Spark: A Bad Boy's Second Chance Romance (Burns Brothers Book 3)

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Spark: A Bad Boy's Second Chance Romance (Burns Brothers Book 3) Page 22

by Gillian Archer

  “Why?” She asked as she skillfully freed my dick from my jeans. “Mmmm, I’ve missed this gorgeous little fella.”

  “Little?” I scoffed. “He’s not little.”

  “He won’t be in a minute,” she retorted as she bent toward my dick.

  “Whoa. Okay. I think that’s enough fun for today.” I covered my lap with my hands while I tried to nudge her away with my shoulder. Not that she was moving. “Pretty sure this wasn’t on your doctor’s list of approved activities.”

  Sabrina scowled at me. “Pretty sure it wasn’t on his list of unapproved activities either. If you had such strong feelings about it, you should’ve asked my doctor when you had the chance.”

  “Yeah, I wasn’t bringing that up with your parents in the room.”

  “Heh,” she snorted. Yeah, that would’ve been a little awkward. But still if you were worried you should’ve asked.”

  “Well regardless, no booty call action until the doctor clears you medically.”

  “One. It’s not booty call action when you’re in a loving, committed relationship like we are. Got it?” She glared until I nodded in agreement. “And two, how about you let me worry about how much I’m about to do since I’m a responsible, capable adult?”

  My eyes widened at her pissed off tone. “Okay.”

  “Now I don’t want to hear another word. You sit back and let me blow you like a loving girlfriend whose life you helped save last night.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “Not. Another. Word.” Sabrina tried to glare at me, but the sparkle in her eye wouldn’t let her pull it off.

  I rolled my lips together and nodded tightly.

  “Good.” She grunted and peeled back my jeans, exposing my boxers and my erect dick, but not letting another inch of skin show.

  “I know I’m not supposed to talk—”

  “Then don’t.”

  “But it might be easier if…” Rather than say it, I decided to show her. Nudging her off my lap, I stood and shucked my jeans and boxers down my legs in one movement. I kicked them out of the way and pulled my shirt over my head. I felt foolish standing there in my socks, so I got rid of them too.

  Sitting back down on the couch, I angled my legs toward her. “Better?”

  Sabrina stared back at me with wide eyes. “Really?”

  Tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Yes. I love you, and I can’t think of a better way to show you than this. This is me. All of me.”

  “I love you, too. Every inch.” Sabrina leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose.

  I buried a hand in her hair, holding her in place. “I’m so glad you’re here. I was so fucking scared.”

  “But it’s okay. I’m here. Because of you.” She tilted her head and kissed me on the lips, her tongue darting out to tease mine. I growled and kissed her back, putting all those emotions I didn’t know how to say into action.

  After we were both breathless, she pulled away and coughed lightly. My eyes narrowed, but I let it go. Mostly.

  Once she had her breathing under control, she pressed a kiss against my jaw. Then my neck on top of my skin graft. Then the center of my chest. My abs. Where I was thankfully unscarred.

  “Now how about I get busy showing you how much I love you?” she murmured when her lips hovered over my now very erect cock.

  I did what every good boyfriend would do.

  I sat back and let her.



  Six weeks later

  St. Mary Cemetery

  I stared down at the grey stone through a haze of tears. I knew he was dead. Had been dead for over two years but seeing the words literally written in stone somehow made it more real.

  Rhys Jason “Jay” Maher Jr

  Beloved son and soon to be father

  Followed by his dates.

  The same birth year as me. God.

  I fell to my knees and cried. It hurt so much. We were supposed to be friends for life. Stand up for each other at our weddings. Raise families together. Take vacations together. We weren’t blood, but we might as well have been. We were ride or die buddies.

  Only Jay had died, and I was still here.

  It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

  When it felt like I had myself under control, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

  “Jay, I don’t know—” I stopped and looked around the empty cemetery. I felt like a fool reading a letter to a gravestone, but Dr. Davis had said it would help me start to deal with my feelings about Jay’s death and my part in it. Really all I felt like was a fool. But at least no one was here to hear me pour my heart out.

  I cleared my throat and tried again.

  “Jay, I don’t know how to start this. I didn’t think much of those two little words—I’m sorry—but I, uh learned a lesson a few months ago. Sorry doesn’t mean shit unless you feel it. And unless you truly have something to apologize for. I know I’m not responsible for you being here. I just wish like hell that you weren’t. I don’t know how or why we got separated that day. It wasn’t the plan. You were supposed to be with me and Travis. But everything went to hell. Literally. The world was on fire, and somehow Travis and I were the only ones who made it out. I don’t, I can’t …”

  The fucking words blurred on the page again, and it crinkled in my hand as I swiped at my eyes.

  “I don’t think there’s anything I can say or do to ever make it up to you. I’ve tried to be there for Vanessa and your daughter. Once I pulled my head out of my ass anyways. There for a while, they were my only reason to live. If you couldn’t be there for them, I wanted to step up. And maybe you’re doing the same up there with my baby.”

  Tears fogged my vision again. Christ, this was hard.

