Her Fated Cowboy (Harland County Series)

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Her Fated Cowboy (Harland County Series) Page 8

by Donna Michaels

  Mrs. Dixon raised a brow.

  “What kind of a meeting is this?”

  “A trouble-shooting meeting.”

  That didn’t help.

  “How long do they normally last?”

  His secretary sighed and opened a folder. “Sometimes well into the night.”

  “Do they take breaks?”

  “Rarely.” The secretary didn’t look up, and obviously wasn’t going to be much help.

  Becoming more aggravated by the minute, Jordan walked to the window and studied the view of the incredible skyline in order to calm down. Buildings glinted in the sun, a stark contrast to the brilliant blue Texas sky behind them. Alone or in a cluster of commerce, the skyscrapers enhanced the image of the city. She had to be that lone building whose sole purpose was to achieve—and achieve she would.

  By the time Jordan turned around, she had a plan. The secretary’s blue gaze rose, waiting with amusement to see her next move. Shoulders squared, Jordan strolled to a chair and sat down to begin her vigil. No way would she leave without seeing Cole.

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll just stick around awhile, in case they take a break,” she informed Mrs. Dixon, and crossed her long bare legs.

  Tugging her white denim skirt until it settled a few inches above her knees, she realized she still had on the backless black halter-top trimmed in white, and sandals—clothes she’d donned for a day at the ranch. The last thing on her mind when she’d left in a hurry was her appearance. Oh well—she leaned forward to pull her hair from between her back and the chair and dropped the heavy mass over her shoulder—not much I can do about it now. Chocolate brown waves cascaded down to her hip as she settled in for a long wait. Jordan glanced at her feet. Pearlized by the sun streaming in through the window, her shell ankle bracelet and matching toe-ring stood out against her tan. She wiggled her toes and smiled. Perfect. Her outfit was more suited for a picnic at the beach, not an afternoon in a stuffy corporate office.

  I hope I put a wrinkle in Cole’s well-ordered life. Damn, stubborn Texan.

  An hour and ten minutes later, her patience eventually paid off. A server from the cafeteria staff wheeled a cart full of sandwiches and coffee off the elevator. With a nod from Mrs. Dixon he pushed the food toward the conference room.

  Then the secretary’s phone rang.

  Fate calling.

  Pulse pounding, Jordan waited until Stella, phone cradled on her shoulder, turned her attention to the computer. Bingo. My window of opportunity. Sandals in hand, she scurried unnoticed down the hall.

  Reaching the conference room at the same time as the cart, she smiled and opened the door so the server could wheel through. Everyone looked up and stared at her, chins dropping to their suited chests. Jordan had all she could do not to burst out laughing. They’d completely ignored the food.

  Even Cole, bent over the table pointing to something, looked stunned. He straightened up so fast, he could’ve slipped a disk.

  “What,” she said. “You never saw a barefoot woman holding sandals before?”

  Kevin was the first to recover as the cafeteria worker disappeared, closing the door behind him.

  “Jordan, what a pleasant surprise.”

  “Hi, Kevin.” She waved.

  “What do you want?” Cole barked, an angry flush invading his cheeks.

  “It’s nice to see you too.” She dropped her sandals on the floor and slipped her feet into the cool leather before strolling toward him. “Look, I know you’re in a meeting and I’m sorry to interrupt but I’ve tried to talk to you for several hours now. Can we please go somewhere private?”


  “Just for a few minutes?”

  “No! Now get out,” he said firmly.

  The door flew open behind her.

  That would be the loyal Mrs. Dixon.

  “There you are,” Stella exclaimed. “Sorry, Mr. McCall, one minute she was sitting and the next she was gone.”

  “If it had been anyone else, Stella, I’d be furious. But knowing Jordan as I do, you were out maneuvered.” His hard gaze never left her face.

  “You didn’t give me much choice, Cole. It certainly wasn’t Mrs. Dixon’s fault.” She waved in his secretary’s direction as the rest of the men looked on with interest.

  “You can go now, Mrs. Dixon, and take Jordan with you.” He returned his attention back to the table.

