Angel's Nightmare Adventure 3_Nemesis

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Angel's Nightmare Adventure 3_Nemesis Page 13

by Angel Ramon

  She slowly gets up from her fall. She brushes herself off after the fall. Despite some dirt on her leather boots and her soft skin, she is just grateful that she survived the fall. Looking at a door, she heads towards it and to her surprise it’s open. She enters the building ready to enter the abandoned facility that Hybrid is using as a secret research HQ.

  Act 4 – Betrayal

  Chapter 16

  Maria enters the abandoned facility and sees a hallway with rusted pipes along with walls that haven’t been painted for years. The building used to be the sub-station for the reservoir back in the day. However, it got into a state of disrepair once the reservoir ceased operations. The hallway is empty for the most part and no creatures are around. That doesn’t make Maria feel any better as this is a perfect place for an ambush.

  She sees a few doors in the hallway. However the door to the left is locked with a panel indicating that a sample of W-Jolt has to be inserted to open the door. There is a door to the right that is locked and has a couple of simple locks that can be picked. She tries to pick the locks, but is unable to unlock the doors. The locks are a bit more complicated than she thought.

  Requires Level 7 Lockpicking Skill.

  She then heads to the middle door and it opens easily. She finds herself in the pump room for the sub-station and is surrounded by quite a few flea drainers. Maria pulls out her shotgun and begins to unload on the flea drainers. She takes out three fleas in one shot, exhibiting the power of the upgrade to the shotgun. Due to the heavy recoil of the shotgun though, she is unable to kill all of the flea drainers quickly enough.

  Shotgun Ammo: 23

  The remaining flea drainers get close to Maria. Seeing a set of small stairs, she tries to run up. However, one of the flea drainers tackles her and bites her on the floor. She’s able to kick the creature away from her. Another creature tries to slash her, but she’s able to outrun the attack.

  Making it to the second level of the pump room, she sees a huge box above where the drainers are. Using her pistol she shoots the rope holding metal box. The box falls on all four flea drainers crushing their guts to Maria’s disgust.

  “Yeah get that crap out of my way!” Maria says as she sees the creatures get crushed.

  Exploring the pump room, she spots some ammo on the floor.

  Picked up +7 Shotgun Shells. Shotgun Ammo: 30

  On the other side of the room she sees something else.

  Picked up a Green and Blue Herb.

  Maria mixes the two herbs together.

  After grabbing the pick ups, she heads to the elevator only to find it out of order due to a lack of power. Maria begins to get the idea that even though Hybrid has control of the facility, it hasn’t been developed too much and/or Hybrid has everything hidden in the lower levels. She doesn’t see any panels or anything controlling the power to the elevator.

  Then she looks at the fallen box again and spots a broken ladder that leads up to a small area. The ladder is reachable from the box. However, the box is six feet tall and she is just 5 feet 6 inches. So she decides to jump onto the box from where she is. She runs and just before she gets to the edge she jumps. While she doesn’t land on top of the box exactly, she is able to grab the edge of the box and pull herself up to the top.

  Once she’s up to the top of the box, she sees that the ladder is within reach from where she is. However, she also knows that six feet is a decent fall if she misses the ladder. So she tries a couple of test jumps to make sure she can reach the ladder. On her test jumps she sees that she reaches the ladder.

  Gathering herself, she jumps forward reaching for the ladder and is able to grab the ladder with her right hand. However, she nearly loses her grip as she’s trying to hold herself with one hand. She plants her feet onto the wall in an effort to gain some leverage and is able to get her left hand onto the ladder. After a bit of a struggle she’s able to pull herself up the ladder and up to the small area.

  When she reaches the small area, the fuse for the elevator is missing and the elevator power has been cut off.

  “Damn now I gotta find a fuse, has to be somewhere in an electrical room.” She says to herself.

  She sees a locker that is locked and she picks the simple lock to open it. There is something inside.

