The Truth of the Body (Templer Series)

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The Truth of the Body (Templer Series) Page 2

by Duka Dakarai

  He sits back in his chair, folding his arms in contentment across his chest. As I walk around the sculpture stroking the smooth lines, a watery smile plays on my lips. “Oh, Aiden. It is beautiful and it says exactly what you envisaged. Recovery.”

  “Thanks Amber. It is all down to you.” He bows his head shyly.

  “No, this is all you, Aiden. And I do not want to argue about it.” I playfully bat his shoulder.

  “Amber? Have you heard about the concert tomorrow night? For The British Forces Foundation?” He cocks his head.

  “Yes, Dr Rowe told me about it. Sounds really cool. Isn’t Sapphire performing? The guys will love it. She is so pretty.” I tease him.

  “So are you, I hear. Actually I think he said something like…..strikingly beautiful.” He beams the broadest smile.

  “W-what? Who said that?” I poke him light-heartedly in the arm.

  “Oh, only Major Logan Grant! He might be hard but he is not blind….excuse the pun!” He laughs, catching a snort in his throat.

  “You are teasing me. He would never say that, and why would he?”

  “He did. I asked him what you looked like. He grunted a bit. Then said you were a heart-breaker. Strikingly beautiful, and I should watch myself and think with my head and not my cock. Oh, sorry, Amber.” He bows his head shyly again.

  “Let’s change the subject, shall we? So about this concert. Are you able to go?” I’m suddenly angry at myself for being grateful that he is unaware of my flushed face.

  “The charge nurse says I’m okay to go for an hour, but I mustn’t tire myself out. Amber…….I don’t suppose you would go with me?”

  “Well, Corporal Finch, I would be honoured.” I squeeze his hand gently.


  The British Forces Foundation ‘Royal Demand’ Show

  The show, which follows on from the Junior Ranks Dinner, is taking place on the same day that Prince Charles is visiting the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The evening has got underway with a classy feel courtesy of operatic quartet Adore who are followed by the hilarious Boy with the Tape on his Face ably assisted by various unsuspecting members of the audience. The comedy continues with the legendary John Malone.

  The climax of the show will see Sapphire open her acoustic set with her global smash hit Close to You. But I notice that Aiden is starting to look weary. I pat his arm. “Come on you, time to return to the ward. You are exhausted.” I stand, reaching out my elbow for him to take, and we make our way slowly back to the ward.

  As I begin to leave the unit, I notice a light is still on in Dr Rowe office. I tap the door gently. “Alison? Are you still working?”

  She calls for me to enter. I push the door and come to an abrupt stop. Major Logan Grant is sat opposite her. “Oh, sorry. I just wanted to say hi.” I mumble. “I will catch you later.”

  “Wait, Amber. We were discussing Corporal Finch and how your input has helped him immensely. Please join us.” Alison beckons me into the room.

  We chat for a few minutes about the early success of the sculpture sessions. I am flushed with embarrassment and do everything possible to avoid the penetrating stare of the Major. He is looking directly at me, his intense blue eyes, burning through to my core. I need to make my excuses and get out of here. How can one person cause such conflicting emotions at the same time….extreme sexual attraction and downright distaste?

  “I’m happy to help. Oh, I really should be going….it is getting late.” I make my way to the door.

  “I will walk you to your car, Miss Templer. It is late and dark.” Major Grant ushers me out, before gently holding my arm. He leads me along the corridor before I can get a chance to shake myself free.

  “I do not think that is a good idea, Major…..I want to go by myself. Thank you.” I pull my arm away forcefully, pushing the bottom on the elevator.

  He remains still next to me. “I think I owe you an apology.” He growls.

  “Oh, you do? Yes, I would say so.” I spit out at him.

  The elevator doors slide open and he pushes me inside with a flat hand pressed against my lower back. He backs me into the corner, pinning me against the mirrored walls, placing a hand on either side of my head. He lowers his face close to mine. I can feel his breath on my cheek. “I’m sorry. I should not have touched you like that in the car park. I was wrong. Foolishly trying to prove I was right.”

