Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3)

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Kiwi Bride: Volume 1 (Kiwi Bride Series Book 3) Page 40

by Praks, Alexia

  Once breakfast was over, they got ready for their outing. Ruby didn’t have much to take with her, not even her purse because Alec still hadn’t returned it to her.

  At the door, as they were all leaving the castle, Ruby whispered to Alec, “I think it’s time you gave me back my purse.”

  “Nay, not yet.”

  “Then you’re paying for my food and entry ticket, mister!” she said as she stalked out toward the car.

  Alec grinned, and courteously opened the door for her. “My lady,” he said.

  Ruby was about to get into the car when she realized that Brian, Susan, and Jane were not coming with them.

  Alec said, “It’s better we travel separately.”

  “Oh,” she responded, sliding into the front seat.

  Alec shut the door and got into the driver’s seat. He started the engine and drove out of the estate, with Brian and Susan in one car, and Jane in another, following them, convoy-style.

  Ruby relaxed and enjoyed the view as the car smoothly traveled through the countryside. She felt content, and curiously odd that she didn’t mind Alec sitting beside her. She glanced at him. Suddenly, he moved one hand from the steering wheel and stroked her hair before caressing her cheek. She pushed his hand away.

  Alec returned his hand to the steering wheel.

  Ruby was well aware of the awkward silence. She felt rather stupid, so she said, “Where are we going?”

  “Are you afraid?”

  Ruby stared at his hands that were on the steering wheel. Her body tingled just looking at those big, strong hands. Her gaze traveled up to his forearms. They looked powerful and firm. Then she gazed at his handsome face. She swallowed and stared at the firmness of his strong jaw, his high, straight nose and forehead.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

  “I wondered what you were thinking about,” she replied, not knowing how to answer his question. Yes, she was gawking at him, and she had no answer as to why she was.

  “I wonder what you are thinking about,” he teased, glancing at her briefly.

  Ruby saw that his eyes were twinkling.

  “So… are you afraid?”


  “That I might drive you to deserted woods and leave you there?”

  Ruby cocked her head to one side, considering that situation for a moment. No, she was not afraid. She wondered if he had already forgotten about the times when she tried to run away. Did he also forget he was the one who pursued her? She felt pretty sure she was safe with him by now. She knew he would never hurt her, especially after the night when he took care of her and reduced her fever. Not to mention, how he tended to her injury, too.

  She sighed loudly.

  “Don’t worry, it’s not that long of a drive,” Alec said.

  Ruby just nodded.

  * * * * *

  Ardkinglas, an Edwardian mansion composed of creamy granite, stood in the middle of a beautiful woodland garden. Located right at the front of Loch Fyne in Argyll, it was simply magnificent. The very sight took Ruby’s breath away.

  “Ardkinglas was designed by Sir Robert Lorimer,” Alec explained as he led her into the mansion.

  “An Edwardian mansion! How magnificent,” Ruby murmured under her breath as she followed Alec into the great hall. She glanced behind her and saw Brian, Susan, and Jane coming toward them.

  “I’m not coming in,” Jane shouted to Alec. “I’ve seen it a hundred times already. I prefer to take a walk in the garden.” With that she waved her hands and strolled away.

  Alec guided Ruby with his hand on the small of her back. As they explored, he told her all about the history of the place. Ruby really appreciated his wealth of knowledge. She was so absorbed in the beauty of the architecture and its history, she did not realize that both Brian and Susan were gone.

  “Where’d everyone go?” she asked some moments later.

  Alec shrugged his powerful shoulders, hiding a grin.

  “Maybe they got bored,” she commented, “because they’ve probably seen this mansion a hundred times before, like Jane.” Then she wondered if Alec had also seen the mansion countless times before. Was that why he knew so much about its history?

  She wandered to the window of the master bedroom and looked out appreciatively toward the vast, beautiful woodland below. She smiled dreamily. The place was like a fantasy world. Although she had to admit it was wonderful, she wouldn’t want to live there. Somehow, it didn’t look very inviting or livable. Not like Hasting Manor. Shoot! What was she thinking about? Living in Hasting Manor? She grunted in irritation and turned.

