Fusion (Explosive #5)

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Fusion (Explosive #5) Page 30

by Tessa Teevan

  The grin on Jeremy’s face widened, and I knew the answer before he even said a word.

  “Nope,” he said, popping the P for emphasis.

  It wasn’t long before Lexi did her walk of shame into the condo.

  It was glorious.

  I kept my mouth shut as she trudged down the hall and to the coffee pot.

  I kept my mouth shut when she sat down at the counter.

  I kept my mouth shut when I saw the whisker burns on her neck.

  But I sure as hell squealed on the inside.

  “Aunt Lexi?” Ava’s curious voice had her lifting her head from her mug.

  “Hey, sweet pea,” Lexi greeted her. “What’s up?”

  “Daddy said you had a sleepover last night.”

  Jeremy stilled behind me. Lexi’s eyes lifted from my daughter to my husband, shooting him daggers. He rested his palms flat on the counter and shrugged.

  “She asked where you were when my parents dropped her off this morning.”

  When Lexi’s glare didn’t lighten up, he gasped in horror.

  “What did you expect, Lexi? That I’d lie? To my daughter? That’s just shameful!”

  Lexi’s eyes softened a little. It didn’t last long, thanks to Ava chiming in.

  “Daddy said you were sleeping with Jace.” She scrunched her cute, little nose. “Do I know that guy?”

  My sister gaped at Jeremy. “You told her that?” she asked, incredulous.

  Ava giggled, and I gave her a stern look.

  “Were you eavesdropping on Daddy and me again?”

  She huffed and rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I can’t help it when you’re so freakin’ loud,” she responded, completing the complaint with a hand on her jutted-out hip.

  My eyes darted to Jeremy, who was laughing.

  “She’s definitely your daughter,” he said. “That right there? The whole hip, attitude thing? That’s alllll you, babe.”

  “You two are absolutely ridiculous. I don’t even know why I agreed to this,” Lexi said, rising from her stool, setting her coffee mug in the sink, and pushing past Jeremy to go down the hall towards her room.

  “It’s not her time of the month, is it?” Jeremy asked in a hushed whisper.

  I shot him a warning look. “Don’t you dare even think about asking her that.”

  “Mmm,” I murmured as Jeremy’s head lifted from between my thighs.

  He crawled up the bed and settled in beside me, taking my hand and entwining our fingers. We were both post double orgasm, and I could’ve stayed in bed the rest of the day.

  It was the last day of the reunion. Things seemed to be going well with Jace and Lexi, so Jeremy and I had decided to spend our final full morning making love to the sound of the waves. It was incredible.

  “I love vacation sex,” I informed him, stretching and wishing we could stay here forever.

  “You just love sex, Sierra,” he said, his cocky grin widening. “And you love my dick.”

  I rolled my eyes, and he rolled on top of me, pressing his still-semi-hard erection in between my legs.

  “Say it,” he beckoned.

  “Mmm mmm,” I refused, shaking my head.

  My hips arched of their own volition when the now rock hard length of him pushed into my core. I whimpered as soon as he withdrew, then plunged back inside.

  “You don’t get it if you don’t say it,” he warned with a leisurely rhythm that was both calculated and electrifying.

  Jeremy knew exactly what he was doing. He was bringing me to the brink, then retreating just enough for my orgasm to dissipate. Over and over again until I was writhing beneath him with pulsating need.

  “I love your dick,” I panted, rising up to meet his urgent thrust. “I fucking love your dick, Jeremy. Fuck.”

  I couldn’t help it. He was right. I loved his dick, and when he rolled to his back, I rode it hard and fast until I was coming again.

  “Okay, now that you’ve successfully quenched my thirst, let’s go get Ava so Jace can do the same for Lexi.”

  He gave me a quick peck. “Love you, babe. Love your sister. But I don’t want to think about McAllister’s dick when mine’s inside you. Not a good mental image here.”

  I laughed then gripped him. “I guess I better replace it.”

  A little while later, we took a break from our sex filled morning to join our family at the pool. As soon as Jeremy and I stepped onto the patio, I stopped in my tracks. I released a sigh, practically melting at the sight before me.

