Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2)

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Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2) Page 8

by Ginna Moran

  “It won’t be like this forever. We’ll get a cure for that asshole and drop him off in the middle of nowhere.” Kash grazes his fingers to my jaw, getting me to ease away enough to kiss him again.

  “But what if we can’t? We don’t even know what the hell is going on with...” My heart races as the Darkonians flit through my mind.

  “We’ll figure it out. I don’t know who fucked up and promised them you, who can’t possibly belong to them, as a mate, but I’m sure as shit not going to let them take you. I don’t care if you bond—”

  “Time’s up, Dreki. I need your protection. The assholes just arrived.” Quillon bangs on the door, interrupting our conversation. “If Red hasn’t gotten you off by now, I’m going to have to reconsider my future plans with her. I need a woman who can make me blow a load with—”

  The whole house shakes with several guttural growls, including one vibrating from deep in Kash’s chest. Quillon groans and bangs harder on the door. Kash stands up and eases me off his still throbbing body and stomps to the door and flings it open. Locking his fingers to Quillon’s shoulder, he drags him into the bathroom with us, slaps his palm over his eyes to block his view of me, and cages him against the wall. Fire smolders across the floor where Quillon was standing, leaving black scorch marks behind.

  “Did he just protect that piece of shit lycan after what he said about our mate?” Theo’s smooth voice laces with molten anger. I can’t see him, but I can feel him. His unwarranted anger toward Kash’s action gets under my skin.

  Kash growls and presses his palm to Quillon’s chest, smashing the breath from him, stopping him from speaking. “You have it wrong. I’m not protecting him. I’m protecting Nova and myself. He will learn that a mate’s purpose isn’t to pleasure him.”

  “A mate always comes first. In pleasure, in life, and in a clan,” Tiernan says, his voice growing louder. His footsteps thud closer as he approaches the closed bathroom door. His legs block some of the light from the foyer, and he taps his finger to the wood. “As Prince of the Darkonian Territory and the Mountain Lands, I insist you punish the lycan accordingly. Delphia will not be disgraced or regarded in such a manner. Ambrose, kill the lycan and be done with him. I will not stand by and do nothing. She will know I am worthy unlike the forsaken one.”

  My eyes widen at his words, and I rush toward the bathroom door, seeing the glow of green magic. Flinging it open, I glower and raise my hands up, palms out, and guard the doorway protectively. I hate the fact that I’m doing so, because I want Quillon dead, but I’ll fight these intruding, overbearing fuckers and their strange claims about me to protect Kash.

  “Don’t you fucking listen to his command, warlock,” I snap, steeling myself under the sudden scrutiny. “If you even try to kill Quillon, I will bite your head off.”

  A low whistle cuts through the air, drawing my attention to Theo. My damn eyes. They automatically shoot my gaze down to the man’s hardening cock, still winking at me with the sparkling jewelry. The metallic ring loops from his tip and disappears underneath, intriguing the hell out of me. If I wasn’t half pissed and half scared out of my mind that the warlock won’t listen, I might give in to my curiosity and creep closer for a better look.

  Maddox tosses his big shirt at me, covering my face and blocking my view of Theo and his captivating nudity. I can’t feel his emotions, but he obviously doesn’t like the bold attention I give and can’t seem to control. “No one is killing the bastard criminal. My brother bowed to him as his guardian to get access to the Mortal World. He will get what is coming to him in due time once his debt is paid.”

  “And now that his magical assistant is gone, he will be more complacent,” Rowan adds, his voice remaining even despite the slight frown crossing his mouth at the reminder that I scorched her. I guess I am a real killer after all. My dragon thirsts for revenge and will get it however she wants.

  If only I didn’t feel the guilt of knowing what I’ve done.

  “Delphia will appreciate his sacrifice to be rid of the treacherous, untrustworthy, cursed mortal.” Theo motions to Ambrose, a dark look flickering across his face. “Continue on. The lycan will pay for his crimes against our clan. I cannot bear to have him around.”

  Oh. Fucking. No.

