Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  “I want our ring to resemble her bird. Don’t spare any cost. Use the best jewels you have.”

  “Why, Dr. Rexford, I’d heard your heart was made of stone and you’d never fall in love.”

  “I thought the same. I guess we all have our Achilles’ heel. But don’t tell anyone. She hasn’t said yes to Hakan and me yet.” He turned and walked to the elevator. “Call me when it’s ready,” he said as he got on.

  Annie joined her. “Ready? What are you smiling about?”

  “I may be mistaken, but I’d swear Dr. Rexford just smiled.”

  “You have to be wrong. We’ve all agreed his face will crack the first time he tries.” They took the elevator to the ground floor and got in the cafeteria line.

  “What did Dr. Jack say was wrong with you? You look healthy to me,” Annie asked.

  “What I have wrong with me will clear up in about eight months.”

  “You’re pregnant.”

  “Good guess, but keep your voice low or everyone will know before Nick and Lang.”

  * * * *

  Rex’s phone rang as he got off the elevator. “Hi, Mom.”

  “How are you, dear?”

  “I’m all right.” He heard the hesitancy in her voice. “Can I help you?”

  “I know you’re busy, but I wanted to invite you and Hakan to dinner tomorrow night. Pearce has a serious girlfriend, and she’ll be here. I’d like her to meet you.”

  “Sure, Hakan and I will come if we can bring the woman we’re serious about.”

  “Oh…ah, I didn’t know you all were seeing anyone.”

  “Yes, just recently, but she’s already important to us.”

  “Wonderful. But maybe we should let Pearce have the spotlight this time and have another dinner for us to introduce your lady.”

  Her words brought the familiar twinge of pain that he usually ignored, but not this time. He started to speak when he heard his dad’s voice in the background.

  “Your dad said to bring her, the more the merrier.”

  “Good, because otherwise, neither I nor Hakan would come. What time tomorrow night?”

  “Seven, we’ll see you then.” She hung up.

  Hmmm, which meant Pearce and his friend would be there at six. Mom had a way of arranging things to suit herself. So Hakan, Kira, and he would arrive at six thirty, a compromise. But as he walked toward the doctor’s lounge, he rubbed his chest. For years he’d denied anyone hurt him. Today, his heart ached, and it wasn’t physical. Damn, would loving Kira make him weak?

  He sat on the old, tan-leather sofa in the doctor’s lounge. Maintenance had tried to throw it out, but there had been such an outcry that they gave up. It was the most comfortable piece of furniture in the room. He and many others had spent the night on it when a patient was critical.

  Rex leaned back and dialed Kira’s number. “Hello, where are you?”

  “What a greeting. I’m home. Hakan dropped me off.”

  “I wanted to catch you before you made plans for tomorrow night. My mother is having a dinner party. I’d like for you to go with Hakan and me.”

  “Will your brother be there?”

  “Oh, yes. He’s bringing his lady friend to meet my parents. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m not sure if I told you, but he was my flight attendant when I flew home. I hate to say it, but I didn’t like him. He gave me an uneasy feeling. I can’t explain it. He just did.”

  “He affects me the same way. Don’t worry about it. Will you go with us?”

  “I suppose your parents will see me as your lady friend.”

  “I told them Hakan and I were serious about you.”

  “Wow, for someone who’s usually close-mouthed, you said a lot.”

  She heard that tiny chuckle on the other end of the line. “It’s your fault.” He hung up.

  “What brought such a huge smile to your face?” her mother asked as she came in the front door. “Here’re your truck keys.”

  “The smile is courtesy of Dr. Rexford.” She laughed at her mother’s surprised expression. “And thanks so much for getting up at an ungodly hour to get my truck.”

  “It’s a lovely morning. Your dad and I had a cozy visit on the drive there, and I enjoyed the scenery on the way home. You look much better. Do I credit Dr. Rexford for that change, too?”

  “He and Hakan both get the credit. Lonato invited me to meet his family tomorrow night.”

  “Are you going?”

  “Yes, it will be quite interesting. I’m anxious to see if I have the same feelings around his brother that I did on the plane. And I want to get to know his parents.”

