Blood Game: An Eve Duncan Forensics Thriller

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Blood Game: An Eve Duncan Forensics Thriller Page 24

by Iris Johansen

  “Did you hear?” Eve hung up the phone. “Three o’clock. That doesn’t give us much time.”

  “To get to Allatoona?” Caleb asked.

  “No, to find Joe before he takes him there.” She flipped open the computer. “You earmarked that area where you said you sensed Jelak, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Pull it up.”


  “Because that reconstruction I worked on down in Louisiana wasn’t at a Tara-like mansion. It was a church.”

  Caleb gave a low whistle. “Holy shit.” He bent over the computer. “Let’s see how many churches we can find in that quadrant . . .”

  “SEVEN,” JANE SAID AS SHE looked up from the computer thirty minutes later. “Three Catholic—St. Mark’s, St. Francis, St. Catherine; two Baptist—Trinity Baptist, Peachtree Baptist. One Methodist, Jacob’s Ladder. And even a Buddhist temple. Who would know that there would be that many churches in one section of the city?”

  “And they’re spread out all over the area,” Eve said in discouragement. “How are we supposed to find the right one in time?”

  “Split up,” Caleb said. “And if you see anything suspicious, call me. I’ll come and check it out.”

  “Why a church?” Jane asked. “I’d think that he’d veer away from religious doctrines.”

  “Jelak wouldn’t care about the religious side of it,” Caleb said. “I’d bet he wants a grand temple to house his resurrection ceremony. So he’s borrowing one of these churches.”

  “Borrowing? Churches aren’t usually deserted even when there are no services. I just hope that he didn’t hurt anyone.”

  “Don’t count on it.” Caleb headed for the door. “I’ll take the Buddhist temple. Eve, you check out St. Mark’s Cathedral. Jane, Peachtree Baptist. Look for cars in the parking lots. Or any sign of interior lights. Anything different.”

  “Right,” Eve said. She was ahead of them as they reached the steps. Panic was racing through her. All those churches and only a couple hours to cover all of them.

  And if they ran the time too close, she might not make it to Allatoona to meet Jelak at three. That would be dangerous for Joe.

  Hell, everything was dangerous for Joe.

  She could only move at top speed and pray.

  PRAYERS WEREN’T WORKING, Eve thought in despair over an hour later.

  There was no sign of any occupancy at St. Mark’s. No lights. No cars in the parking lot. Not even on the streets surrounding the cathedral.

  She called Caleb. “Nothing. What about you?”

  “I was able to get into the temple. It’s a splendid building, but Jelak gave it a pass. I just heard from Jane. The Baptist church is empty too.”

  “Four more to go.” She checked her watch. “It’s one thirty. It will take at least forty minutes to get to Allatoona.” She started the car. “I’m closest to the Methodist church. I’ll try there. I’ll have to give it up and meet Jelak if that’s a zero too.”

  “I’ll call Jane, and we’ll split up the others.” He paused. “Don’t go to Allatoona without me.”

  “Jelak will probably have to allow time to get to Allatoona too. There won’t be any way to surprise him if we don’t find the church right away. And I can’t risk Jelak flying off the handle and doing something to Joe to punish me.” She backed out of the parking lot as she glanced at her GPS. “I’ll be on my way to Allatoona unless you call me within the next forty-five minutes and tell me we’ve found him.” She hung up.

  She had been so full of excitement and hope when she had realized that Joe had been able to slip in a clue to where he and Jelak were located. It had seemed as if their luck was turning.

  Don’t give up. They still had forty-five minutes.

  Such a short time, she thought in agony.

  Please let the next church be the right one.

  As she reached the intersection, her cell phone rang. She tensed. Private number. Jelak?

  “Eve Duncan?”

  Not Jelak.


  “Ed Norris. I’m sorry to disturb you at this time of night. I guess I woke you.”

  “No, I was awake.”

  “Because you were worrying about Quinn. I’ve had some sleepless nights myself lately.”

  “Yes, I’m very sorry about your daughter.”

  “She was a loving child and my best friend.”