  Jace, Lexi, and Ava were splashing around in the pool.

  Correction. Lexi and Ava were ganging up on Jace, and he was taking the brunt of it in perfect stride.

  “Huh,” Jeremy said beside me.

  I looked up at him through my sunglasses. “Huh, indeed,” I replied. I gripped his arm and laid my head against his bicep. “I think we did good.”

  He grinned down at me, his glasses falling just a bit so I could see his eyes. “From the looks of things, I’d say we did great.”

  They didn’t even notice us. Ava was hooting and hollering. Lexi was laughing in a way I hadn’t seen her do in so long. And Jace? Jace was smiling wide. He looked like a man in love.

  I was pretty sure that’s exactly what he was.

  As Jeremy laid our towels out, I tore my cover up off and scampered across the pool, splashing the three of them with a cannonball.

  Jeremy was laughing his ass off at the drenched trio. He held his hands up in Jace’s direction. “I’m glad they’ve found another man to torture. So much so that I think I’ll sit this one out.”

  “Daddy, come in the water so we can play!”

  “Sorry, baby, but Daddy’s staying out of the water this time,” he said, causing her to frown from Jeremy to Jace. “You’re no fun! I need you to come in here and play sharks with me. Jace tried to but he didn’t make a very good one. He was kind of slow.”

  I couldn’t help my snicker. “Getting slow in your old age, eh, McAllister? I’ve heard you’ve been having issues with…your speed.”

  Lexi, having heard me, shut me up with a splash of water to the face. Ava decided that it was time for another water war, so the three of us went at it. I barely noticed Jace make his escape because Lexi’s smile was so bright that I was nearly blinded. She was radiating happiness, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride that I’d helped put it there.

  I was still laughing when Jace joined me on the patio. The girls were up in arms, splashing each other incessantly. I couldn’t miss the happiness radiating from Lexi. Happiness I hadn’t seen in nearly two years.

  “I don’t know how you do it, man. Those three are crazy,” he said.

  I couldn’t really argue, so I nodded, all the while smiling widely. “Dude, they’re a handful, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them. It’d be so boring. They’re my girls and I love ’em.”

  Jace continued to stare after them while we sat in silence, watching as the girls continued playing.

  “So, how’s everything going, man? Sierra’s pretty excited you and Lexi have been hanging out so much.”

  He tore his gaze from the pool and glanced at me, trying to figure out what to say. How much to say. “Things are going really well. It feels like nothing’s changed, like we weren’t just apart for so many years. We’ve been able to catch up on the last decade of our lives, and it’s just been great to be around her again.”

  “That’s good to hear. We always wondered what the hell happened, but she’d never tell us. I know Sierra planned out this whole thing so you two would have to interact again. I have to admit I was nervous because I wasn’t sure if Lexi was ready. But I gotta tell you, man. I haven’t seen her this happy in a really long time.”

  So I was embellishing a little. I hadn’t been nervous at all, but I wanted to gauge his reaction. Which was a huge smile—and it told me all I needed to know.

  “It’s nice to hear you say that. She seems like she’s been happy, and that’s all I
want for her.”

  He returned his gaze to the pool, and I knew that that was all he was going to give me. So I switched tactics.

  “Good. Now, Sierra told me you haven’t hit it yet. What gives?”

  He choked on the water he’d just downed. “Seriously, Banks? That’s your sister-in-law.”

  “Come on, man. She was married for seven years. I know she’s no virginal flower. Speaking of…” I couldn’t help myself. I gave him a bro-tap on the shoulder. “You freaking dog. We had no idea you took her virginity until the beginning of this trip. That. Is. Awesome.”

  Jace’s mouth dropped open, so I quickly continued.

  “I mean, everyone knew you two had a thing for each other. We had bets on how long it was going to be until you guys started making out at the lunch table. I didn’t think you’d make it past junior year with the way you followed her around like a lost puppy.”

  He protested even though it fell on deaf ears. “We were best friends who hung out all the time. That’s natural.”

