Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Vengeful Seduction_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 13

by Michelle Love

  Not from her, though. Kaye wasn’t the type of woman to tease. The whole concept of a woman who wouldn’t tease was a little bit new to me.

  What you saw was what you got with Kaye, though it had taken me awhile to be able to really get that. The more I got to know her, the less convinced I was that she had tricked my grandfather into signing his fortune over to her. But whether she had played a role in it or not, that money should belong to me. If it was getting harder for me to remind myself of that, well, I just pushed those thoughts aside too.

  I let myself be soothed, smiling down into Kaye’s lovely face with one hand on the small of her back and the other raising up to lightly run over her cheek.

  “Brent is my best friend,” I admitted. “He’ll be around a lot. I hope you’re okay with that. I wanted to spend time with you at home, but I’m still needed to make decisions. Brent will go between our house and the office so I can stay with you.”

  “Oh, yes, of course. That’s fine.” Kaye smiled understandingly at me, and I felt my stomach squeeze uncomfortably. “I know why you’d want to have him around. He’s a lot of fun. He said he’s your ‘numbers guy?’”

  Damn it. If only she could have a hint of meanness to her. If only she could be less understanding. It would be a lot easier to do all the terrible things I had planned if she were less …wonderful.

  It was the exact right word. Wonderful. Sweet. Patient. Understanding. Loving. Affectionate.

  Okay, so there were quite a few words to describe her. Like trusting. Maybe too trusting. This plan was like shooting fish in a barrel. It didn’t even seem fair. The money-grubbing gold digger that I had been expecting I could have shamelessly used, but Kaye wasn’t like that.

  I had to pull my mind away from the direction my thoughts were heading and get back to our conversation. “He is. I count on him. I hope you two get along.” I smiled at her as we swayed together, and her body moving against mine brought up little flickering embers of arousal. Those embers could be fanned to full flame with the slightest bit of effort on her part.

  How could anyone be this amazing? I honestly didn’t understand. In my entire life, I couldn’t remember ever meeting anyone as sweet as she was. Not to mention that she was sexy too. Far too sexy for my peace of mind.

  I liked her so much. I wasn’t expecting it, but I did. It was actually kind of a problem. Having her in my arms was like heaven on earth, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

  “I think we will. He seems like a nice guy.” Kaye smiled up at me, and I felt my heart give another one of those pathetic little lurches in my chest. I couldn’t let her get to me like this, but she seemed to do it without even trying.

  She was like a saint.

  A saint should be much more boring than she was, though. Still, she had this sense of innocence, even now. She’d given herself to me completely, and yet she still had a sort of naive aura about her, despite her obvious competence.

  It was like she knew the world, she knew how horrible it could be, and yet she had retained a sort of innate goodness. Or was I romanticizing her too much? Maybe I was just letting the emotions of the day get the better of me—it was our wedding after all, no matter how much of a sham I knew this marriage to be. If she really was as good as I was making her out to be, there was no way she would ever cheat on me.

  So I would just have to make it irresistible for her to do so. It was going to take a tiny bit more work than I had originally thought, but I was up to the challenge.

  By the way Brent was following us with his eyes, he was too. Maybe just a little bit too much. As I met his eyes, I saw him scan over the length of her body from head to toe.

  Normally, it wouldn’t bug me. I saw him do it all the time. It was really nothing more than his way of checking out a beautiful woman, and I had to remind myself to keep my irritation under control. It was just Brent being Brent. There was a reason he’d been the one I’d picked to do this job and to plan with me.

  Poor Kaye didn’t deserve this, though. Not any of it. The more I tried to push the thought away, the more it kept sneaking back into my mind. I had gotten to know her, and it made it much more difficult to use her as I was planning to do.

  If I were really a good guy, I knew I would back off. I would have backed off before we’d ever gotten married. But it was a bit too late for me to do the right thing and I was a little bit trapped now.

  Nothing I wanted had changed, anyway.

  We danced together, and I kept on fighting down helpless arousal as she swayed in my arms. I couldn’t wait until later, when I would strip off every layer of the fancy, white wedding dress she wore and see the lush body that was hidden within.

  Maybe it would make me feel better if she wasn’t quite as much of the saint as she usually was. If I could prove to her—and more importantly, to myself—that she could be just as much of a sinner as anyone, maybe I could get rid of some of this guilt before it completely overwhelmed me.

  Just how far would my new bride go to make her husband happy? I had no idea, but I thought it might be fun to test it out. Besides, with what I had in mind, it would probably just push Brent and Kaye together even quicker.

  Yes. From saint to sinner. The idea appealed to me. Poor Kaye was never going to know what hit her, not by the time I was done with her.

  I had some particular tastes that my sweet, pretty young wife didn’t know about just yet. But she would, and once she did …

  My cock was suddenly at full attention. She couldn’t feel it through the layers of her skirt, though, so I let myself get hard. I even let myself grind against her a little bit.

  This was going to be fun.

  Part Three

  Chapter 12


  Our honeymoon was utterly magical. We took a cruise to Hawaii and spent every day relaxing in the sun and every night tangled up in each other, soaking our sheets. It was bliss.

