Walker Revenge (The Walker Family Series Book 5)

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Walker Revenge (The Walker Family Series Book 5) Page 6

by Bernadette Marie

  “Probably, but Chelsea isn’t like that.”

  “So what’s going on there? I haven’t heard you talk about her without snarling in years.”

  Russell wanted to be snide and mad. He did that well and had for years. Jake had been one of his partners in drinking Chelsea’s memory away more than once.

  But he didn’t feel that way right now. “She’s moving in with my parents. Her and her son.”

  Jake raised his eyebrow. “Dude, that’s weird.”

  “Well, my mom has a soft heart. She wants to protect her from that ass she married. He was in prison. I guess she’s divorced, and they have a son.”

  “Serves her right for what she did to you,” he said crossing his arms in front of him. “Women are trouble, especially those that cheat on you.”

  Russell picked up his water and took a sip. He and Jake had had these conversations, but to hear him talk about Chelsea that way hurt.

  “People make mistakes. She made hers. She cheated, got pregnant, got married, then…” He stopped and coughed, literally choking on his words. “Then, from what I gather, he must have abused her. Somewhere between that, and her getting a divorce, the S.O.B. kidnapped their kid, drove to Texas with him, and abandoned him in a car while he unsuccessfully tried to rob a liquor store.”

  “Shit,” Jake sighed.

  “Yeah. Well, now he’s out on parole. There seems to be some concern that he’ll jump parole and leave Texas to come here. So now my mom is involved, and Chelsea and her son are staying with my parents.”

  “Aren’t you going home when you leave here?”

  Russell nodded. “Yep. Home, and she’s now my nurse.”

  “This is messed up, man. What are you going to do with her there? You never did get over her.”

  So, it had been that obvious. “I won’t go through that again, but I can be her friend. She needs one.”

  Jake grinned as he ran his tongue over his teeth. “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes,” he said as he stood. “I have to get back to work. I have one more car to get out of the garage by five. I’m glad you’re doing better.”

  “Thanks,” Russell said as Jake waved and headed out of the room.

  Russell welcomed the quiet. He hadn’t realized how much he’d tried to forget Chelsea until Jake had come in. He had cursed her name too many times, as Jake had pointed out. He hadn’t been raised like that. She must have really gotten under his skin.

  Sure, he’d dated since then, but it had never been the same. All along it was supposed to have been Russell and Chelsea. When that didn’t happen, then nothing was that important.

  Russell turned on the damned TV again. Was it fate that Ross and Rachel were on talking about being on a break? He chuckled to himself. Was that what Chelsea had thought when she fell in love with Dominic? He didn’t know the man, no more than knowing his name. What could have possibly lured her into his arms?

  It didn’t matter now he thought as he turned the channel to the Food Network. Chelsea had her issues, and he had his own. She had a son to raise and schooling to finish. He was going to be getting back on his feet.

  Even having her living in his house wasn’t going to change what had happened between them. In time, his mother would see that. They’d either be amicable or go separate ways.

  As Guy Fieri drove off in his fancy red car on the TV, Russell turned it off. Knowing that Dominic had hurt her wasn’t sitting well with him. No one should have ever hurt her, not matter what. So, she’d decided not to love him anymore, fine. But why chose someone that would hurt her and kidnap their son?

  The need to protect her rose in his mind. They might not be lovers anymore, but he felt the need to make sure she and Lucas were safe forever.

  He smiled to himself. Perhaps that part of his mother’s grace lived inside of him after all.

  Suddenly, he wanted her at his house helping him recover. Maybe that would help them all. And he knew, without a doubt, his mother was going to have the time of her life having a little one around the house. She’d been hounding Eric and Susan for a grandbaby since they’d gotten married. He assumed Gia and Dane would be feeling that wrath too, soon.

  Maybe he’d send one of his brothers out on a quest to buy Lucas a Christmas gift from him since he wouldn’t be wandering the malls anytime soon.

  He rested his head back against his pillow. In his mind, he had found some peace with having Chelsea around. With any luck, there would be the same peace when they were living under the same roof.

  Chapter Eight

  Phillip guided Chelsea toward the house with his hand on her back. She was very aware that he had his eyes scanning in every direction as she unlocked the front door and pushed it open.

  As soon as they stepped inside, and she closed the door, he held up his hand.

  “Stay here,” he whispered as he walked further into the house.

  Chelsea, out of instinct, laced the keys on her ring through her fingers like a weapon and held tightly to the doorknob.

  She watched as Phillip maneuvered through the house as if he were checking for something. A few moments later, he returned.

  “I don’t see that anyone has been in here. The back door is still locked. The windows are closed. Nothing seems disrupted. I want you to look around and make sure.”

  Chelsea nodded as she let go of the door and walked through the house, the keys still tucked between her fingers.

  Each room looked the same as she’d left it the day before. Even the sink still had dishes that needed to be tended to. Perhaps Phillip would understand that she needed to take care of that before they left the house.

  “Once we leave here, I don’t want you coming back here, understood? Pack what you need to stay at the Walkers’ and stay clear.”

  She nodded. “Do you think someone has been watching me?”

