Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  “Please don’t get mushy with me.” She smiled and led the way out of the house.

  Hakan laughed as he walked behind. “My daunting lady, I knew I’d raise your hackles. But one of these days you’ll grow to like my compliments.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.” Kira said the words but couldn’t make them sound firm. She suspected he’d notice the difference from yesterday when she was much stronger and much more firm in her demands.

  Soon, they were riding eastward. “Sahale’s cabin is several hours from the ranch, but not as far from here. It’s nine o’clock. We’ll arrive there by ten and stay a few hours then drive to the ranch.”

  “I have to get my father’s truck.”

  “Lonato will be home by then, hopefully. He can drive it to the meeting.”

  Kira held up her keys. “Not without these.”

  He laughed. “When we were young and wild, we learned how to hot-wire a car. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten.”

  She turned sideways in her seat. “You and Lonato hot-wired cars? I can’t believe it.”

  “We did, a few times. We’d wait until our parents were asleep, slip out and hot-wire one of their cars or trucks. About the third time, we got caught. I won’t forget the paddling I got for that. Dad seldom got mad, and he almost never spanked us unless we did something really dangerous or bad.

  “I’ll never forget what he said. He told me it was stealing. The truck was his and Mom’s. And he said we could have had an accident and been killed. We didn’t have our driver’s licenses yet. We deserved the paddling and the restrictions. Lonato and I decided it wasn’t worth the punishment, and we felt bad about being dishonest. We never took anything that wasn’t ours ever again.”

  “I liked your parents when I met them at the wedding. I admire them now. They taught you a valuable lesson.”

  “Did you ever get spanked?”

  “No. Being girls, our mischief was much less exciting. We’re getting very close to the mountains. I really love this land.”

  “Wait till you see Sahale’s place. We’ll be there soon. It’s built on the edge of a canyon.” When they went over a bridge, Hakan pointed out Nanna’s home. Then he drove on for about thirty minutes. “This is it.” He pointed to the cabin. “We’ll walk the rest of the way.”

  He took her hand, and they strolled to the front door. “Sahale leaves the door unlocked most of the time.” Hakan turned the knob and opened the door.

  Kira walked inside. He directed her to the windows facing the canyon. She stood transfixed by the view. Below, wild horses ran free.

  “I want a place here by the canyon. Do you think Sahale would sell his cabin to me?”

  “No, he and his wife, Ellen, love this place too much. But I’ll check with Mitch. There must be some land around the canyon available to build on. I know Mitch has a place somewhere in this area. I think his cabin might be on the other side of the canyon. He keeps it very private. Few people know where it is located.”

  “That would be wonderful if I could build a little cabin to use as my retreat. I’ve been a loner for years. I need this.”

  “You’ll really like what I have to show you next. We need to go walking again.” Hakan led her outside and down a sandy trail. “See the places in the rock where you can put your feet? We’re going to climb up to the cave.”

  “You go first and show me.”

  “I will, and if Sahale still has the rope ladder, I’ll throw it down to you.”

  She watched him climb skillfully up the foot holes to the cave’s entrance. He went inside for a moment, and then a rope ladder fell down the side of the mountain. Kira took hold and climbed upward. At the top, Hakan took her hand and pulled her into the cave.

  It was dim and cool. The sound of rushing water had her looking around.

  “Come over here and see this.” Hakan took her hand and walked to where there was a waterfall cascading down the cave’s wall. “The water runs down along the stone floor a short distance, and then off into a hole in the rock.” He pointed to the area.

  “What a great hideaway.” She walked back to the front and sat on the floor to look out at the mountains and the horses.

  Hakan settled behind her and pulled her between his legs to lie against his body. She didn’t resist. This was close to heaven, his warm body wrapped around her and the beautiful vista in front of them.

  He pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck, while his hands ran up and down her arms. She noted his quickened breathing and the feel of his cock growing harder against her buttocks.