  It was difficult going right back to work once we were home. David didn’t see any reason for me to rush right back, and I had so much vacation time built up that my boss was quite eager for me to use.

  So I did. About three weeks after our wedding, one week after our honeymoon, I sat in bed watching Netflix on my phone, feeling a little luxurious and very out of my element. I wasn’t used to doing so little, and even though I still had another whole week until I had to go back to work, I was seriously considering going back early just to keep myself sane.

  My amazing new husband wasn’t around and I was bored. I knew his business was important to him, and I wanted to do anything I could to support him, but there were a lot of idle hours while he was working. It just wasn’t something I was used to.

  I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and sat up straighter, grinning. There was only one person it could be, and when my husband came in, I couldn’t help but melt inside, my whole body yearning for him.

  How was he so gorgeous? So utterly perfect? Even after close to a month of marriage, I still wanted him all the time.

  “David,” I murmured. While my eyes scanned hungrily down his body, I noticed he carried a bag. “Is it another present for me?”

  He liked buying me presents. Not really a terrible problem for me to have, but I didn’t want him to think he had to or anything. They were all thoughtful and sometimes extravagant, but all things I genuinely loved.

  “In a way,” he murmured, and his eyes were alight with something like mischief, but also arousal. He looked somehow like an animal on the hunt—a predator— his eyes fixed on me as though he might just devour me.

  It was incredibly hot and I shifted in bed, feeling myself getting slick between my thighs. It took so little for him to get me going, it really wasn’t even fair. I’d gone my whole life, right up until I had met him, without feeling this overpowering, overwhelming desire.

  Slowly, he pulled something out of his bag. I squinted at it, trying to see what it was. Definitely black and leather, but beyond that …

  He held it up
and I saw it fully then. It was a corset. It was followed up by a pair of fishnet stockings, and then he handed me a box with sexy, black stiletto heels inside.

  “What?” I asked somewhat stupidly. I was fairly certain I had never seen those sorts of things in real life, but I wasn’t naive enough not to know what they were. I shifted and my thighs slid over each other, already slick with desire.

  He smirked, and at first he didn’t answer me. At least not with words. Instead, he reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out what was unmistakably a leather collar, black like the corset, and a chain leash to attach to it.

  I stared, trying to figure out why my breathing was suddenly so fast. It didn’t feel like nerves or fear. It felt like lust—even more powerful than what I’d felt with him before, which was saying something,

  “David?” I asked, and I couldn’t raise my eyes away from the silvery chain in his hands. It called to me. I was inexplicably drawn to it, and before I knew it, I was actually moving over the bed to get closer to it. To get closer to him.

  “I have a secret,” David announced, with this little grin on his face. “I’m a member of a club.”

  I waited. Surely the secret wasn’t something so …unsurprising. Of course he was a member of a club. He had grown up wealthy. He was probably a member of many more clubs than I could even conceive of.

  “A very exclusive, private club,” he continued. “Kaye, I couldn’t tell you about this before we were married. I didn’t feel safe revealing it. But now you’re my wife, and I want you to share in everything I do.”

  Well, it sounded good to me. I forced my eyes from the chain and collar and up to him as he laid the black corset and stockings on the bed. His eyes were focused on his task, and I took a second to just admire him.

  My gorgeous husband, who was maybe just a little bit nervous in that moment. Well, so was I, but I didn’t want him to think he had anything to fear from me. I was becoming more and more certain of one simple fact. There was not a thing on the planet that he could do that would make me fall out of love with him.

  “You’re safe now,” I assured him. “Tell me.”

  “You can probably guess by the clothes,” he gestured to them. “But I’m into BDSM. Remember how I said I want to share everything with you? Well, this too.”

  I took a deep breath, struggling with some pretty significant conflicting emotions. On the one hand, this was all so incredibly new to me and it was a bit overwhelming to look at those clothes, obviously hand picked for me. On the other, it was exciting. Deeply exciting.

  What did he want from me? It was a good question, and one that I found myself fairly eager to find out the answer to. Whatever he wanted, he could have. I couldn’t think of much I would deny him.

  “Share it with me?” I wondered if he wanted to get a little bit kinky in the bedroom. Maybe tie me up. It wasn’t the sort of thing I had ever done before, of course, but I would be willing to try.

  “I want you to put on the clothes,” he said, and he somehow seemed to stand up taller and straighter. His voice deepened and became more dominant somehow. It sent little tingles of apprehension and lust through my body. I was way out of my depth and I knew it.

  “And then we’re going out to that club I mentioned.” When he continued, there was no hint of hesitation in his voice. He wasn’t asking me, he was telling me, and his high handedness made me whimper softly to myself, hopefully too quietly for him to hear.

  A man who would take control. It wasn’t something I’d thought I would want, but I couldn’t deny that I loved it. I could swear I had never been this aroused in my entire life.

  “What are we going to do there?” I asked, accepting all of this without question. We were going because I would go up into the sky and bring David the moon if I could. If he wanted it, I would at least put in a good effort.