  “I hear she was a wonderful girl. I don’t have much time. What can I help you with, Senator?”

  “I do seem to be rambling, don’t I? I call you up in the middle of the night, and I can’t seem to get to the point. It’s because I’m feeling awkward as hell.” He was silent a moment. “Okay, here it is. I had this dream. It was weird. I kept seeing this picture. Over and over. The same picture.”

  “What picture?”

  “You’ve got to understand. I’m a realist. I don’t go off the deep end. Maybe I’ve not been quite myself lately but I’m as stable as the Rock of Gibraltar.”

  “What are you trying to say, Senator?”

  “The picture. I think you’re supposed to know about it.”


  “Hell, I don’t know,” he said testily. “But the picture wouldn’t go away, and neither would your name. It kept pounding at me, and it wouldn’t stop. So I’m telling you. And if you tell the media I’m off my rocker, I’ll deny this call and sue you.”

  “What was the picture?”

  “It wasn’t really a picture, more like a stained-glass window.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Like the ones you’d see in a church?”

  “Yes, a bearded man surrounded by small animals.”

  “St. Francis of Assisi, patron of animals,” she murmured. “St. Francis! Dear God in heaven.”

  “I know it’s crazy. Anyway, I told you.”

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” She was quickly keying St. Francis Cathedral into her GPS. “It’s not crazy. I have to hang up, Senator.”

  “It’s not crazy?”

  “The whole world’s crazy, but you’re calling to tell me this is the sanest act you’ve ever done.”

  “I somehow thought I was doing the right thing. And it’s going to help you?”

  “I hope it will. I pray it will.” She hung up and called Caleb. “It’s St. Francis Cathedral. How close are you?”

  “Fifteen minutes. Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I just got a call from the senator. I think Nancy Jo came through for us.” She looked at the GPS. “I’m twenty-five minutes away.”

  “Jane is a good forty-five minutes from there. I’m not going to wait for either of you. I’ll see you at the cathedral.”


  CALEB DREW UP A MAP OF the interior of St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral on his laptop, scanned it quickly, then took off across town.

  The interior of the sanctuary of the church appeared to be as grand and rich as Jelak could wish for his final resurrection. Choir stall facing the altar. Two anterooms leading off the sanctuary. The meeting rooms were in an adjacent building linked by a covered walkway.

  So where would Jelak keep Quinn?

  Quinn had known he was in a church, so it would follow that he’d been aware of religious artifacts. Meeting rooms were usually for classes and less identifiable. The chances were that Quinn had been in the main part of the church. Choir chancel. Sanctuary. Anteroom.

  Which one?

  He’d start in the choir chancel and work down. It was located above the nave where the congregation sat and he’d be less likely to be noticed if he was up there looking down. Most people had a tendency to look straight ahead.

  He parked a block from the cathedral and stared for a moment at the tall spires and medieval architecture.

  He couldn’t sense Jelak, but the cathedral was surrounded by apartment buildings. Too many people, too much interference at this distance. He’d be fortunate if he could sense him ten yards away. But, then, Jelak wouldn’t
be able to sense him either.

  Both blind to each other. Level ground.

  But they wouldn’t be on level ground once he found him in that cathedral.

  The excitement he hadn’t allowed himself to feel was suddenly here, pounding in his veins. After all the years of hunting, Jelak was his.

  He got out of the car and moved quickly down the block. No cars in the parking lot, but a small gray Honda was parked in readiness on the street in front of the huge doors of the main entrance.

  “All set to go. You’re ready to take your final kill,” he murmured. “But are you ready for me, Jelak?”

  HE WAS NOT IN the choir chancel.

  But Caleb found the slumped body of a priest on the stairs leading up to it. Evidently the church had not been vacant as Eve had hoped. He stepped around the body and swiftly climbed the stairs.

  No Jelak. But from this vantage point, Caleb could see the golden goblet set out on the altar, which was covered in scarlet velvet. Jelak was clearly planning on bringing Eve back from Allatoona for the ritual.

  His gaze wandered around the sanctuary below him.

  Jelak wasn’t in the sanctuary either.

