Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Must Be Doin' Somethin' Right [The Chisholms of Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 16

by Lea Kinkade

  “Abby. Baby. I’ve loved you for more than two years. I told you nearly five months ago that I wanted you to be my wife. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man on the face of the earth?” Dillon spoke quietly but his voice was strong.

  He was totally serious about this, and he waited patiently for her response.

  Abby wanted more than anything to say yes. She loved Dillon Chisholm with her whole heart. She wasn’t worried about his dominant nature anymore. He had proven to her that he wasn’t like her father and that they could work things out without either resorting to either emotional or physical abuse. She knew he loved her. He had proven that to her over and over again by staying and fighting things out with her as equals instead of blowing off her feelings or taking over when they didn’t agree with each other. Sometimes, before things got too tense between them, Abby would leave for a while so that they could both gain a little perspective. She knew Dillon didn’t like it when she took off like that but he let her go, understanding her need for a little space. They were usually able to compromise at these times so that they both ended up satisfied with the outcome. The makeup sex was off the charts.

  There was just one little thing keeping her from saying yes and throwing herself in his arms. The stalker. With things so unsure, she was loathe to make him even more of a target than he was already. She had done some research up on stalkers and found out that, when the person being stalked was involved romantically with someone else, the other person often became another fixation for the stalker and, in those cases in which there was violence, was often hurt as much if not more than the individual being stalked. Dillon was already in danger from the stalker, though he brushed off any danger the stalker might pose to him when she brought it up. Would the stalker make another move if they got engaged or married?

  Standing up and pulling her into his embrace, he held the ring up for her to see. It was a deep-blue stone with purple overtones. It was her favorite gemstone and also her birthstone. It had to be at least three carats of round tanzanite surrounded by white diamonds down either side of the ring. It was absolutely gorgeous and totally impractical, as she wouldn’t be able to wear it most of the time she was working. God, she loved this man!

  “I can see your gears grinding from here, baby. Don’t worry about the pervert. Look at me and tell me you don’t want to marry me. That’s the only way I’ll let you get away from me tonight without putting this ring on your finger.” When he saw she was about to argue, he told her, “We’re already living together in a committed relationship. I don’t think becoming engaged, or even getting married, will make this guy do anything he wasn’t already planning on doing anyway. Don’t let him control us this way. Marry me.”

  Knowing it was what she wanted, and needing to thumb her nose at the man who was affecting so many areas of her life, her eyes filled with tears and she nodded in response to his question. “Yes, Dillon. I’ll marry you. But this means you have to be extra careful now, too. My stalker may decide attacking you will get to me, and he’d be right. I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you because of me.”

  “I promise to be extra careful. Now give me a kiss, birthday girl, to tide me over while we eat our cheesecake. I have a candle for you to blow out.” She lifted her arms around his neck as she sifted through the thick, black hair at the back of his neck then pulled his mouth down for a deep, rich kiss. His tongue gently explored her mouth as he licked and sucked at her lips. Breaking away from her kiss, he skimmed his mouth down her cheek and down to the hollow beneath her ear, breathing her scent in deeply. “God, I love you, Abby. When do you want to get married?”

  “Let’s eat our cheesecake and get used to being engaged before we set a wedding date, all right? Besides, I’d like to be in the new house and have all that taken care of before I have to plan a wedding.”

  “You’re right. Let’s enjoy where we’re at right now.” He let her go and got the birthday candle from the kitchen, placed it in the piece of cheesecake, and lit it for her to blow out. After she finally blew it out—it was one of those that kept relighting on its own—they sat back down at the candlelit table to eat their cheesecake and enjoy their wine. She admired her ring in the candlelight.

  Abby woke up first the next morning and lay in her fiancé’s arms remembering the night before—both their engagement and Dillon’s seemingly insatiable need for her. Looking at the clock, she realized they had just enough time to shower and dress before they needed to head over to the big house to join in the Chisholm Christmas celebration. Dillon was sleeping so peacefully that she carefully left the bed and decided to shower first and let him sleep a little longer.

  Once in the bathroom, she put her hair up in a ponytail to keep it dry while she showered. There wouldn’t be time to dry it properly before they needed to get going. Turning on the water, she adjusted it the way she wanted and stepped into the shower stall. She was just reaching for her shower gel when she heard the shower door open and felt a burst of cool air on her naked skin. She bit back a smile. This was getting to be a habit. Not that she was complaining, but Dillon’s presence in the shower didn’t bode well for them getting to the big house on time. Closing her eyes when she heard the shower door close behind him, she started a little when he pressed up close behind her and began to massage her breasts with his big, rough hands.

  “You’re going to make us late, Dillon. We don’t have time to fool around.” Molten liquid pooled in her groin even as she said the words.

  “I’ll make it quick,” he responded in his gravelly morning voice.

  He continued to palm her breasts, tweaking her nipples between his fingers. While one hand continued to play with her breasts, the other traveled down her body and delved between her hidden folds, stoking her desire.

  “I love how fast I can get you hot, baby. You’re already dripping with your sweet cream.”

  “Shit, Dillon. All you have to do is look at me and I cream myself.” She bit back a groan of frustration when he moved his hands away from her body. She could feel his hard cock against her ass cheeks.

