Cross of the Legion

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Cross of the Legion Page 24

by Marshall S. Thomas

  Later, she sat at the table scribbling in a little notebook.

  "What are you writing?"

  "I'm keeping a journal of my ordeal. Then, if you don't murder me, maybe I can publish it and make a lot of money."

  "Let me see that." I snatched it from her hands. Central gave me the translation, and I read it aloud in Oduran. "'Raped and Forsaken, the Diary of a Victim.' Ha! Catchy title. What's this…. 'He pushed me roughly into the galley. Take off your clothes, then get me some food, girl, he demanded. I stripped, flushed with shame. His eyes never left me as I served him, completely nude. When he was finished eating he seized me roughly and pulled me to him, forcing his tongue deep into my mouth while one hand explored my young breasts. I realized with shame that my nipples were hardening under his rough handling. You a virgin, girl? he asked. Yes sir, I replied quietly.'

  "What is this?" I exclaimed, dropping the notebook to the table. "None of this ever happened! This is sheer fantasy!"

  "Yes sir. It's poetical exaggeration. I have to make it interesting, or nobody will read it."

  "You're using the term 'rough' too often. Find another word."

  "Yes sir. Thank you sir."

  "Are you really a virgin?"

  "Yes sir. Please don't hurt me when you rape me. It'll be the first time for me."

  "Look—Kemah. I've told you a dozen times. I'm not a rapist, and I'm not going to rape you."

  "Oh great! That'd go great in my diary, wouldn't it? 'I'm not going to rape you, he said.' And twenty thousand readers close the book. Just my luck. I get the only starjacker in the galaxy who doesn't rape his victims! Well, I can't write about that!"

  "Fine! Write whatever you want! I don't care."

  She stared at me intently. "You don't fool me! You're going to deflower me tonight, aren't you? You're going to force me to make love with you. I know it!"

  "Deflower?" I just looked at her.

  "Yes! You're going to take my virginity, and then ravish me all night. Aren't you?"

  "Ravish, huh?" I laughed. "No—I don't think so."

  "I think you will. You won't be able to help yourself. And later we'll fall in love, and get married, and you'll beg my forgiveness for treating me so badly."

  "You've been reading too many romance novels."

  "Oh, I hate you! Don't you care about me at all? If you were a real gentleman…"

  "Stop. Just stop. If I was a real gentleman, I'd rape you. Is that what you were going to say?"

  "Oh you're twisting everything! What kind of starjacker are you anyway?"

  "Kemah—if you don't shut down I'm going to slap some tape over your mouth."

  "Oh yes sir! Sorry. I'll be good." She went back to her journal, scribbling furiously. And I thought—why me? All I wanted was a serviceable starship and now I'm stuck with a sex-crazed virgin obsessed with rape fantasies.


  Well, it was a long voyage, and we had to sleep sometime. I did not want to leave her alone, so I decided to sleep right there rather than disappearing with a bang. I accompanied her to the Captain's suite, where she had been bedding down. The place was luxurious—a wide bed, a sofa and tables with a breakfast nook, carpeted floors, soft lighting, an attached bathroom.

  "All right, Kemah, we're both sleeping here tonight. Get into that bathroom and change into your nightclothes. What do you usually wear?"

  "Uh…panties and hitop."

  "All right, Kemah, change into panties and hitop and get back out here."

  "Yes sir!"

  She was absolutely captivating as she came out of the bathroom in panties that were almost transparent and a hitop that emphasized her breasts and revealed her slim waist. Why me, I thought again, glumly.

  "Get in the bed."

  "Yes sir." She lay down on the covers gingerly, looking my way warily, as if expecting me to leap on her at any moment.

  "Get under the covers."

  "Yes sir." She pulled the covers up to her nose, looking up at me with big brown eyes. I bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

  "Good night, Kemah. I'll be right over there on the sofa. Don't leave the room. I'll know if you do."

  "Yes sir."

  I ripped a spare blanket out of a closet, stripped down to my jox, doused the lights, and crashed on the sofa. It had been a long day, and I was tired.

  It only took a few marks for her to begin yapping again.

  "Sir. I've been thinking."

  "Yes, Kemah."

