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Menace Page 9

by Laramie Briscoe

  “Why do you not buy it?” Caleb asks before I can question what she’s said to me.

  She shifts in her seat, almost as if she doesn’t want to answer. Eventually she begins talking. “None of us ever stay alone in the locker room, because he’s come in more than once to ‘see if anyone’s left’. I mean, not even Coach Williams comes in to check on us. She gives us our privacy and it used to be when the last person left, we’d text her and let her know, then lock up behind us. Now, since he’s come in a few times, we don’t ever stay by ourselves.”

  “Did he come in on you?” I ask her, already knowing I’m going to be talking to the principal about this as soon as I can.

  “I was one of the ones who was changing when he came in.” She looks down at her hands. “Thank God my back was to the door, otherwise, he would have seen more than most.”

  “Did he even fuckin’ knock?” Caleb asks, grabbing hold of her hand.

  “No.” She shakes her head. “He said he assumed we were done because we weren’t practicing anymore. Some of us take showers before we leave though. Regardless of what most everyone thinks, cheerleading is a sport, and depending on what we do, we sweat big time. If I have somewhere to be, I don’t want to go stinking.”

  “Any of you report this?”

  She shakes her head again, biting her bottom lip. “No, we were afraid no one would believe us. There aren’t cameras in that part of the school, and we knew it would be our word against his. All of us who were there are seniors, and none of us want to get into that shit with a few months left in school. I have a scholarship and I don’t want anyone to mess with it. I’m gonna get out of Laurel Springs and not come back.”

  And it’s in that moment, I realize why she and Caleb won’t last. If there’s anything I know about my son, it’s that he loves Laurel Springs. It’s the home he always wanted, the place to put down roots he always craved. I have zero doubt that after he graduates, he’ll come back here and live out the rest of his life. And when I look at him, I see he knows that too, but it doesn’t stop him from giving everything he has to this girl. He leans over, kissing her on the cheek.

  “One thing I can promise you is that my dad will take care of it.”

  “I will.” I give her my promise. “There’s no reason he should be scaring you ladies.”

  Not to mention it’s not sat well with me that the dog picked up a scent in his classroom and nothing was ever found. I’ve now made it my mission to find out everything I can about Mr. Cartwright. If he has done something to hurt these kids, I’ll make sure he’s punished to the full extent of the law.



  As we’ve driven across town to Rina’s house, I’ve been lost in thought, not paying attention to what’s going on in the backseat of the Jeep. Feeling a little weird and guilty that my son and his girlfriend are sitting where Rina and I had sex, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. I’m anxious to see her as evidenced by the way my fingers tap along to the radio on the steering wheel. Will this feeling of being excited to see her go away? God I hope not.

  We pull up to Karina’s house, and I can’t get over how hard my heart is tripping at the thought of being around her. “You two sit tight, I’ll be right back.”

  Slipping out of the driver’s seat, I go up the porch steps two at a time, because I’m so excited to see her. Before I can knock on the door, she’s opening it.

  “Hey.” My voice is breathless because I’m so excited to see her.

  She smiles up at me, leaning in to give me a kiss.

  So badly I want to reach in, wrap my arms around her waist, and give in to the overwhelming need I have to crush her to me. Instead I keep those feelings locked down and let her pull away.

  “Hey, yourself.” She steps back and I get a good look at her shirt.

  I wish I was Felicia, she’s always going somewhere.

  The laugh that busts out of my gut causes her to giggle along with me. “You like it? I love shirts that have sayings on them. I even have one that says Adios Pantalones, but I didn’t think that was appropriate for today.” She turns on the porch light that works, placing a purse over her shoulder, and grabs her jacket.

  “Oh yeah, that reminds me, leave the door open and I’ll fix the lightbulb for you. Can you go to the Jeep and ask Caleb for the bag I packed?”

  “No problem, big guy. Gotta say, you changing my porch light? Hot.”

  “That other dude you were with must not have done anything exciting.”

