Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2)

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Freed by Her Dragons (The Inmate of the Dreki Dragons Book 2) Page 13

by Ginna Moran

  My bottom lip quivers, and I wobble on my feet. Sliding his arm around my waist, Ambrose hugs me to him. He chants something under his breath, sending a wave of warmth through me, pushing away the all-consuming icy grief of a witch who seems in a worse position than I was. Tears blur my vision, and I can’t blink them away fast enough before they spill onto my cheeks.

  “Tasha,” Ambrose says softly, the witch’s name a breath on his lips. “Please tell me the name of your accusers. I need to know it. We can help each other.”

  Tasha drops to her knees, her wild mess of brunette hair cascading over her face to veil her expression. Her shoulders shake with her silent sobs, and I’ve never so badly wanted to hug someone in my life.

  “It was your allies,” she whispers, dropping to the dirt completely. “The Litendrake Clan testified against us. They accused my High Priestess of treachery and murder. They said we spelled them and went after the gatekeepers to access the Mortal World.”

  Ambrose stiffens next to me. “Are you sure?”

  Throwing her hands up, she says, “Of course I’m fucking sure.”

  Pursing his lips, he glances at me, a dozen thoughts flickering through his gaze. “We must go, but we will come back. Thank you.”

  “Wait, don’t leave,” Tasha says.

  Scooping me into his arms, Ambrose surprises me with his embrace. I raise my hands to slap his shoulders, to get him to put me back down to speak more with Tasha, but the world erupts with light.

  My hair flies around my face, floating with the static from his magic. My heart feels as if it slides into my stomach as the world spins. I hug Ambrose tighter, burying my face into his neck, breathing in his herby scent.

  “I’m sorry, Delphia,” he murmurs, stroking his hand along the length of my back.

  The bright light fades from my eyes, but my mind and body feel as if they remain separated, and I can’t get my shit together to focus. It takes another minute of silence before I can even lift my face from the crook of his shoulder.

  “I know I shouldn’t expect you to do anything for me, but I must ask that you keep our visit to the Maximum Magical Penitentiary a secret,” Ambrose adds, the pleading tone of his voice dragging my attention from the scent of his skin, getting my body to finally react to meet his gaze. His silver eyes dart back and forth as they search mine, trying to determine the chance of me agreeing to such a thing. “I’m afraid things aren’t as clear as I thought.”

  I finally process his words. Swinging my hand, I slap Ambrose across the face hard enough that he drops me. My ass hits the polished stone floor, sending a burst of pain through me. My hands slip through something liquid, and I realize we’re in the same room he transported me from.

  “Stay away from me, Ambrose,” I snap, anger lacing my words. Scrambling to crawl to my mates, I put distance between me and Ambrose to touch my hand to Maddox’s chest first. I exhale in relief, the sensation of Maddox’s steady heartbeat thrumming against my palm. “I will not keep secrets from my mates.”

  Two hands lock under me, and Ambrose drags me away from Maddox. Chanting something under his breath, he sends me flying toward the wall. I tense and grind my teeth, expecting to crash, but I stop short before colliding into it. My bare back, still peeking through the scorched fabric of my clothes, grazes the cool rock walls.

  I hover a few inches in the air, and Ambrose closes the space to meet me at eye level. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, his silver eyes sparking with his green power. I can’t move or speak or even look away from him as he restrains me with his magic. Fury swells inside my heart. The second he lets me go, he’ll regret ever using his power against me.

  “Delphia, I know it’s wrong of me to put you in this position, but you must understand. The Litendrakes...that’s your father’s clan. Alliances are fragile, and I worry what the information will do.” He stands ultra-close with only a few inches between us. His cool breath caresses my mouth, the sensation like a whisper of a kiss. And now I can’t stop looking at his lips. “Will you please just give me some time to sort through some things?”

  Whispering near my lips, he chants a spell, releasing his magic hold on me. Instead of dropping me to the floor, he catches me in his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist to steady myself, the new closeness of our bodies sending a wave of something strange between us. Something warm and electric. Something all-consuming that ignites my body with tingles and the urge to discover what his lips taste like.