  “Oh” she gasped.

  “Hi,” Alec said, a mere inch away from her.

  Ruby didn’t know he was standing right behind her, with both his hands on top of hers, and his chin on top of her head.

  “What were you thinking about?” he asked.

  Ruby clamped her lips. She couldn’t possibly tell him she was thinking about how livable and inviting Hasting Manor was, or could she? She cleared her throat and said, “I was just thinking how beautiful this place is.”

  “Aye,” Alec agreed, “’tis very beautiful.” However, he was not looking at the scene below them, but rather, looking at her.

  Ruby blushed because his eyes were so intensely focused on her face. She cast her eyes downward and said, “Can we explore the woodland now?”

  “Hmm,” he responded as he led her out the room.

  Once they were outside, Ruby shivered as a cold breeze gusted about them.

  “Cold?” he asked. At Ruby’s nod, he said, “Come.” With his arms around her shoulder, he led her to the car. He found his sweater and wrapped it around her.

  “Your sweater?” she asked, eyeing the grey jersey that looked too big for her.

  “Wear it, my lady. I don’t want you to get a chill. You’re such a wee thing,” he said, helping her put it on, despite all the people watching them as they passed by.

  Ruby blushed as her head popped out from the sweater, saying “I can dress myself, you know.”

  “I know,” Alec replied as he pulled her long hair out from the back of the sweater. He thought she looked adorable; although it was so huge, she also appeared lost in it.

  Ruby rolled up the long sleeves, trying to alter the sweater to fit her small frame. Her endeavor, however, was unachievable.

  Alec laughed. “Come now, my lady, you look fine the way you are,” he said as he guided her toward the woodland. His large, strong hand cupped the nape of her slender neck, his fingers digging deeply into her hair, as he put his face very close to hers. Then he gave her a small kiss on the side of her temple.

  Ruby couldn’t help blushing. “Alec, people are watching,” she said, looking at a group of Chinese tourists observing them and smiling knowingly. One had the guts to laugh loudly and take their picture as they passed by.

  She glanced up at Alec, who appeared like he didn’t care one bit. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying the attention. As if to prove that to her, he wrapped his arm about her waist as they walked down to the loch, with his nose buried in her hair.

  Ruby found it odd that she felt warm and comfortable with him so close to her. She did not feel threatened. She licked her lips and snuggled her head against his chest almost as if by instinct.

  As they walked, admiring the beautiful scenery of tall trees and wildflowers that surrounded them, Ruby wondered if Alec felt happy. At that moment, she found it easy to forget about everything and simply enjoy this unexpected pleasure.

  An hour later, he led her to a secluded spot. It was a seat right under a magnolia tree, and the ground was covered with fallen magnolia flowers. Ruby sat on the seat, deeply inhaling the fresh country air as she closed her eyes.

  When she opened them again, Alec was on his knees before her, her small hands clasped in his large, strong ones. She looked at him, wondering what he was doing now.

  “Ruby, sweetheart,” he began as he looked deeply into her ey
es. “I’m sorry I hurt you last night and before. I’m sorry I kidnapped you, and kept you isolated without your consent.”

  Ruby bit her lip. She couldn’t help herself. She was too soft-hearted. He was confessing. And apologizing to her, she realized.

  “Ruby, I’m very sorry, sweetheart,” Alec said. “But never again. I promise I will never hurt you again.” That said, he moved up to sit beside her on the bench.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said again, his hands cupping her face. “I promise I will never do such a thing again.”

  “Alec,” she began. “I—”

  “I know,” he interrupted. “It’s hard. I’m not asking you to forgive me. All I’m asking you is to give me another chance. That’s all I seek.”

  Ruby cast her eyes downward, but Alec dug his fingers softly into her hair as he urged her to look at him.

  “Would you give me another chance?”

  Ruby gazed up at him for a long while. Then she nodded, because she couldn’t find anything else to say.

  Alec kissed her lips—long and gently. When Ruby opened her mouth for him, he plunged his tongue inside, kissing her slowly until Ruby lost herself in his embrace.