  I tilt my chin up to return his look. I find myself nodding softly. “Accepted, Major Grant. Now can you step away, please? I feel…..feel…..uncomfortable” I can feel my teeth scrape against my bottom lip and my breath begin to quicken.

  He stays still, a small groan almost inaudible escaping from his mouth. His chest rises and falls sharply causing his nostrils to flare out a twitch. I can smell his masculine scent, raw and erotic. I close my eyes for a brief second inhaling him in, drawing his intoxicating smell into my nostrils. I snap open my eyes to find his, hooded and drowsy with desire.

  “Major…..” I pant, each breath taking me nearer to him.

  “Christ, sweetness. You are bad news.” He groans, moving his face closer to mine until I feel his lips brush lightly against mine.

  I need to taste him, just for this one time. Just once. I respond instinctively nibbling gently on his bottom lip.

  He groans loudly now, hungrily pressing his lips onto mine. He growls deep onto my lips and I feel the vibration of his words, sending heat surging through my body. My body arches towards him. My lips part against the increasing pressure of his tongue and suddenly he is inside of my mouth, tickling and dancing sensually. A groan escapes from my mouth, my tongue finding his. I suck the tip of his tongue. I feel his erection building hard against my thigh. I reach out for the nape of his neck, pulling him deeper into me. He presses his groin hard against me, rubbing his hard shaft across my sex.

  The ping of the elevator springs us apart. We stare at each other, panting and breathless. He grabs my hand, pulling out into the corridor passed the amused faces of the waiting passengers. We stride through the car park. I am almost running to keep pace. I tug at his arm, trying to slow him.

  “Major….stop! Where are we going?” I gasp trying to run and talk.

  He slows, eventually stopping to face me. “Christ. You have got my head reeling. Where is your car?” He rubs a hand down his face.

  I point across the lanes towards my car. We move swiftly, weaving in and out the lanes, until we reach my car. He pulls me into him tightly, hugging every last breath out of my lungs. He kisses me tenderly, suddenly stepping away from me, still holding me at arms’ length.

  “We should not have kissed. I’m sorry.” He speaks abruptly, taking me by surprise.

  “Why are you saying sorry? I kissed you back.” I feel aware of the sudden tension in his body. “You seem almost angry?”

  “Just leave it there, Amber. It will not happen again.” His eyes are intense on my face.

  I nod, confused. He seems to be battling with himself.

  He bows his head, shaking it slowly. “This ends here, Amber. I return to Afghanistan soon and I will not have a woman waiting for me……because I might not come back. I will not do that to any woman. I do not do relationships for that very reason.”

  He turns quickly walking away without a backward glance, leaving me leaning against my car. He didn’t have time to see the tears start to sting in my eyes. One kiss was all it took.

  Chapter Five

  “One kiss?” Mia’s eyes grow wide, a small smile playing across her lips. “No-one falls in love after one kiss!”

  Jake swaggers out of the kitchen, a mouth full of crisps. “You did! All I did was kiss you once and you were mine.” He reaches across planting a cheese and onion kiss on the top of Mia’s head. He throws a wink at me.

  Mia bats him away with a playful scowl. “You did not have me after one kiss…..and any more cheese and onion kisses and the engagement is off. Pig!”

  Drew calls out from his study. “Who has kissed my little s
ister? I’ll kill him.” He roars a playful laugh.

  “No you will not. Anyway, he is a Major in the 40 Commando so he could nail your ass.” Tilly shouts from the veranda.

  I tennis ball looks at my family. Sometimes this house in Cornwall feels like organised madness but it is exactly what I need right now. Alison Rowe had been right. The work with the patients is emotive, and tiring. So when she insisted that I took a week off, I jumped at the chance to re-group in Cornwall. I fall asleep thinking of Major Logan Grant. And I wake up thinking of him. It is slowly driving me insane. I have never been so affected by one person. Sure, I have had relationships. And I think I have been in love. Maybe. But that one kiss had set a fire within me I have never experienced.

  And there he is again, in my thoughts.