  Then one of the anterooms.

  Which one? Left or right of the altar?


  He couldn’t risk going into the anterooms from the sanctuary. He’d have to go outside and around the church to see if there were any windows in the anterooms.


  He was only ten minutes ahead of Eve, and he wanted to try to get all this over before she arrived at the cathedral. Getting Quinn safely away from Jelak was their top priority.

  It was not Caleb’s priority.

  He had to destroy Jelak in the quickest way possible no matter who was in his way.

  “IT’S TIME WE LEFT. I’LL need you to walk to the car.” Jelak cut the ropes that bound Joe’s ankles. “I admit I like the idea of returning to Allatoona. It will bring back memories of an interesting kill. Naturally, Nancy Jo Norris wasn’t anywhere near the status of Eve, but she was surprisingly rich in strength for one so young. And she was the first one of my kills they called you in to investigate. You should have some nostalgic feeling for Allatoona too.”

  “Nostalgia? I felt disgust that some slimeball would kill a nice kid like that.” Joe flexed his ankles to get the blood circulating. He didn’t have the use of his hands, but he was good with his feet. Watch for the chance, then a roundhouse kick to the belly and another to the throat. “But then I found out that you were a coward and a nutcase and that ‘slimeball’ would have been a supreme compliment.”

  Jelak’s lips tightened. “Did I tell you what great pleasure I had inflicting all those wounds on you? I might keep you alive for a while after the resurrection to play with you some more.”

  “Resurrection? You actually believe that crap? It’s all been for nothing, Jelak. If you did manage to kill Eve, you’d still be the pitiful gargoyle you’ve been all your life.”

  “You lie,” he said through his teeth. “You know nothing. Caleb could tell you. He knows how close I am.” He drew a breath and straightened. “I’m going to go and collect my goblet and my knife. I’m planning on bringing your Eve back here, but you can never tell what can happen. I believe in being prepared.” He suddenly chuckled. “Like our little Girl Scout, Mary Lou. You do realize I’ll go back for her?”

  “I considered the possibility.”

  “It’s not a possibility.” He grabbed his black Croco case and headed for the door. “I’ll leave you to dwell on that while I go pack my beautiful goblet.”

  The moment he went out of the room, Joe got to his feet. Though still bound to the chair, he half hopped to the door. He’d wait to one side and hook his tied hands over Jelak’s neck and twist until—

  “You look completely absurd,” Caleb said as he climbed through the window. “You know your chances of taking him out are practically nil tied up like a Thanksgiving turkey.”

  Relief poured through him. “Then untie me, dammit.”

  “I’m in the process.” Caleb took a knife out of his pocket as he glided across the room. “But cutting you free is more practical. I need you to be out that window in just a few minutes to stop Eve from coming to your rescue.” He was sawing through the ropes as he was speaking. “Damn, you’re cut to pieces. You look like a pincushion. Some of those wounds will need stitches.”

  “Do you have a gun?”

  “Yes, but I’m not giving it up. I don’t have time to argue. I can sense Jelak, and he’s damn close. He’s probably not reached a stage of sensitivity that will let him sense me with all this interference around us, but I can’t be sure.” He stepped back when Joe was freed. “Go out that window and find Eve.”

  “Not when I’m this close. Jelak will be coming through that door any minute.” He added grimly. “And I’m no longer tied like that turkey you mentioned.”

  “You’re being troublesome, Quinn.”


  Caleb slipped the gun from his jacket pocket and pointed it at him. “Get out, Quinn. Find Eve before Jelak does. She should be here any minute. I won’t have you in my way.” He met his eyes. “I won’t kill you, but I’ll make sure you won’t be a bother to me. Don’t think I won’t use it.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that.” He hesitated, then ran to the window and slid his legs over the sill. “I’ll find Eve. I’ll make sure she’s safe, then I’ll come back. And I’m not sure who I’ll take out first. Jelak or you.”

  EVE NOTICED CALEB’S CAR immediately when she pulled up at St. Francis.

  It was parked across from the cathedral.

