap some back into ye. ‘Twill be my pleasure tae take ye outta yer fantasy and inta mine,” Harold laughed, leering at her.

  Andie mouth gaped open. Gavin was about to stop his men’s rude behavior, when Andie took Riley off her lap and set him on his feet. She rose up from her chair and looked at them.

  “Let us understand one thing here,” she said, pausing until she had all of their attention. “I willna tolerate anyone’s insults. I am laird of my clan and my father named me so. Anyone who’d like to challenge me, I’m game. Until then, keep yer lips shut. And as for ye,” she stared hard at Harold. “Come near me with yer little dirk and I’ll cut ye down with my sword,” she said through her teeth.

  The men erupted in laughter at Harold’s expense. Gavin wanted to laugh, but he was more concerned about the tension. This wouldn’t do. He thought little of women, but to say something akin to violating one was an entirely different issue.

  “Let us continue the meeting,” Gavin said. He introduced the men seated at the table and then they began, again, reciting the facts of the McBride assault.

  “We’ll have to wait,” Kyle said, after they’d related the details.

  “Nay, we canna. My clan is being murdered. Their cottages are being set on fire. They violate my women!” Andie said passionately.

  Riley grabbed her forearm in an effort to calm her. She looked down at his face and saw his worry. She took a closer look at his eyes for the first time. They weren’t brown, but hazel. “I’m sorry,” she said. She kissed his forehead and ran her fingers through his brown hair absentmindedly. Gavin saw her actions. She was the nurturing type, he thought blandly.

  “I’m sorry, McBride, but ‘tis nay a good idea,” Kyle defended. “We need to know more about him.”

  “Know what? He’s burning everything. He treats my clan like animals. He treats my women like whores,” she said, covering Riley’s ears now. “He did this to me,” she said indicating her face. “He did this to my sisters! My mother! My women! Violated them! Then, he slaughtered them. I willna let it happen anymore!” she said through gritted teeth, and let go of Riley’s ears. He looked up at her in confusion. She smiled down at him in an effort to reassure him.

  “What makes yer clan so special? Yer clan set our cottages on fire,” Harold grated out.

  “It wasna my clan. It was that devil, my cousin,” she responded, her gaze pinning him in his chair.

  “We canna go immediately. I’ll send for my men. When they get here, we’ll go,” Gavin said.

  “Why canna we go immediately?” she asked, her voice rising.

  “Because I have sent men out to the McArylls and the force I have kept here is solely to protect my clan,” he said almost angrily, not liking her questioning him.

  She paled. “But ye have a thousand men in yer ranks, Gavin. How long will it take then?”

  “I always leave a minimum number of men here, Andie. I have sent many over to the McAryll,” he said, looking at her hazel eyes. “Their land is several days away. It’ll take four or five days to reach them and another day or two to finish helping the McArylls. Then it will take another four or five days to return here. Once here, they must rest for a short time before they’re sent on another march.”

  She looked at him for a long moment. “A fortnight? We canna wait that long, Gavin!” she said, her voice strangled.

  “It has to be so, Andie.” He gave her a harsh look. “Let him think he’s won, and then we’ll come and surprise him,” Gavin said. She looked at him sternly.

  “I’ll go to other allies,” she said, lifting her chin.

  He shook his head. “Many of the lairds have done the same. Clan McAryll is a small clan. The Kerrs are causing trouble for them.”

  She sighed and groaned. She looked at him and nodded. Ewan came in then, looking at Gavin.

  “What’s the matter, Ewan?”

  “There’s a mon outside. He wants to see McBride,” Ewan said, looking at her now.

  Men came rushing in, trying to stop the large warrior. Andie placed Riley on his feet and stood up. An excited utterance came out of her throat and she ran for the warrior.

  “Lord, thank ye!” she said, running into his arms.

  Gavin’s rare emotions came back as he saw her running to the stranger. Something made him want to fight the man who now touched her. Was this a love interest of hers? He was seething with barely contained rage.