  She tilts her head to the side. “The thing with him was, he was a caller. He’d call someone to fix what was wrong. He wasn’t a fixer, didn’t like to get his hands dirty.”

  “Luckily for you, I like to get my hands dirty.” I give her a wink, along with a smirk. I’ve missed seeing her, even though it’s only been a few days. I’ve missed seeing the way her cheeks heat when I make a comment like this. The way her eyes light up and shine at me. Does something to my stomach that’s never happened before.

  “That is pretty lucky for me.” She turns around, heading toward the Jeep.

  When I look up again, Caleb is walking to me with the bag I requested. “Do we need to shut off the breaker?” he asks, digging through it to get the lightbulb.

  “No, just do me a favor and turn off the switch from the inside.” Rina’s made her way back to where we are, and Jess is standing next to the Jeep, phone at her ear.

  “Her mom called, she’s probably telling her about the boring night she had at your house.” She gives me a grin.

  “Hey, I’m not boring,” Caleb protests as he comes back to where we stand. “It’s off, Dad.”

  “Not you.” She throws a glance in my direction. “Your dad.”

  I don’t miss the way her eyes travel my body as I extend to my full height, reaching up to unscrew the lightbulb. Feeling a breeze at my midsection, I can tell my t-shirt has risen over the waistband of my jeans. I shake the lightbulb, hearing the jingle of the piece that proves it’s blown. Switching it with what Caleb holds in his hands, this time I watch Karina’s face as I reach up to finishing replacing what we’ve taken out. Her eyes travel down my body and zero in on the spot that exposes itself again. I wonder briefly if she’s looking at the skin or my package – either way I like it. When I finish, I tell Caleb to go turn the light back on, and then cut my gaze to her.

  “You enjoy the show?”

  She licks her lips, before flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Always do, big guy. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  “Wait, I don’t even get a thanks?”

  “You will.” She turns back around, walking over to me. Her eyes drop, as does the tone of her voice. “You’ll get the best thanks ever later.”

  “Looking forward to it. Also looking forward to proving to you I’m not boring.” I give her ass a smack as I help her into the passenger side of my Jeep.

  Truth be told, I don’t think I’ve ever looked more forward to anything else in my life.

  * * *

  “Does it surprise you they didn’t really wanna hang out with us?”

  Karina pulls my arm closer to her, entwining our fingers together as we walk through the crowd that’s gathered for the show. It’s usually a huge one, and given the amount of people in the convention center, this year is no exception.

  “Not at all,” I answer loud enough for her to hear me. “Whenever Caleb has a friend with him, it’s a toss-up though. Sometimes they hang out with me, other times they don’t. Since I have someone to spend my time with today, I’m not surprised.”

  “Does it make you sad?”

  “That he doesn’t wanna hang out with me?” I shake my head. “Nah, we spend a lot of time together at home. I’m cool with it. Right now I want to spend the day with you.” I tap her nose with my finger.

  The look of adoration she gives me is everything I’ve ever wanted from the woman in my life. “You know I’d never get between you and him, I know he leaves soon.�

  “He does,” I acknowledge. “But by the same token, I got a life to live, Rina, and I’m ready live it.”

  “I want to be the person you live it with.” She turns, putting her arms around my waist.

  “Same here.” I lean down, brushing my lips against hers.


  Never in my life have I been to a hunting and fishing show, never actually thought I would ever be at one. When I moved to Alabama it hadn’t been high on my bucket list, but I’m quickly learning I want to do anything and everything I can with the man standing next to me. He’s eyeing a tent set up with one of the displays.

  “You like camping?”

  I look behind me to make sure he’s actually speaking to me. “Big guy, I’m from Philly, do I look like I’m made to camp?”

  A gorgeous smile spreads across his face, reaching his eyes as he chuckles slightly. “You look like you’re made for me, but not necessarily camping.”

