The Truth of the Body (Templer Series)

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The Truth of the Body (Templer Series) Page 5

by Duka Dakarai

  “As I said…..I came to welcome you home, Logan. And you can fight your feelings as much as you want. And you can push me away time and time again. But I will keep bouncing back. You met your match, Major Logan Grant. Me and my big girly pants!”

  He shoots me a furious glare before suddenly bursting out into a thunderous roar of laughter.

  “What? What the fuck are big girly pants?” He shakes his head, laughter still shaking through his body.

  I lean up, swing his cap from his head and wrap my arms around his neck. He face quickly becomes serious. I smile up at him, before reaching to kiss him passionately. He pulls me in tighter against him, matching my kiss in eagerness.

  I gently pull out of his arms, place his cap back upon his head, and start to walk away. After a few strides, I turn to see him looking puzzled. I gesture to Amanda and Geoff. “Now is family time, Marine Man, so I will leave you to them. But do not you think I’m going to be doing all the chasing!” I wink as I see a wide smile form on his face.

  “I said you were bad news” He shouts after me as I disappear into the throng of the crowds.

  Chapter Thirteen

  My phone pings a new text message. I snatch up my phone buried underneath my art supplies. I smile as I note it is from Logan. I held my nerve for two weeks after the parade and there was still no contact from him. But then a couple of days ago, the first sign came in a brief text message. A simple hello. I want to ring or visit him but I am showing patience I never knew I had.

  I thumb open the message.

  Logan: Hi x

  Me: Back at you x

  Logan: How is your day? x

  Me: My new piece is crap. I just tossed it. How about you? x

  Logan: That’s not good. I just put in for my discharge today. x

  Me: I don’t know what that means. Discharge? x

  Logan: Time to leave the Forces. I have served my time. x

  Me: Wow. That’s a huge decision. x

  Logan: Yes, but I thought it through. It is the right time for me. X

  Me: Do you know what you want to do, afterwards? X

  Logan: Not entirely sure. I’m meeting an old buddy, Mark, from way back. He is a chauffeur/security guy. He is going to give me some leads. I think security or bodyguard, that type of thing would suit me. X

  Me: Well, you have got the body for it ;-) x

  Logan: You are bad x

  Me: But in a very, very good way x

  Logan: You are making me hard. X

  Me: Do you need some assistance? X

  Logan: You need spanking x

  Me: Oh promises, promises x

  Logan: Mark, my buddy has turned up. And my cock is hard. I have got to go. You are such bad news. Later x

  Me: Later xx


  Drew is sat behind his desk, shaking his head at his chauffeur, Mark Thompson. Or just Thompson as he prefers to be known. “Thompson, I already said it was cool. Clark will manage perfectly fine while you are away. Jesus, man, it is two days. I don’t plan to do any major trips. And Tilly isn’t going anywhere that I know of. So go… up with your Forces mate. Christ, get pissed, whatever. But go!”

  Jake walks into the office as Thompson makes his exit. “What is up with him?” He laughs.

  “He is finally taking two days off. Would you believe it? He thinks he is the only one who can drive and look after us. I told him Clark will be fine.” Drew shakes his head for the second time.

  “But you do not trust Clark like you do Thompson.” Jake snorts.

  “Yeah, but don’t ever let Thompson hear us say that. The poor guy will never take any time off!” Drew throws his hands in the air, laughing aloud.


  Mark takes another swig of his beer, eyeing his old Forces buddy over the rim of the glass. Logan Grant has not changed in four years. Well, maybe packed on some more muscles. He always was a brawny bastard. Hard as fucking nails but fair and true to his men.

  “So you made the decision to leave then? Thought you would be signed up for life?” Mark raises an eyebrow at Logan.

  “Well, buddy, life gets in the way, you know. Things change. That is why I called you up. I’m thinking of something along the same lines as you. Got some leads for me?” Logan shrugs.

  Mark coughs slightly. “Are you saying you finally let a woman into your life?”

  Logan scowls embarrassed. “I don’t fucking know yet. I’m seeing where it goes. Damn woman just scrawled right under my skin.” He lets a shy smile play on his lips.