  “Sorry, honey,” Jordan told him firmly. “I came here with something to say and I will not leave until I do.”

  His men flinched.

  “Whatever it is, we can discuss it when I get home.”

  “When will that be?”

  “When I’m good and damn well ready! Now, kindly go away or I’ll have you thrown out. The choice is yours, Jordan. I have a business to run.” His deadly tone would’ve scared off any normal person.

  Too bad for him, she wasn’t a normal person.

  “I’m not leaving until we talk. If you want to involve your security guards, then bring them on.” She stared him down, ignoring the loud thumping of her heart.

  He cocked his head. “Don’t think I won’t, Jordan.”

  “All right you two. Go to your corners.” Kevin stepped between them.

  She snickered, Cole scoffed.

  Dropping her arms, she inhaled, then exhaled, trying hard to hold onto her temper. “Look, Cole, what I have to say is very important. Can’t you just give me a few minutes while your crew takes a break to eat their lunch?” She waved to their audience.

  “No. They’re not taking a break. It’s a working lunch,” he informed tight-lipped as he pulled his chair away from the table and sat down with a flourish. “Now, go nicely and don’t give Mrs. Dixon any more trouble or I will call security.”

  Wrong answer. He gave her no choice...

  It was drastic measure time.

  Moving away from Mrs. Dixon, Jordan conjured a sultry smile and swayed seductively towards Cole.

  He stilled.

  “But, baby.” She pouted and plopped on his lap, tossing her legs over the side of his chair and crossing them at the ankle. “We really need to talk.” One hand around his neck, the other fingering his lapel, she laid her face on his shoulder.

  He smelled wonderful. The scent of spicy aftershave and musky cologne heated her insides. Sitting on him, Jordan became instantly aware of the hard body concealed beneath his clothes. Yearnings—strong and deep—scampered through her and she fought to keep from melting into him.

  Stay focused.

  Starting at his jaw, she fingered a path down his neck to his chest. “The sex this morning was great, honey, but I found out the diaphragm I used was broken,” she told him in a low, sexy voice.

  Cole stiffened and she acknowledged several startled hisses and one distinctive laugh, before she continued with her charade.

  “Did you hear me, honey?” She wrapped her finger around his chin and forced him to look at her. “I said the diaphragm was broken and that means all that wild, incredible stuff you did to me last night, might’ve created us a baby!”

  A proverbial “Huh!” sounded throughout the room.

  Cole sprang them from the chair, grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly through an adjoining door to a massive office.

  “Dammit, Jordan,” he spat, kicking the door shut behind them. “This is a place of business—my business! You don’t just come barging in prancing around in provocative clothing demanding attention. What’s wrong with you? Please tell me you don’t run your business that way.”

  She jerked her arm free and held his glare. Provocative? Anger formed a burning ball churning in the middle of her stomach, but she refused to give into the inferno. She needed to remain cool. “No, I do not run my business that way. Only a certain, stiff, pompous Texas tycoon could force me to act unprofessional.”

  “Force? Jordan! What the hell was that all about?” he choked, clenching and unclenching his fists.

  He does that a lot, she noted.

p; “Well again, you didn’t give me much choice, now did you McCall?” she calmly explained, wisely putting his desk between them. “I told you I needed to talk to—”

  “Too bad!” He turned to leave.

  Oh, hell no!

  Beating him to the door, she body-blocked his escape. “You’re right. It is too bad. It’s too bad you wouldn’t take my calls this morning. It’s too bad I was forced to come all the way here and it’s too bad I had to do that in there.” She jabbed her thumb toward the conference room and continued. “It’s too bad you wouldn’t see me when I first arrived almost two hours ago, and it’s too damn bad you’re breaking your mother’s heart!”

  His head jerked back. That last remark got through to him.

  “What are you talking about, now?”

  “Dinner tonight. You need to be there.”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, Jordan, but I already explained to my mother I have a lot of work to do here and she was just fine with that.” He grabbed her upper arms in an attempt to move her.

  “If she was so fine with it, Cole, why did I witness her crying?”

