The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse

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The Nephilim and Pyramid of Apocalypse Page 16

by Patrick Heron

  So the rider on the white horse is the Counterfeit Christ, also called the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, the Antichrist.

  We can see from the way things are developing in the world politically that the stage is being set for a single world government. Who would have thought just a few short years ago that the cold war would be over? Who could have envisaged the total collapse of communism in Russia and eastern Europe in such a short time? Almost overnight, the world’s political landscape changed. Now democracy is sweeping the globe, promising freedom and prosperity for all. Democracy is the vehicle and money is the oil which promises to deliver this better future for mankind. This will be the promise of the rider on the white horse.

  Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the Earth and make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

  The second sign Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 was: “Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars . . . Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” This relates directly to the rider on the red horse, for in the Great Tribulation, after a pseudo peace which will last only a relatively short time, all hell will break loose.

  The world at the present time is at a dangerous crossroads, with hundreds of conflicts going on and hundreds more bubbling under the surface, waiting to erupt. When the rider on the fiery red horse is let loose, all these tensions will be realised, with war and slaughter on a scale no one could even imagine.

  The Lamb opened the third seal, and there before me was a black horse. Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice saying:

  “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine.”

  We can relate this to the third sign given by the Messiah when he foretold of those last days: there will be famines. The rider on the black horse delivers these famines. Black always denotes famine. And weighing-out of bread always denotes scarcity. Many famines have been foretold in the Bible. Take the story of Joseph and his multicoloured coat. When Pharaoh had a dream, he could not find anyone in his court who could interpret his dream for him. He questioned all his soothsayers, mediums, fortune-tellers and astrologers. But they were bereft of useful information in those days, just as their counterparts are bereft of the truth in our day.

  So Pharaoh called for Joseph. He asked Joseph if he could interpret the dream. Joseph replied that he could not, but said that God would give him the answer. Pharaoh recounted his dream to Joseph. In the dream, Pharaoh had been standing on the bank of the Nile. Seven fat and healthy cows came up out of the river. These were followed by seven lean cows who swallowed up the fat ones.

  Then he saw seven ripe and healthy ears of corn growing on a single stalk. After them came seven other ears of corn, thin and scorched by the east wind. The seven thin ears swallowed up the seven healthy ones.

  Joseph told him that the two dreams had the same meaning. Egypt was going to experience seven years of great abundance of food. But these would be followed by seven years of famine. This famine would ravage the land and the seven years of abundance would be forgotten because the famine would be so severe.

  He suggested to Pharaoh that he choose a man to oversee the economy for the seven good years. This man would build warehouses and store one-fifth of the harvest during each of the seven years of plenty so that they would have enough food to sustain them through the seven years of famine.

  Pharaoh listened to the interpretation and understood its significance. He also realised that it would make sense to follow Joseph’s advice. So he gave Joseph the job. He elevated him so that only Pharaoh was above Joseph in the hierarchy of the Egyptian empire. From being the lowest of the low in the state jail, Joseph was elevated to the second-highest office in the land. And all because he trusted in Yaweh.

  Later in the story we find that everything occurred just as Joseph had said it would. After the seven years of abundance there followed seven years of bitter famine. During this time all the countries around about implored Egypt to sell them food to sustain them through the famine. In these short seven years, Egypt amassed all the gold and treasures of these nations by selling them food. This is historical fact.

  Now the rider on the black horse denotes a coming famine. You can scoff at this prospect or you can believe it. Pharaoh was wise enough to take the prophecy to heart and put measures in place to avert it.

  I believe that this rider on the black horse is foretelling a great economic holocaust, a time in which a day’s wages is worth a mere quart of wheat and three quarts of barley. One way or another, this is describing the collapse of the economic and monetary systems of the world. All around us today we can see signs of this impending financial collapse.

  The Lamb opened the fourth seal. I looked, and there before me was a pale horse. Its rider was named Death, and Hades followed close behind him.

  They were given power over a fourth of the Earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the Earth.