  Picked up +6 Acid Rounds. Acid Rounds: 11

  Picked up +6 Flame Rounds. Flame Rounds: 18

  Lockpicking Skill has improved to Level 7!

  She carefully heads back down without hurting herself and heads back to the hallway. Heading to the locked door, she tries to pick the two locks once again. The first lock is easier to pick while the second one proves to be a bit tough having more pins to pick. After a few minutes though, she finally gets the door open and enters through.

  She ends up in a maintenance room of an unknown job title. There are a few zombies dressed in reservoir worker uniforms. She kills all of them with relative ease and dodges one that gets too close to her popping a bullet on its head. She sees a few pick ups on the table.

  Picked up a First-Aid Spray.

  Picked up a Water Sample. There should be a water sampler around, but what would be the purpose of this?

  Pistol Ammo: 103

  She heads down the stairs and sees a door ahead. However, she is surprised by a zombie who grabs her and tries to bite her. Maria is able to break out of its grasps and kill the zombie with her knife. After killing the zombie, she heads through the door and ends up in a waterway where water flows from the pump room to the outside reservoir.

  There are web spinners in the area and one of them spits its toxic spit at her. She dives forward to avoid the attack while the other two continue to crawl up the wall and ceiling. Another web spinner attacks with its legs and takes her down. The third spider spits poison at her and with her still getting up the spit hits her.

  Condition: Poison

  After getting up, one of the spiders tries to tackle her. However she shoots the spider with an acid round on her grenade launcher. She gets out of the room back to where she came from to load in the flame rounds in order to conserve the more powerful acid rounds.

  Acid Rounds: 10

  She goes back to the waterway and sees the spiders still crawling around. She shoots the one in the ceiling and it goes down burning with the flame round. Despite the spider falling into the water, the flames go into the body and burn its insides.

  The other spider gets off the ceiling and tries to tackle Maria, but she jumps over the spider while it hits the wall. She shoots it with a flame round killing it. Once she defeats the spiders, she heads around the corner where she sees a door and an herb on the floor.

  Flame Rounds: 16

  Picked up a Blue Herb.

  Maria uses a Blue Herb. Poison condition cleared.

  Condition: Fine

  Going through the door, she finds herself in the break room. In the break room she finds Danny looking through the room.

  “Danny? You’re still alive! Have you found anything?” She asks cautiously.

  “Yup, well all I know is the helipad is in the back of this facility. We got no time to waste! This is where these radios will really come in handy. Let’s spilt up and let each other know where we are.” Danny replies while handing Maria a radio.

  “Hold on! I seen Nicolai and he literally told me that he has no intentions of helping us. Now if he’s trying to kill us is another issue indeed, but I suspect he’s behind all this. Danny, how do I know you’re not in on this?” Maria shocks Danny with her question.

  “What are you saying? No way am I in on this, I’m shocked that this is even happening! What has gotten into you?” Danny defends himself.

  “Sorry, but Nicolai indicated that the HBCS was ordered in to collect live data from the creatures and leave. In otherwords your job wasn’t to save us, it was to study us and use us as pawns…” Danny cuts Maria off.

  “I see, but you gotta trust me that I had no knowledge that this was the real intention of the mission. Alt
hough in my theory we were sent here to be butchered by Hybrid’s creatures. I’m telling you, Nicolai is not telling you the whole story. There’s something he’s not saying and I believe he is a supervisor in reality.” Danny replies.

  “Wait a minute, I found this note and Hybrid has me on their hit list. The name that signed this note starts with an N and an I. Now if I was a betting girl, that name’s probably…” Maria says.

  “Nicolai!” Danny screams.

  “That’s what I’m thinking as well.” Maria says.

  “You want more proof that I’m clean? I saw Richard, who was a supervisor hurt and shot and guess who was there?” Danny asks.

  “Nicolai?” Maria asks.

  “Yup, he was there and he was acting suspicious claiming he was dead. He also said Richard had killed himself. I refused to believe that, Richard was a decent man. When I came back from making your medicine, I saw Richard alive still. He had said something about a traitor who shot him and saying the HBCS was done. Before he got a chance to tell me who had shot him, he was shot dead. Danny tells her about Richard.

