“I see.” The demon says with a wicked smile on his face. “Professor Devine will soon be your next candidate for the cursed wolf strap.”
Lucifer says, “Oh you’re quiet right my most disgusting
demon. All we must do now is set the trap.”
“Ah the,” demon says, “your contract.”
“Yes,” Lucifer says, “as the professor would never sign it knowingly on his own. And with Isabella out of the picture for awhile, we won’t have to be concerned with her psychic powers picking up on our plans to trap the professor.”
The demon says, “Oh my Dark lord you are so very
“Yes!” Lucifer says with an evil grin on his face.
Meanwhile, back at the New Age shop, Richard and Cheri are finishing up for the evening, as little Megan sleeps on the floor covered in a quilt that Isabella had stored in the back room for such occasions.
Cheri says, “Well I guess that about wraps things up for the evening.”
“I’ll flip the sign to closed on the door.” Richard says.
Cheri looks down at Megan resting peacefully in the quilt. Then says, “Daddy, I’ll let you carry your little princess to the Jeep while I lock up and shut off the lights.”
“Ok babe.” Richard says. Richard bends down and lifts
Megan into his arms as Cheri holds the front door open for him.
Richard carries Megan out to the Jeep placing her in the back seat still wrapped in the quilt.
Sliding into the drivers seat Richard waits for Cheri.
As they pull out onto the main road heading for home,
Richard’s haunted by the spell book he uncovered, questions come to mind, how did the book end up in Isabella’s book shipment? Why did he decide to hide it from Cheri? What prompted him to do that he wonders?
Soon they pull into their drive way, Richard having parked the Jeep in the garage gets out, walking around he hands Cheri the house keys as he reaches in and picks Megan up from out of the backseat of the Jeep and carries her to the door. Cheri holds it open as Richard gently carries Megan up to her room and tucks her in bed for the night.
He returns down stairs and finds Cheri setting in the living room in front of the fireplace holding a glass of wine
out to him. Richard says, “Thanks sweet heart you must have been reading my mind.”
When suddenly they hear someone beating on the front
door. Richard, jumping up setting his glass on the coffee table,
walks over to the front door and opens it as Isabella comes rushing in out of breath.
Catching her breath she shouts at Richard, “Where is it
Richard looking confused says, “What are you talking
“That damn book!” Isabella says, “I know you have it hid somewhere, tell me where it is; now I mean it!’
Cheri walks in the room, “Richard, what is she talking
Richard says, “I have no idea.”
“You’re a damn liar Richard, and you know you are!”
Isabella says, “You have that damn spell book hid, and I want it right now! It must be destroyed for your own sake before it’s too late!”
Cheri, with a worried look on her face, looks at Richard
and says, “If you know what she’s talking about Richard, explain it to me, tell me what have you done!”
Richard says, “I haven’t done anything wrong, look I found the damn thing in the shipment of books that came to your new age shop,” pointing his finger at Isabella. “If anything,” he says, “she’s the one who has some explaining to do.”
Isabella says, “Bull shit! I never ordered that damn book; someone’s planted the damn thing. And they made sure I was out of the picture, so you’d be sure to find it, and find it you damn sure did!” She shouts.”
“Look,” Richard says, “it’s at the shop; I just stuck it on a back shelf is all.”
“Yea,” Isabella says, “how convenient for you!”
Cheri says, “What’s wrong Isabella, I’ve never seen you so
Isabella says, “I was at my past life regression seminar
when suddenly this terrible feeling came over me that Richard was in danger, then I received an image of that damn book in my mind. I knew I had to get back home and stop Richard before it was too late!”
“Before what was too late?” Cheri asks.
Isabella says, “Don’t you see, Lucifer’s set a trap for
Richard. And he damn near walked right into it.”
“Oh my God,” Richard says, “Isabella’s right. I just never gave it much thought as it’s been over five years ago since we last had a conflict with Lucifer and his cursed object.”
“The brotherhood thing you mean?” Cheri asks.
“Exactly.” Richard says, “Hell I’d forgotten all about it,
until now. It’s all starting to come back to me.”
Boo steps inside the door way, looking around he says,
“Well did you tell Richard about what’s going on?”
Isabella says, “Yes I told him. It took it awhile for it to
sink in to that thick skull of his.”
“So now what do we do?” Cheri asks.
Isabella says, “I tell you what we do, we burn that damn
Richard says, “It won’t work Isabella.”
“And why not?” she asks.
“Because it’s protected by magic,” Richard says, “it’s one of the safe guards Lucifer has placed upon it.”
Boo says, “Well there must be something we can do!”
Isabella says, “Well that bastard Lucifer’s up to no damn good, you can bet on that.”
Richard looks at Isabella and says, “Thank God for your psychic abilities, is all I can say. That damn book already was working a spell on me.”
“Now,” Isabella says, “we need to come up with a plan, try to figure out Lucifer’s strategy concerning this. Has
anything new or strange taken place since I’ve been gone?” It suddenly dawns on Isabella about Richards exchange student at the shop the other day.
Cheri asks, “What exchange student?”