  The stranger gathered her in his arms and hugged her close. She began to laugh with tears in her eyes. “Bryce! I thought ye were dead! What happened?” She said pulling back.

  “When I fought Alistair, after ye left, they made him retreat. I knew ye had gone seeking allies, and couldna let ye travel alone, so I retreated, also,” he said, looking down at her. “Are ye alright, Andie? Why did ye come here, instead of the McKendricks as yer father instructed? I went there and nearly lost my mind when he said ye werena there! I came here, on a whim.”

  “Deal Lord,” he whispered, lifting his palm to cup her beaten face.

  She grabbed his hand and gave it a kiss. She let it go and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m fine.” She paused. “Alistair kidnapped Laird Maitland’s son, Riley. I found the poor bairn in my trunk! When he told me that his father was the Maitland, I came here instead. They’re closer anyway.”

  “I’m nay a bairn!” Riley yelled, running up to her. His little nose was wrinkled, offended. She sighed and smiled at Bryce. She squatted down to his level.

  “I’m sorry, Riley. ‘Twas a slip of the tongue. Ye arena a bairn,” she said, grabbing his nose. He giggled. “I want ye to meet a mon who’s like a father to me,” she said, her voice strained. “This is Bryce.”


  “Hello, there, Riley. Ye’re a big lad. How old are ye? Eight? Nine?” Bryce said, winking at Andie.

  Riley laughed, poofing his little chest out. “Nay, I’m six.”

  “Such a big lad for only six,” Bryce said.

  Gavin approached, then. “I’m Gavin Maitland,” he said, nodding.

  Bryce nodded back. “Bryce Campbell,” he said.

  Gavin asked Bryce to join them, and then asked the servants to bring ale and food for him. Bryce took a seat next to Andie,
who, again, had Riley on her lap. They told Bryce what they’d decided. He agreed with the plan.

  After the meeting, the group broke, returning to their own affairs. Bryce finished his meal and went upstairs to the room he would stay in to bathe. Riley also left, saying he needed to find something he had lost. All the men had dispersed to their daily activities, and Andie decided to take a walk to clear her head.

  Andie was walking outside and looked at the sky. She was a hundred feet or so from the castle, when she heard a twig break behind her. Riley, she thought smiling, and turned around. It was Harold, and when she looked into his eyes, goose-pimples covered her skin.

  “Come to apologize, have ye?” she asked.

  “Nay, McBride,” he said, looking at her body. His leer made her sick.

  “Then leave,” she said, and turned her back on him.

  He rushed up behind her and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back.

  “Let me go!” she growled through her clenched teeth.

  “Nay. I wanna show ye just how big my dirk is, since ye think it small,” he taunted darkly.

  “A mon who has to speak of the size of his dirk, doesna do so because ‘tis large.”

  His response was to pull her head back further.

  Suddenly, Andie stomped on his toes with all her strength. He stepped backward, in shock and in pain. She drew her sword from its sheath at her side and held it up to him.

  “Fight like the mon ye claim to be but arena,” she said tauntingly. He drew his sword and rushed forward.

  The two began sparring. She blocked his blows and he blocked hers. Her sword was smaller than his and not as heavy, but it functioned well for her. Her father had it made for her after many trials and errors. Finally, they had come up with a weight and length that would combat heavier and longer swords, while allowing Andie to wield it.

  She saw an opening and jutted her sword forward. Harold’s sword fell to the ground and so did he. Andie stood above him, the point of her sword aimed at his throat.

  “I’ll be damned,” Gavin said surprised. Bryce nodded in pride. Riley jumped up, clapping in glee.

  They stood a fair distance away, watching the two. Riley had seen Harold following Andie, and so he had run to his father to tell him about it. Gavin had witnessed the whole thing from the moment Harold confronted her until the moment he fell. He had wanted to intrude but was held back by Bryce.


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