Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection

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Alpha Bears And Brides (Red Lodge Bears) The Complete Collection Page 38

by Vivian Wood

  Every inch of Alex was incredible, just perfectly proportioned, and Cam had to shift to hide his growing erection. His memory of their first night together was a blur, and he wanted nothing more to discover her once more, peeling away the thin layers of clothing she wore to touch and taste her creamy, warm skin.

  “You aren’t even looking at the sky,” Alex said, snapping him out of his reverie.

  Cam grinned, caught in the act.

  “It’s not my fault that you’re shaped like…” He waved a hand to indicate her whole body. “Fuck, look at you, Alex.”

  She blushed and rolled her eyes, but he thought she liked his compliment. It made him wonder if she liked dirty talk. Sophisticated city girl that she was, Cam was willing to bet she did. He liked her like this, casual and a little tousled, but it made him want more. He wanted to fuck her, of course, but he also wanted to tease her, dominate her. Taming Alex would be impossible, but he could catch her for a few moments, cup his hands around her bright soul and make her his own.

  Reaching out, he brushed Alex’s hair from her face and neck.

  “Alex, really. You are so beautiful,” he said.

  Her lips curved up again, and Cam couldn’t resist leaning closer and brushing his lips over the corner of her mouth. Alex’s breath hitched, and she leaned a little closer, her breast brushing Cam’s arm. She wore nothing beneath his shirt, and he could feel the soft warmth of her breast through the thin material.

  Before Cam even realized what he was doing, he’d dragged Alex onto his lap in a tumble of limbs. He took her mouth, lips working against hers until she opened for him, tongue invading her sweetness. He caught a length of her long hair in his fist, giving it a gentle tug, letting her know he was in control. He nipped her bottom lip as his free hand shaped her breast, lifting and weighing it, cupping the succulent globe. He could see her nipple tighten and pebble, and it made his mouth water.

  Alex gasped, letting Cam pull her head back so that her spine bowed, pushing those magnificent breasts up toward his face. Releasing her hair, he shaped and lifted both her breasts, bringing one hardened nipple to his lips. He rubbed his lips against her nipple through the fabric, loving the soft moan she released.

  Cam pushed her shirt up, letting it bunch at her collarbone, freeing her bountiful breasts. They were huge and perfectly round, her nipples large and petal pink and enticing. He gave the side of one breast a soft slap, smirking when she jumped in surprise.

  “You have the most amazing tits I’ve ever seen, Alex. Did you know that?” he asked, leaning close and brushing his stubbled chin over one sensitive nipple. He took the hardened tip between his fingertips as he kissed her lips again, rolling and pinching the pebbled peak. Alex responded, thrusting into his touch, her hips rolling, ass rubbing over his erection.

  “Mmmm,” Cam whispered against her lips, enjoying her arousal. He could smell it in the air, making his body tense and ache, making him think of the delicate, pink depths of her pussy. He wanted her bad, almost bad enough to break the promise he’d made only minutes earlier. But no, he needed to keep things light. He could pleasure her, explore her body, but he needed to keep his cock in his pants tonight.

  “Alex,” he said, waiting until her eyelids fluttered open before he spoke again. “I’m going to undress you. I’m going to touch you and taste you, and I’m going to make you come. But I’m going to keep my clothes on. Do you understand?”

  The lust in Alex’s eyes flickered for a moment, replaced by confusion.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Because I said so,” was his only response before he shifted, laying her out on the blanket. Her pants were off in a heartbeat, and Cam had to sit back to appreciate the view. She really was incredible, all breasts and hips and quivering thighs.

  Cam reached out and parted her knees, noticing that her neatly groomed pubic hair was a lighter shade than on her head, almost blonde. When Alex reflexively closed her legs he let her, content to explore elsewhere.

  He knelt beside her and cupped her breasts, kneading the soft flesh, loving how supple she felt. He leaned down to capture her nipple between his lips again, swirling his tongue and nipping until she panted and groaned. His hands shaped her waist and hips as he moved his attentions to her other breast, his fingertips teasing the sensitive skin at her hip bones. He dragged his fingertips through the soft blonde down of her mons, then he stroked her inner thighs.