  “Well, we should get moving then.” Maria says.

  “Listen, there’s something I have to tell you… They plan to launch the missile in only an hour.” Danny yells.

  “You serious? How do you know?” She asks.

  “I heard it over the loudspeaker from another supervisor before… he was shot to death as well.” He answers soberly. “Listen you’re right we don’t have much time to waste.” He continues as he runs out of the room.

  She explores the room and finds quite a few pickups.

  Picked up a First Aid Spray

  Picked up +6 Standard Grenade Rounds. Standard Rounds: 18

  Picked up +7 Shotgun Shells. Shotgun Ammo: 37

  Picked up +6 Acid Rounds. Acid Rounds: 16

  She sees another door and finds herself in the electrical room. Besides the many circuit breaker boxes and big electrical pipes, there are also Lizarda’s inside the room. She pulls out her shotgun and lets it loose on the creatures killing them in one shot despite the heavy recoil taking her down to the floor.

  Once the room is clear, she looks for the fuses and sees a box that contains many spare fuses. However, they all have different amperage ranging from 50 to 100 AMP fuses. Not sure which one she needs, she takes the 100 AMP fuse just to be safe. If she grabs a fuse that is too low the fuse will blow out possibly when she’s in the middle of taking the elevator.

  Picked up a Fuse. This fuse should power the elevator to full power.

  After grabbing the fuse, she heads back to the elevator to insert the fuse. Before she can go on top of the box, the wall cracks open from behind her and Nemesis pops out.

  “Oh no, I forgot about this monster!” Maria is reminded about Nemesis.

  After Nemesis comes out of the wall, he goes after Maria and tries to grab her using its tentacles. She gets out of the way and tries to shoot it with the acid rounds. To her surprise though, Nemesis is able to zig-zag around all three acid round shots.

  Acid Rounds: 13

  Maria in shock is hit by a left hook from the creature. She goes down on the floor and Nemesis picks her up. The monster throws her to the panels and inflicts a good amount of Damage towards her.

  Condition: Caution (Level 2)

  “Is it me or did this monster get stronger all of a sudden?” She is unsure why Nemesis is harder to defeat.

  Nemesis walks away from her and she gets up using the panels as leverage to help her recover. She thinks maybe Nemesis is walking away and she has a chance to shoot it from behind. However, the creature quickly turns around and begins to run in her direction at full speed.

  Nemesis prepares to finish Maria with a running right fist, but somehow she’s able to use instinct to dive to her left. Nemesis ends up punching and destroying the panels. The electricity is enough to shock the creature and prevents it from moving for a few seconds. Maria takes this time to load her grenade launcher with flame rounds.

  With Nemesis still unable to move by the shock, she shoots the creature with the flame rounds. The flames weaken Nemesis to the point where it kneels down and begins to get up walking towards the fire pit that is full of flames used to warm the building when the conditions are cold. Using the First-Aid Spray she heals herself.

  Maria uses First-Aid Spray.

  Condition: Fine.

  She sees an opportunity to push Nemesis to the pit of fire.

  “Yes! This could be my opportunity to kill this thing once in for all.” She says excited in her head.

  She runs towards Nemesis and the two begin a tug of war on the railing. Nemesis turns the tables and gets Maria close to the railing as it tries to push her into the pit.

  Press “A” repeatedly to hold off…

  She is able to somehow slip out of Nemesis’s clutches and then performs a roundhouse kick right towards its face. The creature nearly tips over the railing and Maria pushes the creature’s legs. Nemesis screams while it falls into the pit of fire. Once Nemesis falls into the pit of fire the flames rise up close to where Maria is standing strong.

  “You wanted Maria, I just gave you Maria. This bitch might look good, but this bitch can sure be a real bitch! I hope you enjoy your stay in hell you test tube freak!” Maria says taunting Nemesis. However, did Maria really kill Nemesis?