  “Oh, you got it bad.” Tilly enters the kitchen bringing me out of my day dream. She plumps herself down next to me, squeezing an arm around my shoulders. “You know you have to let this one go down to experience right?”

  I nod quietly. And she is right. He made it quite clear. He does not do relationships.

  Mia huffs in Tilly’s direction. “So she should just give up? Is that what you are saying?”

  “I don’t have much choice!” I cry out stomping a frustrated foot. “He does not want anything more…..and anyway, it was just one kiss. It probably meant nothing to him!” I curl myself up, hugging my knees.

  Drew leans against the door frame of the kitchen. He lets out a deep sigh. “Jake, it looks like you and I are heading out for girly supplies.”

  “Girly supplies?” Jake throws him a puzzled look.

  “Chocolate!” We all shout out in unison.


  Aiden beams directly at me as I walk into the unit. I stop, stunned to the spot.

  “Hi, Amber. So you are beautiful. It is true” He grins, shyly.

  I am glued to the floor. He can see me. He can see me! I shake myself free from my daze and rush towards him. “You can see me. Has your vision fully returned?” I bounce excitedly.

  “It came back while you were away. I wanted to text you but I thought I would surprise you instead. It’s been three days now. But I’m a while away from being discharged so you are still stuck with me.” A cheeky grin spreads across his handsome face.

  I hug him tight to me. “Well, I suppose I will have to survive a few more days in your company.”

  He holds a hand to his chest, fawning pain. “Oh, now that stung. And I was going to ask you to the Summer Ball.”

  “Summer Ball?” I cock my head, puzzled.

  “The British Forces Foundation Summer Ball. It is a grand affair at the Dorchester Hotel, dinner and champagne and dancing.”

  “And I’m afraid you are not well enough yet to go, young man. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.” Alison’s kindly tone enters the unit. We both spin around in her direction. Major Grant is stood beside her.

  “That’s a shame, Aiden. Maybe we can do something else on that night. I could visit and we could have a meal in the canteen or something. I will even get dressed up.” I breathe out each word purposefully, avoiding any eye contact with Logan.

  “Actually, Amber. That is what I came to see you about. We are all booked on the Major’s table. You, me and the rest of the medical team here on the unit. It is a tradition since the unit opened. I thought I had said but you know me. My mind is a bit like my desk. Too much going on!” Alison shrugs an apology.

  Aiden clasps my hand. “Looks like someone else will see your fancy dress….and get to dance with you, Amber.”

  “Yes. Maybe.” I squeeze his hand back, making a start with pulling out the Art supplies.

  Chapter Six

  The British Forces Foundation Ball, Dorchester Hotel, London

  Jonny, Mia’s close friend and stylist, is scowling at me. He rakes a hand through his hair, throwing himself into one of the burgundy semi-circular chairs in my hotel suite in a tantrum. “Will you stop pacing or all my efforts will be ruined!” He squeals, his frustration rising by the minute.

  I re-trace my previous steps before grinding to a stop in front of him. I shake my head feeling another stray hair come away from my fashionable undone chignon. I am wearing the plunge front Issa jersey silk gown in the rich indigo hue with Givenchy suede sandals in black with matching black Marni clutch. I take one last look at myself in the full length mirror, twirl, and smile nervously at Jonny. “I can’t help it. I feel like a teenager going to the Prom.” I bite my lower lip just to emphasise my point.

  “It’s 7.45. No time to back out now, pretty girl.” Jonny ushers me towards the door of my suite, The Harlequin, a roof top penthouse within the Dorchester Hotel. The suite, the dress and even Jonny are all ‘a treat’ from Mia and Tilly.

  As I enter the lobby leading into the formal ballroom, I am handed a glass of champagne, my name is taken, before I am escorted through to my table. There are nine of us to be seated with the Major. As I approach the table, the Major stands formally to greet me. He brushes his fingertips softly on the bare skin of my lower back as he guides me into the seat opposite his. The slightest of touches has already caused my skin to tingle. I sit, sipping my champagne rather too eagerly.

