Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 8

by Paige Cameron

  Getting up on her knees, she untied the rawhide holding his black hair back and ran her fingers through the silky strands. His sexy scent of woods, musk, and spices permeated the air.

  She ran her hands along the edges of his strong face, down his neck, and across his wide chest. His heart beat strong and fast under her hand.

  “I excite you.”

  “Yes.” He put his hand over her heart. “And I have the same effect on you.”

  His hands cupped her face, and he brushed his thumb across her lips. She opened her mouth and licked his thumb, drawing it into the warm interior. His eyes flashed silver gray with desire.

  As though she weighed nothing, he lifted her farther back onto the bed and got in beside her. He viewed her from her face, across her breasts and belly, to her feet. Wherever his gaze moved, it left a flicker of desire behind. When he’d finished she thought she might ignite into flames.

  Then his lips followed the same path. He kissed her eyelids and her cheeks and ravished her mouth. His hands held her face as his tongue explored every nook and cranny. Her tongue wrapped around his and dueled with him. He bit the edge of her lower lip.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for days.” He licked across the spot where he’d bit her lip. Then he nibbled along the edge of her jaw and sucked on her earlobe.

  “You taste delicious.” His strong voice came out in a growl of satisfaction. “You are all I expected and remembered from last night.”

  Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pushed her body closer against his. “I want your big cock inside me,” she purred.

  “Today, I’m in control.” He smiled at her pouting mouth.

  Bending his head, he sucked on her breast. His fingers pulled on her other nipple.

  A jolt of electricity shot up her spine. This man was as demanding in lovemaking as in the rest of his life. He’d taken over, and her body felt like putty in his hands.

  When the edge of his teeth scraped over her clit, she screamed out his name and bucked against his mouth.

  “Easy, sweetheart. We’re just beginning.” He licked from her clit, along her folds to her pussy opening. Darting his tongue inside her, he licked her juices. “Sweet, sweet nectar.”

  Her fingers held tight to his silky hair as his tongue tantalized and teased her until she was dizzy with need and delight. She gulped for air as passion raged like a fever in her veins.

  He raised his head, moved up over her, and looked her in the eye. “You are mine and Hakan’s. We are bound together whether you want us to be or not.” His words incited her feverish, all-consuming hunger. She bit his shoulder as sensuous lust took over.

  Lonato kissed her, all of her. She stroked his chest and then raked her fingernails down the muscles in his back. At some point she realized that although they were making love, they were also battling for supremacy.

  “Damn it, Kira, there can only be two men in this threesome.” He spread her legs wide and thrust hard inside her. “Give yourself to me. Give me all of you. Your pussy is wet and hot.”

  Kira clenched in and out around his big cock. They stared hard at each other. Perspiration covered both their faces.

  “Let go.” He lowered his voice. “I’ll always catch you.” He sucked on her breast, and all the pent-up feelings flooded her body, sending her upward on a wave of joyous pleasure.

  Lonato plunged in and out fast. Each stroke of his cock seemed to heighten her orgasm, but still she searched for something more.

  Then he lifted her hips and went in deeper. Her pussy clenched again and again, massaging his dick. Lonato threw back his head and groaned as he thrust in the last time. He held her tight as her body shivered in delight, and she found her complete release.

  Their hearts pounded against each other. Lonato held his chest up off of her. “Can you breathe?”

  “Yes, don’t roll away yet. Little ripples in my pussy are still flowing around your cock and sending sparks of pleasure through my body.”

  “I don’t want to move, ever, but you’ll get tired of my weight in a moment.”

  She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feelings as they gradually subsided. She gave him a little push to roll him off of her.

  Rolling to her side, she smiled. “That still doesn’t mean I’m going to obey everything you say, mister. So don’t get your chest too puffed out with pride.”

  Lonato burst into laughter again. He rolled her on her back and kissed her hard. “You are a delight, and I haven’t laughed this much since I was very young.”