  “This time, I just want you to watch,” David murmured, and he reached out, pulling me to my feet, and started undressing me. I was more than eager for it, and I put up no resistance as he stripped off the comfortable pajamas I had been wearing. “I want to watch it with you.”

  I nodded slowly. There couldn’t be any harm in watching, right? Maybe the whole thing would weird me out, but I figured I could handle just about anything for one night.

  “Okay,” I agreed. He pushed the corset into my hands, along with a black thong that I hadn’t noticed until then. I pulled the underwear on, blushing when I realized just how little it covered.

  “Brent’s going to be there too,” he commented casually. “We’re going to watch it with him.”

  Wait, what?

  Now Brent was involved? I barely knew the guy, even if he did seem very nice. So Brent was into this whole kinky thing too, was he? I shook my head. I’d had no idea about either of them. None at all.

  “Okay,” I murmured, just a little bit more slowly. Hesitantly. I didn’t mind sharing something like this with my husband, at least to try it out, but to share it with a relative stranger?

  “We’re just going to be watching other people playing out BDSM scenes,” he assured me. “No one will touch you.” It was a relief, but it didn’t last too long. He didn’t stop talking, but continued on, and what he said made me more than a little bit nervous. “Not this time, anyway.”

  I took a deep breath, looking at him uncertainly. As we stood there, he took the corset, slipping it on around my body. It was tiny, barely covering me, and didn’t even have straps to hold it on. It simply clung to me, stiff and rigid, and forced my breasts up like they were being displayed.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked, looking at my husband. I trusted him, I reminded myself, but I couldn’t help but think about how we had really not known each other for very long.

  I had assumed certain things about this marriage, but maybe I was wrong.

  “Later on, I’d want us all to play out a scene. The two of us—Brent and I—on you.”

  The words, once they were out, didn’t sound as terrible as I would have expected. Once they were all out there in black and white, I found the whole idea to be exciting, even if deeply shocking to someone as inexperienced as I was.

  He pushed me by the shoulders, and I sat down on the bed, letting him do what he wanted with my body. But all he did was put my new shoes on—black pumps with a heel far higher than I usually would have worn.

  “Come, look at yourself in the mirror,” he coaxed and took both of my hands to bring me to the shiny, reflective, silver surface. I went, feeling a bit strange, and the feeling increased when I saw how I looked.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered. The woman reflected back at me was beautiful, with a tiny waist, long, long legs, and breasts big enough to make any man drool. My hair fell loose over my shoulders and down my back.

  I looked gorgeous. Delicate. Sexy. All the things I wasn’t used to.

  “Just come watch,” he murmured, his hand resting possessively on the curve of my slender waist. The smell of leather was all around us, especially as my body heat warmed up the corset. I felt dizzy, my cunt throbbing and wet. “And we’ll go from there.”

  He wanted this so badly, and so did I. Even if I hadn’t been feeling this sense of anticipation, I figured I would’ve tried it anyway, for him. I wanted him to be happy. I wanted it more than anything else in the world.

  So I nodded and watched as the young woman in the mirror nodded too. She gave me a secret little smile, and I knew I’d made the right call.

  What exactly a BDSM scene would look like, I had no idea, but I was definitely willing to find out.


  The Dungeon of Decorum was a little hidden gem on the outskirts of Portland. What looked like a small shack above ground was really an underground lair of sexual activity—along with some other fun things—that did a lot for the male ego.

  I hadn’t been lying to Kaye about my interest in BDSM. I had been a member of this club ever since I was old enough to sign up and most of the men I worked with were the same
way. It was a club that catered to exclusive tastes and the people who came here got what they wanted.

  Whatever they wanted. As long as it was all safe and consensual, of course. No one would get seriously injured here.

  I hadn’t been highly involved in the scene—just enough to know it interested me—but my whole life had been focused on getting my business up and running. I hadn’t exactly had a lot of time to pursue this interest.

  On the other hand, it had made perfect sense when Brent had suggested using the club in order to get to Kaye— and in order to get her to start seeing him as a more sexual person. I knew Brent was far more into this lifestyle than I’d ever been and his dominant side should impress her.

  The club was not open to the public. There were no signs. If you didn’t know what it was, you weren’t supposed to be there, and I had always liked the privacy when I did play.

  Brent was already there, waiting just outside the entrance. He grinned at me in greeting, and I returned the expression with a nod. It felt so wrong, suddenly, being friends with the man who was after my wife.

  But it was the about the plan, damn it. Why did I have such a hard time keeping it in mind sometimes?

  We were all very quiet, especially Kaye. Brent didn’t seem nervous at all, but even if he had been, he wouldn’t have shown it.

  I was. I would admit it, though only to myself. I was nervous because I thought I just might be pushing her too far, too fast. Kaye had obviously never done anything like this before, and I thought there was a chance, however slight …

  I shook my head. I wasn’t going to lose her, at least not until I was ready. She was utterly devoted to me. And when she took off the coat that had hidden her gorgeous, corset-clad self, I knew she would be someone people paid attention to. No one would be so crass as to stare, at least not blatantly, but she would be desired.

  And she was mine. All mine.


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