  “I can’t wait to meet the woman who finally got to you! Yeah, I got a few leads for you. But I will also speak to my boss when I return. His brother travels a lot and has mentioned that he is keen for some security, especially now that he is shacked up with an A-lister. She gets hassled wherever she goes.” Mark grimaces, remembering an incident in which he had to pull off an overly eager drunken fan from Mia. Mark was there with Drew. But it was lucky he was as things turned nasty very quickly.

  “Who is the brother shacked up with?” Logan asks curiously.

  “Only landed himself Mia Fox! Lucky bastard. Mind you, both brothers are what women would call very handsome so it is not surprising really. And they are totally loaded.”

  “Fuck! You’re going to tell me they have a sister aren’t you?” Logan takes a long swig of his beer. He eyes his mate with a serious stare.

  “Yeah, Amber. Ambler Templer. You met her? She is the baby of the family. Totally loaded as well but really independent. Hardly touches any of the family money. Wants to make it as an artist. And she is good, so I hear. Drop dead total babe gorgeous. You met her?” Mark leans forward, questioning.

  “Yeah……I know Amber.” Logan sighs, gulping back the dregs of his glass. He heads to the bar for another round. As he waits for the beers to be poured, he looks over at his buddy. Well, I will not be working with him…..

  He hands the re-fills to Mark and returns to his seat. Mark laughs at his old mate’s sudden change of mood. “I can still read you like a book, you old bastard. It is fucking you! You are the Forces guy Amber has been tripping over. You are the reason she went to Afghanistan and came back with her head in a fucking million pieces!” Mark roars aloud, teasing Logan.

  Logan leans aggressively towards his mate. “Are you fucking finished laughing at my expense? So we have established that I can’t work for the Templer Family as I have bedded the sister. What are your other leads?”

  “I’ve got a couple of other interviews already lined up for you, you miserable bastard. But, seriously now, are you keen on Amber? From what I overhear in conversations, she is really, really into you, man. And you don’t know Drew and Jake Templer. If you are not serious, walk the fuck away. Now.” Mark shakes his head at his buddy.


  I pick up my mail from the mat. I trawl through the usual brown and white envelopes which are obviously bills and invoices, casting them onto the hallway table. There is one brightly coloured pink envelope, hand written but I don’t recognise the writing. I slice it open with the letter opener and stare wide eyed at the contents:

  Five million in one week or you die BITCH


  Mia throws herself onto the bed. Jake awakes, pulling her up to him sleepily. He nuzzles into her neck, as she wriggles and squeals in mock protest. “Get off me, you sex pest. You have mail. And who is writing to you in bright pink envelopes?” Mia pokes him in the ribs harshly.

  Jake drags himself up into a sitting position. He fists his eyes to shake away the sleep. He flips the brightly coloured envelope several times in his hand before opening. He reads the contents, before leaping from the bed in rage. “What the fuck!” He roars.

  Five million in one week or your sister dies


  Drew tosses his mail on to the mantelpiece. There are the usual flyers, bills, invoices and crap. There is one brightly coloured pink envelope. He scans it vaguely before tossing it with the others. Before anything, he needs b
reakfast. And morning sex with Tilly. He crawls under the duvet from the bottom of the bed, sliding his long frame up the mattress slowly. He begins to kiss Tilly’s inner knees, moving his way up to her thighs. She moans sleepily. He loves that sound. He can never get his fill of it. He reaches her sex as she lets her thighs fall open for him. He laps his tongue slowly through her folds, savouring the taste of her. He makes to repeat the motion when he is jolted by the shrill of the telephone.

  Tilly sleepily stretches for the phone, answering it, before leaping bolt upright. “Jake, what is wrong? Yes, I’ll put him on.”

  Drew instantly jumps up grabbing the receiver from Tilly. “What’s wrong? What? Yes, I got a pink envelope this morning. I haven’t opened my post. Jake, what the fuck is going on?” He gestures to Tilly to retrieve the envelope from the mantelpiece. “Open it, Tilly” He snaps at her.