  She started to speak. He put his finger over her lips.

  “Don’t ask and spoil the moment.”

  “Maybe another time?”

  “Maybe.” He tickled her neck. Soon she’d forgotten all of her questions.

  Chapter Eight

  “Much as I hate to suggest leaving, it would be better to have you in a more populated area.” Lonato had showered and dressed. “If you keep lying there naked, I’m going to forget my good intentions and get back in bed with you.”

  “I wouldn’t mind, but I’ll shower and change. I am going to shift once before we leave.” She saw his gray eyes darken. “Don’t argue. I’ll be safe. I’ll fly over the canyon.”

  “Then hurry. It’ll be dark soon.”

  “I’ll shift before I shower.” She blinked several times, and her beautiful bird stood in front of him. Inwardly, she smiled at his reaction. He wasn’t used to seeing her this way. She’d have to shift more often when they were together.

  “Open the door.” She sent him the message telepathically to see if he could hear her. He jerked in surprise. “Am I the first person you’ve heard this way?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said out loud.

  “Try sending me a message telepathically.”

  “You are amazingly beautiful.”

  “I heard you. We’ll talk about this later. Let me out.”

  He opened the door, and she flew off into the late afternoon sky. The sun was beginning to set and cast pink and yellow colors onto the canyon walls.

  Cool breezes rushed over and under her. She flew higher into the sky, and then nosedived down toward the canyon floor. When the wind whistled by her, she wanted to shout in joy. It felt wonderful to be free and flying.

  * * * *

  Rex watched her swoop and dive. Watching her movements was like seeing a ballet. She scared him, and few people did. She made him want to be more than he’d ever been before. He was comfortable in the taciturn, curt persona he presented to others. Few people saw through him to his soft spot.

  When they made love, he’d opened himself more to her than to any other woman. Consequently, his feelings had been stronger and his orgasm almost painful in its intensity.

  His father wanted him to change. Her mother challenged him to be different. To change wouldn’t be easy and would require him to be more open with Kira than he was with Hakan. She’d ask questions and want answers.

  He stood at the edge of the canyon and watched as she buzzed by the black stallion. What a sight.

  If he stretched himself to become the man she deserved, it would be like taking a leap off this canyon wall without a parachute. Did he want her enough, and was he brave enough to trust he could succeed?

  Kira landed beside him. “I’ll go shower and dress,” she said telepathically to him.

  Rex opened the door. As soon as she entered the cabin, she shifted. Smiling, she waved and ran into the bathroom. He went to the kitchen and packed up the perishable food to take with them. He looked around to be sure he left the area as clean as he’d found it.

  “I’m ready.” She stood in the doorway, her face flushed with happiness. “Flying is exhilarating. In the city, I’d get testy when I had to go too long without shifting. At least here at the ranch there will be plenty of places for me get away and fly. Maybe I’ll ask Aleron to join me. I haven’t seen his eagle.”

  A jolt of jealousy flashed through Rex, surprising him. He’d never been resentf
ul regarding a woman. Well, maybe I have. My mother’s preference for my adopted brother hurt me and made me envious of Pearce. Not exactly the same, but very similar feelings. Damn, he’d never been an introspective person. He was more a man of action. Thinking could be painful.

  “Aren’t you ready to leave?” Kira looked at him questioningly.

  He roused himself and grabbed the bag of groceries. “Lead the way.”

  “I’ve never ridden in a helicopter.”

  He glanced at her as he put the bag behind her seat. “It won’t be nearly as exciting to you as it was to Nanna. I’m sure nothing can compare to flying yourself. But let me show you the helmet you need to wear.” He got her fastened in and went around to the pilot’s seat. Then he turned on the helo and soon had them up in the darkening sky.

  “I’ll take you to our house for the night. You can call your folks and tell them where you’re staying.”

  She shook her head at him. “I won’t stay the night this time, but I do want to talk to you about telepathic thoughts.”

