Awlaki, Nasser al (father of Anwar Awlaki), 31–33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 45, 69, 74, 137, 184–185
and grandson, 495, 496–497
and grandson, killing of, 507–508, 509
and Obama, lawsuit against, 369, 392
and Obama, letter to, 326–327
and son, and relationship with al Qaeda, 363
and son, failed strike against, 456–457
and son, failure of strike against, 314, 315
and son, fear for life of, 265–266, 361
and son, imprisonment of, 185–188
and son, killing of, 505–506, 509
and son, targeted killing of, 500
and son, web sermons of, 235
and Storm, Morten, 292–293
Awlaki, Saleha al (mother of Anwar Awlaki), 496, 501, 507, 509
Awlaki family, 508–509, 510
Aynte. See Ali, Abdirahman “Aynte”
Ayro, Aden Hashi Farah, 127–128, 196, 199
assassination of, 226
Ayyiri, Yusuf al-, 233–234
Baath regime leaders, hunt for, 114–115
Badawi, Jamal al-, 210, 212, 213
Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, 104, 160, 251
and HVT Task Force, 167–168
Tactical Operations Center, 162, 168
Bagram prison, secret prison within, 331
Baig, Liaquat Ali, 408
Baker, James, 8, 15
Balad Air Base, Iraq, interrogation and torture at, 161, 162, 165–166
Balawi, Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-, 412
Banks, Jonathan, 413
Banna, Ibrahim al-, 508, 509
Banna, Jabir al-, 213
Banshiri, Abu Ubaidah al-, 197
Barfi, Barak, 255
Barman, Abdulrahman, 382, 384, 385, 398, 399
Barre, Mohamed Siad, 118, 472
Barrett, Richard, 278–279
Basir, Abu. See Wuhayshi, Nasir al-
Bates, John, 391–392
Battlefield Interrogation Facility (BIF), at Camp NAMA, 147, 151–152
Bayoumi, Omar al-, 40
Beckwith, Charlie, 49, 103
Benadir University, 299–300
Bennett, John, 127
Berg, Nicholas, 163–164
Bergen, Peter, 435, 445, 446, 451
Biden, Joseph, 107
and Afghanistan, 282
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 442, 445
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 207–208
and US counterinsurgency, in Afghanistan, 328
as vice president, 246
BIF. See Battlefield Interrogation Facility
Bin Fareed, Saleh, 34, 67
and Awlaki, Anwar, 266, 361–362
and Awlaki, Anwar, imprisonment of, 186–187, 190
and Awlaki, Anwar, web sermons of, 234, 235
and Majalah massacre, 304–306
and Majalah massacre rally, 309–311
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 304
Bin Laden, Osama, 3, 13–14, 379
at Abbottabad compound, discovery of, 420, 434–437
at Abbottabad compound, killing of, 441–450, 451–452, 487
and Abbottabad compound raid, 437–441, 458–459
and Abbottabad compound raid, protest over, 458–459
and al Shabab control, in Somalia, 229
and Awlaki, Anwar, 43, 44, 381
and declaration of war against US, 124–125
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 225–226
and Fazul, 197
hunt for, 139, 176–177, 217
and Kenya and Tanzania embassy bombings, 125–126
and Nairobi bombings, 198
and 9/11 attacks (see also Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection)
and Somalia, 124–125
and Tora Bora, 81, 434, 435
and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 205
and US lethal authority, 5, 20–21, 22–23
US lethal force against, 126
and USS Cole bombing, 63
and warlords, Somali, 198
See also Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection
“Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US” (presidential brief), 21
Bin Nayef, Mohammed, 278–279, 318, 389
Bin Sultan, Bandar, 186
Birk, Ane Skov, 132
Bissonnette, Matt, 437–441, 441–450, 452
Black, Cofer, 20-26, 483
and al Qaeda, 13–14
and bin Laden, 13–14
and covert action, and al Qaeda, 17
and covert action, preauthorized and legal, 25
and drone strikes, 17
