Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Lea Kinkade

  She returned to Dillon’s side where he was talking with the sheriff and Rio in low tones. Dillon put his arm around her and she leaned into his body. She told them which things were missing, or that she thought were missing, and the atmosphere got more grim.

  “What? Is something more going on here? What aren’t you telling me?” Abby didn’t want to be sheltered. She needed to know what the significance was of what the pervert had taken, and she needed to know what was next in the investigation.

  “He’s angry at you now for some reason. He’s getting bolder. He’s taking trophies now. This whole situation just ramped up.” The sheriff spoke to all of them.

  “Has anything happened between his last phone call and yesterday that might have caused him to get mad at you, Abby? The wall clock was broken at eleven twenty-four. Don’t know if that’s morning or not, but it had to be yesterday or the day before regardless.”

  “Well, we went out to Chaps & Spurs. I played pool for a while with my brothers and Rio while Abby sat with a group of her friends downstairs. I joined her about nine and we danced off and on until about midnight, when we went home to the Ranch.”

  “No, I can’t think of anything else that happened,” said Abby.

  “You forgot that you moved in with Dillon at the Ranch after what happened on Halloween,” said Rio quietly. “Maybe this guy found out about that and couldn’t deal.”

  “I don’t know that it’s common knowledge yet, though. It would have to be somebody close to know already,” denied Dillon.

  “Wait a minute. When you came down to find me after pool, you wrapped your arms around me from behind and called me your ‘roomie.’ Remember? The DJ was taking a break, so the music wasn’t as loud. Anybody hanging around the table that night could have heard you. Shit, it could be almost anybody that was at the club Friday night.”

  “Hernandez was buzzing around you that night. In fact, he’s been trying to get your attention since before we got together.”

  “You can’t be serious. Jaime is a nice guy. He wouldn’t do something like this. He’s a friend. We danced a few times. He taught me how to two-step. He’s never even tried to kiss me. It can’t be him.”

  “We can’t afford to rule anyone out without an investigation. Rio, he lives on the Ranch in one of the bunkhouses, doesn’t he?” asked Sheriff Decker.

  “Well, actually, he turned in his resident shield last week. Said he took an apartment in town to have more access to girls. Personnel would have his new address.”

  “This is crazy. Jaime Hernandez is not the stalker.” Abby was sure of it. Wasn’t she? She tried to think back to Jaime’s behavior during her time at the Ranch as an intern. For the most part, she just remembered him as a nice guy she could dance with. She tried to brush off the times when his intensity while they were talking or dancing had made her uncomfortable. This was ridiculous. They were grasping at straws, and Jaime was a convenient scapegoat. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to let the sheriff and Rio take a closer look at him. If everything checked out, he would probably never even know he’d been suspected.

  “By the way, why were you two here this morning?” asked Sheriff Decker.

  “We were going to pack up the rest of my things and move them to the Ranch. Guess I don’t need to worry about that anymore. Everything will be going into the trash. Oh, shit, I need to call Samantha and tell her what happened. All the furnishings are ruined. I hope she had insurance. I don’t have renter’s insurance, since all the furniture came with the apartment.” Abby had just about reached the end of her rope. She needed to be away from here and get some peace and quiet.

  “I’ll call Ryan and explain, baby. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure Samantha had insurance on the place. If not, we can reimburse them for the damage. They’re not going to blame you,” said Dillon, obviously realizing that Abby had had enough for today.

  To the sheriff, he asked, “When do you think we can get in here to clean up?”

  “Couple of days. I need time for the forensics team to get in, take pictures, and dust every conceivable surface for prints. We’ll want you two to come down on Monday so we can take your prints to rule you two out. I’ll also need to get your statements.”

  “Okay. I’m taking Abby back home to the Ranch. She needs time to get herself together. We’ll see you Monday morning, Decker.” Dillon gently took Abby’s hand and started leading her out of the room.

  “Call if anything else happens,” Decker said as they walked out of the bedroom door.

  * * * *

  Once in the cab of the truck, Abby fell apart. Dillon couldn’t blame her. He felt like punching someone, and this asshole, whoever he was, would make the perfect target. As he pulled Abby across the seat and onto his lap, sheltering her with his body, her body shook with her sobs and the chills that were taking over. Dillon knew she needed to let these feelings out and just held her until she quieted. His heart ached for her at the same time that it feared desperately for her safety.

  If he found out that that weasel, Jaime Hernandez, had anything to do with this, he’d tear him limb from limb. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was that Jaime was involved in these incidents. Dillon had seen deep anger in the other man’s eyes when he had come up behind Abby last night and put his arms around her. He had masked it quickly, but it had been there. Dillon had chalked it up to the man’s anger at himself for the missed opportunity with Abby, but maybe it had been something more.

  Whoever was behind this definitely wasn’t shuffling with a full deck. Dillon knew that Abby hadn’t dated anyone here in Deseo while she was completing her internship. He’d made it his business to know, and Abby herself had confirmed it. So this stalker had created a relationship between himself and Abby that existed only in his own mind. Who knew what else this crazy guy was thinking? From the words written on Abby’s bedroom wall, he thought she had betrayed him, presumably by changing her affections to Dillon and moving in with him.