  Tilly opens the envelope, scans the contents, and cries out in horror before dropping it on the bed in Drew’s lap.

  Five million in one week or your sister dies

  Chapter Fourteen

  Drew and Jake pace the kitchen floor of Drew’s house while they wait for the Police to arrive and Thompson to answer his damn work phone. Drew has already called me and told me to stay where I am as Thompson will be collecting me and taking me to Cornwall as soon as possible. Bile rises again in Drew’s throat as he recalls how frightened his sister sounded.

  After the seventh ring, Thompson finally answers his mobile, sounding hung-over and groggy. He snaps alert at the sound of Drew’s angry and anxious tone.

  “Thompson! We have a situation. Get Amber and bring her to Cornwall urgently. The Jet is waiting.” Drew growls.

  “Sir” Thompson confirms, already dragging one foot in the leg of his trousers.

  “Thompson? Watch her, and yourself” Drew cuts the call, tossing the mobile on the kitchen worktop. He slams his fist into the wall to his right. “Where the fuck are the Police?”


  Two hours later, my brothers, myself and Thompson are in Drew’s study. Three letters are on the old oak chest in front of us in a clear evidence bag. They have been dusted for prints. There are Police Officers walking through every room in all our houses checking for signs that we may be in imminent danger, also questioning members of our respective household staff. We can hear Jenny, Drew’s housekeeper, sobbing loudly in the kitchen as she repeatedly gives her answers to the interrogating officer.

  Tilly and Mia are sat huddled together on one of the huge cream leather sofas in the lounge area. A female Officer is sat with them offering reassurance that ‘everything is being done’.

  DCI Radcliffe enters the study. Before speaking, he drags his weary eyes around the room before settling his view onto Drew Templer. “We have everything we need for now. The Ops team have just arrived and are wiring all the phones for Comms. I need your mobiles. And can I speak with you alone?” He gestures out his hand to receive our mobile phones.

  Drew shifts his gaze between the Detective and my brother, Jake. “My brother and Thompson are staying. Amber, baby, please go and sit with Mia and Tilly while Jake and I talk to Detective Radcliffe.” Drew smiles at me, his face tight with tension.

  I shake my head. “No, I want to…..”

  Jake tugs at my arm gently. “Amber, please do as we ask. We’ll see you in a minute.” He ushers me out before returning to sit next to Drew.

  The men all sit in silence for a moment. Thompson is the first to speak surprising Drew and Jake. “What is happening about security? I want my own team here, not some spotty uniformed recruits surrounding the building.”

  DCI Radcliffe smirks before nodding. “I was expecting that, I suppose. And that is one of the reasons I wanted to speak to you privately”

  Drew leans forward, side glancing at Jake. “Go in, we are listening.”

  Radcliffe runs a hand through his hair, takes a deep breath, before speaking. “I believe this is a serious threat on Miss Templers’ safety. The fact that all three of you received the threat feels personal. Someone or some people definitely want your attention, that is for sure. We will need access to all your business and personal contacts, recent business projects, the works. I need you to be frank and honest. Have you pissed anyone off? Do you know of anyone who would any harm to come to any of you?”

  Drew and Jake nod in unison. “You will get what you need. You know about Dave Bennett, our ex-employee who attacked Mia. Could there be a connection there?” Jake grimaces.

  Radcliffe shrugs. “Maybe. We’ll follow all lines of enquiry, of course. But we need to think of all possible threats. Now security….”

  Thompson stands abruptly. He looks hard at Radcliffe. “I meant what I said. I want my own men here. I know who to call. Besides my previous experience of these situations…..maybe a Police presence outside might do more harm than good.”

  “Normally, I would totally disagree with you, Thompson.” Radcliffe eyes the stockily built chauffeur. “But I agree. Get your team together. But I want full access to them for clearance. And on that I am not arguing with you.” He snaps.


  “Are you fucking serious?” Jake bellows at Thompson. “How is he going to protect my sister when he is thinking with his cock and not his head?”