  Leaning down he breathed into her ear and whispered, “If you want me to stop, say so now.”

  Her resistance had worn thin. It was simple. She wanted him. He’d been warned she didn’t want a commitment, so they were both taking a risk.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  He inhaled deeply and breathed out. His hands went up and massaged her shoulders. Her head fell back against him in total relaxation until his hands slid downward and under her blouse to cup her breasts and stroke them.

  “Ah, that feels very good.”

  “Good to know.” His deep voice vibrated through her back and sizzled along her nerve endings. “Maybe this will be better.” His fingers tightened on her nipple while he continued to caress the other breast.

  Hot desire started at her center and flowed outward. She leaned her head back. He took the cue and kissed her. His tongue explored the interior of her mouth, and she tangled her tongue with his. Slowly he let her slide down to the sandy floor, just inside the cave opening. She put her arms around his neck to bring him closer.

  Hakan moved one leg between hers. He pulled back and looked at her face.

  “Your eyes are a beautiful dark purple, and your skin has flushed to a rosy pink.” He nibbled along her lower lip. “You taste like the ripe strawberries I love to eat right out of the field. I want to take your clothes off, feel your soft body against mine, and taste you all over.”

  His words sent fiery desire rushing through her body. She was hot and needy. Her pussy clenched with the need to feel his hard cock inside her. A smile curved her lips. “What are you waiting for?”

  He quickly unbuttoned her blouse and unfastened her bra. He lifted her to remove her clothes and then put them aside. “Exquisite.” Hakan sucked on her lush nipples, and his tongue swirled around her breasts. His kisses trailed across her midriff making her quiver. Her buckle was undone in an instant, and her jeans button opened.

  He moved to her feet and pulled off her boots, then the rest of her clothing. Standing above her, he surveyed her body.

  “You are more beautiful than I expected. Every curve in the right place, creamy delectable skin, every bit of you is intoxicating.”

  She sat up. “It’s my turn to see you.” She put out her hand, and he pulled her onto her feet and against him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips. Then he let go and stepped back.

  “Where would you like to start?” He spread his arms wide.

  Chapter Four

  “Sit and I’ll get rid of your boots first,” Kira said. She watched as

  he went to the backpack he’d thrown over his shoulders when they’d started their trek. He pulled out a dark-blue flannel blanket and spread it across the ground.

  Then he brushed the sand off her backside. He sat on the blanket and opened his arms. “I’m ready for whatever you want to do to me.”

  “My, no man’s ever given me such a tantalizing offer.”

  She knelt at his feet and began to work his boots off. Then she pushed him down on his back and quickly unbuttoned his cowboy shirt. There was a sprinkle of dark hair on his golden, toned chest. She pulled on his arm, and he sat up to toss his shirt aside.

  “Is that better?”

  “Very much.” Leaning forward, she put her breasts against his muscled chest and skimmed her nipples across his body, while her lips nuzzled the curve between his neck and shoulder.

e breathed in his intoxicating scent of musk and exotic spices. Her tongue licked where his heart pounded in his neck. Knowing how he was reacting to her heightened her own desire. Her pussy began to pulse and clench, and moisture wet her lower lips.

  Kira slowly kissed his body on the way to his belt buckle. She watched his face as she undid the buckle and his jeans’ zipper. When she slipped her hands under his boxers and clasped his large dick, his desire was evident in his beautiful eyes.

  “Take my damn pants off,” he growled.

  “Don’t you like my slow seduction?”

  “Maybe another time. Right now I want my cock buried in your pussy.”

  “Such language for a gentleman,” she taunted him. Before she could take another breath, he had flipped her underneath him.

  “Stay there.” He stood and undressed quickly. Then he grabbed a packet out of his jeans pocket and quickly rolled the condom onto his dick. He spread her legs wide and lay on top of her.

  “When I make love, I may forget I’m a gentleman.” He slid down her body and put his finger into her pussy. “You’re wet and ready.” His tongue licked her clit several times, and then he positioned himself at her pussy opening and thrust inside. All the while he stared at her face.