firing of, 81
and rendition program, 27, 28
“Black” detainee program guidelines, JSOC, 148
Black Hawk Down incident, 54, 55–56, 122, 203
and Fazul, 197–198
Black List One, as code name for Saddam Hussein, 139–140
Black ops force, 57. See also Special Operations Forces
Black sites, 20, 294. See also Secret prisons
Blackwater, 163, 177–178, 180
and Blackwater-CIA-JSOC covert action, in Pakistan, 251–253
elite operatives of, 178
Forward Operating Bases, 177
and HVTs, 179
and McArthur antipiracy ship, 483
in Pakistan, 406–413
and privatized counterpiracy company in Somalia, 481, 483, 485
Blair, Dennis, 255–256, 282, 326, 353
Bledsoe, Carlos. See Muhammad, Abdulhakim Mujahid
Blinken, Tony, 439
Blood chit, 414, 419
Boland Amendment, 11
Bolton, John, 7
Book of Jihad (Nuhaas), 137
Boot, Max, 246
Boothby, Duncan, 341
Borderless war strategy, 4, 20, 61, 78, 169–170
Bouazizi, Mohamed, 430
Boykin, William G., 99, 125, 159, 171
Boyle, Michael, 516, 517, 519, 520
Bremer, L. Paul, 110–111, 140–141
Brennan, John, 277, 397
and al Qaeda, 257, 284
and al Shabab, 490
and AQAP, 463
and assassination policy, 352
and Awlaki, Anwar, drone strike against, failure of, 454
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 440, 452
and bin Laden compound raid, protest over, 459
and bin Nayef, in Saudi Arabia, 279
as CIA director nominee, 513–514
and kill lists, 352
and MLEs as cover for JSOC, 170–171
and Pakistan, drone strikes in, 248
and Republican attack on Obama, 320–321
and Rumsfeld and Cheney, innovations risks, 175
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, meeting with, 279–281
as senior counterterrorism and homeland security adviser, 246, 249–250, 256–257
and Shabwani incident, 357–358
and SOFs, increased presence of, 354
in Yemen, 388–389
British SAS (Special Air Service), 50
Brown, Bryan “Doug,” 114
Brzezinski, Mika, 245
Burundi, 272, 492
Bush, George H. W., 5, 11
Bush, George W., 237
and al Qaeda, in Yemen, 64
and Awlaki, Anwar, imprisonment of, 187
and Bin Sultan, Bandar, 186
and Camp NAMA, 157
and Cheney, defense plan of, 8
and CIA, and Somali warlord program, defeat of, 202
and counterterrorism policy, 4–5, 21–22, 23–24
and covert action, oversight of, 16
and drone strikes, in Yemen, 76, 77, 78
and Gray Fox, 95–96
and hit list, 14, 121
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14, 15, 81
and Iraq insurgency, 163
and JSOC, admiration for, 2
and JSOC, and global manhunt, 169–170
and “Mission Accomplished” speech, 111
and National Security Presidential Directive-I, 16–17
“National Strategy for Combating Terrorism,” 117
as passive, 101
and prisoners, protection and treatment of, 29–30
and Rumsfeld, resignation of, 215
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 64, 65
and secret presidential directive, 20
and US embassy bombing, in Sana’a, Yemen, 236
Bush (George W.) administration
and AFRICOM, 298
and al Qaeda, lethal action against, 18
and Cheney, defense plan of, 8
and congressional oversight, 26
and counterterrorism policy, 4–5
and drone strikes, in Yemen, 76–77, 78
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 206, 207–208
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 113
and lethal authority, 18
and Pakistan, 216–217
and Pakistan, outsourcing war in, 177
and presidential power, and wars, 3–4
and Reid, Richard (“Shoe Bomber”), 320
and rendition program, 26
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, deal between, 63–66, 211–212
and terrorism, focus on, 13
and Zarqawi, 113
Buubaa. See Hurre, Ismail Mahmoud “Buubaa”
Bybee, Jay, 89
CAG. See Combat Applications Group