  “Open for me, Alex. Let me see you. I want to see what’s mine,” he ordered.

  When she parted her legs for him, a hungry whimper escaping her throat, he had to hold back a predatory grin. She was perfectly pink and glistening with excitement, which made his cock throb. He’d done that, making her body ready for his cock.

  “You’re so wet for me, Alex. You must be so horny,” he said, feathering a fingertip down the seam of her core.

  Alex bit her lips and pushed up onto her elbows, watching him with desire-darkened eyes. Looking at her like this, her navy gaze seemed black as night.

  “Next time, I’m going to make you talk to me. Make you ask for everything. Remember that,” he told her.

  Cam shifted his position until he knelt between her legs, pushing her knees farther apart. He found her clit with his fingertip, rubbing soft circles, making Alex gasp and throw her head back. He dipped his fingertip lower, pressing it into her core in a long, slow motion. She clenched around him, her wet heat clinging to his finger, making Cam wish he could remember more of their first night together. She must have been spectacular, so hot and tight and deep.

  Cam withdrew and slid two fingers into her core, brushing her clit with his thumb. Her innermost muscles rippled, and Cam grinned, knowing she was already close. It all fit in with the plan that had started to form in his mind, one that required absolutely ruining her for any other man. She’d never be touched or fucked by anyone else, by her own choice. Not after Cam used every bit of his knowledge and skill on her; he was certain of it.

  Cam pressed his free hand over her lower belly, then used his fingers to make a sort of “come hither” motion inside her core, as if reaching for her belly button. He worked until he found her g-spot, which was obvious because Alex practically howled, her back arching and mouth opening in a wide O of pleasure.

  “Ah, there it is,” Cam said, almost conversationally, knowing that Alex wasn’t listening to a word.

  He pumped and flexed his fingers, pressing his hand down on her belly to increase the pressure and intensity of his touch, feeling her clench and tighten bit by bit, until he was sure she was about to explode. Only then did he pull his free hand away and shift so that he could lean down to nuzzle her pubic hair. He dropped slow kisses, slowing the movement of his fingers to give her a moment to realize his intention, letting her anticipation build.

  Alex’s hands came to either side of his head, her fingers digging into his hair, and Cam chuckled against her needy flesh. He kissed her clit ever-so-softly, loving her urgent moans. He flickered his tongue over the nub, pumping his fingers harder, stroking her g-spot. Then he closed his lips over her clit and sucked hard, thrumming his fingertips in her core.

  Alex came with a shout, shuddering and gasping. Cam sucked at her clit and pumped his fingers, helping her ride the wave of her orgasm until she pushed his head away with a groan. He sat up and watched her in her bliss, an arm thrown over her eyes to block out the world.

  He was almost done with her for tonight, almost. There was just one more thing he needed to show her.

  “Alex, sit up,” he told her, pulling her arm from her face.

  She complied, looking a little rattled.

  “That was… something…” was all she managed.

  Cam pulled her close, kneeling beside her. He kissed her again, cupping her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple. In moments, he had her interest again, her breaths growing shallow.

  “I’m sticking to my guns,” he told her. “I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Alex. But I do want to show yo
u something.”

  He pulled his shirt up a little, then shoved his pajamas down his hips, just a few inches. His cock sprang free, long and thick and aching. Alex’s gaze snapped to it like a magnet, her hand raising a couple of inches as if she wanted to touch him. Cam took advantage of her movement, grabbing her hand and pressing it to the base of his cock. When her fingers wrapped around it, or as far around as they could, he gritted his teeth and steeled himself.

  “I just wanted you to touch me, so you know how hard you’re going to get fucked. When I bend you over and fuck you deep,” he said, covering her hand with his, coaxing her to stroke his throbbing erection. “You are never going to forget my cock, Alex. You’re going to take it all, and beg me for more.”