  He stilled. “She cried?”

  “Yes. Is it finally getting through to you in there?” She knocked her fisted knuckles off his forehead.

  Firm fingers clamped around her wrist. Current after current shot down her arm and tripped her pulse. Sidetracked by this new sensation, Jordan looked up at him and sucked in a breath.

  His eyes mirrored her shock.

  They stared at each other for a moment before his gaze dropped to her mouth. She forgot to breath. Unable to move, and with her wrist still trapped in his grip, she backed up against the door not quite sure what to do.

  On one hand, she longed to drag his mouth to hers and delve inside, finally putting an end to their long overdue adult kiss—the one she’d dreamt about for years. On the other hand, she was scared to death, her reaction to this man was way too strong and she wanted to turn tail and run.

  The decision was taken from her when Cole suddenly released her and turned his back. The current turned to a tingle, and she remembered how to breathe. Damn, he was potent.

  Slumping against the door, she concentrated on his hands as they raked through his hair and loosened the leather band.

  Her fingers itched to run through his wavy tresses. Bad thought. Dangerous thought.

  Deciding it was best to ignore what had just happened, she tried to reason with him while his defenses were still down. “Cole, isn’t there any way you could leave in time for dinner tonight? It really is important to both of your parents that you come.”

  Twisting around, he frowned. “Why, Jordan? What’s going on?”

  Hair wild about his shoulders, eyes dark and troubled, he made it hard for her to remember why she was there. Or her friggin’ name for that matter.

  She walked to him and placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry, Cole. The only thing I can tell you is that your parents have something special planned and it would mean so much to them if you showed up.”

  With one last imploring look, she turned and left his office through the door opposite the one they’d entered, and found herself back in the reception area.

  She crossed to Stella’s desk, the plush burgundy carpet eating up her footsteps. “I hope I don’t get you in trouble.”

  “Don’t worry, dear. I can handle him.” A huge smile spread across Mrs. Dixon’s face. “I swear I’ll never forget what you did. Oh, Jordan, if you could’ve seen his face…”

  Laughter interrupted the woman’s words and she had to take her glasses off to wipe the tears from her eyes.

  Smiling, Jordan absently traced a circle on the desk. “I swear that man makes me do the stupidest things.”

  “It wasn’t stupid, it was priceless!” The tears came again as Mrs. Dixon’s chest shook with unadulterated amusement.

  Boarding the vacant elevator with a smile, Jordan prayed her visit had yielded more fruit than a batch of joyful tears from the CEO’s secretary.

  Halfway through dinner that night, Jordan was just about at the end of her rope. Cole kept glancing at her, sending her messages she couldn’t interpret. She was half sorry she’d managed to persuade him to attend his special dinner. One minute his eyes were frosty, the next they were angry…the next they were heated. He drove her nuts. Napkin clenched on her lap, she was trying, really trying not to embarrass Mrs. McCall in front of Cole’s college professor, Mr. Dempsey, but her son’s demeanor made it hard.

  Right now, the only thing keeping her tongue in check was recalling the excitement on Mrs. McCall’s face when Jordan had returned from her errands. Her host had rushed to tell her Cole had called and said he’d be home after all and wasn’t that great?

  Yeah, loads, she thought to herself, grinding a piece of steak between her teeth.

  “So tell me, Jordan, how was your day?”

  Kevin’s question brought her back to the present.

  She grinned. He was a welcomed devil. “Okay. I ran some errands but I’ll tell you, there are some people out there that are so stubborn…it’s a wonder how they stay in business.”

  “I know what you mean,” Mr. Dempsey replied. “I have several students like that.”

  “No. Really? What a shame.” She tsked, glancing at Cole.

  He wasn’t amused.

  “Yes, they think they know it all but they soon learn the hard truth about that.” The professor winked. “I never had that trouble with Cole, though.”

  Jordan nearly choked on her wine. “You never found him stubborn?”

  “No. He was always brilliant but never full of himself.” Mr. Dempsey shook his head.

  Boy, did McCall have him fooled. “Are we talking about the same Cole?” She pointed to the man smirking across from her. “Him?”