Richard speaks up, “Oh I have a new student, a foreign
exchange student recently enrolled at the university this week.
She’s in my class.”
“Now it’s all starting to make sense.” Isabella says.
“Richard’s new student just happened to be at the shop when UPS dropped off the shipment of new books.” Isabella continues saying, “This young girl came in the shop said she’d dropped off the box inside, as the UPS driver had just left it at the front door of the shop. She said she’d scooted inside the shop to keep it safe so no one would run off with it. That’s how the book got in our book shipment.”
“That Morgan girl planted it inside the box, knowing it
would be found. Lucifer most likely placed a spell on the book,
that’s why Richard hid it and never said anything about it to
Cheri.” Isabella says, “He was under a spell that had been placed on that book by Lucifer himself.”
Richard asks, “But why after all these years would he
bother to do that?”
Isabella says, “Because Richard, he’s still pissed at you,
you’ve cost him many souls so now he’s determined to have
“My God, talk about holding a grudge.” Richard says.
“Think about it Richard,” Isabella says, “Lucifer is in the soul business, he’s out to destroy as many lives as he can. Then along comes you, and you foul up all his plans. He has a major grudge against you Richard, and he means to get even no matter how many years it takes.”
“Remember,” Isabella continues, “he has immortality
where as you don’t. But if he can win your soul, you’
ll be his to punish throughout eternity. That’s why he’s after your soul and wants it so badly Richard.”
Boo says, “Damn Richard, when you make an enemy, you go all the way don’t you?”
“Hey,” Richard says, “I couldn’t let that bastard get away with hurting all those people.”
Cheri says, “Of course not darling, but now we have to
protect you from him.”
Isabella says, “We just have to come up with a plan to help Richard.”
“I’m open for suggestions.” Richard says.
Isabella says, “Well I’m back now, so I just have to focus on what Lucifer’s plans are, then maybe we can come up with an offensive plan to block his from taking place.”
Cheri says, “First thing I would do Richard, is kick that
foreign exchange student out of my class, hell as far as that goes, get her kicked clear out of the university.”
“I agree.” says Isabella, “That’s the first place I’d start, as she’s one of Lucifer’s little cronies’ that’s for sure!”
Richard says, “Well how am I going to do that? Hell the
dean thinks she’s great!”
“Then,” Isabella says, “you are going have to make up
some lies about her, make the dean kick her out.”
Cheri says, “I know, tell the dean you caught her smoking pot in the girl’s rest room.”
Richard says, “How in the hell am I going to do that, and what was I doing in the girls rest room to catch her?”
Isabella says, “He’s got a point Cheri, we have to think of something else.”
“I’ve got it!” Boo says, “Tell the dean you caught Morgan cheating on her test papers.”
“Hey that might work.” Isabella says.
Richard says, “But I’d be lying, that isn’t right.”
Isabella turns and looks at Richard and says, “Richard
we’re trying to save your ass here, work with us will you Mr. Do Good.”
“Ok, ok,” Richard says, “I’ll see what I can do, but I don’t like the idea one bit!”
Cheri says, “Richard please listen to Isabella, she’s trying to help you. I don’t want to lose the man I love to Lucifer!”
“Ok,” Richard says, “I’ll swallow my pride and lie about Morgan, and do my best to get her kicked out of the University. But I still don’t like lying.”
“Well get over it mister,” Isabella says, “as it’s to save
your ass!”
Boo says, “Well honey it’s getting late we better head for home.”
“Sorry about ruining your seminar Isabella.” Richard says.
“That’s ok,” Isabella says, “that is what friends are for.”
smiling as she heads out the door. “Give Megan a kiss for me.”
“I will.” Cheri says. “Thanks again Isabella!”
“Well,” Isabella says, “at least you appreciate what I’m
trying to do for him.”
“Good night.” Boo and Isabella say as they head out to
their car.
As Isabella and Boo back out of Richard and Cheri’s
driveway and pull away down the street, Lucifer stands with cane in hand, grinding the tip of it into the asphalt.
As he stands in the street starring at Richard and Cheri’s house suddenly he lets out a horrific growl disappearing in a cloud of putrid grey smoke.
Isabella and Boo are talking as they drive down the winding stretch of road from Richard’s house. When suddenly Lucifer appears pointing his cane at their car.
The driver’s front tire on Isabella and Boo’s car suddenly explodes. Isabella unable to control it at such a high speed, runs off the road driving off a small ravine crashing into a tree, as their air bags deploy.
Lucifer walks up beside the car, looking inside at Boo and Isabella’s unconscious bodies. He turns as an evil grin comes across his face. Lucifer says, “You know, that’s the tragic thing about automobile crashes, as so many times while the air bags do save lives, often the occupants find themselves trapped inside their car, due to faulty seatbelts.” Smiling Lucifer says, “Ah but what to do? I mean after all it is against the law not to use them. Sadly, in cases such as this though, where it’s obvious there’s a bad fuel leak, things have a tendency to turn into a tragedy, and lives that may have been spared are instead taken!”
Lucifer walks away from Isabella and Boo’s car just as it explodes, and is soon engulfed in flames.