  Maddox swings his glowing fist, clocking Theo in the jaw and sending him skidding across the foyer and into the wall. Charging forward, Rowan tackles Tiernan and restrains him in a choke hold on the ground. My guys obviously outmatch these supposed twin princes in strength and skill. One of the perks of dealing with the vilest criminals of Magaelorum is kicking serious ass.

  “Please move, Delphia,” Ambrose says, gathering his green electric power in his hands. Our eyes meet for the first time, and I search his silvery depths. The brightness of his irises really pop against the umber creaminess of his skin, darker than the Darkonian’s, softer looking too.

  I thrash my head, sending my hair sweeping back and forth. “No. You’ll have to fight me.”

  Ambrose smooths the short, tight curls of his bleached blond hair, nearly silver like his eyes. “The price of using magic against you isn’t worth it. It is my duty as the Darkonians’ guard to follow orders and keep you safe. Allowing the criminal, who prevented us from finding you and taking you from that vile prison to fulfill your duty as a Drakovich, needs to pay for his crimes. You must accept that CO Dreki should’ve never bartered with a Cursed One.”

  Is he fucking for real?

  I don’t wait to find out.

  Throwing Maddox’s shirt at Ambrose’s face, I surprise him long enough to slam and lock the bathroom door. A bright flash of green light erupts in my vision, and I shove my back into Kash, sandwiching him to Quillon. Fire explodes in my palms, and I release a scary-ass growl from my throat. My skin shimmers with my red pearlescent scales, my dragon begging to break free to destroy this house.

  “Stay back!” I shout, throwing my dragon fire at his feet. “I mean it, you fucking bastard. Don’t test me.”

  The door flies off its hinges, and Maddox and Theo crash into the small bathroom together, throwing punches. I tense and hold my hands up protectively as Theo’s body stumbles toward me as he falls back. Maddox snatches Theo’s wrist and swings him at the wall, punching him in the gut. Kash reaches over his shoulder and attempts to grab me to get me to move. I hunch lower out of his reach. There is no fucking way I’m going to risk the bastard warlock getting an opening to hurt my mate.

  “Control your possessive assholes before they burn the whole place down,” Quillon snaps from his spot, hidden like a coward behind the wall of muscle Kash creates that should be mine. “Come on, Red. Threaten to reject all of them if they don’t chill out and leave me alone.”

  I really fucking hate that I know Quillon’s idea will work. The smug fucker doesn’t need that kind of satisfaction, but damn it. I can’t bear the thought of something worse happening to Kash. His servitude to Quillon is bad enough.

  Clenching my teeth, I get over my pride and chuck my dragon fire at the wall in front of Maddox and where Theo growls, pinned in place. “Enough! Theo, call your damn guard off. If he so much as messes up Kash’s hair, I will reject you and any possible bond or whatever you’ve cursed me with.”

  “Do it already, Delphia. We can’t humor even another second of his supposed claim. He’s not your true mate. The fates—they’ve been tampered with.” Maddox’s broad chest rises and falls with his angry breaths. “It’s impossible for your soul to bond to two different clans.”

  “Obviously not impossible,” Quillon mutters from behind me. “But that’s what your parents get for fighting and fucking up the fates.”

  Theo flares his nostrils, fire lighting his eyes. Maddox looks just as furious. The scar on his cheek glows with his dragon fire, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he and Theo would team up to tear Quillon apart.

  “Ambrose, I’ve heard enough!” Theo shouts, once again ignoring my threats. For acting all nice to my dragon, this
guy is a real fucking dick. How dare he think he gets a right to decide who is punished on my behalf. “End him!”


  Hell no.

  I prepare for the fight of my life. I brace for this asshole warlock to ruin everything. “Do it, and you won’t make it out of here alive. Kash is mine.”

  Chapter 7

  Forced Bond

  “DELPHIA, NO!” THEO LOCKS HIS hands to Ambrose’s shoulders, yanking the warlock out of the line of my wrath.

  Straightening his back, he blocks his guardian from me. And it’s weird as hell. I thought Ambrose was the guy supposed to protect these muscle-man hot-heads and not the other way around. The warlock suddenly looks defenseless and weak in Theo’s shadow.

  But I can’t disregard him. He’s the biggest threat of all of them.