  “Yes, him.” Mr. Dempsey chuckled and the room laughed.

  Jordan couldn’t believe what he was saying. Looking at Cole, she saw the epitome of stubborn; tipped chin, folded arms, cocky grin. “You and I know two completely different people.”

  Kevin snickered.

  “What’s so hard for you to believe?” Cole leaned forward and sent her a challenging glare. “I respect him.”

  “Cole.” His father frowned. “Apologize to Jordan.”

  This ought to be good. She sat back in her chair, folded her arms and waited.

  “Sorry I don’t respect you, Jordan,” he told her smoothly.

  Not at all what his father wanted to hear, she wagered but she thought it was funny as hell.

  “That’s okay, Cole. I don’t respect you either.” She shrugged, smiling along with Kevin and Connor’s laughter.

  Thankfully, the rest of the meal went by without the barb exchange. Mr. Dempsey made his apologies for not being able to stay for dessert because of a prior engagement, congratulated Cole again, then left.

  Jordan breathed a sigh of relief. Not because she didn’t like the man, he was very smart and funny. No, she was relieved because now she didn’t have to worry about embarrassing Mrs. McCall in front of her special guest, which meant, no more curbing her tongue where Cole was concerned.

  Dessert was served. She smiled. Mmm…blueberries. Her mouth watered but her skin prickled when she caught Cole staring at her almost…hungrily. She stilled. Damn mind was playing tricks again. She blinked and found him glaring.

  That was it.

  Fork sticking out of her fist, she brought the handle down on the table—hard. “Don’t you have work to do?” Twisting the fork around, she jabbed a piece of her sister’s scrumptious blueberry pie, and slid the confection into her mouth, all while staring defiantly at him.

  Kevin and Connor both snickered while Cole’s eyes hardened so much they glittered.

  It’s a wonder he doesn’t explode.

  “As a matter of fact, I do have work to do.” Cole sent her one last furious look, then got up and left the room.

  “Good, now maybe I can enjoy my dessert in peace,” she sa
id, loud enough for his rigid form to hear.

  After dessert, Kevin announced he was going to help Cole put some finishing touches on their latest project and disappeared into his boss’s home office while the others gathered in the den to watch a comedy. Tonight, she decided a funny movie was just what she needed and joined them.

  A few hours later, she left the room in a lighter mood.

  “Hey, Jordan,” Kevin greeted in the hall, closing Cole’s office door behind him. “Walk me to my truck?” He took her hand, and once outside, chuckled as they strolled to his pick up. “Girl, I can’t thank you enough for what you’re doing to Cole.”

  She twisted her lips and talked out of the side of her mouth. “Yeah, right. That guy’s too stubborn to notice his family’s concerned. There’s no way my pestering has made a dent in his control…yet.”

  “Oh, darlin’, you are so wrong. He doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going and those rumors are the icing on the cake!” A satisfied smile spread across his face as he released her hand to gleefully drum the hood of his truck.

  Her heart stopped. Rumors? “Kevin, exactly what kind of rumors are you talking about?”

  “Well, little lady,” he grinned, crossing his arms over his broad chest while he leaned back against the cab. “I can’t imagine how it got started but it seems Cole is not only involved with a bombshell—who, by the way is a nymphomaniac,” he snickered, “but it seems she’s also carrying his baby.”

  Baby? Oh no! The meeting… Groaning, Jordan clamped a hand over her mouth to keep the chuckle inside.

  Didn’t work.

  “Oh, Kevin. Please tell me you’re just joking.” She laughed.

  “Nope. I kid you not.” His grin broadened and he turned to happily drum his roof again. “Our buddy Cole is now officially a hot tamale.”

  “No wonder he kept glaring at me all night. Oh cripes, I certainly didn’t mean for this to happen. I just wanted five damn minutes of his time and he wouldn’t give it to me.” Jordan sobered. “Man, he must be so angry with me.”

  “All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you for being you, Jordan.” Kevin placed both hands on her shoulders. “You’re so good for him. He needs you.”


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