  “Must be doin’ somethin’ right, huh? Turn around, Abby. Put your back against the wall.” As he hooked his hand under one of her knees and brought it up around his hip, her hands clutched his shoulders to keep her balance. With his other hand, he guided his cock to her weeping gate. She reveled at the slight sting she always felt when his cock first breached her opening. As he slid deep, Abby stifled a moan of pleasure. Hips pistoning, he began to thrust his cock into her pussy, pulling it back until only the tip remained then repeating the process. Thrust. Pull. Thrust. Pull.

  Her fingers tightened on his shoulders as she felt the edge of her orgasm approaching. He reached between their bodies and flicked his fingers against her swollen clit. Pleasure coiled tightly within her. One more flick and the coil sprang open, the pleasure pouring throughout her body, making her come so hard she had to make a conscious effort to unclench her teeth. Her inner muscles tightening around his thick cock caused him to tumble into his own orgasm as his cock emptied its load deep in her heat. Shouting her name in pleasure, he ground his body against hers until his cock stopped twitching. With a groan, he leaned away from her, letting her leg down, as his spent cock slipped out of her pussy. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he gathered her in his arms and they leaned against the shower wall, catching their breath.

  “Fuck! I forgot the damn condom again.” Abby started as she realized she hadn’t even thought about getting her birth-control pill prescription filled since she’d stopped taking the antibiotic.

  “It’s not your fault, Dillon. I should have remembered, too. We’ll just have to hope nothing happens and be better prepared for the next time. Maybe we should keep some condoms here in the shower since that seems to be the place we forget to use them. I suppose I should wait to go back on the Pill until after we’re sure I’m not pregnant. We’re going to have to get better at remembering the condoms.” She leaned into
him to give him a quick kiss on his chin then reached down to shut off the water as it was turning cold.

  They both stepped out of the shower and each grabbed a towel to dry themselves off with. Abby watched Dillon closely as he seemed distracted since they realized they had forgotten to use protection again. Was he that worried about her getting pregnant? Sure, the timing would sort of suck. Although they were engaged, they hadn’t even thought about setting a date for the wedding.

  “What’s wrong, Dillon? You’re being very quiet.”

  “Nothing, baby. Everything is fine.”

  Giving him “the look” that told him she thought that was a bullshit answer, he grimaced. “Okay. Okay. Don’t hit me or anything. I was just wondering if it would really be a bad thing if you got pregnant. I mean, we are engaged, and we’ve already talked about having kids. Would it really be so bad?” He looked so earnest as he stood there with only a towel wrapped around his lean hips that she had to bite back a smile.

  “I’m not saying it would be a bad thing. It’s just the timing that would be off. I’d like to be married before I get pregnant and have any babies.”

  “So let’s get married. We can be in Vegas by tomorrow.”

  “Like your mom is going to let us elope in Vegas. From what she told me, she already has the guest list ready, and I don’t think the list is a small one. Remember, I was here for Ryan and Samantha’s wedding.”

  “So, you’d like a big wedding, too?”

  “God, no. Shit! That’s the last thing I want, but I don’t want your mom to be mad at me, either. She’d probably be upset with us if we eloped.” She watched his expressions as they flitted across his face. She could tell that, like her, Dillon would be perfectly happy to elope in Las Vegas even if it would be just the two of them with strangers as witnesses.

  “I love you, Dillon. I’ll take you any way I can get you. Here. Vegas. It makes no difference to me just so long as you’re legally mine after the ceremony.” She saw his eyes light up and was glad she’d taken the time to make her views clear on the subject.

  “We can talk more about this later. We’d better get dressed and get over to my parents’ house,” he said as he slapped her lightly on her ass through her towel and headed into the bedroom. With one last sigh, she followed him.

  Chapter 9

  Christmas at the Chisholms’ was loud and raucous. Cassie and Alex Chisholm hosted the event for both sides of their extended families. Between their own eight kids, spouses, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, and cousins, there were more than thirty people at the table.

  Taylor’s brothers and sister, all attending college in Austin, joined them as well. Both their parents were dead. Their mother died of breast cancer when Taylor was eleven and her father died nearly ten years ago. The siblings’ home life was not good. Deacon Roberts had been an alcoholic abuser and few mourned his passing. However, he died when Taylor’s siblings were all underage, leaving Taylor to step in as guardian. When her father died, Taylor, despite having a lucrative and rewarding job in Washington, D.C., left it all to come home and care for her three siblings. All of them were now on the path to rewarding careers, and Taylor could relax and just be Levi’s wife and a mother to her newborn. Little Hunter had more devoted aunts and uncles than he could count on his pudgy little fingers.

  Dillon and Abby got to the big house a little earlier than the rest of the family to tell his parents about their engagement. Cassie squealed in delight and gave them each a big hug and a kiss. Alex gave Abby a kiss on the cheek and hugged Dillon, telling him he had chosen well. Hugs and kisses were repeated each time someone new arrived and heard of the engagement. They were also celebrating Samantha’s and Ryan’s first wedding anniversary, which had been the day before, and Abby’s birthday. The day took on an even more festive air.