Cambodia, 9
Cambone, Stephen, 7, 97–98, 98–99, 151, 297
and Camp NAMA, 154, 159
and Concept of Operations (CONOP) for HVT exploitation, 154
and Copper Green, 145–146
and covert vs. clandestine divide, 171
and JSOC, and global manhunt, 170
Camp Chapman attack, 412
Camp Cropper, 157
Camp Lemonnier (Djibouti), 66, 78–80, 122, 298
expansion of, 212
Camp NAMA (Baghdad, Iraq), 141, 146
disciplining of task force members at, 159
as “filtration site,” 151
and Geneva Convention violations, 154
HVT Task Force access to prisoners at, 155
and interrogation and torture/techniques, SERE, 151, 152, 153–154, 155
interrogation and torture/techniques at, 147–160
interrogation facility of, 147, 151–152
and JAG lawyers, 156
military investigation of abuse at, 158–160
military report on abuse at, 159
as model, 159–160
and Motel 6 and Hotel California, 147
and nondisclosure agreements, 156
and oversight, lack of, 148
and Pentagon warning, 157–158
and Red Cross report, 158
as secret facility, 148
and Special Access Program, 151
and unlawful combatants, 148
Cannistraro, Vincent, 58, 59, 100
Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman), 18
Capture and transfer of prisoners. See Extraordinary rendition; Kill/capture operations; Rendition
Carson, Johnnie, 298, 486
Carter, Jimmy, 5, 49
Cartwright, James “Hoss,” 249–250, 357, 358, 442
CCR. See Center for Constitutional Rights
Cemetery consecrations, by al Shabab, 200
CENTCOM, 53, 77, 111, 138, 149, 168, 169, 175, 202, 236, 258, 262
Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), 368–373, 392
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
CFR. See Council on Foreign Relations
Chambliss, Saxby, 353, 503
Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW), 36
Chelsea Heights Elementary School, 32
Cheney, Dick, 284
and American Enterprise Institute, 12
and Awlaki, Anwar, targeted killing of, 503
and Balad Air Base, 162
and Church Committee, 10
and CIA, conflict between, 58–59, 92, 95–96
and Clinton administration, criticism of, 4, 7
and congressional oversight, 9
and corporate shadow army, 12
and counterterrorism policy, 21, 23–24
and covert action, 9–10
and dark side/dark operations, 20, 24, 85 (see also Secret prisons)
defense plan of, 7–8
global war plans of, 15–16
and Halliburton, 12
and international criminal court, 8–9
and interrogation policy, 261
and interrogation program, 85
and Iran-Contra scandal, 11, 91
and Iraq, 3, 129
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15, 28, 81, 82–84, 150
and Iraqi WMDs, 15, 82, 150
and Iraq/Saddam Hussein obsession, 13
and JSOC, 100–101
and JSOC, and military and intelligence law, gray areas of, 92–94
and JSOC, legality of operations, 182–183
and kill/capture operations, 29, 114
and McChrystal, 103–104
and military bureaucracy, privatization of, 12
as neoconservative leader, 9
and neoconservatives, and shadow government, 7
and 9/11 attacks, exploitation of, 19
and Obama, 247
and Obama, attack on, 320
and Petraeus, 164
and Powell, conflict between, 57
and presidential authority, 9
and presidential power, assumption of, 59
and prisoners, protection and treatment of, 29–30
and Rumsfeld, resignation of, 215
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 64
and secret task force, success of, 174–175
and secret wars, 9–10, 12
and SOCOM, 94
and SOFs, 100
and SOFs, and intelligence program, 95–96
and SOFs, plans for, 93–101
and SSB, 100–101
and torture, kidnapping, and assassination, legal justification for, 24
and War Powers Act, 10
Chesser, Zachary, 289
Church, Frank, 10
Church Committee, 10
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