  Thompson slams his fist onto Drew’s desk causing to two brothers to reel in shock. He has never showed an ounce of emotion, even dared to raise his voice at his employers, and now he is thunderous with anger. “Let me do my fucking job! I want the best men on my team. And Logan Grant is the best. We were in the same Commando unit together. I would trust him with my life, and especially Miss Templers. He will be professional. He will treat it as a job. He knows the score. He will not be here to bed your sister. So maybe you had better tell her that!” Thompson’s face is flushed with temper.

  Jake leaps to his feet before Drew forcefully slams him back into his chair. Drew draws a breath before nodding. “Get whoever you need. But, Thompson, I stand by my brother. If he screws up and takes his eye off the ball for one fucking second, it is your ass on the line. You and this Logan Grant have my word on that.”

  “Sir” Thompson nods sharply, reaching for his mobile. He scrawls through the contacts before pressing the call button. Logan answers on the third ring.

  “Mark, what’s up, man?” Logan laughs down the receiver.

  “I have a serious situation and I need you on my team. I can’t talk now. Get your ass on the first flight to Newquay Airport. I will pick you up in 2 hours.” Thompson snaps his mobile shut, and walks out of the room.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Logan throws his rucksack into the back of the car, slams the lid before folding his huge frame into the sports car. Thompson starts the engine immediately pulling away from the Airport Car Park. Logan eyes his buddy as he drives hard and fast instinctively knowing something is seriously wrong. He waits patiently for Thompson to speak.

  After a few minutes of silence, Thompson finally speaks. “There has been a threat against Amber. Letters have been sent to the brothers and to her demanding five million or she will be killed.” Thompson grimaces.

  Logan is suddenly aware of the unusual feeling of tightening in his chest. He opens and closes his fists slowly, his jaw clenching. Thompson eyes his buddy quickly before continuing. “The Police believe it is very real and not some fucking amateur. You, me and the other chauffeur Clark will provide 24/7 protection. You will be on the job, Logan. No messing around with Amber. You understand?”

  Logan snaps his face sharply in Thompson’s direction. “Remember who you are fucking talking to!” He yells. “Of course I will not fucking touch her. I know the score. I’m here to do a job.”

  Thompson remembers his position. Logan was his senior Commanding Officer and the respect still stands. He takes a deep breath and nods quietly. “The brothers are not exactly delighted I have called you in on this. I thought you ought to know.” He turns his face, a raised eyebrow playing across his left eye.<
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  “Nice. How is Amber? Any more surprises for me that I ought to know about?” Logan growls.

  “She is holding up, spooked obviously. Mia and Tilly are in shreds so be prepared for lots of tears and stuff. The brothers are as you would expect them to be…..angry, frustrated…..ready to kill. For the duration, we’ll all be staying at the house.” Thompson pulls into a driveway, slowing the car to a stop. “We’re here.”


  Logan follows Thompson through the entrance to the house. As he enters, he instinctively scans the surroundings, taking mental notes of the entry and exit points. As he enters the kitchen, the first person he sees is a tall, black haired man with the same blue eyes as himself. He takes in his stature calculating that he is about his own height as himself, 6 foot 2 inches. He obviously works out by the broad shoulders and muscular frame but he is leaner than Logan.

  Logan nods in his direction. Drew walks across extending his hand. “Drew Templer. You are Logan? My brother, Jake, is in my study. Let’s go in there”

  Logan follows Drew and Thompson along a wide hallway before entering a doorway leading to the study. Jake is on the phone clearing his own and Drew’s work schedules, making excuses as instructed by Radcliffe, that there has been a death in the family…..a distant relative and they must all go away to attend the funeral.

  When he has finished his call, he stands to shake Logan’s hand. He smirks slightly. “Fuck man, you’re built like a brick shithouse!”

  All the men seat themselves as Jenny brings in coffee and refreshments. Her eyes are still swollen and raw from crying. Drew makes quick introductions before she shuts the door behind her.


  Drew begins by filling in the details of the last few hours. He informs Thompson and Logan of the latest developments with the Police, describes the letters and contents, the wire taps on the phones and the family mobiles.


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