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Eban Page 8

by Allison Merritt

  Tell looked up, his brow furrowed. “You really think that’s a good idea?”

  “If it helps, then yes, it’s a good idea. It’s better than sitting around here twiddling our thumbs,” Eban pointed out.

  Tell put the knife away. “Wys, I haven’t been out to the Pit. For all we know, Eban’s stunt last night popped another seal. We can’t keep risking it. Not when none of us knows how to fix it.”

  “This might be what we need. Astaroth was forced to tell Father how to construct the barrier. A host of demon lords could fix it, put it into place for good. We’d never have to worry about breaching it again.” Wystan plucked the toothpick from his mouth. “Tell, you find out if there are any new seals broken and get me names. They’ll be the easiest to summon. We’ll figure out sigils and circles later.”

  “You really think this’ll work?” Tell leaned back in his chair. “Sounds like trouble.”

  “Shut up,” Eban growled. “At least Wystan’s willing to try.”

  He had his measure of doubt as well, but the faintest flicker of hope burned on. Summoning more than one demon would require tremendous power and might end badly, but with the seals broken, those they could call would have an easier time breaking through the barriers of Hell and Earth. The three they knew of were wise enough that they might come up with a solution for banishing Rosemar before the Heckmasters could blink.

  “You could rip the barrier apart doing this. I don’t know how it works. You realize that.” Tell folded his arms. “We might find a solution for sealing it permanently, but Astaroth could escape before that happens. It’s no easy feat. Father didn’t wave his hand and wish it into existence.”

  “Are you afraid?” Eban leaned forward. “You’ll stand on the edge of the Pit and gut lesser demons as they crawl up the sides, but you don’t think the three of us can handle a couple of royals from Hell?”

  “It’s not them I’m worried about. It’s Astaroth. The barghests and changesteeds crawl out of the Pit with death on their minds. It doesn’t affect them the same way it affects higher demons. If the barrier breaks, there’s nothing to weaken Astaroth. He’ll be here, as real as you or me or Seere. Father was full demon, he could battle that. But us, we’re half-human and we’re weaker.”

  “Not together,” Eban argued.

  Tell pushed himself out of the chair. “Have it your way. Guess we’re having a powwow with a duke, a prince and a president. Can’t wait.”

  He strode out of the jailhouse, then slammed the door behind him.

  “Not how I saw coming home. I’d hoped things were quiet while we were gone.” Wystan ran his hand through his hair. “Too much to hope for in Berner.”

  “Must have been nice to get away from reality for a while. You probably didn’t encounter many demons in Santa Fe.” Eban tried not to let the bitterness creep into his voice.

  Wystan sighed. “Actually, I did run into a couple and they weren’t up to any good.” He laid his hand over his bowie knife. “Blood was spilled, but Santa Fe’s streets are safer tonight.”

  “Did Rhia see it?”

  He shook his head. “She doesn’t know. I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “I suppose I have to thank you for pushing the idea on Tell and…not beheading me.” Eban shifted in his seat.

  “What you did was selfish and dangerous. You could have done something wrong and gotten yourself killed. If Eliakim hadn’t realized there was a treaty between the Gray Side and Heaven, he might have slaughtered the entire town.” Wystan’s cool blue gaze hardened. “Even you and Tell couldn’t have held him off.”

  “I know,” Eban muttered.

  “But I understand what you’re thinking. Beryl’s special and she deserves the right to live out her natural life without a demon hounding her. I don’t like Rosemar any more than you.”

  “Tell thought you’d agree with him.” Eban picked at his thumbnail, avoiding Wystan’s gaze.

  “He’s a smart kid, but he doesn’t know as much as he thinks he does.” Wystan shuffled some papers on his desk. “You know Rhia and I are happy? This isn’t the ideal place for a man and a woman to raise a family or grow old together, but we’re going to do the best we can.”

  Eban glared at his thumb. “Yeah.”