  Her pussy clenched tight around his wide girth. He was so big, and it had been quite a while since she’d had sex. His first thrust was a mixture of discomfort and pleasure. But the discomfort disappeared as he began to stoke in and out of her pussy.

  He leaned down and sucked on her breast. Then his teeth lightly nibbled on her nipple. When he sucked again, it was like a thread pulled from her breast to her pussy.

  Hakan moved to her ear and raked his teeth across her earlobe before whispering. “Tell me how you like it, quick and hard or slow and soft?” He’d slowed his movements while he’d played with her breasts.

  “Take me hard and fast.”

  “Your wish is my command.” But first, he lifted her legs up to his shoulders and went deeper. Then he began to plunge in and out. He’d pull almost out and thrust in again.

  “Rub your nipples. I want to watch.”

  She hesitated, then touched each nipple gingerly.

  “Is that the best you can do?” His mouth quirked up in a half smile.

  “I’ve never done this before in front of anyone.”

  “What a sheltered life you’ve lived, my darling. Lonato and I will show you how to reach the pinnacle of your desire.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to let myself be that open to anyone.”

  Hakan had stopped moving inside her. She wanted him to go on. “Can’t we discuss this later?” She reached down and put her hand around the bottom of his dick.

  “We will discuss this later.” He started to move slowly, then gradually went faster and faster. He pounded into her, and she met his every stroke.

  Her pussy clenched his cock tight, and she raised her hips. She couldn’t get enough of him. Her breath came in gasps, and her heart pounded like it was going to explode.

  When his finger went down and touched her clit, her aching desire did explode from her middle into waves of intense pleasure. She screamed out his name as he continued to pump in and out. Her orgasm went on and on. Her pussy walls rippled around his cock. Finally, he shouted out his release. He lay on her for a few seconds. Her pussy kept pulsing around him. She clenched tight as another orgasm started at her toes and swept throughout her body.

  Hakan rolled off of her. His heavy breathing sounded loud in the quiet cave.

  Kira sat up and looked out the opening. The sun shone on the sides of the canyon and on one horse standing alone. His black coat glistened in the light. She pulled her legs up and put her chin on her knees.

  Hakan sat beside her and studied her face. “Are you OK? You’re very quiet.”

  “Just thinking.”

  “And you don’t want to share?”

  “Not yet.” She turned her head to face him. “I’m a loner. The only person I’ve ever shared my deepest feelings with has been Averil. We’ve always been close. Don’t expect that I can open up and start spilling my guts to you or Lonato. The man or men who win my heart will have to be patient, come to understand me, and accept who I am.”

  He stared out at the sky for several minutes. She waited for his reply. She was surprised at the anxiety she felt regarding his answer. A small part of her already had begun to care for him and his dream.

  “Fair enough. Nanna taught me patience when I was a little boy.”

  “How did she do that?”

  “One of my dad’s mares had a foal. I wanted the foal. I begged and begged. Dad said maybe. When he thought it was the right time.

  “In my anger, I said mean things to my father and told him I was going to run away. He just looked at me in the way he had that made me feel awful for what I’d said. I did run off.”

  “Where did you go?”

  A smile crossed his handsome face. “I ran to Nanna’s. I snuck around and into her barn, figuring by that time of day she wouldn’t come out there.” He chuckled. “I thought I was so smart. I’d scare my dad, and he’d decide to give me the pony.”

  “Did he?”

  “No. Nanna has good eyes and good instincts. She sensed someone was around, and looked out her kitchen window. She saw me sneaking into the barn. Nanna called my dad and let him know I was all right. I spent a long, cold night in the barn. Every noise made me jump, but I wouldn’t run to Nanna.”

  “How old were you?”