  I laughed and slapped him on the back. “Whatever you say. All I know is that I’m glad you’ve reconnected. She needs a good man in her life again, and I know Ty would approve.”

  I wasn’t lying. No man wants to think about his woman moving on after he’s gone, but I had known Ty. Lexi’s happiness had been everything to him, and he’d be thrilled if she found it again. Then I cursed under my breath. Had I spoken out of turn?

  “Has she talked to you about that at all?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Yeah, we’d actually just finished talking about it when you two came back last night,” he said.

  The night before Jace and Lexi had spent the night in our condo, watching Ava while Sierra and I were at the bar. When we got back, I’d found them out on the balcony and it’d looked like they were in a pretty serious discussion. Apparently, that’d been about Ty.

  “Damn,” I muttered, and Jace’s mouth quirked into a half-smile.

  “She was really open with me about him. Look, I know you probably know that I’m going to try to pursue some kind of relationship with her. Whatever she’ll give me. But also know that I’ll never ask her forget all the years she spent with him. I’m not that kind of guy. I want her to have those memories and to cherish them. In a way, I’m thankful that he was there to love her and take care of her. She deserved that. She still does, and I’m going to try my damnedest to be that guy if she’ll let me.”

  If Sierra had been there, she would’ve sighed, swooned, and possibly melted. As Lexi’s brother-in-law, I was ecstatic for her. As a dude, I wasn’t up for the tug of the emotional heartstrings.

  “Okay, dude. Now, you’re just getting heavy with me, and I’m not the best person to talk to about this chick shit. Just be there for her like you’ve been and it’ll all work out. Oh, and one piece of advice. Don’t let her leave here without getting laid.”

  He threw a water bottle at my head.

  “What the hell, man? That’s good advice! You need to lay claim to that and, you know, actually come back this time.” I sobered up at the end, joking but still meaning every word.

  That’s when Jace leaned in and told me his plans.

  Lexi was well on her way to finding her sun. I just hoped she didn’t get burned.

  After my talk with Jace, I felt more confident than ever that Sierra had done the right thing. Watching the two of them together, after they’d gotten over their initial nervousness, was amazing. It was like nothing had changed, and for the first time in over two years, Lexi was finally smiling. Real, true, genuine smiles. It was obvious they both still harbored feelings for each other, and there was no way in hell I was allowing the two of them to go another day without admitting it.

  “What was that about?” Sierra asked when I walked back to where she and Ava were playing.

  “Just wanted to make sure they were on the same page,” I told her.

  “And?” she prompted.

  “They’re not only on the same page, but they’re in the same freaking sentence.”

  Sierra’s grin grew wide, and we both watched in silence as Jace joined Lexi in the pool. Without hesitation, he grabbed her hips, pulled her in close, and laid a big one right on her lips.

  I turned back to my wife. “See?”

  “Well, I’d say our work here is done,” Sierra said, and I nodded.

  We high-fived, and when Ava climbed up on my lap, the three of us snuggled together.

  “Daddy?” Ava called just as I was on the verge of sleep.

  “Yeah, baby?” I asked, squinting one eye open.

  Her nose wrinkled and she chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “Why does Jace keep kissing Lexi? Are they boyfriend and girlfriend now?”

  Sierra laughed.

  I perked right up. “That’s a great question, Ava. You should probably go ask.”

  She slid off my lap. “Okay,” she said, scampering across the pool to where Jace and Lexi were.

  “You’re awful,” Sierra told me.

  “Hey, look what happened last time I told you we should stay out of it. They were apart for ten years. Plus, it’s Ava. She’s adorable and can get away with it.”

  She snuggled up against my chest, both of us watching Ava approach them. Jace’s face lit up as soon as she asked her question, but when Lexi’s eyes widened, he simply shrugged, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and swam away, leaving her there to sputter on her own. He climbed from the pool and took Ava’s hand, and even though they were across the pool, I heard her squealing about seashells. Sierra gave him a thumbs-up.