  “I hope you are. Because there’s no one who could do a better job than you. I love you, man.”

  I heaved a huge sigh and shoved the letter back into my pocket. Sitting on my knees, I stared at the letters on his gravestone. “I hope wherever you are, Jay, you’re at peace. Because you deserve it.”

  A breeze riffled my hair and a sense of calmness settled over me.

  I wasn’t a hundred percent at peace with the loss of my best friend—I don’t think I ever would be—but I felt like where ever he was, he was okay.

  And maybe I would be too.

  “I swear I won’t be a stranger. I’ll come back and see you and let you know what’s going on in my life. I miss you, buddy.”

  Pushing myself to my feet, I gave his gravestone one last look, said a silent goodbye and headed for the parking lot.

  It was almost dusk and therefore closing time—who knew that cemeteries closed?—so I was definitely surprised to see Travis standing at the edge of the parking lot closest to the graveyard. “Hey man.”

  “Hey. How’d your visit go?”

  “Uh, good. Were you waiting for me?”

  I was confused. I hadn’t told anyone aside from Sabrina that I was coming today.

  “No, I was coming for my own visit.” Travis ducked his head. “But I thought I’d give you some time alone first. I know you haven’t been here much. An assignment from Dr. Davis?”

  “Yeah, I felt a little ridiculous, but I gotta say it helped. Maybe he’s not a quack after all.”

  “Hey, I wouldn’t do you like that.” Travis laughed. “At least not about this.”

  “Yeah, thanks, man.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and rocked back on my heels. “I guess I should let you do your visit before they close the gates on ya.”

  “You got plans?” Travis asked then turned as the passenger door of my pickup opened and Sabrina stepped out. He smiled at her and waited with me as she crossed the parking lot to us. “Hey Sabrina.”

  Sabrina smiled, wrapped an arm around my waist. “Hey Travis. Nice to see you.”

  “You too.”

  “How’s your puppy doing? We should have you guys over for a pupp
y playdate.”

  Travis groaned. “Little fucker has already chewed up the arm of my couch. He’s lucky he’s so damn cute.”

  Sabrina laughed. “I think that’s nature’s defense or something. And we’d know. We still have two puppies and Bella at home. Know anyone looking for a puppy?”

  Travis shook his head then made a cross with his fingers and backed away, toward the cemetery. “You already got me to take one puppy with that sad eye routine. Stay back!”

  “Welcome to my life.” I grunted when Sabrina’s sharp elbow dug into my stomach.

  Travis dropped his hands and tilted his head, scanning me up and down. “It looks good on you.”

  I knew that in addition to my lighter attitude, he was referring to the shorts I was wearing for the first time in over two years.

  I lifted my chin in recognition.

  It hadn’t been easy to leave the house with all my scars on display, but I felt like it was time. Today especially. It was all about letting go and embracing the present.

  Or at least that was what Dr. Davis said.

  “We’re having a get-together Friday,” Sabrina said, bringing me back to the present. “It’s mostly my family, but we’d love it if you came. I know Logan would appreciate having someone in his corner. My family is a little intense.”

  “I know. I’ve seen the show.” Travis sighed. “What time?”

  “Six,” I replied.

  “Okay. I’ll swing by.”

  “Great.” Sabrina smiled and hugged me a little closer. “We’ll let you get to your visit. See you later, Trav.”

  “Later, guys.” Travis lifted a hand then turned and walked away.

  “Thank you for inviting him,” I said as we watched him walk away. “I don’t think he’s taken this whole Vanessa thing very well. He’s kinda turned into a hermit lately.” Despite my strong hints, Vanessa had pulled away from Travis. Either she wasn’t ready for a relationship or she wasn’t into him. We still occasionally got together, the three of us, but it wasn’t the same. And I think that sucked the most.

  “Well you would know.” Sabrina squealed in laughter when I growled and nuzzled the side of her neck, tickling her with my beard.

  “Take it back! I’m not a hermit anymore. Your family won’t let me.”

  Sabrina laughed lightly then tugged me toward my pickup. “They are kinda like bulldozers. Now you know why I waited so long to introduce you to them.”

  “Yeah, but still. They’re pretty great. Kinda hard to complain about it.” It’d taken some time, but we had all moved on. We were all copacetic.


  They still loved to give me menacing looks when Sabrina’s back was turned.

  I stopped next to her side of the pickup. “You look gorgeous tonight, Sabrina.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not. It’s kinda getting dark out here.” Her eyes sparkled as she blinked up at me.

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. Out of the corner of my eye I saw goosebumps break out over her neck and trail down under her dress. “I don’t need to see you to know that you look amazing. Christ, do you know what you do to me, angel?”

  “What’s that?”

  “The best of everything. I’m so fucking glad I have you in my life.”

  “I love you too.” Sabrina went up on her toes and kissed me. Only the knowledge of where we were kept me from taking it further. She pulled away and slapped the front of my chest. “Now open up my door. We have a family dinner to get to.”

  “You mean we get to watch your parents make eyes at each other and referee a fight between Nathan and Maddie? Oh joy.” I pulled her door open.