  “Maybe I’d do it with you, once or twice, probably in the back yard of my or your house, but I wouldn’t put much stock in me enjoying it.” I bend down to glance inside the tent. It looks spacious, more spacious than I had given it credit for, but I’m still not feeling it. Where is my Netflix? Where do I plug in my hair dryer? These are all important questions I have.

  “Not for you?” He rests his hand casually on my ass as I straighten up.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Putting his arm around my neck, he pulls me close as we navigate through the crazy crowd. “You don’t have to camp,” he assures me as he twists a piece of my hair with his finger.

  Our eyes meet when I glance over. “I’d try it with you. I’d try most anything once with you.”

  “Anything, huh?” The wink he gives me is full of promise. The promise that we’ll finally talk about our schedules and figure out a time when we can get together. “How about you share one of those bar-b-que platters with me?” He points over to a food vendor set up in the food court area.

  Surprised at what he was really hinting at, I nod. “Sure, like I said, anything with you, big guy.”

  As he steers me through the people, his mouth tucks in close to my ear. “I’ll hold you to that promise in a more carnal way later. No need for you to worry about that, Rina.”

  The tone and the promise send shivers down my body. I’ve never had a reaction like this to any other man I’ve ever dated. This man can own me, it wouldn’t take much. Fuck, I’m basically already eating out of his hand. “I’m not worried.” My answer is flippant with just a little bit of sass.

  “You should be.” He winks.

  That wink? Travels all the way through my body. We’ve arrived at a commissary area, where they’re selling more than bar-b-que. Looks like they have pizza, hot dogs, and hamburgers to go along with it.

  “Want to split a pizza instead?” he asks as we walk toward the counter.

  “Yes.” I try to play it cool, but my stomach is growling, just thinking about it. “Walking all over this place has totally burned off the protein bar I had to start the day.”

  “You eat protein bars?”

  “Sometimes.” I shrug. “Depends on what I have going on in the morning. Typically I’m an oatmeal and banana girl, but when I don’t have time, a protein bar will do in a pinch.”

  “Jesus, a woman after my own heart. I love oatmeal with bananas.”

  I turn around in his arms to face him. Hooking my fingers in his belt loops, I give him a smile. “Maybe one day we can have breakfast together.”

  He tucks me into his body. “I’m definitely putting that on the calendar.”

  As the two of us step forward and order a pepperoni pizza with a side salad and waters, I watch as the woman taking our food order looks Mason up and down. Tucking my hand in his back pocket, I give her my own look, letting her know this one’s taken.

  “Your number is one-thirty-four, and we’ll call it when your order is ready,” the girl tells him.

  She reaches out, handing him a paper with the number on it. I grab it before her fingers can touch his. “We’ll be up to get it.” I turn us around and head toward an empty seat.

  Mason laughs as he pulls out my chair for me. “Didn’t know how jealous you are.” He sits across from me.

  “I found the awesomeness that is you first.” I give him a grin. “You’re mine, big guy.”

  “You’ll find no arguments from me.”

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I glance over at him. “So about those schedules?”

  By the time we get up, we have a date lined up for Wednesday night, and there’s nothing else I’m looking forward to more.



  Since Sunday, I’ve been anxiously awaiting Wednesday. The week so far has been the slowest week of my life, but as the bell rings, I’m not hanging around; making sure no one needs me. No, I’m packing up my stuff and getting the fuck out of dodge.

  Caleb gives me a little grin and wink as he leaves. I do have the decency to be a little embarrassed, but at the same time, I’m beyond ready to see Mason. As I shut down my computer and lock my classroom, I’m pulling my phone out of my purse and pausing to shoot off a quick message to him.

  K: Leaving school right now. You’re off shift in an hour, right?

  M: Yeah, so expect to be at the house in about two hours. I want to take a shower. Caleb’s working tonight, so we should have plenty of time to ourselves.

  Given the way the two of us seem to behave with one another, I’m not sure if any amount of time will ever truly be enough.

  K: See you there, big guy!