  The entire time, Lexi's eyes were unblinking, her lips set in a tight line, even though her cheeks had flushed pink from Ava's question. At first, I was worried Ava had gone too far, But when Jace was out of sight, a smile crept onto her face.

  Yeah, Lexi was ready.

  Later that night, things had progressed nicely outside the reunion. Or regressed, considering we were back to our old shenanigans, making out at the high school. Jeremy had me pressed up against the side of the building, licking and sucking my skin.

  “God, I’m as horny as I was ten years ago,” he whispered, nibbling on my neck.

  The truth was, as much as we enjoyed all our old classmates, the only reason we’d come to the reunion was for Lexi and to use it as an excuse to go to the beach. After an hour in the stuffy gym, we had been ready to make our escape.

  Just as we had, we’d spied Jace and Lexi heading towards the baseball field. I’d giggled and hoped they were about to grace the dugout like we’d done so many times all those years ago. And that’s when Jeremy had pressed me up against the side of the field house and kissed the hell out of me, effectively making forget anything or anyone else.

  I had no idea how much time had passed when Jace’s voice interrupted our make-out session.

  Jeremy’s lips formed a grin, and he pulled back from me. His heated eyes were dancing with amusement. “Did he just tell us to get a room?”

  “That’s what I heard. I think it’s a pretty good plan, babe,” I told him.

  His grin widened even further. Then he glanced at his watch and let out a low whistle. He leaned down, bringing his mouth to hover just above my ear.

  “Twenty minutes. What’d you figure they weren’t just talking?”

  “Considering the shit-eating grin on his face, I’d say you’re right.”

  “More like pussy-eating,” Jeremy quipped.

  I giggled and took his arm so we could approach them. “Behave,” I warned.

  When we were near, Jeremy slipped an arm around my waist and tucked me in close. “This where it all started, so it wouldn’t be right if I didn’t reenact one of our infamous make-out sessions. Plus, this time, there are no teachers around to break it up. Win-win.”

  It was true. Though Mr. Turoff liked us, we’d gotten our fair share of PDA warnings in our time at Navarre High School. Deservedly so, of course. I was just about to agree when something caught my eye. I smiled with wick
ed delight.

  “At least we kept things PG, unlike some people around here.” I didn’t mention I’d been about two seconds away from shoving my hands down Jeremy’s pants.

  Lexi’s cheeks flamed red, while Jace held up his hands, palms out flat, trying—and failing—to feign innocence.

  “No idea what you’re talking about,” he said. “We were just checking out the baseball diamond for old time’s sake.”

  Jeremy gave me a knowing look, biting his lip to hold his laughter in. He’d seen it, too. Turning back to Jace, I raised my eyebrows. His jaw tensed as he held my gaze, not saying a word.

  Jeremy snorted then lifted his chin in a gesture. “Dude, you have underwear hanging out of your back pocket.” He motioned for a high five, but a pale-faced Jace ignored him.

  Lexi’s cheeks turned even redder—if that were possible—and I burst into a fit of giggles as I glanced back and forth between their guilty-looking faces.

  Mother. Freaking. Score.

  I wanted to fist-pump. Shout out, “Hurray!” or “Hoorah!” or whatever those Army guys say. I wanted to toss a bunch of condoms in their direction, lock them in a bedroom, and hold them captive until every single one was used.

  Weird, I know, but if you could’ve seen the happiness simmering in Lexi at that moment, you would’ve wanted the same.

  Instead of playing captor, I decided to tease. “I wish you could see your faces right now. It’s like you got caught with your pants down. Or, well, your panties, Lexi.”

  Jeremy snorted and gave Jace a shoulder bump. “Guess she can’t call you that blue master thing anymore, can she?”

  That was my undoing. We’d run into Jace earlier that morning, and he’d asked about blue clit, informing us that a very drunken Lexi had called him a blue clit master. I doubled over and clutched my stomach, unable to contain my laughter. My sides hurt, and tears were streaming down my cheeks, but I couldn’t stop. Apparently, that was enough for Jace and Lexi, because he took her hand and pulled her away, leading her to his car.


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