  Her mom headed toward the kitchen. “Maybe there’s hope for him yet.”

  Chapter Ten

  Pearce picked Cindy up at her house. “You look lovely. I like the tailored dress and sweater. My mother will approve. But you’re pale. Put a small amount of color on your cheeks.”

  “I haven’t felt good the last few days. My head feels full of buzzing noises. I can’t think straight.”

  He frowned. “Did you work today?”

  “No. I took the day off. One of the newer staff filled in for me.”

  “What did you tell Cassie?”

  “I did as you said. I told her I was meeting my new friend’s parents tonight. She knows I’ve fallen for someone, but I didn’t say your name.”

  “Good girl.” He pulled her close and put his hands on the sides of her head. “Look right into my eyes.” At first, she resisted but then did as he said. She wasn’t as pliable as he’d hoped. The spell should have been much stronger by now.

  He concentrated on redoing the spell to put her completely under his control. There. It would last through the dinner party, and he’d work on her more tonight. “Go put some blush on your cheeks. We don’t want to be late.”

  Cindy hurried out of the room. Pearce paced across the living room. His mother told him Rex was bringing a woman and Hakan was also going to be at the dinner. He’d stressed he wanted only his mother and father there, but Mom said his dad had interfered. He’d be one of his next victims. He’d already arranged for his demise.

  When Cindy returned, he rushed her out to the car. Pearce wanted the night to be over. This time he’d be successful.

  * * * *

  Cindy leaned her head against the back of the car seat. Her stomach was unsettled, and her mind not as clear as it should be. On some level she realized Pearce had done something to her. She’d fought to keep him out of her mind, but he was stronger. She didn’t like what he’d done to her, and she was struggling to overcome his influence.

  This time she’d pretended to let him into her mind, and had fooled him. While she was staring into his eyes, she had recited a mantra. No harm can come to me. I am strong, I am good, I will not do evil. She recited the words over and over.

  “You’re very quiet,” Pearce’s words broke into her thoughts.

  “I’m nervous about meeting your parents. I want them to like me.”

  “They will, especially my mother. She wants me to get married and live on the ranch.” He gripped her hand tightly. “I’ve told them I’m serious about you. Have you forgotten the ring I gave you?”

  “No, but you didn’t want me to wear it today. You told me the other night to leave it off. So do you care about me?” Cindy turned toward Pearce.

  “Of course, you know I do.”

  “I’ve been fooled before. You’ve never said how you felt.”

  “Silly girl, I love you.”

  Cindy didn’t believe him. She saw through his fake smile. She suspected he didn’t care for anyone but himself. Relief swept over her when he let go of her hand and turned into one of the gates at the ranch. The guard waved them on through. Pearce drove down several streets before parking in front of a lovely older home. As soon as they got out of the car, Pearce’s mother rushed out to greet them.

  * * * *

  Rex had not forgotten Cassie’s words. She saw someone who l
ooked like him with Gala. His suspicions had increased regarding his brother. It was such a devious plan, to disguise himself as Rex, just the type of action Pearce often took when they were kids. He’d love to get a chance to check out Pearce’s car. But Pearce would be keeping an eye on him, but not necessarily on Hakan.

  Hakan came out of his bedroom dressed for dinner. “I see you’re ready to go.”

  “Sit first. I have a plan I want to discuss.” He told Hakan about meeting Cassie and what she had said.

  “You think it was Pearce with Gala?”

  “Yes, Pearce dressed to look like me.”

  “And I suppose you want me to use our youthful skills, get into his car, and search it?”

  “I’m glad we can read each other’s minds.”

  “Hah, you’re an open book at times, especially when you’re being devious. It sounds like fun. I’ll do it.”

  “Thanks, we need to hurry. We have to pick up Kira and be there by six thirty.”

  When they drove up to Kira’s parents’ house, Hakan got out. “I’ll run in and get her.”

  “I’ll go with you.” Rex beat Hakan to the door and knocked.

  “Come in, gentlemen.” Her father motioned them inside. Mrs. Bevyns came to his side.

