US spy programs in, 250
See also Inter-Services Intelligence
Panetta, Leon
and Afghanistan, 282
and al Qaeda, 256, 471
and Awlaki, Anwar, targeted killing of, 503
and Awlaki lawsuit, 369, 370
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 435, 436, 441, 442, 446
and CIA, 352
and CIA-JSOC divide, 297
and Davis incident, 425–426
and Pakistan, drone strikes in, 249
and secret prisons/black sites, 294
Pasha, Ahmad Shuja, 413
Patterson, Anne, 217, 411
Paul, Ron, 503
Pavitt, James, 133
Pelosi, Nancy, 6, 89
and Camp NAMA, 156–157, 157–158
and CIA, conflict between, 30
and CIA, conflict between, and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 81–84
and CIA, conflict between, and Pakistan, 217
luncheon, February 2002, 45
and Pakistan, HVTs in, 175
and SOFs, 98–99, 99–100
Perry, Jeff (pseud.), 152, 155–156, 156–157
Personnel Recovery Academy (JPRA), 87
PET. See Danish Intelligence Service
Petraeus, David, 427
and Afghanistan, 282
and al Qaeda HVTs, strikes against, 236
and AQAP, in Yemen, 258–259
and bin Laden at Abbottabad compound, 443
as CIA director, 498
as commander of CENTCOM, 236
and counterterrorism policy, expansion of, 261
and Iraq, destruction of, 179
and Iraq insurgency, 164
and JSOC operations, expansion of, 297
and Majalah massacre, 323
and McChrystal, replacement for, 349
and McChrystal, resignation of, 349
and Obama administration, 258
resignation of, 513
and Saleh, Ali Abdullah, meeting between, 322–323
and Salvadorization of Iraq, 165
and SOFs, authorization of direct actions by, 282–283
and Special Police Commando Unit, 165
and Yemen, aid to, 322
and Yemen, AQAP in, 262
Phillips, Richard, 274–276
Phoenix Program, in Vietnam, 114
Piracy industry, in Somalia
and al Shabab, 482, 483
and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 273–276, 482–483
and privatized counterpiracy company, 481–485
and Puntland region, 483–484, 485
and SV Quest, capture of, 482–483
Plausible deniability, 91
PNAC. See Project for the New American Century
Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, CIA, 15
Political Security Organization (PSO), 185, 359
Pope Air Force Base, 51
Porter, Gareth, 114, 348
Posse Comitatus Act, 52
Powell, Colin
and Cheney, conflict between, 57
and Cheney, defense plan of, 8
diplomatic agenda of, 57–58
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15
and Iraq war, case for, 29
and Rumsfeld, conflict between, 57
and SOFs, 99
and Somalia, 122
and Zarqawi, 113
Presidential authority, 9, 11, 24–25
Presidential power
and Cheney, assumption of, 59
and war, 3–4
and war, right to declare, 19–20
Priest, Dana, 105, 217, 351
Prince, Erik, 177, 408
and privatized counterpiracy company in Somalia, 481–485
and Saracen International, 484, 485
Prine, Carl, 109
abuse of, 104, 158–160
protection and treatment of, 29–30
See also Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal
Private military contractors, 23. See also Mercenary companies
Project for the New American Century (PNAC), 7, 8, 19
Project Icon, 95
Prosper, Pierre-Richard, 484
PSO. See Political Security Organization
Puntland region, 483–484, 485
Qaddafi, Muammar el-, 5, 431
Qamish, Galib al-, 187, 266
Qanyare, Mohamed Afrah, 191, 192, 193, 194
and CIA-backed alliance, 118–121, 124, 127
defeat of, 201
and Fazul, 199
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 208
and kill and capture campaign, 127–129
Qaradawi, Sheikh Yusuf al-, 39
Qasaylah, Ali Mahmud al-, assassination of, 230