  He had said he wouldn’t wait for her. He must be inside. She hesitated, then swiftly climbed the steps to the massive doors of the entrance. Try to slip inside as quietly as she could if the door was open.

  It was open. Was Caleb or Jelak responsible? She wasn’t going to worry about that now.

  No one was in the vestibule.

  She moved toward the sanctuary, warily looking on either side, peering into the shadows.

  No one.

  The first thing Eve saw when she entered the sanctuary was the golden goblet.

  She inhaled sharply. In the darkness of the huge chamber, the candles on either side of the altar caused the goblet to shimmer. She couldn’t stop staring at it.

  She shook her head to clear it. This was no time to be caught up in all the evil that goblet represented. Where was Jelak?

  Her grasp tightened on the gun in her hand.

  And where was Joe?

  “You couldn’t wait to see me?” The muzzle of a revolver was pressed to the middle of her back. “I didn’t expect you. But this is much more convenient than Allatoona. You will have to tell me how you found me. But, first, give me that gun.”

  “Why? If I do, you’ll kill me. You’ll kill Joe. Go ahead, shoot me. Then you won’t have your damn final ritual.”

  “You’re right. So instead, I’ll shoot your hand, you’ll drop the gun. But then you’ll be wounded and won’t be able to defend either yourself or Quinn.”

  He was right. It was better to be without a weapon than wounded. Caleb must be around somewhere. She’d have to rely on him. She dropped the gun.

  He scooped it up. “And now let’s go see Quinn. I have to make sure you’re secured before I go looking for Caleb. I’m sure he’s with you. I’m surprised he let you come in by yourself.”

  “You shouldn’t be surprised.” Caleb stood in the anteroom doorway. “It was always going to be between the two of us, Jelak. That’s why you’ve always been afraid.”

  Jelak stiffened, back arched, as if struck by a whip. “I’m not afraid of you, Caleb. I’m beyond it. It’s true I was counting on the resurrection, but I don’t need it. I’m strong now.”

  But he was afraid, Eve could tell. He was staring at Caleb in defiance, but she could see the faint tremor in the hand that was holding the gun.

  She didn’t blame him. In this
moment, Caleb was truly intimidating. She had become accustomed to him in the past days and was no longer constantly aware of the power she had noticed on that first meeting. But it was as if he’d suddenly shrugged off a casual cloak to reveal authority, menace, and a deadliness that shocked her. He exuded, radiated, shimmered with it.

  He started to walk toward Jelak.

  “Stay away.” Jelak lifted his gun in panic.

  “Why? You’re so strong. You used all their blood to make you that way. All their strength and intelligence and will.”

  “You’re still angry about Maria Givano.” His lip curled. “She was nothing. I thought I’d get a jump start to the resurrection with her. It was too good an opportunity to miss. I had to experiment when I found out that she might have the power.”

  “You made a mistake.”

  “Yes, she had no power.”

  “No, your mistake was killing her. It’s going to bring you down.” He took another step forward. “You’re still so much weaker than I am. You’re shaking. Your blood is pounding. You’re feeling it, aren’t you?”

  “No.” Jelak’s voice was hoarse. “I’m strong. And I’ll be stronger when I kill you.” His finger started to squeeze the trigger.

  “No!” Eve jumped forward, jerking Jelak’s gun aside.

  “Bitch!” His hand swung around and knocked her to the floor.

  “Keep down, Eve,” Caleb called as he moved forward. “It’s okay.”

  Okay? Jelak was going to kill him.

  “Stay away from me, Caleb.” Jelak was firing as he dove behind a pew.

  Caleb had a gun, Eve knew. Why wasn’t he shooting back?

  Another shot.

  The wood on the pew next to Caleb splintered as a bullet plowed into it.

  “I told you that your hand was shaking,” Caleb said.

  A bullet suddenly grazed Eve’s cheek.

  “Stay away, or I’ll kill her,” Jelak said. “I’ll do it, Caleb.”

  “The hell you will.” Joe was suddenly beside Eve, shoving her to one side and putting his body between her and Jelak. “Stop wasting time. Get the son of a bitch, Caleb.”


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