  “You both look very handsome.” She winked at Hakan and then hesitated. She stared at Rex’s face. “You look better,” she said.

  Rex took a deep breath. He recognized a compliment. “Thank you.”

  They both turned when Kira came in the room and walked toward them. She wore the red dress she had on at her sister’s wedding. The silk hugged every curve, and the color set off her creamy skin.

  “Is it too dressy?” Her honey-toned words sent heat rushing through Rex’s body.

  “No,” they both said in unison.

  “It’s perfect,” Rex said softly as he stepped forward and took her arm. “I hate to rush you, but I want to get there a little early.”

  “No problem.” She kissed her mother and hugged her dad. “See you later.”

  In the car, Rex and Hakan placed her in the middle between them. Her rose-and-musk fragrance heightened the desire gripping Rex. It was going to be difficult to concentrate on his plan with her around.

  His parents’ house was only a few blocks away from Kira’s home. He parked beside his brother’s rental car. When they got out, Hakan walked to the other side and casually glanced in the car.

  Rex nodded at him. He saw Kira’s questioning look. She hadn’t missed the signals, between him and Hakan. Rex opened the front door before she had time to ask any questions. “Mom, Dad, we’re here.”

  His mother came rushing out of the kitchen. “We’re all having a glass of wine. Come join us.” She glanced at Kira. Rex saw the surprise she tried to hide.

  “I don’t think you’ve met Kira, but you saw her at the meeting.”

  “Yes, I never expected you were their friend.”

  “Why not, Mrs. Rexford? They are both special men and doctors.”

  His mother looked flustered for a moment. “You’re right, why not? Come in the kitchen and meet my husband and Pearce.”

  They followed her into the large kitchen. Pearce and a small blonde woman sat at the wooden kitchen table with his dad. Rex looked at Pearce just in time to see his startled glance toward Kira.

  “Pearce and Dad, I’d like you to meet Kira. You saw her when she spoke to all three tribes. Kira, my brother, Pearce, and my father.”

  Kira stepped forward and shook Rex’s father’s hand. “Your son takes after you.”

  He squeezed her hands and smiled. “Yes, he does.”

  * * * *

  Pearce stood and pulled the blonde up beside him. “This is Cindy. She works in Cassie’s shop. We met there.” He walked over to Kira to take her hand. “And I’ve met you before.”

  “Yes, small world.” When he touched her hand, a flash of darkness and cold made her shiver.

  He grinned and turned to his parents. “She was on one of my flights, and her sister was on another.”

  “Are you on vacation?” Kira asked.

  “I’ve taken an extended leave of absence. I’m trying to decide if I want to stay at the ranch and work somewhere nearby.”

  Kira didn’t miss his mother’s pleased smile when he talked about staying. She moved over to greet Cindy. She put out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Kira tried to see into Cindy’s eyes, but she kept her eyelids lowered as though she was shy. But for a split second Kira felt the slightest tightening on her fingers.

  Then Cindy raised her eyes and smiled. “I’m happy to meet you, too.” Pearce walked quickly to Cindy’s side and put his arm around her.

  Lonato’s mother handed Kira a glass of wine. “Dinner will be ready soon. There are hors d’oeuvres on the dining room table.”

  “If you all will excuse me, I need to make a call. My phone is set on silent mode, and it just vibrated.” Hakan walked outside.

  * * * *

  Hakan went to his car. He unlocked the driver’s door and sat. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the edge of the curtain move. Pretending to call, he punched in random numbers and waited. The curtain had fallen back into place. Hopefully, Rex could keep his brother’s attention for a few minutes.

  He got the tool he’d borrowed from a firefighter friend. Keeping out of sight, Hakan made his way to Pearce’s driver’s side door. Slipping the blade down the edge of the window, he popped the lock then bent over and climbed into the front seat.

  Nothing was underneath the seats. The glove compartment held a few papers. With his head down, he got out of the front and checked the backseat. The car had been cleaned. Hakan checked the house window again. No one was looking out. Reaching down inside the front door, he popped the trunk open.