  “Almost ten. Of course I thought I was grown. Nanna cooked a wonderful breakfast the next morning and had her window open. I smelled the bacon cooking. My stomach growled, and I gave in. Sheepishly, I walked to her door. She’s a clever woman. She said, ‘Why I’m surprised to see you coming to visit me so early. You must be hungry. I’ve cooked enough for two.’ She winked, and I knew she’d known where I was all the time.

  “After I explained, in my nine-year-old wisdom, how Dad was being unfair, she sat me down with a plate full of food and said, ‘Eat.’

  “When we finished, she made me an offer. I could cut her grass and do chores around the yard and barn for the next year. At the end of that time, she’d give me money to buy the horse from my dad.”

  “Did you agree?” Kira had turned completely around to face him.

  “Not at first. I went home. Mom and Dad asked if I’d enjoyed my night away from home. I told them yes and went to my room. Dad came in. He’d obviously talked with Nanna. He explained he and Nanna were trying to teach me patience. That sometimes what we wanted the most wouldn’t come easy, but it would be valued if I had to work for it.”

  He stood and pulled her up with him and into his arms. His fingers traced the side of her face and the outline of her lips. I want you to marry me and Lonato. I can be patient.” He grinned. “But I may have to work on Lonato. He’s spoiled. Most people jump when he speaks.”

  “And yet you two have remained good friends all this time.”

  “I see the side of him that he allows few people to see. In some ways you’re like him.”

  “I think that may be an insult.” She spoke lightly and smiled. “It must be time for us to go to the meeting.”

  “I left my wallet and watch at the cabin. From where the sun is in the sky, I’d say we’d better get going.” He went to the edge of the cave and started to go down. “Can you follow me using the footholds? I’ll catch you if you slip.”

  “A matter of trust? I’ll try not to land on you and send us both falling to that narrow ledge below.” She watched as he started nimbly down. “Don’t go so fast. I want you to be my cushion if I fall. At the rate you’re going, I won’t be off the first step before you’re down.”

  He grinned. “You’re teasing. You can fly.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I can. I started to fly up to the cave, but it was more fun to climb the ladder.” Suddenly, she blinked her eyes and spread her arms. In an instant she flew out of the opening and swirled down in
to the canyon.

  The beautiful stallion rose on his hind legs and shook his majestic head at her. Inside she was laughing at the stallion and at the joy to have finally shape-shifted. Soaring upward, she went so high she knew Hakan could no longer see her. Then she dove and headed toward him.

  He stood on the path looking upward. She glided to a stop beside him and shifted. A look of awe was on his face.

  “That was the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Wow. How does it feel to be able to dive and soar higher and higher?”

  “It’s the best feeling in the world. I can’t explain it. But it’s sort of like today when my body exploded in pleasure from your loving. Out there”—she nodded toward the sky—“is the ultimate freedom.”

  Hakan placed his arm around her. “After such a nice compliment, I feel better about being patient. But I just realized you’re dressed. You left your clothes in the cave.”

  “I’ve heard the others have to shift back where they started or they’re naked. Thank goodness I’ve never had that problem. It appears we’re different in some ways. As soon as I shift back, my clothes are on me.”

  “I’m glad, too. I wouldn’t want my woman turning up naked in front of anyone but me or Lonato.”

  She ignored his “my woman” comment and headed to the car. He went in the cabin to get his wallet and watch.

  They didn’t talk on the way back. Kira laid her head against the back of her seat, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the music. Hakan hummed along with the sound system. She liked listening to him.

  “Do you sing?” she asked.

  “My brother, Lang, has the most beautiful voice in the family, and Lonato is no slouch. Compared to them I only sing so-so.”

  “You hum well. You can sing for me anytime.”

  He continued humming as she slid into sleep.

  * * * *

  Kira heard Hakan’s words from a distance. “Wake up. We’re here.”

  She fought through the sleep to open her eyes. “I can’t remember ever being this tired. I guess Ellen was right. She told me giving so much blood would catch up with me. I sure hope our enemy waits a few more days to make another appearance.”


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