  “Someday you’ll find happiness. If we survive this. Maybe with Beryl, maybe with another woman, but I’m asking you to be happy for us. I never meant to steal her away from you. I never meant to fall in love. It’s one of those things that happens like seasons changing.”

  Eban looked up. “That’s pathetic.”

  Jealousy nagged at his heart, but it was tempered by disbelief.

  Wystan turned his hands palms up. “I love her.”

  “I mean, it’s pathetic that you’re talking like that. For as long as I can remember, you walked around town with a scowl and a glare. Now you’re spouting romantic words.” He shook his head. “I think there might be a parasite in your head.”

  “Love does strange things to a person.” Wystan folded his hands over his stomach. “Stop looking at Beryl and seeing a friend. She’s a pretty girl.”

  Eban swallowed the knot growing in his throat. “Even if that was the case, what if I can’t save her?”

  “You didn’t quit when you said you couldn’t save her the first time.”

  “That was different.” He braced his feet against the floor. “There was a clear and obvious solution for that. Science and medicine, not archaic drawings and chanting.”

  Wystan stood, then strapped his bowie knife to his hip. It looked out of place with his fancy clothes.

  “We’ve never had experience with this. Probably something easy behind it too.”

  “Nothing’s easy when it comes to us.”

  His brother grinned. “You got that right. Most complicated sons of bitches in New Mexico Territory.” The grin faded. “You keep believing we can do this. Don’t give up yet.”

  While he’d hoped Wystan might be more reasonable than Tell, he hadn’t expected it. In the last few weeks, Wystan’s temper had mellowed. It was almost frightening. They probably wouldn’t find a solution to rid themselves of Rosemar, but the fact that Wys was willing to allow a consultation with three powerful demons meant a lot to Eban.

  They’d have to be careful to keep Rosemar from getting wind of it. She’d do everything in her power—not to mention Seere’s—to prevent her banishment. Eban tugged at his shirt collar as he followed Wystan out of the office. They had no choice but to keep Beryl in the dark as well. She already knew something was amiss, but he’d have to cover it up with a few white lies.

  Rhia was gone by the time Eban returned. Beryl had curled into a chair by the window in Eban’s study, a book on her lap, though her gaze was turned to the window.

  Her eyebrows were drawn together, her fingers folded over the edges of the book. She looked lost in thought, so serious, she might have been concerned over the demon conference she wasn’t supposed to know about. Beryl’s tongue ran over her full rosy lips. Her skin color had returned from the slightly green cast to pale ivory.

  Eban watched her, trying to figure out if anything Wystan and Tell said was true. Did he have feelings for her?

  She turned as though she’d heard his thoughts. A smile blossomed over her face. “You’re back in one piece.”

  She laid the book aside and came to meet him. Her blonde hair was pulled away from her face, making her look younger than he knew she was.

  “Wys was more understanding than Tell. Did Rhia head home?”

  “She went to get Sylvie. To liberate the Yues, she said.” Her smile widened. “Well, I’m glad Wystan decided not to behead you for…whatever it was that you did with the angel.”

  She wanted answers, but he had no idea what to tell her.

  “I’m sure he’ll come up with some form of punishment when I’m least exp
ecting it.” He tucked his hands into his pockets so he wouldn’t pick at his fingernails. “We’re not sure how to banish Eliakim, but Tell’s looking into it. Is Sylvie’s party still scheduled for tomorrow?”

  He wasn’t sure how he felt about talking to Rhia, but Sylvie would be disappointed if he didn’t make an appearance. Seeing Wystan wasn’t as bad as he’d imagined. Of course, Wys hadn’t given him much of a choice in the matter.

  Beryl nodded. “Wait until you see what Rhia brought her. She must have spent a fortune on dresses and shoes. Sylvie won’t know what to think when she sees them all. And a music box that plays seven tunes. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Her mouth twitched. “She brought me something too.”