  Toward the back was a gray bag. It blended so well against the car’s carpet that he almost missed it. He took the bag and put the trunk lid down. Then he threw the bag under his car seat and returned to the house.

  “Do you have a problem?” Rex asked.

  “I think I’ve taken care of it. Hopefully I’ll get to enjoy your mother’s cooking before I get called to the hospital.”

  Rex’s mom smiled. “Everything is ready. We can sit at the table now.” She moved several hors d’oeuvres to a side table and instructed where each person should sit.

  “Cindy, I want you here on my left. Pearce, you can sit on her other side. Rex put Kira between you and Hakan to my right. Your father has his usual chair at the head of the table.”

  “If you don’t mind, Mrs. Rexford, may I sit on your husband’s left side? I can talk to Lonato and Hakan anytime, but I’d enjoy getting to know Mr. Rexford.”

  Mrs. Rexford frowned, then smiled quickly. “How sweet. Do as you please, dear.” She sat and turned her attention to Cindy and Pearce.

  * * * *

  “You call my son ‘Lonato,’” Mr. Rexford said to Kira as he passed her the bowl of mashed potatoes.

  “It’s a lovely name. I’m surprised you and your wife call him Rex. I think of him as Lonato. He has a strong face, and I love his long, black hair. Except for the eyes, I suspect he looks like you did at his age.”

  Mr. Rexford laughed. His wife glanced at them. “Tell us the joke, Charles.”

  “Kira wondered if Lonato looks like I did at his age. What do you think?”

  Mrs. Rexford glanced at Rex. A soft smile curved her mouth. “He does. You’ve always been a handsome man, Charles. He looked like you even as an infant, except for the eye color.”

  “Is Charles your first name?” Kira asked.

  “No.” He continued to look down the table at his wife. “My first name is Maska, meaning ‘strong.’”

  “Then I shall call you Maska, if I may?”

  “You should call him Mr. Rexford,” Rex’s mom snapped at her.

  “Mom, do you have more gravy?” Pearce interrupted the conversation. When his mother left the room, Pearce said, “Mom doesn’t care for Dad and Re
x’s Native American names. She prefers Rex and Charles. You’re upsetting her.”

  “I’m not trying to.” Kira smiled at him.

  “I think Lonato and Maska are lovely names. I agree with you.” Cindy looked across the table at Kira.

  Pearce’s head swung around. He stared at Cindy. She shrank down in her chair. It was over so quickly that Kira wondered if Rex’s father noticed. She glanced in his direction. Yes, he saw the angry glare Pearce had flashed at Cindy.

  Pearce took Cindy’s hand. “You wouldn’t understand, darling. It’s just Mom’s preference.”

  His mother returned to the table, and the conversation remained general during the rest of the meal. When they were finished, Mrs. Rexford told the men to go relax in the living room. Cindy and Kira had already started gathering the dishes to take into the kitchen.

  “Why don’t you go rest and put your feet up,” Kira suggested to Mrs. Rexford. “We’ll load the dishes in the dishwasher and put the food away.”

  “Thank you. My legs and feet are hurting. I’m getting older.”

  Pearce flashed a worried look at Cindy, but smiled when he saw Kira looking at him. He shrugged. “I hate to be without her.”

  Kira nodded and followed Cindy into the kitchen. “I’ll rinse the dishes. You can put them in the dishwasher.”

  Cindy placed herself between Kira and the machine. For the first few minutes they didn’t speak. Which turned out to be good since Pearce made an unexpected visit to fill his wineglass. After he’d left, Kira heard his father and brother talking to him.

  “Are you scared of him?” she asked Cindy.

  “Yes. He did something to me. My head’s confused. And he keeps trying to do it again. I blocked some of it out earlier today.”

  “Good. Use visualization. Picture a golden net protecting you. Stare into his eyes, but keep the picture of the golden net around you, in your head. Pretend he’s getting through to you.” The voices in the living room went silent.

  Cindy put the last item into the dishwasher as Mrs. Rexford came in with Pearce right behind her. “Pearce will help me with the pie. Thank you for your help. You two can join the others. We’ll serve the dessert and coffee in a minute.” She shooed Kira and Cindy out.


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