  “Ambrose, I’ve changed my mind,” Theo adds, staring down at his guard. “I’m not willing to risk my beautiful Delphia rejecting me, nor will I put her through the torment of a severed bond to her mate. I can feel her on every level. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.” This guy is going to give me whiplash worse than Maddox. At least with Maddox, he’s an asshole even when he’s nice. I don’t think I can handle Theo’s unpredictability.

  “I want him out of here or I can’t guarantee I won’t kill his magical ass,” I mutter, clenching my fingers into my palms.

  “Please, firecracker. Don’t misplace your anger. Ambrose does what he’s told. If you feel the need to punish someone, I’ll accept the consequences of your wrath. I’m tough and willing to prove it.” Theo’s serious face lightens with a twinge of a smile. It’s like he wants my punishment and dares me to do my worst.

  It intrigues me and pisses me off, like he disregards my capabilities.

  “That’s...not necessary,” I say, unable to shift my gaze away.

  I remain firm in my spot, studying Theo. His biceps bulge with his hardy muscles, and I drink in the sight of him still standing naked before me like this is the most normal thing in the world. His cock awakens under my scrutiny once again, and I finally snap out of my pervy inspection and flick my gaze to peek at Maddox. I expect fire to spew from his glowering face. I expect him to get between Theo and me. But he stays in his spot, not intervening as I memorize every inch of Theo’s body. None of my mates do, remaining even-tempered and without the jealousy I expect with their protective attitudes.

  “Would you like to touch me, Delphia? It is customary for mates to explore each other’s bodies after a binding ceremony. I would be enchanted if you allowed me the honor.” The thrill of his words sends desire rushing between my legs. All I can think about is getting close and personal with his cock bling.

  What a sneaky, greedy bitch my vagina is. I’m more than fulfilled and taken care of by my mates. I shouldn’t want to know what fucking Theo is like.

  I blink my eyes and shake my head, shifting my gaze once more to Maddox, knowing he would be the one to react first.

  He doesn’t. His jaw doesn’t even twitch and none of his veins bulge like he’s keeping himself in check.

  Honestly, it’s really fucking weird.

  Quillon groans from behind me, stopping my silent interrogation of what Maddox might be thinking and locking away from me. “All right. If we’re all cool here, I’d like to head to my damn room before you all start boning Red and not letting me participate.”

  Oh. My. Fuck. This asshole.

  “And when you’re done, Red, meet me in my quarters. You still need to earn Kash’s time. I had a few things in mind to make up for the shit you pulled with me before. Try not to exhaust yourself and remember to stretch.” Quillon slides out from behind Kash, acting like his life wasn’t just on the line. “Wear something skimpy. Your choice this time. I like my entertainment in lace.”

  Maddox snatches Quillon before Theo tries anything, hanging him a foot off the floor by his neck. Releasing a loud roar, Maddox shouts in Quillon’s face, freaking the bastard out enough that he shifts into a lycan. “Nova will not be visiting your room tonight or ever again. Your power over her is over. Do you understand?”

  “She will if she wants more time with your brother. Of course, now that she’s expanding her dragon-sized cock collection…” Quillon lets his words trail off and glances at Kash. “Get outside. Remember where you stand with Red and if she’ll choose to work for your freedom unlike last time. I’d be worried. It seems the competition around here grows fierce.”

  Maddox shakes Quillon until he returns to his human form and his voice stops sounding like a creepy, wet, guttural slur of words. “This is not, and will never be, a fucking competition. You will not try to get into Delphia’s head and make her question our bonds to her. If you do—”

  Kash comes up behind Maddox and touches his shoulders, getting him to drop Quillon. “Brother, it’s okay. Nova knows I’d never doubt her bond to me. She also knows I don’t expect her to work for even a minute of my freedom. I trust you will take care of her as you should.”

  I open and close my mouth, my brows puckering. I hate this. I hate everything about this. He can’t even fight for his freedom. “Kash—”

  “No need to say anything, kitten.” Kash picks up Quillon off the floor, now silent and smart enough not to speak.

  The bathroom turns awfully claustrophobic with everyone’s emotions running hot and feral. I spot Rowan in the foyer with Tiernan. Neither of them speak or react or even try to intervene.