  He groaned. “I knew you’d be a woman of questions.”

  “All women ask questions.”

  “I know, that’s one of the reasons I’ve kept my distance from most of them.”

  “If you don’t want to share, you can fly me to the hospital. I’ll get home from there. But if you hope for us to have a relationship, then it means sharing a good part of ourselves.”

  Rex knew she was right. Here was the cliff he’d envisioned. Did he jump or back off?

  * * * *

  Kira knew she’d thrown the gauntlet down, but better to know now rather than later whether he was willing to meet her halfway. She puzzled over his ability to send telepathic messages to her, and he’d been surprised. Down below they flew fast across wide-open prairies. In some areas there were large hammocks of trees. She saw his house as they got close. Lights were shining from the front windows as he landed the helo.

  She grinned at him. “I guess I got my answer.”

  He turned to face her after shutting off the engine and removing his helmet. “I’m going to try and meet you halfway like you said, but it won’t be easy. I might disappoint you at times.” He undid her helmet and leaned forward to brush a kiss across her mouth.

  Her hand cupped the side of his face. His words had warmed her heart. She understood how difficult it had been for such a controlling man to pull back and see her side. He was probably right. It wouldn’t go smoothly, but he agreed to try. For now, that was enough.

  Hakan waved from the doorway. “I heard the helo. Glad to see you both back in one piece.”

  “Did you think the bad guy might get us?” Kira teased.

  “No. I thought you two might get into a tangle without me around.”

  “Oh, we tangled, but I didn’t need your help,” Rex said, smiling.

  Kira blushed and laughed as they entered the great room. She walked right to the fireplace and put out her hands. “It’s getting colder outside. This feels good.”

  Hakan headed to the kitchen. “I brought pizza home. When you’re ready, we can eat.”

  She frowned at Lonato. “This will be my fourth meal today. Are you two determined to fatten me up?”

  “We want to see you get your strength back, and a few pounds will only make you curvier.”

  “Humph, I’m not going to eat this way every day.”

  “I know. That’s why we have to fill you up while we have a chance. Come on. We’ll eat, and then sit in front of the fire to talk.”

  “I’ll be right there. I want to call Mom and Dad first.” She punched in their number. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Kira, I was wondering when you were coming home.”

  “I’m at Hakan and Rex’s house. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Your dad said hello. Now that I know who you’re with I’m all right. They’ll keep you safe.”

  “Talk to you later, Mom. Bye.” She hung up and, smelling the pizza, she headed to the kitchen. Surprisingly, she was hungry again.

  After three pieces of pizza, salad, and chocolate ice cream and cookies, Kira was stuffed. “I can’t move. I’m too full.”

  Hakan laughed and pulled her out of her seat. “No being lazy. You get to clean the table and throw out the paper plates.”

  “I can see you two will be slave drivers for whomever you marry.” She pretended to grumble.

  “We’re marrying you. I thought we told you. Our minds are made up.” Hakan swatted her lightly on her butt.

  “Hmmm, we’ll see.”

  Rex pushed back his chair and walked off. Kira glanced at Hakan.

  “Is he all right?”

  “Yes, give him time.”

  Kira heard classical music begin to play. “He said music relaxed him. We’re having a talk tonight. I guess he’s not totally comfortable with sharing.”

  “That’s an understatement. The fact he’s agreed to try and share with you is a major step forward.”

  “Good to know. I’m going to join him. Give us a few minutes alone.”

  “Will do. I’ll go to my room and read. Knock on my door when the coast is clear.”

  Kira waited until he’d left the kitchen and gone down the other hall before she went and sat in a chair opposite Lonato.

  “You never knew you could hear telepathically?” Kira asked.

  “I haven’t heard anyone else. It has to be something exclusive to you and me. I’ve never understood why my blood was different. I’ve kept it a secret from most people, but it’s out now. It seems since meeting you I’m discovering more about myself. Whether I want to or not,” he added.