  "It's foolish for you to leave me like this, not even tied up. I could slip out of the room as soon as you're asleep, and change course, and you'd never know. Or I could find a weapon and maybe kill you or something while you sleep. Of course, I'm too scared to do that. But you don't know that."

  "I see. Well, what do you propose?" I wasn't about to tell her that Jason was watching her every move. All I really wanted was for her to shut down so I could get some sleep.

  "A real starjacker would tie me up, so I couldn't do anything while he slept."

  "And I'm not a real starjacker."

  "Well, I don't know. You don't act like it."

  I sighed, and fumbled around until I found my beltpak on the floor and took out the field cuffs. I manacled her wrists behind her back as she lay on her belly on the bed, revealing her lovely, firm little bottom. I sure didn't need this. I hastily covered her again with the blanket and went back to my sofa. I didn't get much rest.


  "Yes, Kemah."

  "Aren't you going to sleep with me?"

  I padded over to the bed, and sat down tiredly as she lay there on her belly, blinking her big brown eyes at me.

  "Look—Kemah. I'm going to say this one more time. I'm not a rapist. I'm not going to rape you. I've never raped anybody. And I'm not going to start now."

  "Yes sir, but if I want you to do it, it's not rape—right?"

  I just stared at her, then finally found my voice. "Are you serious?"

  "Oh yes sir! I think I'm…oh! I think I'm…oh!"

  I decided I was going to remain perfectly calm. "Kemah, I'm married. Don't you think I should remain faithful to my wife?"

  "You're a hardened criminal, sir. You shouldn't pass up this opportunity to ravish a young, innocent victim like me. Especially if I don't object."

  "Can you excuse me for just a moment?" I walked out to the corridor and closed the door, leaning wearily against the bulkhead. "Did you hear that, Jason?"

  "Sure did."

  "I don't think I can hold out against this chick any longer. Has anybody ever…"

  "Nope. Nobody has."

  "Well. I guess we can call this a field test. If she can't tell the difference, we can call the Holo-X concept a total success."

  "I can tell you one thing, she's not going to complain it's not hard enough."

  "Very funny."

  "The next time, you sit in the control center, and I get the action."

  "Fine!" I went back into the Captain's suite, and ripped the cover off her. She shrieked. I straddled her, tugging at the field cuffs on her wrists.

  "What are you doing?" she asked.

  "I'm unlinking your cuffs."

  "No—don't. Please don't. Leave them. I'm going to write about this later. I want to see what it's like."

  "Fine," I said. "Whatever you say." I grasped her panties and ripped them off. She squealed again. I could tell it was going to be a noisy evening.

  Chapter 15

  The Girl from the Past

  I didn't figure the police would have anyone in Rex's apartment. Outside maybe, but not inside. It had been over two weeks since the incident in the library. Our probes located Rex's aircar in Hishamon City, and subsequently found Rex, his apartment cube and shop. We decided the apartment, at night, would be best.

  It was a huge bloc. I materialized in a long corridor outside Rex's door and pressed the buzzer. We figured that would be preferable to appearing by his bedside. I was back in my kid outfit, bowl haircut, tent shirt and tight pa

  "Westo! Buddy!" The door snapped open. Rex Lammafam was in jox shorts with no shirt. His hair was rumpled. "Man, what are you doing here? Every cop in town is looking for you! Get in here, quick!" He locked the door behind me.

  "Rex—" I read from Jason's text, hanging in the air before my eyes. "I do not want to make trouble for you. However, I need some help."

  "Westo, you just have a seat here and I'll get us some xeno." We regrouped at a kitchen table.

  "What is it, Rexie?" A female voice. A lovely, leggy child with short dark hair and liquid brown eyes, clad in pajamas, peered out from behind the bedroom door.

  "Go back to bed, honey, I'll be there by and by."

  "Rex," I said, "never mind the xeno. First of all I'd like you to know I'm not a murderer. That fellow attacked me. I was defending myself—and my girl."

  "Westo, don't you worry about that." Rex settled down in the chair opposite me. "From what I've heard about that creep, you did Lakeside City a public service. The police aren't really overly concerned with his death, I can tell. But they want to know all about you. They questioned me about you—where you really came from, who you really are."