Lucifer turns and says, “Oh my, my, what a terrible
tragedy, and to think they did everything right, they had their seat belts securely fastened; they had a vehicle equipped with air bags. Such a tragedy.” Lucifer says as he walks off into the night with an evil grin on his face. Behind him the flames of the burning car rise into the night air.
Cheri and Richard awake the next morning to the sound of loud pounding on their front door. Richard, rolling over looking at the alarm clock, says, “Damn it Isabella! This shit has to stop.”
Getting out of bed Richard heads down stairs to find Tinker, Yank, and Pierre standing in the living room along with Pierre holding Megan in his arms.
Pierre speaks up and says, “Your little one let us in
Richard, I’m afraid we have some tragic news for you my friend.”
Cheri coming down the stairs sees the tears in Tinker and Yanks eyes. Pierre looks up tears streaming down his cheeks he says, “Daughter there’s no easy way to say this, Boo and Isabella are dead.” Megan squirms out of Pierre’s arms and runs to Cheri.
As Cheri bends down scooping Megan up into her arms, tears now flowing down Cheri’s cheeks as well. Richard walks over embracing her.
Cheri turns to Pierre and asks, “How did it happen?”
Pierre says, “They were on their way home last night, I
guess the way I understand it, they had a tire blow, drivers front. The car went out of control and they ran off the road over a ravine and crashed into a large tree, there was a fuel leak, their car exploded, with them in it. Luckily the rescue squad told us he was pretty sure they were unconscious when the car exploded, so they didn’t feel a thing.”
“How in the hell would he know that?” Cheri asks.
Pierre says, “Well daughter he doesn’t for sure he just
wanted to make it a little easier on us hearing the news. I’d rather believe they didn’t feel any pain or suffer much.”
Richard says, “Me too. This is all my fault, Isabella and
Boo would still be alive and well in Arizona if it hadn’t been for me and my stupidity.”
Cheri says, “Richard you can’t blame yourself for
Isabella’s psychic powers. Her and Boo came back early because they feared for your life, hell your soul! And what Isabella knew, cost her and Boo their lives. You couldn’t have prevented that”
“It still doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Pierre says, “There will be a wake for them tomorrow
night, celebrating Isabella and Boo’s lives.”
Richard asks, “Where at Pierre?”
“The bar down by the docks of course,” Pierre says.
“Everyone knew them, and loved them like they were their own kin. Guess you’ll have to run the shop on your own now
daughter.” Pierre says.
Cheri says, “But I’m not psychic like Isabella was, that’s going to hurt the business as everyone loved Isabella and thought she had such a wonderful gift. They spoke of how
Isabella and Madam Juju were so much alike, they could have been sisters.”
Pierre says, “Maybe I’ll be able to offer you some help in that area, remember the lady I spoke of who enjoyed my tours so much?”
Cheri smiles and says, “Yes. What about her Papa?”
“I asked her out on a date, she said yes.” Smiling Pierre
says, “We’ve been seeing each other ever sense, and she has a gift with the cards.
She’s given me several readings, and they’ve all turned out pretty accurate.”
Cheri says, “Could she use a place to do these readings of hers Papa?”
“I could sure ask her for you.” Pierre says, “I’ve got to be going, come on boys, we better get back to the docks we have to get the bar prepared for Isabella and Boo’s wake tomorrow night he says. You and Richard are coming aren’t you?”
“Oh yes Papa,” Cheri says, “we wouldn’t miss it for the
“Good.” Pierre says, “I can introduce you to my lady
friend Marie.”
“We’ll see you there Papa.” Cheri says, as Pierre, Yank
and Tinker turn and head out the door.
Standing off in the distance is Lucifer, with his little demon servant. Lucifer says, “Oh how I love a good wake. Everyone gets good and drunk; many don’t make it home and end up being buried next to the person they had the wake for. Ironic, isn’t it.”
As he looks down at his demon servant, Lucifer commands him, “I want that spell book of mine! Go to that new age shop and retrieve it for me. Before anyone else can get their hands on it, I have another plan in mind since that damn psychic screwed the last one up for me!”
“I hear and obey Dark Lord?” the demon responds.
Lucifer says, “People to kill and souls to
Steal, “As the saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed, kill your enemy and make him bleed.” Lucifer lets out a diabolical laugh as he disappears in a cloud of smoke.
The demon meanwhile appears in the new age book store, looking around; he locates the book Richard had safely tucked away for safe keeping. In a flash of smoke he disappears. The book now in possession of its owner once more.
Lucifer, at his secret hideaway, sets on his throne made of dead men’s bones. Leafing through his spell book he looks for one particular page, an old favorite conjuration of his, finding it he closes his book, laying his hands on it’s binding of human skin; he empowers it to do his bidding. Then calling for his demon servant he hands the book to him.
Lucifer says, “I want you to place this book where it will fall into the hands of Mr. Devine, but make sure it’s in a spot where his Cajun wife will not stumble across it. As you’ve planted my contract already as instructed have you not?”
The Devil's Belt The Final Confrontation Page 3