  If Hernandez was the stalker, he’d probably moved into Deseo to be closer to Abby. Now, he was in town and Abby was at the Ranch. What would he do now? Would he make up some excuse and move back to the Ranch or would he realize that would look suspicious? Dillon wanted to know where this asshole lived, and he knew Rio would find out for him.

  Arriving back at the Ranch, he drove his pickup into the garage beside Abby’s little Mazda and moved quickly around the front to help Abby down from the cab. She was too quiet, and she’d waited in the truck for him to help her down. He led her into the house with his hand in hers. She didn’t look him in the eye and she wasn’t talking. This wasn’t his Abby. He knew she was preoccupied with everything that was going on, but her reaction was something more. Abby was in shock. He needed to get her somewhere where he could wrap her in his arms and share his body heat. That might help with the shudders running through her body.

  He led her up to the bedroom, where he quickly helped her take off her blouse and jeans and put on the top and bottoms to a flannel pajama set. Then he tucked her into bed and climbed in with her, his arms going around her shivering frame. When she still didn’t react, Dillon placed his fingers under her chin and raised her face so that she looked him in the eyes. If he’d been standing up, his knees would have buckled at the raw emotion he saw on her face. Abby was terrified!

  “Baby, it’s going to be okay. You’re safe here. He can’t get to you. We’re going to figure out who he is and put a stop to this. Please trust me on this. This asshole isn’t going to get anywhere near you.” He took her into his arms and felt her body trembling against his.

  “I must have done something—” she started, her teeth chattering.

  “No, baby. You didn’t do anything to deserve this. This guy has a screw loose. He made up a relationship with you in his own sick, twisted mind. Nothing you might have done would justify the way he’s scaring you. Don’t let him win here. He’s trying to scare you. To control you through your fear. Don’t let him. Get mad, b
aby. Who is this asshole to do these things to you? What right does he have to call you names and terrorize you?”

  “None,” she said so softly he could barely hear her.

  “What, baby?” He wanted his Abby back and he needed to prod her back out.

  “None,” she said more strongly. “He has absolutely no right to mess with me like this.”

  “That’s right, baby. Get your mad on.”

  “He’s a pathetic man picking on a woman who never did anything to him, and he can’t hurt me. He’s a prick, and I’m not going to let him run my life.” She was almost yelling when she said the last words, and Dillon smiled at her.

  “That’s more like my Abby. You’re right. He is a prick, and he can’t hurt you. I won’t let him and neither will you. You’re safe out here. We’ll catch him soon and we’ll be able to put this whole business behind us.”

  “Dillon, I need you.”

  “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” He hugged her tighter in an effort to reassure her.

  “No, Dillon. I mean I need you. I need you to fuck me. Right here. Right now. Make it all go away. Show me how much you love me.”

  Dillon looked at her closely, making sure she was totally aware of what she was asking him for. When she locked her gaze with his, he could see the resolve in her eyes. Her trembling stopped and she waited for his first command. He bent down and grazed her mouth with his.

  “Take off your pajamas and give them to me.” She quickly complied with his order, sank to her knees next to where he now stood next to the bed and waited with her head down for his next instruction.

  “Free my cock and suck me off.”

  She moved to stand in front of him and reached for the button on his jeans. He flexed his hips and watched raptly as she slowly pulled the zipper down, the metal rasp sounding loud in the quiet of the room. She worked his jeans and boxer briefs down over his hips, releasing his straining cock.

  A gust of air shot out of his mouth when she bent down and circled the bulbous head of his cock with her tongue, digging into the sensitive spot just below the head. Running the palms of his hands over her hair, he fisted a handful as she swallowed his cock until he could feel the tip of it tap against the back of her throat.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, arching his hips forward to meet her mouth. When she hummed deep in her throat, the vibrations on his cock made him shudder with pleasure.

  Lifting her hands to shove his jeans farther down his muscled thighs, she took his balls in her hands, fondling them the way he’d taught her. When she began to lick up and down his shaft then tongued his sack, he thought he would come right then and there.

  “Yeah, baby. Just like that,” he panted. He let her continue for a few moments before he directed her back to what he really wanted.

  “Suck it, Abby. Take it all. I want to feel the tip of my cock touch the back of your throat again.”

  With his hands in her hair, he controlled her movements. As her mouth continued to suck on his cock, he began to roll his hips, fucking into her mouth until he reached the back of her throat. She swallowed down to counteract the gag reflex. He watched Abby as she took him deep and pleasured him as no other woman ever had. Her eyes were closed as she let him control her movements.

  His orgasm rumbled through him like a lightning bolt from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. His body sizzled with it, and he was clenching his jaw to stop the roar that threatened to escape his mouth. His semen shot down her throat in pulse after pulse as he finally let out a low groan. He shut his eyes as his cock jerked in response to her continued ministrations. Not missing a beat, she continued to deep throat him until he loosened his grip on her hair and his cock softened in her mouth.