and al Qaeda, in Yemen, 237
and AMISOM, support for, 475
and Awlaki, Anwar, drone strike against, failure of, 454
and Awlaki, Anwar, hunt for, 364–366, 432–433
and Awlaki, Anwar, interrogation of, 187
and Awlaki, Anwar, killing of, 499, 500
and bin Laden compound, discovery of, 420, 434–437, 438–440
and bin Laden compound raid, and SEAL team 6, 437–441
and Blackwater, 177, 178
Brennan as director of, 513–514
and Camp NAMA, 148–149, 151
and Cheney, conflict between, 58–59, 92, 95–96
and CIA-Blackwater-JSOC covert action, in Pakistan, 251–253
and Clinton, and covert action, oversight of, 16
Counterterrorism Center, 13
and covert action, and al Qaeda, 16–17
and covert action, in Afghanistan, 16
and covert action, 1950s–1970s, 5
Covert Action Planning Group, 16
Covert Action Review Group, 16
and covert aid, in Uzbekistan, 17
and covert operators, number of, 58
and Davis incident, 406–407, 415, 416–417, 424–426, 427–428, 428–429
Directorate of Operations, 25
and drone strikes, 17–18, 177, 255, 352, 421–422
erosion of, 174, 176–177
and FBI, infighting between, 85
vs. HUMINT operations, 171
and HVT, 325
and interrogation and torture/techniques, 86–91, 155�
��156, 244–245
and Iraq reassignment, from Pakistan, 139
and ISI, 425–427
kill list, 23, 351
and lethal authority, 7, 20
oversight changes in, 23–24
and Pakistan, 139, 168–169
and Pakistan, drone strikes in, 352
and Pakistan, HVTs in, 175, 176–177
in Pakistan, 216, 406–413
and Pentagon, conflict between, 30, 81
and Pentagon, conflict between, and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 81–84
and Pentagon, conflict between, and Pakistan, 217
Petraeus as director of, 498
Phoenix Program, in Vietnam, 114
Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, 15
and Qanyare, Mohamed Afrah, alliance with, 118–121, 124, 127
and Rumsfeld, conflict between, 58–59, 92, 95–96, 97, 169, 171
and secret presidential directive, 20
and secret prisons, in Somalia, 296–297
and Signature Strikes, 249
and Somali warlord program, 191–195, 197
and Somali warlord program, and Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism, 193
and Somali warlord program, and Ethiopia, 193
and Somali warlord program, and European Union, 194
and Somali warlord program, and Fazul, 199
and Somali warlord program, and ICU, 192, 200–201, 201–203
and Somali warlord program, and kill/capture operations, 118–121, 124, 127–129, 191–195
and Somali warlord program, and Nabhan, 199
and Somali warlord program, defeat of, 200–201, 201–203
in Somalia, 470–473, 475, 476
and Storm, Morten, 292, 293, 364
and terror attacks, investigation of, 27–28
in Yemen, 387–388
See also individual CIA officials; US intelligence
CIA-JSOC divide, 170–171, 297, 350, 353, 388
CID. See Army Criminal Investigations Division
Civil Cooperation Bureau of South Africa, 484
Civil liberties groups, 77–78. See also American Civil Liberties Union
Civilian casualties
in Afghanistan, 347
and AMISOM, 474
and drone strikes, 248–249, 250–251, 516
See also Collateral damage
CJTF–HOA. See Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa
Clandestine action, 282–283
vs. covert action, 138, 171
definition of, 91, 92
Clapper, James, 356, 370
Clarke, Richard
on assassination ban, 5–7
and covert action, and Qaeda, 16–17
on covert action, 4–7
and drone strikes, 17
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14
on lethal authority, 5–6, 6–7
and SOFs, 56
Clinton, Bill
and assassination ban, 5–6
and Black Hawk Down incident, 55–56
and covert action, oversight of, 16
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