  After dinner, while the men were cleaning up in the kitchen, the women began to grill Abby about a date for the wedding. Abby took their suggestions for a quick wedding in stride and told them honestly that she and Dillon hadn’t really talked about the date yet. They would choose a date after the house was finished and they were settled. Cassie asked Abby if she and Dillon would get an engagement portrait taken. After what had happened the last time she had talked one of her future daughters-in-law into doing an engagement picture, she only asked Abby to consider it and didn’t push.

  When the men came in from cleaning the kitchen, Dillon moved directly to her and sat with her on one of the love seats. Grampa Lex started handing out the presents under the tree. He made sure everyone had a present then allowed them to open them all at the same time. He then handed out the next present. This went on for nearly two hours.

  In addition to the engagement ring, Dillon got her a pair of leather motorcycle boots and gloves and the full line of products from Bath Boutique in the peach scent she loved so much. He also bought her a new saddle so she had her own whenever they wanted to go horseback riding. They went riding at least once a week. Dillon loved riding over the land as his ancestors had done and Abby enjoyed sharing that precious time with him.

  Abby thought Dillon went overboard with the gifts and was a little shy about Dillon opening the presents she got for him. She purchased a new, hand-tooled bridle, as she noticed his was a little worn, and a pair of handmade leather gloves he could wear on the rare occasions it got cold enough in southern Texas. She’d gotten both items at the Western store in Deseo. She also found Dillon a sturdy watch that he could use while on the job. It was waterproof with a strong steel casing. Dillon made a big deal out of her presents and thanked her effusively.

  Abby and the rest of the women had a blast talking in the living room while the men cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. The other women already knew about Abby’s stalker. Before Abby moved in with Dillon at the Ranch, Abby thought it was important to warn them about her stalker.

  “Abby, have you heard anything more from the stalker?” asked Taylor. Immediately, all the women’s attention was on Abby.

  “No, thank God. Moving out here to the Ranch seems to have made him back off. I still get nervous, though. I don’t want him to try something out here at the Ranch and have one of you get in the line of fire accidentally.”

  “Don’t worry about us, Abby. We can take care of ourselves and we have big, strong men to protect us,” said Jordan as she patted Abby on the knee.

  “Jordan’s right, Abby. Just make sure to keep yourself safe. We’re all taking extra precautions so you don’t need to worry about us. We’re just so worried about you. Promise you’re taking every precaution you can,” chimed in Samantha.

  Abby was so moved by this display of concern from these women that a tear escaped down her cheek. She’d never had such good friends and now they would be her family as well. How did she get to be so lucky?

  She especially got along with Jessie and Taylor. She wanted to share her concerns regarding a possible pregnancy with the two women but had not gotten a chance to be alone with either woman for several weeks. Someone else was always around. She would call Taylor tonight and get her advice. Taylor had been a daughter-in-law with the Chisholms longer than any of the others.

  * * * *

  Abby and Dillon went back to the house with enough leftovers to last nearly a week along with enough presents that it took Dillon three trips to bring them all in. When Dillon came in with the last load of presents, he noticed Abby was standing by the door with a letter in her hands. Her body posture was all wrong and she was shaking.

  “What’s wrong, Abby?” he asked as he went to her and tried to take her in his arms. She held him off and then pressed the piece of paper into his hands. He took the paper with a sense of dread. He already knew what it was. The stalker had evidently dropped off a little something for Abby while they were out of the house. Furious, he tamped down his reaction while he read the letter.


  I love you and I know you love me, too. I’m sorry about your apartment. I just got so angry with you for m
oving in with Chisholm.

  I know he’s forcing you to do these things. Threatening to fire you if you don’t go along with him. You don’t need him, Abby. I can take care of you. If you can’t get away, let me know and I’ll take care of him. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll be waiting.

  Dillon’s phone was in his hand and he was dialing Rio’s number before he finished reading the note. When Rio answered, Dillon told him about the note and asked him to call Sheriff Decker. He put the note down on the table and carefully took the envelope from Abby’s hands. He wanted to preserve any evidence they could. Abby still stood as still as a statue next to the closed door.

  “Where was it, baby? Where did you find the envelope?” He took her into his arms and rocked her gently. She didn’t answer and he gave her a little shake trying to dispel the faraway look in her eyes.

  “Abby, where did you find the note?” he asked a little more urgently, trying to bring her mind back to the present. It must have worked, because she relaxed into his arms and wound her arms around his waist, snuggling into his body. He could feel her shivering.

  “It was sticking out from under the welcome mat. I saw it there when I came in and I just picked it up and opened it. Shit. I didn’t think about fingerprints or anything. I’m such an idiot.”

  “You’re not an idiot. I probably would have done the same thing in your shoes.” They both heard a truck turn into the driveway. Rio had gotten here quickly. Dillon kept one arm wrapped around Abby and opened up the front door with the other, letting Rio inside the house.

  “Where is it?” Rio immediately asked. “How is she?”

  “It’s on the table. She’s shaken up but she’ll be okay.” At least Dillon hoped she would be okay. “It was wedged under the welcome mat outside.”


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