Where's My Son?

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Where's My Son? Page 11

by John C. Dalglish

  He walked to the center of the lot and stopped. He stood perfectly still, and appeared to be waiting for Wade to come and meet him. After a few minutes, Wade opened his car door and stepped out. The man waited while Wade walked towards him. When they were about ten yards apart, he stopped him.

  “That's far enough!”

  Wade froze as the order echoed around the empty lot. He took the initiative.

  “You tried to kill my son—why?”

  The stranger said nothing.

  “Well? Did you come here to talk or not? Why did you run down my son?”

  The man slowly lifted his face.

  “I wanted you and your wife to experience the same pain my wife and I did.”

  “What pain? What are you talking about?”

  “The pain of a lost child. You brought it upon us.”

  “How? We don't even know you.”


  “Who is Kristian?”

  The stranger moved closer.

  “You call him Jack; his real name is Kristian and he is my son, not yours.”

  Wade was stunned.

  “There must be some mistake; we adopted Jack through legal means. We have all the paperwork.”

  The man snorted.

  “Don't tell me about paperwork, it's fake and you know it.”

  Wade started to realize that this man thought that he and Katie had stolen his child.

  “My wife and I would never take part in something like that.”

  That seemed to set him off.

  “My…wife…is…DEAD!” He spat the last word.

  Moving towards Wade, he was yelling.

  “Cancer took her because she didn't have the will to fight. The loss of her son was too much. That makes her death your fault.”

  Wade was backing away now, trying to figure out how to escape.

  “You can't blame us for that.”

  “Oh yes I can, and I do.”

  Wade turned to run back to his car when his body suddenly exploded in pain. Two probes sunk into his back and electricity began coursing through his body. Every muscle he had tightened and he slammed to the ground. His head struck the pavement and everything went black.


  Wade began to come around. He could see the stranger sitting on the wall, watching him. He tried to get up, but quickly realized he was bound.

  The man noticed he was awake and came over to stand above him.

  “I lost my son and my wife. Do you have any idea what kind of pain I went through?”

  Wade didn't answer.

  “I would explain it to you, but there are no words. You have to experience it. You have to suffer it, eat and sleep it. The pain is there every waking moment. Tonight, you will begin to understand.”

  Wade looked up, unable to fully grasp what was happening, as Michael drove his fist into his face, and everything went black again.


  Katie wrapped her hair in a towel and put on her robe. Jack was in bed and she planned on curling up with a good book. As she sprawled out on the bed, she noticed a missed call from Wade on her phone, but no voice mail. She figured that meant he was going to be late. She pushed his number and it rang until she heard his voice mail greeting, followed by the beep.

  “Hey, it's me. I guess you'll be late. I'll probably fall asleep, so don't worry about calling again. Jack was beyond thrilled with his bike. Good luck with the showing. Love you.”

  She got up and put on a pair of sweats and an old t-shirt. She changed her mind about reading and turned on the TV instead, flicked off the light and got into bed. She was out cold in minutes.


  Michael sat in his car just down the block from the Duncan home. All the lights were out in the house.

  He played the layout of the house over and over in his mind. Jack's room was at the top of the stairs, the master to the left. The stairs were to the right when you entered.

  The night was cool and the moon concealed by clouds. He would be nearly impossible to spot in the black jacket and jeans. Once inside, there would be no way to stop him. The time was fast approaching when Jack would learn who he really was, who his mother was, and where he was from. He would finally get a real father, and not an adopted one.

  Everything would be set in order.

  He pulled the picture of his wife from his jacket pocket. He would keep his promise and show it to their son. He smiled to himself in the darkness. This would be the first day of him and Kristian being a family again.

  Michael could see the glow from a TV flashing images on the blinds. He would wait about an hour more. It had been ten years; patience for one more hour would be easy enough.

  He slid down in the seat and watched the window.

  It was 9:30.


  Sam and Jason were on their third pot of coffee. The newscast at 6:00 P.M. had broadcast the picture and information about Michael Barton, but had got little in the way of leads. There were a couple of calls from folks who thought Michael looked familiar but couldn't remember where they had seen him. Of course, they took down all the info, but none of them seemed promising.

  The 10:00 P.M. news had started and, within minutes, the picture of Michael Barton appeared on the screen.

  “Police are seeking information from anyone who may have seen this man.”

  They proceeded to give a description and show the phone number. A call came in and Sam answered. Another call came in and Jason answered. After a few moments, Jason hung up.

  The phone rang again and Jason picked it up.


  “Yes, my name is Peggy and I met the man in that picture.”

  Jason sat straight up. Sam was still on the other call but he saw Jason motioning.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, quite sure. In fact, he identified himself as ‘Michael from San Antonio’. It was that man.”