  Kash shoves Quillon toward the door and away from the others. Turning back to me, he holds his arms open and waits for me to step into his embrace. He kisses me softly, just caressing his lips to mine. “I meant what I said. I don’t want you working for my freedom, okay? Whatever that asshole has in mind isn’t worth it.”

  But it is worth it to me. I can’t stand the thought of Kash transforming into his dragon so soon. I haven’t even had a chance to process any of this, and I need him to stay.

  “We’ll ensure she is taken care of, brother,” Maddox says, speaking up.

  He gives me a look like I better not fucking protest, but damn it. How am I supposed to just sit back and not do anything? I doubt Quillon would ask me to fuck him, at least, not with my mates on the verge of burning this hellhole down.

  I get my shit together, so no one sees how badly it gets under my skin. Straightening my shoulders and ignoring the fact that I stand here as naked as most of them do, I summon as much authority as I can. “I’m going to walk him out.”

  Maddox tries to grab my hand, automatically wanting to test my resolve. “Cookie, that’s not—”

  I jerk away and glower, crossing my arms. I don’t mean to react as I do, but I’m still so angry over the situation, over the uncertainty. I hate not knowing what’s truly going on with my life and what happens next. At least if I walk Kash out, I can try to process. I can take advantage of not burning under everyone’s need to make clear that my soul pulls in every which way and no one’s willing to let go of their share.

  “I’m walking him out,” I repeat, tightening my mouth and hiding my lips. “You will give me a moment.”

  Fire flashes in Maddox’s eyes, and Rowan sweeps his gaze over me, his brows furrowing like he hates the idea of me even being a couple feet away from him. I shake my head in warning, both Maddox and Rowan’s intense need to follow us nearly pushing me to agree. But I just need a breath of fresh air, untainted by the angry smoke of dragons. My body still yearns for more time with Kash as I feel deprived of his company and affection. How that affects his brothers? I have no idea. If they’re jealous that I’m overprotective of Kash, they don’t show it. I can feel everyone’s gazes on my back, though. A dozen questions linger unsaid in the air.

  If only I had the answers. I don’t even know what the hell is going on or what questions I should ask and try to solve first.

  Kash rests his warm hand to the small of my back, guiding me the short distance to the driveway. Rowan hovers near the door, watching us, and I pull Ka
sh toward the shadows of the house and out of everyone’s view before they all start crowding the foyer.

  Kash touches my cheek, swiping the hair from my face. “Nova, I know this situation isn’t ideal, but we’ll get through it.”

  “It’s weird as hell. Maddox isn’t actively trying to pummel the Darkonians. I don’t like it. It’s not like him,” I whisper, standing on my tippy toes. “Do you think the warlock spelled him or something?” I don’t know why the thought crosses my mind now, but I can’t help it. I mean, the warlock had cast some spell, awakening something in me that shouldn’t be possible. He basically rewrote the stars to align my fate with someone not intended for me. I just want some answers.

  “You should talk to him yourself, kitten. We haven’t had time to discuss anything, but I trust my brother with our lives. I hope you do, too.” He kisses my forehead and tries to ease away.

  I grip him tighter and crash my mouth to him, my soul screaming to make him hold on a minute more. Fire lights his hazel eyes, and his gilded scales ripple across his skin. He struggles to remain in this form already.

  “I do,” I whisper. “I just...fight a little longer for me?”

  He sighs. “I’ll fight forever.”

  I kiss him once more. “I will too.”

  Kash eases away from me, his dragon waiting to burst free. I hug myself, watching him transform before me, turning into the magnificent creature that makes my heart sing. Bending down, Kash lowers his head to my eye level, and I kiss his snout. He flaps his wings, nearly knocking me off my feet. Warm arms catch me from behind, and I swivel and meet Maddox’s golden gaze.

  “Come on, cookie. Kash will be fine. He can better protect us like this anyway while Ambrose gets things ready. We can’t stay here. It’s no longer safe now that the High Council felt your magical residue.” Maddox links our fingers together.

  I smack him in the chest with my free hand. “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’d ever go with the Darkonians, Maddox. Who are you and what have you done with my sexy, asshole mate, who would never agree to accept aid from a clan intent on claiming me.”


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