  "What did you tell them?"

  "I told them that you pretended to be from Peta Jaya, but I didn't know where you were really from. They've got surveillance on me. There's probably somebody outside right now. Undoubtedly waiting for you to show up. They seem to be very concerned about something, and I'm not sure it's just Jocko's death."

  "I see. Only one guy?"

  "Sometimes two. Sometimes more. Westo, we owe you a great deal of money. That lock is tremendous! What would you say about a flat initial fee plus a percentage of all profits?"

  "Thanks, Rex. You can keep all profits from the lock. In return there is only one thing I need. Do you think you could evade your surveillance at night—in your car—while not making it too obvious you are doing so deliberately?"

  "I guess so. Yeah, can. Lately it's been only two cars. Sometimes only one. I know a multilevel parking garage with exits on every level. I could lose a whole squadron of cops in there. I'll be happy to help you, Westo. Just one question. How illegal is this, buddy?"

  "Nothing illegal, my friend. I want to meet my girl. The police are all over her. I am setting up a rendezvous, with your help. If the police are too incompetent to follow you, that's not illegal."

  "This is the bunny you told me about! Man, I would like to meet her."

  "You will. This is what I ask you to do…"


  The probes confirmed Millie was still under fairly heavy surveillance. There was no way out of it this time. I had to meet her, personally. We found one place that would do for a very brief, intimate meeting. The probes showed Millie habitually used the same restroom in the hospital. It was a one-person toilet—perfect. I was waiting for her inside when she opened the door.

  "Oh! Westo!" She fell into my arms. I kicked the door closed and locked it. She squeezed me like a constrictor, her eyes suddenly full of tears. We kissed, a kiss that almost didn't end. When we finally came up for air, she broke out the tissues again. Her glasses were all steamed up. It was nice and comfy in there, her breasts nudging my chest. She was a wonderful girl. I had certainly missed her.

  "I knew you'd come back!" she sniffled.

  "Millie—please listen carefully. You have no future here. I guarantee it. I can offer you an alternate future, in a new world. A new world, for you. You'll be a nurse there, too, helping the sick. And I will be at your side, for as long as you need me. Now listen carefully. I cannot promise I will be with you forever. My own life is…very complex. But I can promise I will be with you as long as you need me—as long as you want me. I love you, Millie. You must choose now. You can come with me to a new world, and leave behind everything you have ever known. Or you can stay, and perish—for your world has no future. If you come with me, you cannot come back—not ever. Remember that."

  "How far is this…new world?"

  "Farther than you can imagine."

  "You cannot promise…you will be with me forever?"

  "No. But I will stand by you until you don't need me any more."

  "I will always need you!"

  "You may change your mind."

  "If I don't like your world…why can't I come back here?"

  "It will be impossible. It's too far. Once in my world, you can't return here."

  "Do you love me?"


  "Then why can't you promise you will be with me forever?"

  "There are…complications."

  "Complications. Someone else."

  "More than one. But I'll be with you, Millie. I'll stand by you."

  "More than one." She sighed. "No. Impossible. Did you get the xeno data?" She added it almost as an afterthought.

  "Yes. Yes I did. It was all we needed. I want you to come with me, Millie. Will you?"

  "You have someone else. More than one."

  "I love you, and I beg you to come with me. I cannot, will not, leave you here!"

  "What's wrong with here? Why do you say Lakeside has no future? What happens if I stay?"

  "Death. Sudden, certain death. Very soon."

  "You frighten me, West-One Outfam—just like before. My God, you are maddening! You say you love me, but you admit you have someone else—more than one! And you beg me to come with you anyway, or I'll die. Are you insane, or am I?"

  "Promise me you'll come with me! I'll make a new life for you. You and me. You'll be happy. I promise it! I'll make you happy! Close your eyes. Give me your hands. Now promise. Say yes."

  I could hear my heartbeat.

  "Yes." It was a whisper. "How can I say no? You've torn my life to shreds!"

  "Good! Here is what you must do…"


  "All right, Kemah. Can you do it?" I was back on the bridge of the Oduran yacht, in orbit around Rima 2.