  * * * * *

  Ruby felt like she was in heaven that whole day after Alec apologized to her and asked her for a second chance. Pursuant to their passionate, gentle kiss in the woods, he led her back to the car where they met up with Brian and Susan, who seemed to have come to some sort of agreement. Then Jane appeared with a young man whom she introduced as Mr. Richard Nelson.

  Ruby met Richard, and soon discovered he was a neighbor of Alec’s who lived only five miles away in his country estate called Mooreland. After the polite greeting and introduction, they all went to lunch at one of the cafés in the village. Ruby enjoyed her lunch of roast lamb and vegetables. Afterward, they visited Geilston Garden and Ruby thoroughly enjoyed herself.

  It was just before dinner when they got back to Hasting Manor. Ruby showered and changed, and when she came back down, the group was just assembling around the dining table. Alec escorted her to a seat beside him.

  Jane insisted that Richard stay and join them for dinner, so he took a seat next to Jane. He said, “You all are invited to lunch tomorrow at Mooreland Mansion.”

  “That would be marvelous,” Jane shrieked excitedly.

  Ruby thought it wasn’t hard to see that Jane was head-over-heels in love with Richard, whose dark blond hair and deep brown eyes made him quite handsome.

  Dinner went smoothly with Jane and Richard doing most of the talking. After dinner, Richard and Jane went out for a walk. Ruby told everyone that she was rather tired and retired to her room.

  Captain Snow was on the bed, waiting for her.

  “Westies, did you miss me?” she asked, stroking his head.

  Captain Snow licked her hand adoringly and jumped up and down.

  “Oh, poor Mr. Westies,” she said.

  “Captain Snow really likes you.”

  Ruby turned to see Susan standing at the door, glamorous as usual, in her evening dress of pale pink.

  “I’m sorry I interrupted you,” Susan said.

  Ruby shook her head. “No, you’re not.”

  Susan came into the room and sat on the side of the bed. “He used to like me a lot,” she said, looking at Captain Snow. “But since you came along, he won’t even spare me a glance.”

  “Is he your dog?”

  Susan nodded. “I bought him, you know. I saw him in one of those pet shops in London. He looked simply too adorable not to adopt. So I bought him.”

  “He is very cute,” Ruby said, rubbing the dog’s head.

  Susan said, “Ruby, I’m sorry for what happened.”

  Ruby glanced at Susan, and thought the woman looked rather sad. Perhaps there was something critical on her mind?

  “I didn’t mean for it to go this far,” Susan continued. “It’s not Alec’s fault. It’s always been just the two of us. Our parents died when he was seventeen in an accident. He was still very young. Then he had to take care of everything, running the family empire, and studying at the same time. Not to mention, looking after me.”

  “What happened?” Ruby asked because she was curious.

  “I was, what should I say? Very depressed after our parents passed away. I got worse. I… sometimes, I wanted to end my life. You know, that teenage phase. I was also very anorexic. If it weren’t for Alec, I… I don’t think I’d be here today, or so successful in the modelling industry. I have done my best to send the message out to all those young girls not to starve themselves like I did at that age. So the thing that I really want to tell you is: Alec loves me. Maybe too much at times. He worries about me. Without me, he’d be alone. Oh we have cousins and all, but they’re just, you know, distant relatives. They only contact us when they need money—”

  “I think I get what you mean.”

  “Really?” Susan sighed. “I suck at explaining things.”

  “Actually, I do, too.”

  “Look, Ruby, I am very sorry for what happened. Please don’t blame Alec. He only did it for me, and if you want to tell Brian, that’s fine. I won’t blame you if you do. I know you love him. I’m sorry I tried to steal him away from you.” Susan sobbed, tears overflowing her lovely eyes. “I don’t know what came over me that day. I don’t even know why I asked Alec to help me. I ended the engagement. I don’t understand why I want him back now.”

  Ruby felt sympathetic as Susan started crying. She said, “Susan, I understand.”

  Susan stood up abruptly. “I’ll go now,” she said as she rushed out the room.