  “Oh?” He cocked an eyebrow, pretending interest. Wys—like most demons—had money coming out of his ears, so it was no surprise he’d let Rhia have run of his wealth. Maybe it made them greedy, but money seemed to come to demons and they all tended to be hoarders rather than spenders.

  “I’ll show you tomorrow.” A faint blush colored her cheeks.

  He didn’t have to be a mind reader to know it was probably a dress. Something to match her eyes, or offset her coloring. She could use a new one, that was true. The three she owned were practical, but somber colors.

  “I’ll go with you, but I probably won’t stay long.” He’d ordered a book for Sylvie, knowing she might not expect a gift from him, but he didn’t feel right not getting her anything. She read faster than he did, so he felt sure she’d like it.

  “Nonsense. Lois is making her a cake and Rhia’s got gifts for her that’ll take all day to open. You’ll have fun. I’ll make sure of it.”

  Her eyes were wide, pleading with him.

  “Tell and I aren’t exactly seeing things in the same light right now.”

  She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “He won’t do anything to upset Sylvie. He adores her.”

  Eban frowned. “What?”

  Beryl giggled. “He told me he has his ‘eye on that Yue kid’. I thought he got along with most of the children, especially Thomas Jefferson. I guess he caught TJ teasing her one day and now he’s Papa Bear.”

  Eban rolled his eyes. “Rhia had better watch out, or he’ll teach Sylvie how to use every weapon under the sun. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t give her a knife for her birthday.”

  “You’ll come tomorrow and find out. She’ll be disappointed if you leave early. Like it or not, she thinks of you as family.”

  “She is family.” He sighed. “I’ll go, but only for you and Sylvie.”

  She beamed. “Good!”

  Good for everyone else, maybe. He shoved his discomfort aside. “You’re feeling better, then?”

  “Physically, yes, but my head hurts when I try to imagine how I wound up in that shape.” Her slender eyebrows drew together. “You were going to tell me.”

  His mind went blank. She watched him with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity.

  “It’s complicated.”

  Her brows arched. “How?”

  “We argued.” He dug his fingernails into his hips. It was a poor lie, as far as they went, but he’d never been good at it. “You stormed away and I was busy with Eliakim.”

  “You let me walk out of the clinic?” She crossed her arms. “It’s still dangerous around here at night.”

  “I had to talk to the angel. I’m sorry.” He stared past her out the window so he could still see her, but didn’t have to look at her directly.

  Her eyes narrowed, letting only the slightest hint of green show through her lashes. “Why?”

  “There’s trouble with the Pit and I thought he could help. Wystan ordered Tell to call the three demon lords whose seals are broken. We’re going to try and fix it once and for all. Nothing will be able to get through.”

  “Oh.” She tilted her head. “That’s a good thing. Berner would really be a safe haven then.”

  “That’s the idea.” He withdrew his hands from his pockets. “Keep yourself hydrated. It’s bad enough with the heat around here, but the liquor will dry you out worse than one of those hot winds.”

  “I will.” Her keen green eyes never left his face. “What did we fight about?”

  “Ah, about… Leaving. You don’t want me to go, remember?” He dabbed his sleeve against his forehead. “It’s hot in here. Maybe we should go for a ride, see if we can’t stir up a breeze.”

  “I don’t want you to go, but I can’t recall fighting about it. It’s your choice, of course.” She fiddled with a button at her collar.

  “You haven’t been here long enough to understand what it’s really like.” New frustration overtook his nervousness.

  “I like it here.”

  “Because you don’t know any better. If you’d grown up here, you’d see what a mess this place is.”

  “It’s not without its charms.” She moved toward him, then rested her hands on his shoulders. A glimmer of mischief colored her smile. “If that’s what we really argued about, I don’t want to do it again. Let’s have a picnic. Just the two of us. We’ll talk about things more pleasant than living and dying in Berner.”

  Relieved she was giving up the conversation, a half smile tugged at his lips. “I like that idea.”