  Revelation 6:8

  This is the fourth judgment mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24:7. It is the judgment of “pestilence.” The Greek word used here is thanatos, meaning death, in this instance caused by pestilence and disease. “Pestilence” is followed by the grave (Hades). These two words occur together because the latter results from the former. Hades follows in the train of death, because death ends in the grave. Wars, famines and the resulting pestilence are the means used by death and are always followed by a common outcome – committal to the grave.

  We discussed earlier the huge problem at present with the spread of pestilence and disease. Yet what we are seeing now is nothing compared to the devastation which will be unleashed in the Great Tribulation, for we are told that half the population of the world will die as a result of the wars, famine, pestilence and disease which these Horsemen of Revelation represent. At today’s figures, this means that approximately three billion people will die.

  Again we are urged to heed the words of the Messiah when he said:

  When you see all these things begin to come to pass, lift up your heads. Your redemption is near.

  Luke 21:28

  Is it not patently obvious that these prophecies, written almost 2,000 years ago, are unfolding before our very eyes? We were told that these events could be likened unto a woman in labour pains. The contractions become more frequent and more violent as the actual birth draws closer. So, too, we will see these convulsions become more frequent and more violent as we approach the seven years of Great Tribulation.

  Thus this world must inevitably go through the anxiety, pain and bloodshed of the Great Tribulation before it can be reborn into the freedom of Paradise Regained. As Jesus spoke it:

  I tell you the truth, until Heaven and Earth disappear, not the smallest letter, nor the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

  Matthew 5:18

  The Seven Seals, the Seven Trumpets, the Seven Vials

  The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh seals are then opened. I will give a brief summation:

  The Fifth Seal

  After the Rapture or “catching away” of the Christians, a huge population will be left to endure the seven years of wrath. Many of those who mock Christianity now and who refuse to heed the warnings will be isolated. People will turn to Yaweh and to the Messiah for salvation and help. It is going to be a dreadful seven years, but there is hope.

  We are told that a large number of Jews will be converted to the teachings of the Messiah in this Tribulation. These will total 144,000 in all, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. Somehow, these 144,000 will be converted and will become powerful evangelists. As a result of their preaching, multitudes of people are going to believe and discover that the Messiah is their only hope. But there is a downside here, for many of these believers will die as a result of their faith.

We are told later on that the Antichrist will demand total allegiance. This will require everyone to display a mark or brand on their right hand or on their forehead. This mark will be a number. It is the mark of the Beast, whose number is 666. Anyone who refuses to display this mark will be unable to buy or sell or do business. And many who refuse because of their faith will be executed by the Antichrist and his one-world government forces. The inference from the Fifth Seal is that large numbers of Christians will die during the Tribulation period.

  The Sixth Seal

  This talks of an earthquake so massive that every mountain and every island will be removed from its place. The people of the world will be so terrified that they will call upon the rocks to fall on them.

  Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.

  For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?

  Revelation 6:16,17

  The Seventh Seal

  The Seventh Seal introduces the seven Trumpet judgments. These are another series of woes which will fall upon the Earth in due course. After these Trumpet judgments, there will be another series of judgments, called the Vial judgments. There are seven of these also.

  We do not know if all these judgments occur simultaneously or follow one another. However, I will submit a brief summary of these Trumpet and Vial judgments. Later, we will focus on particular aspects of them.

  First Trumpet: Revelation 8:7

  When the first angel sounds his trumpet, hail and fire, mixed with blood, is cast down upon the Earth. One-third of all the grass and one-third of all the trees will be burned up.

  First Vial: Revelation 16:2

  The first vial is poured out and causes horrible sores to appear on those who display the mark of the Beast. We are told that one-third of all the grass, trees and plants will be burned at the sounding of the first trumpet. Could it be that what is occurring right now with the ozone layer is a precursor to these woes? Already in many countries people are being scorched by the sun because of damage done to the ozone layer.

  Scientists are saying that if the depletion of the ozone layer reaches 15%, millions will die from skin cancer. Once the thin ozone layer is damaged beyond a certain level, it cannot be repaired. The effect of this will be an increase in world temperatures and global warming. As a consequence, we can expect a decrease in available food and an increase in famine.

  All these environmental hazards fit in exactly with the prophecies of the end times. They all seem to be occurring at the same time. And this is not just my opinion. It is scientific fact.