  She slowly walks towards the where she has to jump and takes a knee to regain her energy. Even though her determination in high, her energy physically, is running low. It’s clear that Maria is very tired and is pushing herself to extreme limit just to survive this nightmare.

  After about 5 minutes of gathering herself, she runs toward the edge and jumps on the box reaching the top. When she gets to the top of the box, she catches her breath once again. After another minute she jumps up to the ladder and goes up to the fuse box for the elevator. She inserts the fuse into the fuse box and power is restored to the elevator.

  September 11, 2013

  “It was almost over, the nightmare was almost over. Even though I was tired, I could sense that this was almost over. I told myself, only a little more to go. I had the feeling though that little bit would be the hardest part of this whole experience.

  I did not want to say nothing to Danny, but I was weak and ready to fall out. What kept me going was my determination to not let Hybrid get away with their sins and for me to be reunited with my love, Angel.

  I will say this much, the training Angel gave me has come in handy so far…”

  She heads back down to the ground and calls for the elevator. After the elevator heads down and opens, she enters. Taking the elevator to the top floor, she continues her journey through the abandoned facility…

  Chapter 17

  The elevator arrives upstairs to the upper part of the pump room. She is met with numerous amounts of zombies. She kills most of them with her grenade launcher using the standard grenades. The ones that remain alive she finishes off using her pistol.

  Standard Rounds: 15

  Pistol Ammo: 90

  After clearing out the area of the zombies, she heads towards the controls and finds several jars of gunpowder.

  Picked up 2 jars of Gunpowder A

  Picked up 2 jars of Gunpowder B

  Picked up a jar of Gunpowder C

  She heads towards the double metal doors ahead of her and enters the machine room. She sees an elevator that has no power to it. There is a switch in the back of the room. However, the steam coming out of the pipes is way too hot. In fact, touching the pipe will burn off skin quickly on a normal human being.

  She sees switches next to the pipes including the one in front of her. She presses the switch and the steam shuts off in front of her. The path still isn’t clear, but she figures all she has to do is turn the switches and the path should clear.

  Pressing the next switch, she notices that the steam doesn’t turn off in front of her. She tries to switch it back and forth but the steam doesn’t go away. There is no use
crawling under because the steam reaches all the way to the floor. When she turns around she sees a back path and heads towards the path. Another switch can be seen and she presses it. She heads back to where she was and sees that the steam has cleared.

  After going through, a flea drainer drops from the ceiling. The creature tries to attack her using its claw, but she’s able to backflip out of the way. Pulling out her shotgun the flea tries to jump on her. Maria blasts it to next year with a powerful shotgun blast.

  Shotgun Ammo: 36

  After killing the flea drainer, she heads towards the end of the path where a switch for the elevator is off. She simply flips the switch on and the elevator powers up. When she heads to the elevator it takes her down to the water testing room.

  A couple of ivies are in the room and as soon as she steps out they try to spit poison at her. She’s able to roll out of the way and avoid being poisoned. As she gets up and begins to run she bumps into another ivy that was hidden in a corner. The creature grabs her with its vines and throws her onto an unknown machine. She heads behind the machine to load her grenade launcher with the flame rounds. Popping out of the hiding position, she blasts the 2 ivies out in the open with the flame rounds.

  Flame Rounds: 14

  When she kills the first two ivies, she tries to focus on the third ivy. However, the ivy grabs her by her foot and begins to pull her towards it. Maria fights to escape the creature’s clutches. She tries to punch the vine to no avail and she pulls out her knife. The knife slips out of her hand and the creature continues to pull her in. She gets extremely close to the ivy, but is able to spot what looks like a torch.

  The ivy tightens its grip on her and prepares to bite her head off. The ivy doesn’t know that Maria’s right arm is still free. She waits until the ivy opens its huge mouth. When the creature opens its mouth, she aims the torch at the ivy and hopes there is still gas left inside.

  “Open wide, sucker!” She says as she pulls the trigger to the torch.


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