Qirbi, Abu Bakr al-, 313, 363, 465
QRF. See Quick Reaction Force
Quick Reaction Force (QRF), 98
Qureshi, Shah Mahmood, 422, 458
Qusay Hussein, 111
Quso, Fahd al-, 305, 318, 467
Qutb, Sayyid, 188–189
Rage, Ali Mohamud, 299, 301, 395, 396, 487, 491
and Daynile offensive, 492
Rahman, Atiya Abdul. See Mahmud, Shaykh
Rahman, Omar Abdel, 36
Ramadan offensive (Al Shabab), 396–397
Rangers, 51, 102–103, 108, 115, 138, 143, 144, 145, 159, 175, 450
rules of engagement of, 169
Ras Kamboni, 195, 394
Reagan, Ronald
and assassination ban, 5
and JSOC, 51
and presidential authority, 11
Reagan administration, 11
Real Time Regional Gateway, NSA, 162
“Rebuilding America’s Defenses,” 19
Red Cross (International Committee of the Red Cross)
and Camp NAMA, 148
and Camp NAMA report, 158
and detainee policy, violation of, 453
and interrogation and torture/techniques, 89–90
Reed, Jack, 469
Rehman, Ibadur, 419
Reid, Harry, 509–510
Reid, Richard (aka “Shoe Bomber”), 28, 320
Rendition, 26–30, 182
of Islamic Jihad members, 125
and JSOC, 182
See also Secret prisons
Reno, Janet, 108
Republican Guard (Iraq), 165
Republican Guard (Yemen), 33, 211, 462
Republican Party, xv, 9, 18, 26, 36, 76, 89, 109, 110, 161, 169, 171, 215, 244, 246, 256, 301, 302, 314, 318, 319, 320, 353, 469, 503, 515, 516, 517, 520
Republicans, and Obama, attack on, 320–321
Rhodes, Ben, 446
Rice, Condoleezza, 94
and al Qaeda, lethal action against, 18
and al Qaeda/bin Laden, 14
and al Shabab, 226
and Awlaki, Anwar, imprisonment of, 186
and covert action, in Afghanistan, 16
and covert action, in Pakistan, 411
and drone strikes, in Yemen, 78
and interrogation and torture/techniques, 88
Rice, Susan, 324
Richer, Robert, 141
Riggle, Robert, 482–483
Rimi, Qasim al-, 210, 230–231, 324, 356
as detainee at Guantánamo, 254
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, al Qaeda attacks in, 130
Rizzo, John, 25
Robow, Mukhtar, 492
Rocca, Christina, 409–410
Rodriguez, Alberto, 421
Rodriguez, Jose, 25, 30, 81, 176
and interrogation and torture/techniques, 89
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 83
Rolling Stone magazine, 349
Rome Statute, 8–9
Rove, Karl, 246, 302
Rowley, Richard, 164
Rumsfeld, Donald, 218, 284, 518
and al Qaeda, 13–14
and al Qaeda resurgence, in Yemen, 131
and Balad Air Base, 162
and bin Laden, 13–14
and Black, firing of, 81
and Camp NAMA, 154, 156–157
and Church Committee, 10
and CIA, conflict between, 58–59, 92, 95–96, 97, 169, 171
and CIA, oversight changes in, 23–24
and CIA-JSOC divide, 170–171
and Clinton administration, criticism of, 4, 7, 126
and Concept of Operations for HVT exploitation, 154
and congressional briefings, 107
and congressional oversight, 9
and congressional testimony on torture of detainees in Iraq, 160–161
and Copper Green, 145–146
and covert action, 9–10
and covert vs. clandestine action, 138, 171
and de-Baathification process, 111
and Djibouti, secret base in, 78–79
and drone strikes, in Yemen, 76
global military campaign of, 59–60
global war plans of, 15–16
and hit list, 6–7
and insurgents, targeting of, 144
and international criminal court, 8–9
and interrogation and torture/techniques, 86, 87, 88, 91
and interrogation program, 85
and Iran-Contra scandal, 91
and Iraq, 3
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15, 81–82, 84, 150
and Iraq insurgency, 162–163
and Iraq War, 129
and Iraqi insurgency, 111, 112
and Iraqi military, disbanding of, 111
and Iraqi WMDs, 82, 150