  “Please,” he murmurs, his embrace no longer infuriating me. “Just a day or two. It’s all I need.”

  “Only if you tell me why you’re doing this. Why is it so important? You said the Darkonians were your familiars. Shouldn’t you trust them?” I ask, digging my fingers into Ambrose’s chest. “And about my supposed father’s clan...that can’t be right. My dad died.”

  “Franco Litendrake is very much alive. Who do you think arranged things with Rhett Lioht for us? It was the traitor Litendrake heir, Finnegan, who ran away with your mother. You were supposed to be found and brought directly home. It was only after we learned of the attack on Rhett and your conviction that the Darkonians would let me take things into my own hands. You are very precious to them, you know.” Ambrose licks his lips. “Which makes you precious to me, princess.”

  Why the hell do I like the sound of that?

  How can I go from hating Ambrose’s guts to wanting to do as he asks?

  “Fine,” I say, exhaling a small breath. “But I have some conditions.”

  His mouth tightens, but he doesn’t respond, waiting for me to speak.

  “I will tell the Drekis and ensure they tell no one,” I say, studying Ambrose for a reaction.

  “You must allow me to ensure it with magic.” Ambrose shifts me in his arms. “I can do it right now while they rest.”

  “Only if you agree to my other conditions.” Because I will get what I want. I’ve had enough taken from me and decided for me. I will not allow him to think he can manipulate me on matters I don’t care about. “I want you to cure Quillon of his lycan curse, so Kash can be freed.”

  “That will take time,” he says. “It’s a huge cost on my life to agree to something like that.”

  I narrow my eyes. “Then no deal.”

  He sighs. “I didn’t say no. I just want you to know the consequences on my life.”

  I shrug. “I don’t give a fuck. I’m already paying the price for a ton of other people’s fuck ups, so you can join my pity party.”

  Slowly, he bobs his head. “I suppose you’re right, princess. Now, is there anything else?”

  A dozen thoughts cross my mind, but nothing seems as important as freeing Kash and being able to confide in my true mates. “You’ll tell me anything I have questions to. No secrets.”

  “Done. No secrets.” Ambrose sets me on my feet, the sudden absence of his body sending ice over me. “Now, I need you to hold your mates’ hands for the spell. I’ll be quick, but it will hurt you.”

  Fucking great. Just what I need.

  Puffing a breath of air through my lips, I follow Ambrose to Maddox’s side first. Ambrose reaches and grabs onto Rowan, tugging his unmoving body close enough that I can take each of their hands.

  “We’ll do Kash last, since he’s bound to the lycan,” Ambrose says, kneeling at Maddox and Rowan’s heads.

  He summons a black bag from nowhere and pulls out two matching, glittering athames. I stiffen at the sight of the bejeweled daggers, fear clenching my chest. I squeeze my mates’ hands, trying to remain calm. They might be angry that I agreed to this. Maddox might lose his shit that I didn’t demand I speak with him first. But I don’t know what else to do in this moment. I want answers, and I want my mates safe. If Ambrose can help with either of those things, the looming argument will be worth it.

  “I’m going to freeze you in place, so you don’t move,” Ambrose says, not waiting for me to respond as he chants his spell.

  My heartbeat
pounds in my head, my whole body pleading for me to change my mind. My soul wants nothing to do with Ambrose’s magic. All it wants is for my mates to wake up. I’ve never wanted something more desperately.

  “Brace yourself, princess,” Ambrose says, aiming the athames at the tops of my hands. “Eht Drekis vot og elliativita timlin nadia vu.”

  Stabbing the daggers through my hands and into my mates’, Ambrose ignites green power in his palms, sending it through the hilts of the athames and into my body. Searing pain blasts through me, but I can’t scream. I can’t do anything.

  A holler erupts from the hallway, Theo’s familiar voice cutting through the air.

  Ambrose doesn’t have a chance to react before Theo’s huge black dragon form crashes into the room. Snapping his fangs, Theo nips the front of Ambrose’s shirt and yanks him off his feet. The warlock doesn’t fight or resist, allowing Theo to drag him.

  “Theo, wait,” I call, my voice quivering in pain.

  Theo jerks his attention to me and roars, spewing fire. Flames consume us all.