  As I round the corner, heading toward the teacher’s lot, I crash into someone. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, shouldn’t text and walk.” I glance up, seeing Mr. Cartwright standing in front of me, he reaches out to steady me, and I pull away quickly.

  “It’s okay, do you need me to make sure you get to your car alright?”

  Mr. Cartwright has given me the creeps since the first time we met. He put his hand on my shoulder and it was like someone had walked on my grave. Literally made my skin crawl. He’s asked me out numerous times, and I’ve always turned him down. It’s not that he’s not cute. He is in a Spencer Reid, Criminal Minds, sort of way. But in all honesty, unless you’re Mason Harrison, I’m in no way, shape, or form interested.

  “No, I got it, just a little preoccupied tonight. Thanks for the offer.” I do my best to be polite.

  I wave; gazing back down at my phone, acting like what’s on it is the most important thing in the world. As I leave the hallway and go out the doors, I look back. Mr. Cartwright is staring at me. This time, I turn around, not looking back, and head straight for my car. Once I get there, I lock the door, without a backward glance, and head for home.

  * * *

  Almost two hours later. Showered, changed, and freshly shaved, I’m heading toward Mason’s home. He gave me the address and when I plugged it into my GPS, I realized we don’t live far from one another at all. His house is in a little bit of an older section of town, but if given the choice, I would have bought a house there when I moved, just because of the gorgeous Craftsman style architecture. Within ten minutes I’m pulling up to the type of house I would have loved to buy, but instead, I got stuck renting the newer one I have.

  Mason’s Jeep sits in the driveway of a well-maintained and blue-gray house with white shutters. The landscaping is immaculate. The excited thumping of my heart is loud in my ears as I make my way up the front steps onto the porch. Before I can even knock, he’s opened the door and pulled me through the entry way.

  “I heard you pull up,” he explains, as he tosses my purse onto a catch-all next to the door and takes off my jacket, hanging it on a coat rack in the hallway. He motions for me to kick off my shoes, which I do, and then I give myself a moment to take it all in.

  For that moment, I get to look around the living room. It’s dark, manly, and well
-kept. Nothing like what I imagined with a teenager and a bachelor living here.

  “I’ll give you the tour next time, or a little later,” he promises as he directs me down a hallway, pushing me through the threshold of a door into another room.

  Immediately I know this is Mason’s bedroom. The scent is unmistakable.

  “Have you thought about this as much as I have?” I tilt my head to the side, asking him the question I’ve been dying to ask all day.

  “Probably more,” he admits as he pulls me into him. Grabbing hold of my hand, he brings it down to the tent in the athletic shorts he’s wearing. “All day long, Rina. All fucking day long.”

  I know what he means. I’ve been horny all day long too, just thinking of the way he played my body last time. Thinking of how I felt the effects of him for days afterwards. Just knowing we can get naked this time? It’s increasing my arousal tenfold.

  Before I even ask him how we’re going to play this, he reaches down, lifting my shirt off my head and over my body. I wore my favorite bra for this, and I can tell he appreciates it. It’s a see-through mesh material with little flowers on it. The way he angles his hand to run his thumb over my nipples causes me to throw my head back and just feel. His big fingers are at my belly, unbuttoning my jeans, and when he pushes them down my thighs, I know we’re getting completely serious.

  “You’re so damn beautiful.” His voice is an octave lower, and when I tilt my head back up, his eyes are on my tits, right before he leans forward and takes one of my hard nipples in his mouth.

  Gripping his hair, I hold him close with one hand, while I struggle to push down those shorts with the other. He helps as he breaks the suction on my flesh before pulling his shirt over his head. “God, Mase.” I let my eyes travel over his body. “I don’t think I’ve ever been with anyone as hot as you.”

  Encircling his arms around my waist, he picks me up, tossing me on his bed. “I know I’ve never been with anyone as hot as you.”

  And as he looks at me through those hooded eyes, I know I’m a goner.


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