  Ruby turned to Captain Snow. “Well, Westies,” she said, “two apologies from the same family in one day. What do you think that means?”

  The dog just looked at her blankly before rushing up and licking her hand. Ruby laughed.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 16

  Despite getting a good night’s sleep that night—alone in the large bed—Ruby had a very disturbing dream. She dreamt that a very big, white serpent was chasing her, and caught her with its slippery body. It bit her wrist, causing her to bleed.

  Now sitting up in bed, she shut her eyes and tried to forget the dream. Captain Snow rushed over to her, licking her hand in an attempt to get her attention. She patted the dog’s head. “Good morning,” she said to him.

  Captain Snow jumped down from the bed and ran with his wee legs to the door before scratching on it.

  “Breakfast time, is it?” she asked. She got out of bed and went to open the door for him. Captain Snow swiftly slipped out and rushed down the stairs. Ruby shook her head and shut the door.

  As she was walking back to the bed, she glanced at Alec, still asleep on the uncomfortable sofa and the tartan blanket on the floor. She went to pick it up and arranged it properly over him. Turning to walk back, he grabbed her wrist, and when she glanced over, she saw Alec smiling lazily at her.

  “Good morning,” he said sleepily.

  “Good morning, Alec,” she replied. “May I have my hand back please?”

  Instead of letting her go, he pulled her closer to him. Alec shifted his body just so, which allow Ruby’s body to fall to the side between the back of the sofa and him.

  “That large, comfortable bed that you slept in last night, madame, is not free. I believe you owe me a kiss. Nay, two kisses because I’m sleeping on this very uncomfortable sofa.”

  Ruby wiggled her nose and said, “Your own fault, Mr. Hasting. There are many guest rooms in this castle and you, yourself, have chosen to sleep here. You can’t blame me for that.” Then she struggled to sit up.

  Alec wouldn’t let her, however, and gave her a peck on the cheek. She pushed him off the seat as she sat up in spite of him. Alec fell to the floor and laughed, his voice sounding loud in the room.

  Ruby stood up and walked to the bathroom. Halfway, she glanced back. When she saw that Alec was up and about to chase her, she giggled and ran into the bathroo
m, locking the door.

  Alec grinned, his hand resting on the handle of the door as he said, “Madame, you still owe me two kisses.”

  Ruby’s insides were exploding with excitement. Alec, you cheeky lout.

  She was humming to herself as she went about showering. When she finished and emerged wearing only a bathrobe, she discovered he was gone. She shrugged her shoulders and picked out her clothing. After getting dressed, she went downstairs to have breakfast.

  The dining room was empty, and she wondered where everyone was. She was about to leave when Lizzie came in.

  “Miss Ruby,” the maid said. “Whaddya like fer breakfast?”

  “Just some toast, thank you,” Ruby said as she slid into a chair. “Where’s everyone?”

  “Miss Susan an’ Miss Jane are still abed, I believe. Master Alec ate ‘is breakfast an’ ‘e’s gone out ta the stables. Mr. Brian, I’m not sure. But ‘e joost finished ‘is breakfast.”

  “Thank you, Lizzie,” Ruby said as she poured herself a cup of orange juice.

  After devouring a plate of hot toast and rolls, Ruby went out into the sunshine for a little walk. She was down near the river when she saw Brian.

  “’Allo,” she said.

  Brian turned and smiled. “Good morning.”

  “Why are you here all alone?”

  “To think,” Brain replied, staring off at the still, glassy water.

  “About what?”

  Brian turned his gaze from the beautiful scenery to look at her. “You.”

  Ruby blinked and her heart missed a beat. She licked her lips and asked, “Why?”

  Brian turned his body fully toward her and touched her arms. “I thought we had something, Ruby.”

  “Brian—” she began.

  “Was I wrong?”

  Ruby cast her eyes downward and shook her head.

  “So what happened?” he asked, his eyes searching hers.

  Ruby wanted him to stop interrogating her. She felt so exposed and helpless.

  “Ruby, what happened?” he urged gently.


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