  Opening his eyes, he staggered backward to sit on the side of the bed. Abby sat back on her heels with a serene smile on her face. When his legs would hold him, Dillon stood up and shucked the rest of his clothing. Moving up the bed, he made room for her to join him.

  “Come lay down next to me, baby. I want to eat some pussy and taste your sweet cream.” Quickly rising, Abby scrambled onto the bed and reclined next to him with her head on the pillows.

  “Spread those luscious thighs, Abby. I want to see my pussy.” With a small smile, Abby spread her thighs wide and waited for him to take his place between them.

  “Feet flat, knees bent,” he ordered. Once she complied, he moved between her spread thighs and bent over her body to take her mouth in a devastating kiss, their tongues dueling and teeth gnashing. After several long moments, he began to nip his way down her body. He was sure he left marks that would still be visible tomorrow on her neck, breasts, and thighs. She seemed to like it when he marked her in small ways like this.

  His goatee brushed against the tender skin between her thighs as he moved his mouth to taste her cunt. He would never get tired of her taste. Her sweet cream was as unique as the rest of her. He began to swirl his tongue through her pussy, licking and sucking, until Abby’s head moved restlessly back and forth against the pillows. Finding her center, he began to thrust his tongue in and out of her swollen opening. As Abby began making soft moans, Dillon’s fingers replaced his tongue and his thumb began to strum against her clit. Abby began to move against his hand in agitation, arching into his touch. Her pussy began to spasm around his invading fingers and he brought his tongue and mouth back into play, licking and sucking on her clit until she arched sharply into his touch. She cried out his name as she let go and fell over the edge into pleasure.

  Dillon watched Abby as she tried to regain control. She wasn’t a big talker in bed. Very rarely did she respond verbally when they were making love. Most of the time he had to be content with moans and groans to tell him how much she was enjoying what he was doing to her. He was the dirty talker when they had sex. To hear her cry out his name when she came like that pleased him more than any other woman’s screams of pleasure ever had.

  He moved to his knees between her thighs as he leaned over her, his hands on either side of her flushed body. He leaned down so that his body rested lightly on hers from chest to groin as he snaked his tongue over the mark on her neck he’d made earlier with his teeth. She turned her head toward him and he met her lips with his for a soft, sweet, and wet kiss. His tongue flicked out and stroked her lips then moved in farther to rasp against her teeth. She seemed content to let him control the kiss as he continued to use his lips and tongue to make slow, sweet love to her mouth for endless moments.

  As he finally broke away from the kiss, she lifted her head as if trying to maintain the contact. Smiling at her silent request, he bent his head back down and continued the kiss for several more moments He could feel her nipples, pebbled against his chest, and knew if he put his hand between her legs, it would come away wet with her juices.

  Rising up so that he was once again kneeling between her spread legs, he lifted her thighs over his forearms as he nudged her tight entrance with his cock. Watching her face as he pushed his way into her body, he saw her eyes flutter open and a sweet smile cross her face. When he was fully seated, she let her eyes drift closed again as she waited for him to start moving.

  Pulling out just as slowly as he had pushed in, he groaned at the feel of his hard length enveloped in her tight heat. He couldn’t get enough of this woman. Her sweet submission had ruined him for all others. As he began to pump his cock in and out of her pussy more quickly, he also began delving deeper. He could feel the tip of his cock bumping against the wall of her womb. Some day, he thought, they would make a baby together. The thought didn’t terrify him nearly as much as it had in the past with past lovers.

  Pleasure just this side of pain caused him to begin to pound in and out of her slick passage, ramming his cock into her again and again. Abby moaned softly, and he watched her as a smile broke over her face. From the rapture on her face, he knew that he was hitting her sweet spot every time he pulled almost out of her heat.

  He continued thrusting into her
pussy, hitting her pleasure spot again and again, pushing back his release to make sure she got off first. As he felt the first flutters of her inner muscles around his stiff cock, he quickened his pace. The headboard was banging against the wall, causing the picture frames to rattle on the nails holding them in place.

  Abby opened her eyes and lifted her arms to grab onto his biceps as her release pounded into her just as he was. Feeling her inner muscles clenching his cock, he let his own release take him on the ride of his life. Pistoning into her once, then twice more, he let out a yell as his balls shot jet after jet of his cum deep into her pussy.

  Collapsing on her, he felt her lower her legs to entwine them with his. With his last bit of strength, he rolled their bodies so that she lay on top of him, sparing her his weight. Her arms lingered on his chest as he took huge gulps of air, trying to calm his breathing. When he opened his eyes some minutes later, her head was resting on his chest, her arms were draped over his shoulders, and she was fast asleep.

  * * * *

  Damnit! I knew it was a mistake to trash her apartment like that but I couldn’t stop myself. I was just so angry. What was she thinking moving in with that bastard, Chisholm? She's mine. She knows it and I know it.

  Think,you idiot. Think. There had to be a good reason why she would move in with the bastard. Somehow, Chisholm has coerced my Abby into moving in with him out at the Ranch.

  The fucker must have threatened her job again. That’s what happened. It was the only explanation that made any sense. Chisholm was throwing his weight around and must have threatened Abby with the loss of her job if she didn’t move in with him.


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