  “Hey at least there will be cake.” Sabrina gave me another kiss then hoisted herself up into the passenger seat.

  And I enjoyed the entire show.

  She rolled her eyes when she saw the look on my face. “Get in the truck already.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I shut her door then jogged around the truck and climbed in. “Screw the dinner, I say we head back to my place and have some fun. Just the two of us.”

  Sabrina bit her lip like she was actually debating the merits of showing up to her family dinner late or if I was lucky, not at all. “Fuck it. Let’s go home.”

  The engine roared and I put my truck into gear. Reaching over, I grabbed her hand because I had to always, some way be touching her. “That’s my girl.”

  The End


  First, I have to thank you, the readers! You’re the reason why I do this. I don’t have a job without you. I love hearing from you, how excited you are to read my books, and your eagerness for certain characters’ stories. You guys make my day with every email, FB message, and DM. Thank you!

  To my awesome husband, Dave—Thank you for making my writing a priority. I love you and all the wonderful things you do for me—like wrangling the tiny human while I run away to Starbucks.

  To my kickass crit partner, Amy Isaman—Thank you for all the meetings over coffee and thoughtful feedback! You always keep me on track and true to my characters. And kick my ass to keep me motivated when I’m struggling. I hope I’m doing my share to keep you on track too.

  To Dawn Mangum who was super quick and so thorough with her ninja proofreading skills. Thank you! You’re awesome!

  To all my amazing author friends! Sasha Devlin, you hold my hand through all my freak outs. You talk me down when I get nutty and give me praise when I’m feeling down. I’d have a lot fewer books published without you in my life! And Stina Lindenblatt. You have been so awesome sharing all your self-published knowledge with me. You’ve given me so much with your friendship—I hope it’s been at least somewhat reciprocated! And Dayna Hart. You were so awesome with your edits! You did so much work to help make my book so much better. I loved and agreed with all your notes. Thanks for all your hard work!

  Also By Gillian Archer

  Burns Brothers Series




  Torque Coming Soon

  True Brothers MC Series




  Rough Ride

  HRH Series

  Reluctantly Royal

  Pleasure Code Series

  Wicked Weekend- Temporarily out of print

  Up In Knots


  King of Hearts


  GILLIAN ARCHER has a bachelor’s degree in mining engineering but prefers to spend her time on happily ever after. She writes the kind of stories she loves to read—the hotter the better! When she’s not pounding away on the keyboard, she can be found chasing her preschooler, or surfing the couch while indulging in her latest reality TV fixation, or reading awesome romance ebooks by her favorite authors. Gillian Archer lives in the wilds of Nevada with her amazing husband, gorgeous little girl, and goofy dog.

  [email protected]

  Twitter: @gillianarcher

  Instagram @gilliarcher

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  In case you missed it, read on for an excerpt of


  A Bad Boy Snowed In Romance

  Burns Brothers Series, #1

  Out now!

  Order your copy here

  Build Chapter One

  Austin Burns

  Badass Builds

  Sacramento, CA

  Days like today, I really wish I’d been an only child.

  “You’re full of if it you think the West Coast Kings are going to be happy with a fucking paint job like that.” My younger brother by eighteen months, Nathan, growled as we stood in our workshop with all my brothers gathered around the cans for the Kings build. “It’s streaky
on that side, and you totally jacked up their logo. We’ll be lucky if those sons of bitches don’t fuck us all up.”

  “I know it’s not my best work,” our youngest brother, Dylan, groaned as he stared morosely at the cans in question. “I had some shit on my mind. I guess I wasn’t concentrating. I fucked up.”

  “I fucked up,” Nathan mocked. “I’m sure the Kings will find that hilarious when they show up Saturday to pick up the goddamn bike. You know, after they give us a beat down.”

  And I wished I hadn’t gone into business with my entire family, like a moron. My temples began to throb in that special way that only my brothers could make me feel.

  My middle brother Ryan laughed and muttered something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like, “I’d like to see them try.”

  “Really?” Nathan scoffed. “You think you could hold your own with the one-percent motorcycle club that runs this city? They would eat you for breakfast.”

  “They could try,” Ryan retorted as he straightened from his slouch. He closed the distance between him and Nathan in a slow, measured saunter. “We all remember who ended up with a broken nose the last time me and you danced. Wanna go again?”

  There was a reason the Urban Channel was in talks with our lawyer to make our previous hour long special into a weekly reality show. The four of us together defined drama.

  And dysfunction.

  “ENOUGH!” I roared, finally at the end of my patience. “We don’t have time for another run to the E.R. because you two can’t figure out how to get along. We gotta fix this mess and build the bike before we piss off the Kings. They’re our biggest client right now. We don’t have time for finger pointing. So calm the hell down, or get the fuck out. Either way, this bike will be done by Saturday. We clear?”

  “Clear,” Nathan muttered with a glare Ryan’s way.

  Ryan smirked. “I could use the weekend off.”

  “If you’re not careful, you’re gonna have a whole lot of weekends off.” I shook my head.


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