  Alex looked from his face to his cock, back and forth, tightening her grip, giving the thick crown a teasing swipe with her thumb. It was physically painful for Cam to stop her, but he had to pull her hand away. He was on a hair trigger, his body wanting her touch so bad that he was close to asking her jerk him off just like this, give him a little release. Even worse, his animal side argued that he could have her watch as he stroked his own cock, watch as he shot pearly seed all over her glorious tits.

  “No more,” Cam ground out. “I just wanted you to understand. You do understand how completely fucked you are, don’t you Alex? Or how fucked you will be, I should say.”

  Alex gave him an appraising glance as he pulled his pajama pants back up, tucking his erection in the waistband. Wishing like hell he was balls-deep inside her instead of letting her anticipation build for another couple of days. Jesus, how was he going to make it another couple of days? He was going to have to get himself off in the shower like some horny teenager. That was how sprung he was on Alexandra Fucking Hansard.

  Unable to keep looking at her naked body without losing the last thread of his self control, Cam gathered her pants and shirt and proceeded to redress her. She let him do it, all the while watching him with an unfathomable expression. Once he’d cooled off enough not to come from just touching her, Cam grabbed her hand and pulled her to the edge of the bluff.

  “There are still a few shooting stars,” he said, pointing to a dim burst of light far to the east.

  “I saw plenty,” Alex said, her lips curving in a smile. Cam couldn’t help but laugh, reaching out and slipping an arm around her waist. He pulled her close, pressing her hip to his. He could still smell her orgasm, the sweet tang of her excitement mixed with sweat, and he wanted to groan. He took back his earlier thought about being a teenager, on second thought. Teenaged Cameron Beran had never been this hard up over a girl, never wasted any breath over a girl if he wasn’t going to fuck her within the week.

  Maybe this is adulthood? Cam wondered to himself.

  He turned to find Alex studying him. She reached out and traced the thick black lines tattooed on his forearms, her expression growing curious.

  “These are so beautiful. Do they mean something?” she asked.

  “They’re traditional Viking designs. I wanted something to represent my heritage, and these were cooler than teddy bears,” Cam joked.

  Alex nodded. She was quiet for a long beat. Cam realized he found her fascinating; her face was so expressive, he could almost guess at the direction of her thoughts before she even spoke. Smart, beautiful, and open with her thoughts and feelings… Yeah, Alex was a hell of a catch.

  “Is this all going to be yours some day?” Alex asked, drawing him from his thoughts when she waved to the scenery below them.

  Cam tensed; her words were unexpected. He swallowed, thinking for a moment.

  “I’d like to think so, but it’s complicated. My brother Wyatt is older, and he’s as dominant as I am. He has a fair chance, but…” Cam paused, thinking. “I don’t know. He can’t do it without a mate, and I don’t see him settling down.”

  “What about the Alphas’ decree? Doesn’t he have to take a mate?” Alex asked.

  “No. I mean, he’d have to go lone wolf, find his own land to run on. But he hardly ever comes out here anyway. I don’t think it would be a huge change for him. His only attraction to this place is becoming Alpha himself. I’m not sure he’s thought it through, either. If he becomes Alpha, he’d have to move here. He’d have responsibility. Neither of those things are Wyatt’s priorities, as far as I can tell.”

  “I didn’t know you needed a mate to be Alpha,” Alex said, her voice growing quieter.

  “Not in general, no. But to please my father and win his approval? Hell yeah.”

  “Ah,” she said. After a moment, she slipped from his embrace, turning back toward the blanket. “How far is the Lodge from here?”

  Cam knew he’d said something wrong, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure what it was.

  “Uh… Fifteen minutes, probably,” he said, running a hand through his hair.

  “Can you take me back? In human form, I mean.”

  “Yeah, of course.”

  Cam helped her pack up their picnic in silence, mulling over her sudden change in humor. He led her down the path, away from the bluff, pointing out the Lodge in the distance. When she didn’t respond, merely watched her footing as she walked, Cam could have growled with frustration.

  “Alex, did I say something that upset you?” he asked at last.