  “When was this?”

  “A week, maybe ten days ago.”

  Jason was scribbling down details as fast as he could.

  “What were the circumstances of your meeting?”

  “I am the receptionist for Golden Century Realty. He came into our office looking for one of our salesman.”

  “Really? Can you tell me who the salesman was that he was interested in?”

  “Is my co-worker in danger?”

  “I don't know for sure, but it is a possibility.”

  Peggy hesitated for a moment and Jason tried to remain patient.

  “Wade Duncan.”

  “Do you know their number?”

  Peggy gave him Wade's cell.

  “And the address?”

  Jason was already getting up and preparing to leave while Peggy gave him the address. Sam hung up and came over. Jason showed him the address and Sam nodded his head. Jason thanked the lady and hung up. They raced for the door.


  Wade didn't know how long he'd been out. The trunk was shut and in the darkness, he couldn't tell if it was still night or the next morning. More importantly, he didn't know what had happened to Katie and Jack. There might still be time to warn them, or it may already be too late. He didn't know what the man had planned, but he knew it couldn't be good.

  He let his mind wander to Katie. He loved her so much, and the decisions he'd made had put her directly in harm’s way, alone and unprotected. He thought of Jack. He didn't know what the man intended for Jack, whether he would hurt him or take him. He had never felt so alone, so helpless. He had to get free.

  He remembered his cell phone, which was still in his front pocket. He rolled back and forth until it dropped onto the trunk floor. It lit up and he could see he had a missed call from Katie. Panic engulfed him. He tested the rope and thought it might eventually stretch. He knew that his trunk had an interior latch release and, if he could get loose, he could get out.

  He began yanking his wrists back and forth, over and over. Little by little, the rope began to loosen. His wrists throbbed
from the abuse, and he could tell he was tearing the skin, but he kept at it.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he pulled both hands free and popped the trunk release. He sat up and his head swam from the blow he had taken. He waited for things to stop spinning, then grabbed his cell phone. Maybe he wasn't too late. He dialed Katie.

  It was 10:45.

  It rang until it went to voice mail.


  Wade hung up and dialed 911. While he was talking to them, he grabbed the magnetic key holder under the fender well, started the car and sped for home.


  Katie rolled over and turned off the TV. She looked at the clock. 10:30 and Wade still wasn't home. She was about to get irritated when she thought she heard the front door click shut. She listened for several minutes, but didn't hear the normal sounds of her husband putting away his keys, getting a drink from the fridge or opening the mail.

  “Wade? Is that you, honey?”

  There was no answer. Maybe he hadn't heard her.

  She got out of bed and went to the bedroom door. She thought she heard something.

  “Wade? Wade, is that you?”

  She started down the stairs to make sure she wasn't hearing things. She was just a couple of steps from the bottom when a man came around the corner and lunged at her with a knife.

  She screamed and fell back against the stairs, the knife just missing her neck, instead slashing across her thigh. Blood soaked her sweats.

  The man pulled back for another stab when Katie planted her feet in his chest, sending him back against the opposite wall. He hit with a thud, and with the breath knocked out of him, slid to the floor.

  Katie scrambled up the steps, her cut leg leaking blood as she dragged it. Her first thought was getting to the phone and calling 911. She made it to her bedroom, grabbed the phone and dialed.

  Her attacker had gathered himself, and he made it to the top of the steps just as Katie got through to the police. He charged her, knocking the phone away, and shoving her onto the bed, where he landed on top of her. She was much smaller than him, and he easily pinned her beneath his weight.

  He reached over and grabbed a pillow, forcing it over Katie's face. Katie fought with everything she had. She clawed at his arms and face, pulled at his hands and tried to roll her head, but he was too strong. Things started to fade as she thrashed around, looking for anything to save her.

  Her hands landed on the bristle end of her hairbrush. She gripped it and swung upwards with everything she had left. The handle end of the brush rammed into the man's ear.

  He screamed with pain and rolled off of Katie, clutching his ear. Katie pushed the pillow away and gasped for air. Blood poured down the side of the man’s face. Coughing and choking, she jumped up and grabbed her phone, fleeing downstairs.

  “Help! Help!”

  “Ma’am, this is emergency services. What's happening?” The operator was still on the line and had heard the whole attack.

  “Someone is trying to kill me! Send help, please hurry!” She set the phone down while she searched for a knife in the kitchen drawer.


  Michael regained his composure and went after her. He ran from the bedroom and started down the stairs. As his foot left the top step, he heard a voice.

  “Leave my mom alone!”