  “Chels, none of this makes sense. But it’s my job to get to the bottom of it. Someone ran Russell off the road with a truck belonging to your ex-husband. That same someone parked that truck across the street from your house, but your ex-husband is still in Texas. Not a lot adds up right now. As soon as we’re done here, and I know that you’re safe at the Walkers’, I’ll reach out to the department in Texas to have them interview your ex-husband.”

  “I hope he cooperates. Nothing can happen to Lucas. Promise me that nothing will.”

  “Trust me, as a friend. I would never let anything happen to him, or you, again.”

  Chelsea had done the dishes in the sink and packed more clothes for herself and Lucas.

  Luckily, this time, she’d remembered the Tigger, which had fallen behind the bed. That should help Lucas ease into life at the Walker’s house. Toiletries were gathered and even some of the food she’d spent her budget on, she took with them.

  As she unpacked her clothes and put them in the dresser drawers at the Walkers’, she thought of how ironic it was that she was now living in Russell’s old bedroom. She’d only been in there a few times, but they’d made plans once to live in that very room. Oh, they’d been young and stupid, she could say that now. They’d planned a whole life where they lived on the ranch in the very house in which he’d grown up. How interesting they hadn’t thought of starting their own lives away from the land his family owned. Russell’s mind had always been set on living there and working the ranch with Eric.

  Lucas sat on the bed watching a movie on her iPad as she made the room look like home to them. A knock at the door had her stopping as Glenda pushed open the door slowly.

  “How’s it coming along?”

  Chelsea pushed in the dresser drawer. “It’s going well. You have no idea how grateful I am to be here.”

  “Phillip told me about the truck. I’m glad you’re here too. I just thought I’d let you know that they’re going to let Russ out in two days.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest. “That’s fantastic.”

  “I’ll be happy to have him home,” Glenda pressed her hand to her chest. “Dane
said Gia called, and she will be back here before Christmas too. Her plans have changed. I’ll have my entire family here.”

  As happy as she was to be there, Chelsea felt the pang of guilt tug at her. She would be part of that family now, but she didn’t belong. “My parents aren’t able to come out until the end of January. I’m very thankful that we will be here with you all. I hope we won’t be in the way.”

  Glenda moved to Chelsea and placed her hands on her arms. “You are part of our family. Family doesn’t have to be blood.”

  “I’m honored to have you think of us in that way. I don’t deserve your compassion.”

  “Never think that.” She kissed her on the cheek. She looked at Lucas sitting quietly on the bed. “You know Santa hasn’t been to my house in years. I think we’d better make some cookies for him,” she said to Lucas. “What do you think? Would you like to do that with me?”

  His eyes widened, and he jumped from the bed and ran straight to Glenda, taking her hand.

  “You get settled in. Lucas and I are going to go make a mess of the kitchen,” she said with a laugh.

  Chelsea watched as Glenda Walker walked away hand in hand with her son. It was a sight she’d dreamed about for years. Who knew it would happen?

  What would Russell think if he’d seen them? Would it make him mad?

  She supposed they’d find out in two days. Then Christmas was only a few days later.

  Phillip had the gifts she’d bought for Lucas with him so that he wouldn’t see them. They weren’t many, and now she wished she had something for Glenda and her family. Maybe she could convince someone to take her to town. She certainly didn’t want to go alone.

  There was another knock at the door and this time, Gerald was standing there with a bouquet of daisies. “Mom thought you’d like these to brighten your room.”

  She could feel the tears form, but she pushed them back. “That is very sweet of her,” she said as she took them and set them on the dresser. “I hope I’m not putting everyone out by being here.”

  “Of course not. She’s giddy to have you here and your son. They are in the kitchen laughing and having a great time.”

  “I’m glad. With my parents living in Florida now, he doesn’t get to be with them. And of course Dominic’s family…well, they’re not allowed to have anything to do with him after Dominic kidnapped him.”

  “He’s safe now, and so are you,” Gerald said, sitting down on the bed. “I have the room downstairs, off the kitchen, ready for Russell when he gets home. Mom says you’re going to be taking care of him.”

  “If he’ll let me.”

  A grin formed on Gerald’s lips. “Oh, I’m sure he’ll let you. He’ll be an ass, but he’ll let you.”

  “You’re all being very kind to me. I’m not sure why.”

  “You’re family,” he said standing. “You always have been.” He moved back to the doorway and turned around. “I’m headed into town. Do you need anything?”

  “I’d love to get your parents something for Christmas. I don’t know what, but…”

  “Can you still make that pumpkin pie you used to make?”

  She chuckled. “Well, yes.”

  “I’ll get the ingredients for that. Text them to me. Mom would love that for Christmas.”

  “Oh, that’s not enough.”

  “Sure it is. She has Santa coming this year too. You have no idea the joy you’re bringing her. We’ll keep you safe, and you’ll be giving Mom something she’s been yearning for.”

  “You know, Russ might kick me out.”

  “No. He’d never put you in harm’s way. Phillip seems to think you’re in it. He’ll be happy to have you here, even if he doesn’t act like it.” With a wink, he turned and left.