  "Yes sir. Easy." She blinked her big brown eyes at me.

  "This is very important to me. It's why we're here. After we're finished, you can go back to Kalalan."

  "Yes sir."

  "You're not going to do anything silly, are you?"

  "Oh no sir! I'll be good. Don't worry." She smiled happily.

  "All right. When this young lady comes aboard, you treat her right, all right?"

  "Are you going to rape her, too?"

  "Kemah. Again. I did not rape you."

  "Oh right! You tied me up and ripped my clothes off! Ha! You raped me!" She smirked triumphantly.

  "Kemah. You don't say a word to her about that, all right?"

  "Oh, don't worry, sir! I won't say a thing! I wouldn't dare expose your evil secrets. But I'm going to write about it, sir. Yes sir—you're going to be famous!"

  "Fine. Write about it."

  "Can I have you come back later and beg my forgiveness and give back all the loot you stole from your victims and serve a long jail term so you can get out later and marry me?"

  "Sure. I'll do that."

  "Great! Thanks, sir. I'm going to have a terrific book here! The rape scene is red hot! Would you like to read it? I'd welcome any improvements."

  "No thanks, Kemah. I don't think I could improve on your imaginative writing."

  "I'm using 'brutal' as well as 'rough' to describe your behavior."

  "Perfect. Sounds good."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "All right. So you know exactly what to do?"

  "Yes sir."

  "Only a few hours more. You'll be on your own, but I'll be watching you—even though you won't see me."

  "Don't worry, sir. I'll do it right."


  It was a long weekend. On the sixteenth, Millie S-Fam packed a little bag and boarded the E-bus to the Balai Highlands, a popular vacation resort. Two cars followed the bus, full of young plainclothes male and female police officers, delighted with the unexpected vacation.

  Early on the evening of the eighteenth, Rex Two Lammafam said go
odbye to his latest conquest, drove downtown to the Eden Multipark, lost his police escort almost immediately inside the parking complex, and headed out of town, bound for the Balai Highlands.

  The resort was a sprawling series of lodges, set amidst forested slopes high in the mountains. Rex did not check into a room, but drove around becoming familiar with the main parking lot and the feeder roads.

  At 2210 hours in the evening, when the resort was glowing like a star and cars were coming and going in the lot, Rex drove his yellow sexmobile into a vacant parking spot near the steps to the center lodge, put the roof down, and waited.

  Millie emerged from the shadows with a little bag, peered at Rex, and approached him.

  "Rex Two Lammafam?"

  "Millie! Get in—quick!" Millie hopped in and the roof slid back into place as Rex rocketed out of the lot and along a side road. "Pleased to meet you at last! Westo obviously thinks very highly of you."

  "Where are we going?"

  "Right where Westo asked. Hang on!" Rex cut the lights and the E-car left the road, shooting over a grassy field, past a little farmhouse, following the tree line of the forest down over a tumbling silver stream and finally swirling to a stop on a footpath by a disintegrating old wooden fence.

  Rex turned the engine off and the car settled down and they got out and stood by the fence, facing a meadow. It was quiet, a warm hush under a moonless, overcast sky.

  "Are you sure this is the right place?" Millie asked. She looked like she was ready to flee the scene at the slightest provocation.

  "This is it, all right. This is where Westo said to wait."

  "But there's nothing here." It was almost a plea.

  "Yes, there is," I said, striding out of the dark.

  "Westo!" Millie threw herself into my arms. We embraced for a long, long time.

  Rex grinned happily. "Young love!" he said. "Ain't it grand?"

  "Millie," I said. "Did you bring your bag?"

  "Oh—yes!" She went back to the car and seized it and rejoined me. She was trembling, presumably from excitement.

  "Transportation should be here shortly," I said.

  "Is that it?" Rex asked. E-car headlights probed the darkness of the forest trail.

  "No, those must be the police. With a little luck…" I looked up into the dark. A single star appeared. It grew larger as we watched, glittering like a comet. And then it was on us, a lovely gleaming delta-shaped white yacht blazing with lights, illuminating us all, sudden daylight, a great roaring as it settled into the meadow, setting off a whirling dust storm. All right, Kemah!


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