  Chapter 12

  True Mates

  A DEEP, GUTTURAL GROWL RIPS me from darkness. Something warm slaps my ass, sending a stinging sensation across my skin. I snap my eyes open and stare at the balcony doorway. The low moon hangs in a purple sky above a dark green forest.

  “Give her one more little spank, Maddox,” Rowan says, his voice humming in my ear. “Our mate needs to know she’s in trouble.”

  “I mean, what the hell is she doing showing off that sweet, tight ass of hers.” Kash rubs his palm over my ass cheek.

  I remain still, a smirk playing on my mouth as I savor the comforting presence of my mates surrounding me.

  “It’s so kissable.” Rowan’s lips brush my other ass cheek.

  “Watch out, brothers. She needs her punishment. She’s asking for it. Waiting,” Maddox says, bending low enough to whisper in my ear. His cinnamon breath wafts over me, and I can nearly taste his kiss. “Isn’t that right, cookie?”

  A whimper of desire escapes my mouth, and I clutch the blankets between my fingers and tease him by wiggling my ass. Rowan and Kash both groan their enjoyment. Heat builds between my legs, my desire consuming me. Their closeness is all I can think about. I need it, crave it, and want nothing more than to lose myself to our passion.

  “Tell me I’m right, and I’ll give you what you want.” Maddox’s hand travels the length of my spine all the way until he slips a finger between my legs, discovering what his closeness does to my body.

  “What if I want more than you, Maddox?” My question comes out breathlessly. “I’m so starved for all of your affection. I just want to be close.”

  Silence greets me, and I wonder if what I asked might’ve been too much. We’ve never really talked about something like this, but knowing the three of them are caging me in on this monstrous bed, all eager for my attention...I want to give it to them.

  Turning over, I prop up on my elbows and meet Maddox’s gaze first before turning to his brothers. Rowan’s hazel eyes sparkle in the soft lighting from above, and his molten dragon fire courses through the brandings on his arms. Reaching out, Kash wiggles his fingers, coaxing me to give him my hands. Our palms touch, and his warm fingers enclose around mine and he hauls me to him.

  I laugh, landing on top of him, straddling his waist. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you like you are right now.”

  “How happy? Show me, kitten. I want whatever you want. It’s been a long couple days,” he murmurs, arching up to kiss me.

  The bed shifts beside us, and Maddox twists my long hair in his hand, lifting it off my neck. Drawing his tongue up my throat and to my ear, he sucks my lobe into his mouth, his other hand cupping my breast to give it a squeeze. “We’re as starved as you for affection,” Maddox says, guiding my head away from Kash so he can kiss me next. “We’re your mates, okay? We can all be together how you desire.”

  Rowan caresses his hand over my thigh, teasing me. “If that’s what you want. I won’t just let my brothers assume.”

  I break away from Maddox’s mouth and lock my fingers around Rowan’s neck. Pulling him to me, I kiss him desperately, brushing my tongue over his while silently guiding his hand from my thigh and to my tattered waistband, my clothes barely hanging on from being scorched.

  “I want you to assume,” I say, gasping against his lips. “I need all of you. It’s all I can think about. The world feels as if it’ll explode otherwise.”

  “Listen to our mate.” Maddox hooks his fingers to the hem of my burned shirt and rips it open, exposing my breasts to the three of them. “Feel her.”

  Kash hums and kisses my bare shoulder, inhaling a breath of my hair. “Smell her. It’s incredible. Like ecstasy.”

  Unbuttoning my pants, Rowan slides his fingers between my legs, feeling my excitement. I moan at the sensation of his finger rubbing my sensitive clit until he sinks it inside me. I try to rock my body to ride his hand, so desperately needing to increase the pressure, but Rowan pulls away and pops his finger into his mouth with a hum.

  “Watch out brothers. I need to taste more of her,” Rowan says, guiding me off Kash.

  The three of them kneel around me, their bodies hard and rippling with their desire. I reach for Maddox’s waistband, pulling him closer to me, so I can reach him. He bites his lip and adjusts his cock through his pants, waiting to see what I do.