  Alison reaches across to pat my arm. “You look a complete vision, Amber. Every man in this room stopped to look in your direction when you entered. Even the Major could not take his eyes of you.” She throws a playful laugh at the Major.

  “I’m sure that is not true, Alison.” I retort scolding her, feeling a warmth build in my face. “But thank you for the compliment”


  We have dined and drank our way through three courses of exquisite food while being entertained by Adore, a favourite operatic quartet of The British Forces Foundation. We have laughed through Jim Donaldson, and struggled with our emotions viewing film reels of the current tours of our troops, some present in this ballroom, including Major Logan Grant.

  Watching him on screen, dirty and weary in the dust of Afghanistan, talking about his men, I feel a tremor in my lips. I sneak a glance at this incredibly handsome man sat opposite me, and am stunned to find him staring directly at me, rather than watching himself on screen. I avert my daze quickly, remaining transfixed on the screens until the showing is finished.

  As the films draw to a close, I excuse myself to the powder rooms. I am gripping tightly onto the edge of the wash basin, mentally talking to myself in the gilded mirror. The reality of war, of maintaining strength and relationships, of loving a man or woman who is risking their life daily, comes to a head. A violent sob breaks in my throat. I am twenty four years old, basically a spoiled and pampered girl. He is thirty and has lived through war, death and what else I cannot imagine.

  And he doesn’t do relationships. He will not have a woman wait for him. In case he doesn’t come back.

  I pat my cheeks dry, take several deep breaths, and head out towards the ballroom.


  I must have been in the powder room longer than I imagined. The ballroom is now overflowing with couples dancing. There is laughter and conversation intermingled with the sound of the band. I try to make my way through the throngs of swaying bodies before my elbow is lightly tugged. As I turn around I am encircled in the strong arms of Major Grant. He presses me snug against his chest, one hand wrapped along my lower back, the other gently holding the nape of my neck. Instinctively, I fold my arms around him. No words are spoken. Just his warm breath as he lowers his head to lean against mine, while we begin to sway in motion to the music.

  Suddenly as the music quietens towards the end of the dance, he tilts my chin up to face him. His eyes are soft but his expression is serious.

  “Stop thinking about the films, Amber” He says gruffly.

  “H-how did you know?” I reply, puzzled.

  “I’m not stupid.” He thumbs the crease between my eyes. He lowers his lips just enough to brush against mine without actually kissing me. I feel and hear his next words as they vibrate al
ong my mouth.

  “I can’t seem to stay away from you. I can’t give you anything more…….but I can give you tonight”

  Chapter Seven

  Anticipation and sexual tension are suffocating the air of the elevator as we ride up to the rooftop suites. We are stood facing each other, both our backs pressed hard against the outer edges of this enclosed space. It feels as though the moment we touch we will combust, so we dare not. Our chests rise and fall in unison, each breath, each pant harsher and heavier than the last. His eyes are drowsy with greed, the blue iris fierce and penetrating. Watching each rise of his chest, and breath expel out his mouth, my nipples harden and scrape painfully against the fabric of my gown. My sex is pulsating growing sodden as each second passes.

  I run my gaze through the length of his powerful frame finally settling on his groin. I can see the thick outline of his erection pressing hard against the material of his dress trousers. I am mesmerized. I ache to have it fill me.

  My eyes spring away as I hear him bang his head repeatedly off the glass. He groans loudly. “If you stare at my cock one more time, I’m going to fuck you right here, Amber.”

  The ping of the elevator signals our arrival at the rooftop suites. As the doors swing apart, he launches at me picking me off my feet. I straddle him with my legs around his waist as he carries me out and into the lobby. His erection is pressed hard against my sex as I rock myself against him, repeatedly stroking his cock with my pussy.

  “Christ, Amber….get your fucking room key ready. My cock is about to explode!” He growls harshly.

  I fumble through my clutch, nibbling and suckling on his neck, licking every drop of the heady scent of his skin. We burst through the door, entangled and panting. His mouth finds mine, hard and hungry, our tongues eager for taste. I hear the groan come from deep inside him, sending heat straight to my core. I moan as I capture his tongue and begin to suck at its tip.


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