and Iraq/Saddam Hussein obsession, 13
and JPRA, 86
and JSOC, 48–49, 100–101
and JSOC, and global manhunt, 170, 171
and JSOC, and military and intelligence law, gray areas of, 92–94
and JSOC, legality of operations, 182–183
and JSOC, reorganization of, 98
and JSOC, transformation of, 54–55, 57
and kill/capture operations, 114
and military, reorganization of, 12–13
and military bureaucracy and commanders,
circumvention of, 93
as neoconservative leader, 9
and neoconservatives, and shadow government, 7
and 9/11 attacks, exploitation of, 19
and Pentagon, 98–99, 99–100
and Petraeus, 164
and Powell, conflict between, 57
and presidential authority, 9
and Reid, Richard (“Shoe Bomber”), 320
resignation of, 215
and Saddam Hussein, capture of, 141
secret program of, 30
and secret task force, success of, 174–175
and secret wars, 9–10
and Shelton, conflict between, 53, 57
and “snowflake” memos, 97
and SOCOM, 94
and SOFs, 56–57
and SOFs, and intelligence program, 95–96
and SOFs, plans for, 93–101
and SOFs, reorganization of, 98
and Somalia, 122
and Special Operations Command, reorganization of, 98
and SSB, 100–101
and unified task force in Afghanistan and Iraq, 138
and Yemen prison break, 210
Ruppersberger, Charles Albert “Dutch” III, 505
Rush, Bobby, 107
Rushdie, Salman, 379
Rustamyar, Ghulam Dastagir, 338
Sabir, Mohammed, 335–337, 339, 344, 346
US interrogation of, 337
Saddam Hussein, 5, 8
capture of, 140–141
Cheney/Rumsfeld obsession with, 13
and code name Black List One, 139–140
hunt for, 139–140
imprisonment of, 166
and WMDs, 15, 28–29, 150
See also Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection
Sadr, Moqtada al-, 112, 141
Salahuddin Center, 200
Saleh, Ahmed Ali Abdullah, 32–33, 462
Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 61–66, 384
and al Qaeda, 62, 65–66
and al Qaeda, collusion between, 210–214
and al Qaeda resurgence, 130–133
and Arab Spring, 430–432, 460
and Awlaki, Anwar, imprisonment of, 186–187, 187–188, 190
and bin Fareed, 304
and drone strikes, in Yemen, 76, 77, 79
and Guantánamo, and Yemeni prisoners, transfer of, 256, 257–258, 259
and Houthi rebellion, 131–132, 280
and Iran, propaganda campaign against, 230
and Kappes, meeting with, and AQAP, 259–260
and Majalah massacre, 308, 313, 323
and mujahedeen-Soviet Afghan war, 62
and Obama, 256, 257–258
and Petraeus, meeting between, 322–323
and Shabwani incident, 357–358
and Shaye, 398–399
and terrorist rehabilitation program, 132, 256, 257, 260
and Townsend, interview with, 212–213
and US (Bush administration), deal between, 63–66, 211–212
and US funds, request for, 280
and US (Obama administration), deal between, 236–237, 262, 279–281, 284, 322–323, 356, 359–360, 386, 388–389
and US spy drone Scan Eagle, 230
and USS Cole bombing, 61, 62–63, 65–66, 132–133
and weakening of regime, 465
and Yemen prison break, 210–214
and Zinjibar siege, 462
Saleh, Ammar Muhammad Abdullah, 262
Saleh, Yahya, 235
Salim, Suleiman Ahmed Hemed, 127
Salopek, Paul, 128
“Salt Pit” (secret prison), 26
Salvador Option. See Salvadorization of Iraq
Salvadorization of Iraq (aka Salvador Option), 165
Salve Regina University, 102
San Diego State University, 35
Sana’a, Yemen, US embassy in, bombing of, 235–236
Sana’a University, 184
Sanaullah, Rana, 428
Sanchez, Ricardo, 140–141, 142
SAP. See Special Access Program
Saracen International, 484–485
Sattler, John, 79
Saudi Arabia
al Qaeda in, 130, 278–279
and Guantánamo, and Yemeni prisoners, transfer of, 259