  She stood there a moment and laughed when she thought about the pie. Seriously, she could not repay them with dessert.

  In time she would find a way. For now, she was going to enjoy the moment. She was part of a family again—the family she’d always wanted to be part of.


  Russell lay in his hospital bed, free of wire and tubes, except for the stupid catheter they thought he needed since some shard of glass had stabbed him. He still had stitches, bandages, and of course the stupid bandage that took up all of his leg. But the doctor had given him release, and now he just waited for the nurse to finish the paperwork.

  His mother sat in the chair next to his bed with an enormous grin on her face, and his father paced, as he normally did.

  He couldn’t deny that he was ready to go home, but he knew what waited for him. His mother hadn’t stopped talking about Chelsea and her son since she’d walked in that morning.

  There was some surprise that his blood pressure had been fine. He’d been stressing over Chelsea for the past two days. Even more, he was nervous to see her son for the first time. There was something finite in knowing he’d been born of a bond that had torn Russell’s world apart.

  Pettiness didn’t sit well with him. The feeling that he couldn’t quite let it go irritated him. In fact, he’d had to control his breathing so that he wouldn’t alarm anyone.

  He didn’t want to be mad at Chelsea anymore. She had a lot on her plate. Certainly, he didn’t want to hold a grudge against some three-year-old either.

  It was going to take some work, but he was willing to have an open mind. After all, his mother was ecstatic for Christmas morning with a toddler in the house.

  “I remember when you boys would walk down the stairs and see the Christmas tree. You and Ben would plan all year for Santa’s arrival. Gerald and Dane were a little leerier of him. Eric, well he was just a good sport for so long.” She opened her purse and took out her lipstick, applied it, and returned it to her purse. “I know Lucas is going to enjoy Santa this year. He and I made two batches of cookies. Well,” she laughed, “we ate the first batch.”

  “I’m sure Chelsea appreciates all you’re doing.”

  She took a breath to say something else, but the nurse walked in causing his mother’s excitement to shift.

  “Mr. Walker, you’re all set to go home.” She handed him a stack of papers. “Here is your discharge information. Your appointments are all made and listed on the last sheet. Your mother assured us you'd have some home care. That’ll help in your recovery. Of course, there will be no walking. When you come back for your visit, and they remove the staples from your surgery, they can assess you then and decide on your recovery. Until then, you’ll keep your leg elevated and bandaged as it is now.”

  “How long will that be?” He wanted out of it now.

  “A few more weeks. Mind your nurse, and you’ll heal faster,” she said with a wink.

  Russell gritted his teeth. How had it come to be that his healing and his return to normality would depend on the one woman who stole all of that in the first place?

  He was helped into a wheelchair and out to his mother’s car. Even though he wasn’t thrilled about what awaited him at home, he knew his father couldn’t drive fast enough, because home was right where he wanted to be.

  Chapter Nine

  Susan scurried around the kitchen with Lydia in tow prepping dinner. Eric had come through the back door and stolen food from the tray his wife had set out, which had given her reason to slap his hand.

  Dane walked in with Gia, after having picked her up at the airport. She’d been in Everett Walker’s office making phone calls since she’d said hello to everyone.

  Gerald, Ben, and Dane now joined Eric in the kitchen, and they all paced as if they didn’t know what to do with themselves.

  Chelsea sat at the table with Lucas while he ate his snack. She was surprised that he was eating from a plate of cut up snacks Susan had made for him. Perhaps living with the Walkers would be good for him. Chelsea certainly wasn’t culinary, and Lucas needed a broader food base, that was for sure.

  But, she thought, at least it kept her from joining everyone and pacing the room. She was more nervous than she could remember.
Even more so than when she’d first been standing in Russell’s hospital room, holding his arm, taking his vitals when he’d awoken that first morning.

  How they possibly heard the car driving up to the house amongst the chatter going on in the kitchen, she had no idea, but the entire family dropped whatever they were doing and headed to the front door.

  Chelsea sat at the table, Lucas still on her lap. She was paralyzed in the chair. It wasn’t appropriate for her to run to the door. She shouldn’t be excited to see him come into the house. Fear had her sick, knowing he was going to have that scowl on his face that meant he wasn’t happy to see her. Why would he be?

  Lucas squirmed on her lap until he managed out of her arms and ran off toward the door. How was it she couldn’t even keep up with a toddler?

  She followed him out to where everyone gathered outside the door. He pushed through their legs and ran straight to Glenda.

  “Oh, look who came to greet us.” She picked Lucas up and rested him on her hip as Gerald pushed the wheelchair to the car and helped Russell out.

  When Russell had returned from the service, he’d received much of the same greeting he was receiving now. Only then, it was just his brothers. He noticed Susan was standing next to Eric, and Dane stood with his arm around Gia. Lydia Morgan had moved in front of the group, and Ben had rested his hands on her shoulders.

  Gerald had moved in and helped balance him as he managed his way out of the car and into the wheelchair, which was now his norm.

  As Gerald turned him from the car, he got his first glimpse of the boy he’d been thinking of. Chelsea’s son had run outside and right to Glenda, who had scooped him up and planted a kiss right on his cheek.


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