  She glanced up at him briefly, a sad smile flickering over her lips.

  “No. Nothing I didn’t already know,” she said.

  She picked up her pace, moving ahead of him, leaving him wondering just what the hell that was supposed to mean.



  As the sun set the next evening and guests began arriving for his mother’s party, Cam’s mood turned black. Alex had practically spurned him since the night before, even going to far as to sleep on the couch. Then she’d volunteered for every single party setup chore, pasting on a smile that was so forcefully cheerful as to be nearly frightening. Several times Ma had turned to Cam with a questioning expression; empathetic as his mother was, of course she picked up on Alex’s seething anger coated in exuberance.

  Cam could only shrug and shake his head. He went over and over the night in his mind, wondering what it was that had set her off. Something to do with his family, but what? Did she think he was unappreciative of his family because of what he’d said about his father? He couldn’t figure it out for the life of him. If he could, he’d just apologize and be done with the whole thing.

  Shaking his head anew, Cam lugged the last coolerful of beer outside, stopping next to his brother Luke.

  “You look pissed,” Luke said. Cam’s oldest brother was usually as short on words as he was on bullshit, something Cam appreciated. At least Luke said what he meant, plain and simple. Luke might not be in the service anymore, but he really was a soldier through and through. Even now, he was watching every movement of the guests clustered on the Lodge’s huge back porch, monitoring instead of talking.

  “Fucking women,” Cam said by way of response.

  “Oh. Yeah,” Luke said. He turned and dug through one of the ice chests, pulling out a soda.

  “Still not drinking?” Cam asked.

  “Never again,” Luke said. “Remember Ma’s last party?”

  Cam laughed, nodding. Luke had gotten tanked, to an embarrassing degree, and made a fool out of himself.

  “Probably a good idea,” Cam agreed. They stood and watched two more carfuls of people come around the side of the house, all stopping a little distance off at the barbecue pit to greet Cam’s father. He approved of the cousins’ respectful demeanor; Josiah Beran was certainly not someone you wanted to piss off if you could help it.

  Cam saw a flash of Alex’s red hair down by the barbecue, and saw that she was talking with Faith and Charlotte. Their conversation was animated, a lot of hand-waving and laughter. Luke’s mate Aubrey joined them, shaking hands with Alex, who turned and shot a brief glance at Cam and Luke.

  “What’d you do?” Gavin asked as he came up behind
them, clapping Luke on the shoulder. “Alex is giving you a dirty-ass look right now.”

  “Fuck if I know,” Cam sniped.

  “Well, what are you going to do about it?” Luke asked.

  Cam turned to stare at his brother, considering his words. Wyatt ambled up to join them, a beer already in his hand.

  “What’s up?” Wyatt said by way of greeting.

  “Cam’s in the shit with his new girl,” Gavin said.

  “Which girl?” Wyatt asked, a dangerous gleam flickering to life in his eyes.

  “Pretty redhead over there with my mate,” Luke said, pointing Alex out.

  “Pretty redhead, indeed,” Wyatt said, taking a long swig of his beer. “Looks like more than you can handle anyway, Cam. Better leave her to a professional.”

  Cameron’s teeth pulled away from his lips, and before he could help himself, he growled at Wyatt. A deep, full-throated growl that rumbled loud enough to attract attention from everyone within twenty paces.

  “Easy, tiger,” Wyatt grinned. “Don’t be too harsh on yourself. You can’t help it if you’re too much of a pussy for a woman like that.”

  “Wyatt, shut up,” Luke said, holding out a hand to prevent Cam from launching himself at Wyatt. “If you start a fight, either of you, I’ll pound you into the dirt.”

  Cam could see that Luke was dead serious, but he didn’t need to be told not to ruin his mother’s party. There would be months of repercussions from his mother; Luke knew the risks better than anyone, after his little whiskey incident at the last Beran party.

  “You guys are so humorless,” Wyatt complained, rolling his eyes. “Cam, the only thing that’s going to help is a trip to the bar. They’ve got Buffalo Trace bourbon, cures all ailments. You coming?”


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