  I pop open the button and slide his zipper down, wanting to see the sexy excitement I arouse in him. “I need to see you,” I say, moaning, my attention wandering to Rowan and Kash wasting no time to get my pants off by each blowing a smoldering breath to rip my clothes completely free.

  Maddox strokes his cock, his body exposed, his eyelids heavy with lust. “You’re so sexy. It’s taking everything in me not to steal you from my brothers, restrain you, and fuck you how you love me to.”

  Damn it, do I love the sound of that.

  “Only if I can taste you first,” I tease, guiding him to my mouth.

  Pleasure explodes between my legs at the same time I drag my tongue from Maddox’s tip and to his balls to twirl my tongue over his soft skin. He moans and combs his fingers through my hair.

  “That feels so amazing,” Maddox says, meeting my gaze, fire lighting his golden irises.

  I lick my lips and suck him as far as I can into my mouth. His pleasure radiates through our mind link, making my skin buzz.

  “I’m going to flip you over, Nova,” Rowan murmurs, bracing my knees.

  Kash kneels beside him, rubbing his hand over his erection while watching Rowan tease me with his fingers. I never in my wildest dreams expected such a life as this one, but I wouldn’t change it. I’d even live through Max again as long as it meant that every experience led to this moment with my mates. With the four of us together, unashamed and open, wanting to just be together in a way that makes us happy.

  “Get her nice and worked up,” Maddox says, hooking his fingers under me to flip me onto my stomach. “I want to hear her scream.”

  My body tenses in excitement, the thrill of Rowan positioning my legs beneath me coursing through me. I brace my hands on Maddox’s thighs, his hard-on flexing in anticipation for me to continue. Kash lies down next to me and shimmies his head into the small space between my stomach and the mattress and flicks his tongue over my tight, sensitive nipples.

  My attention splits into three directions but somehow stays together as I feel my mates’ bonds intertwine with mine. Our passion and pleasure merge together until I can’t separate the all-consuming sensations that leave me moaning and gasping.

  Maddox plays with my hair, rubbing his fingers between my shoulder blades as Rowan draws his tongue along the warm seam of my body, tasting and teasing every inch of me. I rest my head on Maddox’s thigh and hold Kash’s hand as he plays with my boobs. Rowan traces his slippery finger over my ass, his thoughts about what he wants to do whispering into my mind, waiting for my reactions.

��That feels good,” I say, a dozen thoughts racing through my head. I’m not surprised by his desire to test me, to see what I’m willing to try, especially with all three of them vying to lose themselves in the intimacy and pleasure of our bond. “I’ll try anything you want. I want to satisfy all of you anyway I can.”

  Maddox groans deep in his throat. “You’re so perfect.”

  “Isn’t she?” Kash murmurs, working his mouth up my clavicle. “You complete us, kitten. I knew that one day we’d have to share the woman of our dreams, but I had no idea that you’d bring us closer than I ever thought.”

  I smile at his words, squirming a bit at the sensation Rowan makes by drawing his finger over my ass again until he gently slips his finger in at the same time he sucks my clit, increasing my pleasure.

  Arching my back, I moan so embarrassingly loud, my body buzzing with pleasure. The sensation is different yet exciting, and I lose myself to the lust clouding everyone’s thoughts and excitement until my body craves for release. I gasp and dig my fingers into Maddox’s thighs, on the verge of my body exploding.

  But then Rowan stops and slaps my ass. He denies me my orgasm, leaving my body on the edge and aching in a way that makes me squirm for relief.

  I groan, my chest heaving. “I’m so close.”

  Maddox chuckles, touching my chin until I tip my head back to look at him. “He knows, cookie, but you’re going to have to wait.”

  “You shouldn’t have been so naughty, kitten,” Kash says, reaching around to spank my ass next. “Whatever agreement you made with the Darkonian guard has the asshole princes pissed.”

  “But we’ll talk about that when we’re through taking care of you.” Maddox tucks my hair behind my ear to keep the wild strands from my face. “I’m not wasting another second thinking about anyone else.”

  “He’s right,” Rowan says, kneeling behind me. He teases me with his tip, making me moan. “Now flip her over, brother. I want to see her face as I give her what she wants.”


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