  Second Trumpet: Revelation 8:8,9

  When this second trumpet is sounded, something looking like a huge mountain, all ablaze, will be thrown into the sea. As a result, all life in one-third of the oceans will perish and one-third of all ships will be destroyed.

  Second Vial: Revelation 16:3

  The second vial foretells a similar catastrophe to that brought about by the sounding of the second trumpet: a huge burning object, resembling a star, will fall into the ocean and destroy all life and all ships in one-third of the seas.

  This could be a huge meteor. Or, then again, John could be describing some type of nuclear holocaust. It could be another environmental disaster like that of Chernobyl. The Messiah told us in his discourse on the Mount of Olives that there would be an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the last days. This is already occurring.

  Third Trumpet: Revelation 8:10,11

  This announces a huge star or meteor called “Wormwood.” This star falls like a blazing torch on to all the freshwater rivers and lakes, polluting the water in one-third of the entire world. Many will die as a result of drinking the poisoned water.

  Third Vial: Revelation 16:4

  The third vial causes the springs and fountains of drinking water to be turned into “blood.” This fits in with the prophecy of the third trumpet, which John described as a huge blazing star which fell upon the freshwater springs and polluted one-third of the world’s water.

  How many countries in the world have biological weapons of war? A great many, I would suggest. We know that such deadly weapons are already on the market. A small amount of one such poison, poured into a reservoir, could kill two million people. And there are radical fundamentalist Muslims who would love to inflict this “justice” on the West, particularly on the United States, which they detest.

  Whether this “Wormwood” refers to biological warfare or to nuclear fall-out, we shall have to wait and see. But the potential for either is a stark reality in our precariously fickle world.

  Fourth Trumpet: Revelation 8:12

  As a consequence of the sounding of this trumpet, one-third of all light will disappear. The sun, moon and stars will lose one-third of their light. This will have catastrophic effects on the temperature of the Earth.

  Fourth Vial: Revelation 16: 8,9

  The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire.

  They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify Him.

  Revelation: 16: 8, 9

  Fifth Trumpet: Revelation 9:1-12

  As if things were not bad enough, we are here given a description of an eagle in flight proclaiming in a loud voice:

  Woe, woe to the inhabitants of the Earth because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels.

  Revelation 8:13

  This fifth trumpet introduces an evil scenario. We are told that a place called the Abyss is to be unlocked. Out of this pit will come hideous demonlike creatures which look like locusts. These creatures will have the power to torture with their sting, but not to kill.

  They will not be able to touch those who are “sealed” by God, for these are protected. But everyone else will be prey to these scorpion-like creatures, who will inflict their torture for five months. Because of this agony, men will seek death, but they will not find it. They will long to die, but death will elude them.

  Fifth Vial: Revelation 16:10,11

  When the fifth vial is poured out there will be darkness over the “Kingdom of the Beast.”

  Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.

  Revelation 16:10,11

  Sixth Trumpet: Revelation 9:13

  The angel who blows the sixth trumpet will release mounted troops numbering 200 million. These 200 million troops will kill one-third of mankind as they sweep across the breadth of the Earth. Going on today’s population figures, they will slay about two billion people.

  Sixth Vial: Revelation 16:12

  The sixth vial will be poured out on the River Euphrates, causing it to “dry up” and allow the “kings of the east” to march unhindered towards the Middle East for the final showdown at Armageddon. This fits in with the prophecy of the sixth trumpet, which described an army numbering 200 million which would come from the east and slaughter one-third of the world’s population on its westward march.

  The Euphrates has always been the ancient dividing line between Europe and the Orient. In the original Greek, “east” is literally translated as “kings of the sun rising.” This is an obvious reference to the people of Asia. This prophecy says that an army numbering 200 million will cross the Euphrates to engage with troops from the West. China is the only country in the world today which can muster an army of 200 million. Yet this prophecy was penned almost 2,000 years ago. Can you see how the jigsaw is fitting together?

  There now go out “deceiving” spirits, and these motivate the “kings of the earth” to gather in preparation for combat. The prophecy of the sixth vial ends with all the hosts of the enemy lined up for battle.


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