  Beryl lay on her back, soaking in the warmth of the ground in Berner’s park. The oak tree overhead moved in the breeze, making the sunlight sparkle through wide leaves. Eban had his back against the trunk, staring out at the grassy lawn in front of them. He looked lost in thought.

  Over the crumbling adobe wall surrounding the park, she heard people talking and the jingle of harnesses. Business was better in town and the citizens seemed less afraid to move around on the streets than they had been before the Heckmasters banished Noem. Almost like a real town.

  She put her hand over Eban’s. He smiled, the same smile she’d fallen in love with when she saw it the first time. She wanted to crawl into his lap, curl against him and let the rest of the world fade away. Perfect, kissable lips begged her to cover them with her mouth, even if the rest of him feigned indifference.

  Beryl closed her eyes, tracing the long thin bones in his hand. She nudged it over, letting her fingertips skim his pads. They weren’t rough with calluses, but softer than she remembered. This same set had touched her a few nights ago in an intimate fashion. She ached for that again.

  I want him. Strong desire to be next to him, skin against skin burned through her. She thought she’d die if she couldn’t convince him to bed her.

  Peeking through her lashes, she saw he’d closed his eyes as well. Old memories of men touching her filtered through her mind. Once upon a time she’d allowed men to use her in exchange for money. The knowledge sat heavily on her chest. She drew in a breath that was half sob. There was a chance she’d never have what Rhia did. No handsome, doting husband, no family to look after. Just her alone forever.


  “Hmm?” He didn’t open his eyes. Sitting up, she trailed her hand up his arm, to his chest, slipping her fingers between the buttons. “The other night we didn’t do anything I didn’t want.”

  His eyes popped open. “What?”

  “I wanted you. I still want you.” She passed her tongue over her lips. “Don’t think I mean forever. I know that’s not what you want. But I’m familiar with adult desires and we could both benefit from a mutual relationship.”

  He sat up straighter. “I don’t think you mean that. The last thing I’d want to do is hurt you.”

  Foolish man. “We don’t have to get our hearts involved. We could be something more than friends. Just until you decide to go.” She clutched his hand, afraid he’d pull away and leave her here alone. She pushed one button through a hole, opening the gap in his shirt. “Please.”

  His mouth was inches away, lips parted the tiniest bit. It made her want to capture th
em, show him what kind of pleasure she could bring him if he’d give in.

  “I’m worried you’re saying this because of what little you remember.” He sucked a breath through his teeth. “You don’t owe me anything, Beryl.”

  Eban’s free hand caressed her loose locks.

  “It’s not that. Believe me. I won’t go back to a life like that. I don’t need to.” She held his stare, praying he’d see the truth in her words. “I just want you.”

  His hand guided her toward his mouth and their lips crushed together. Heat pooled in Beryl’s center. His tongue pushed through her parted lips, tangling with hers, stroking it in a way that made her flesh pebble in anticipation. She put her hand all the way through the gap in his shirt, exploring hard muscles in his chest. He felt like a granite statue with a heartbeat. Eban might spend more time indoors than his brothers, but he wasn’t a weakling. He held her against his chest, his embrace tight and possessive.

  She loved every second of the kiss. When he pulled back, breathing hard, there was unmistakable desire in his eyes.

  “All right.”

  Those two words made her heart leap. She pulled away and gathered their picnic basket. Looking back at him over her shoulder, she gave him a smile that promised she’d give him everything his heart desired. He didn’t hesitate as he climbed to his feet and followed her back to the clinic.

  Chapter Nine

  The bedclothes were cool against Beryl’s bare flesh. Eban tumbled down on top of her, coming to rest between her legs. He braced himself on one palm, stroking her face with his other hand. His hair was tousled because she’d turned to him the second they entered the clinic, pressing kisses to his jaw, running her fingers through his hair, tugging at his clothes. He was more magnificent naked than she’d imagined.

  Take him, the voice in her head whispered. Let’s claim him, make him ours, never let him go.


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