  “You and I are more alike than I previously thought. My guess is you’ve put on a persona to keep people from knowing the real you. In the process, you’ve denied parts of yourself.”

  He drummed his fingers against the chair. “My parents don’t have any unusual abilities like me.”

  “Then you must have inherited them from your ancestors. Are there other things you’ve noticed?”

  He frowned. “My scent is heightened, and my reflexes like a few others of us, are excellent. That helps me be a first-rate surgeon.” He ran his hand through his hair and narrowed his eyes. “Does this information satisfy you for now? I’m not going to be able to open my mouth and spill my guts.”

  Laughter bubbled out of her. “I don’t expect you to ever do that. But as we get to know each other, maybe you’ll think of something and share it with me at that moment.” The relief that showed in his face almost made her laugh again. She got out of her chair and curled up in his lap. Her head nuzzled into his shoulder.

  “You smell good, and it feels comfortable to be here with you.” She closed her eyes and went to sleep again.

  * * * *

  “No one knocked on my door, so I took a chance and wandered out. There was no hollering, so I thought I’d join you,” Hakan said.

  “She keeps falling asleep. Tomorrow, I’ll have her hemoglobin checked. She probably needs another pint of blood. Hopefully our insane killer will wait before he attacks again.”

  Hakan sprawled in the chair where Kira had sat. “Who can it be? We must know the person, like we knew Gala. They say she described him as the devil.”

  “The only devil I know is Pearce.” He immediately thought of the times when they were kids. Pearce often pretended Rex was teasing him, bothering, pinching him, anything to make their parents scold Rex. Then he’d stand behind with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “But you’re the only one that sees him that way.”

  “I know.” Still, Rex had trouble getting rid of that thought. “I’m going to put her in my bed. I’ll sleep in the extra bedroom tonight.”

  “I suppose we do have to be gallant and let her rest. Who’s first for the cold shower, you or me?”

  Rex shook his head and carried her to the master bedroom. She didn’t stir when he placed her on the bed. After he removed most of her clothes and her shoes, he covered her. Then he staye
d a moment to study her face. She’d become very important to him in a short span of time. He’d protect her with his life, if necessary.

  If I’m right about Pearce, this is one person he won’t take away from me. I’ve always mistrusted him and believed there was something inherently wrong with him. If my suspicions are right, I may have to kill him to keep her safe. My mother will never forgive me.

  Rex walked softly out of the room and closed the door.

  * * * *

  Kira twisted in her sleep. Darkness surrounded her, and she smelled the evil. She was running down a narrow path, and no matter how fast she ran, the blackness came closer to her until the thick, black curtains brushed against her arms. The air got colder, and a voice rang in her ears.

  Come to me. I need your help. You can be my queen.

  “No.” She pushed at the dark encroaching closer to her body. Her hands slipped into the slimy mist, and she jerked her them back. The darkness began to surround her, smother her. “Help,” she screamed and sat up in bed.

  Her door slammed open, and Lonato and Hakan rushed to the bed. Hakan grabbed her up into his arms. Lonato ran his hand along her face, her throat, checking her body.

  “It’s all right, darling. We’re here.” Hakan unfastened his jeans and got into bed beside her.

  She cuddled into his arms. Lonato turned off the light and lay down on her other side. His hands massaged across her shoulders.

  Lonato whispered in her ear. “Can you tell us what happened?”

  “It was so dark and cold, and I could smell the evil. I was running down a narrow path. The blackness got closer and closer until it touched my hands and arms.” She shivered, and Lonato moved against her backside.

  “What does evil smell like?” Lonato asked.

  “Like something sour or rotten,” she answered.

  Her arms clung around Hakan’s neck. He covered her face with light kisses and licked away the few tears that had run down her cheeks. She felt safe and comforted. The tears stopped as she hugged his neck tighter.


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