  It was Jack, the commotion bringing him out of his room. As he said it, he lunged at the man, pushing him from behind and propelling Michael into a freefall down the stairs. He landed on his left shoulder, breaking his collarbone. He lay there, looking back up at his son.

  Didn't his son know he was here for him?

  Jack ran back into his room and shut the door. Michael got to one knee and then stood all the way up, his left arm cradled against his stomach. He moved down the hall towards the kitchen and ducked into the bathroom, closing the door to a crack. As Katie got to the bathroom, Michael exploded through the door, knocking the knife away and pinning Katie against the wall. She pushed back off the wall, jamming Michael's shoulder against the bathroom door frame. He let out a cry of pain and she broke free.

  Getting to the end of the hall, Katie tried to round the corner and go back upstairs, but slipped in her own blood. She crumpled against the wall and lay there, dazed.


  Jason and Sam arrived at the address. Jason was out of the car and running before Sam had stopped. The detective hit the front door at a dead run, found it unlocked, and burst in, his gun drawn.

  Katie Duncan sat on the floor, unable to move, looking down the hall. She turned her head, looked at Jason, and then back down the hall. Jason saw Michael come around the corner with a knife.

  “Michael, freeze!”

  Michael stopped and looked at Jason.

  “I have to do this, Jason. They took my son and I made a promise to Tammy. Don't get in the way.”

  “Don't move, Michael. I will shoot you.”

  Michael stared at the detective for a minute and then lunged at Katie. Jason fired two shots.


  Wade arrived right behind the detectives. He ran to the front door. Just as he got there, he heard two shots. They stopped him in his tracks. He heard a scream: Katie. He was moving again, and when he came through the door, he found a man lying on top of Katie. Blood was everywhere.

  Jason saw him and swung his gun around on Wade.

  “Who are you?!”

  “Wade Duncan…that's my wife.”

  He ignored the gun and moved to Katie.

  “Kate! Kate! You okay?”

  He dragged at the man laid across his wife, pulling him off of her. He cradled his wife in his arms.

  “I think so.”

  “You okay, mom?”

  Jack was looking down from the top of the stairs. She gave him a weak smile.

  “Yes, I'm okay. Are you okay?”

  “Yea, who is that man?”

  “I don't know, Jack, but he won't bother us ever again.”


  Sam was still with the forensic team when Jason left with Wade and Katie in the ambulance. Shirley had showed up and taken Jack to her place for the rest of the night. The EMTs had gotten the bleeding from Katie's leg stopped, and she was being transported to the hospital.

  “Do either of you know the man who attacked Katie?”

  They both shook their heads no.

  “Do you know why he said you had stolen his son?”

  Again, they both shook their heads.

  “Do the names Susan and Stan Turnbull mean anything to you?”

  For a third time, they both shook their heads no.

  Jason had a theory that was forming in the back of his mind.

  “Is it true that your son, Jack, is adopted?”

  Wade paused before answering.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I believe that Jason thought Jack was actually his missing son, Kristian. About ten years ago, Kristian was kidnapped in Texas.”

  Katie tried to sit up, but she was strapped in.

  “Jack is our son, adopted legally. We have the papers.”

  Jason stopped the questioning and assessed his options. He was sure that if he checked the papers, they would be fakes. He didn't know how Michael had made the connection to their family, but the dates were too coincidental. He was pretty sure that he could solve the biggest case of his career by following this theory.

  However, both Tammy and Michael Barton were dead. Exposing Jack as illegally adopted would take him from the only home he had ever known. Some things were more important than just solving a case.

  “I'm not challenging your adoption, Mrs. Duncan. I said that Michael Barton believed that.”

  Jason paused.

  “I do not.”

  He put away his notebook and pulled out his phone. After several rings, Lieutenant Patton answered.


  “Lieutenant, Jason Strong. The newscasts paid off. We found Michael Barton. He’s dead. I'll give you more de
tails when I get back to my hotel. I'm coming home.”

  “Save the briefing for when you get back. Get some rest and we'll see you then.”

  Jason closed his phone.

  He would not destroy a family to close an old case.


  My wife told me when I started this project that the hardest part would be “putting yourself out there.” She was right. We are all great in our own minds but it is you the reader that will ultimately judge our efforts. I appreciate the time you have taken and the effort you have made to make this project part of your life.

  I also want to thank, Beverly, my beautiful wife, for telling me to do this in the first place, Gavin for telling me I could do it, and David for making me do it correctly. (“Don’t use the tab button!!”) Also, thanks to Kristian of TS games for my fantastic cover.

  Special thanks to Ashley for her insightful editing.

  I welcome any and all comments at: [email protected]

  God Bless,

  John Dalglish

  February 18, 2012




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