and Houthi rebellion, 131–132
most wanted list in, 278
terrorist rehabilitation program in, 254, 278
US secret air base in, 465
and Yemen, collusion between, 254–255
Savage, Charlie, 11
Saweri, Saleh al-, 387
Scan Eagle (US spy drone), 230
Scarborough, Rowan, 150
Scharping, Rudolf, 122
Scheuer, Michael, 133, 176, 236
Schloesser, Jeffrey, 59
Scholarship program for foreign students, 34
Schoomaker, Peter, 56
Schroen, Gary, 22
Schultz, Richard, 55–57
Schultz report, 55–57
Schwarzkopf, Norman, 53
Scowcroft, Brent, 8, 15, 95
Screen Hunter, 176
SEALs. See US Navy SEALs
Seche, Stephen, 262, 312
Secret bases
in Saudi Arabia, 465
in Uzbekistan, 17
See also individual bases
Secret prisons, 25–26
in Ethiopia, 128
and Obama, 294
in Somalia, 294–295, 296–297, 470, 471–473
See also Black sites; Extraordinary rendition; Interrogation and torture/techniques; Rendition
Secret wars, 12
and neoconservative movement, 9–10
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 3
; SERE program. See Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape program
Shaalan, Hazim, 165
Shabwani, Ayad al-, 324
Shabwani, Ibrahim al-, 358
Shabwani, Jabir al-, 357–358
Shaffer, Anthony (alias Chris Stryker), 138–139
and Bagram Air Base, 167, 168
and Blackwater, 177
and Camp NAMA, 148
and Copper Green, 146
and Davis incident, 406, 415, 417
and Pakistan, 169, 216
and Pakistan, HVTs in, 175, 176
Shah, Wali Khan Amin, 27
Shamo Hotel bombing, 299–301
Shamshad, Faheem (aka Muhammad Faheem), 415, 418–419, 420, 421, 428
Shanklin, Michael, 484, 485
Sharabuddin, Hajji, 336, 341–342, 345–346 (see also Gardez raid/massacre)
Sharabuddin, Mohammed Daoud, and family, 334–342
Sharaf, Kamal, 306, 382, 383–384
Sharif, Sheikh (Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed), 193, 196, 202–203, 270, 476, 490
and al Shabab, 491
and Clinton, Hillary, 277
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 206
and return to power, 227
and Saracen International, 484–485
and Shamo Hotel bombing, 300
US support for, 226
Shaye, Abdulelah Haider, 306–307
and Awlaki, Anwar, interviews with, 307, 315–316, 318–319, 360–363
capture, torture, and imprisonment of, 382–385
conviction and imprisonment of, 398–400
and Majalah massacre, 307, 308
Shelby, Richard, 3
Shelton, Hugh, 443
and Gardez raid/massacre, 346–347
and Iraq and 9/11–Saddam and al Qaeda connection, 14–15
and JSOC, 52
and Maersk Alabama, hijacking of, 275
and Rumsfeld, and JSOC, transformation of, 54–55
and Rumsfeld, conflict between, 53, 57
and SOCOM, 52
Shiffrin, Richard, 88
Shihri, Said Ali al-, 256, 306, 314, 315, 356, 467
as detainee at Guantánamo, 254
Shinn, David, 123
Shirosaki, Tsutomu, 27
Shock and Awe campaign, 105
Siad, Mohammed Farah, 474
Siad, Yusuf Mohammed (pseud. Indha Adde or White Eyes), 191–193, 194, 488
and al Qaeda, 192, 224
and al Shabab, 196–197, 224
and Ethiopian occupation of Somalia, 226
and ICU, 224
and ICU, and US-backed Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, 208
militia of, 476–477
Signature Strikes, 249, 352, 516
Slocombe, Walter, 52
Smith, Greg, 340–341, 342
Smith, Jeffrey, 78
SMUs. See Special Mission Units
Snatch operations. See Extraordinary renditions
SOCOM. See Special Operations Command
SOFs. See Special Operations Forces
Soldier Readiness Processing Center, Fort Hood, 285
Somalia, 78, 79, 80, 118–129
and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama, 478–480
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