Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1 Page 8

by C. L. Stevens

  Desiree realized she was moaning almost imperceptibly and willed herself to stop. Despite feeling embarrassment in every fiber of her being, it still wasn't easy to stop. When she felt she was in full control of herself, she pushed the Vampire gently away and stood shakily.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.”


  Desiree rolled the sheet in her hands and used one of the few remaining parts not drenched in blood to wipe off her stomach as best she could and donned the hospital uniform.

  Meilin was eyeing her all the while as if she were a misbehaving child.

  “How in bloody hell did you end up being shot, Desiree?” Meilin asked. “And how did we end up at a hospital?” She paused a moment. “And where on earth is my car?

  “Long story,” She began and then sighed. “I was trying to get you to the address you told me but I had to stop for gas. The police showed up.”

  “And why would coppers be interested in us?” The vampire asked accusingly.

  “Well, ya see… what had happened was… um.”

  “Yes,” Meilin prompted.

  Desiree suddenly missed her father very much. The phrase she had just used was a running joke of sorts between the two of them. The source of the words was long since forgotten but she did remember that it had something to do with a TV show or perhaps a movie. Uttering that phrase meant that the one explaining had done something wrong and didn't want to admit it. Now she and her father used it mockingly to add a little levity to an otherwise serious or uncomfortable situation. She hadn't expected Meilin to understand the reference. She had just done it by reflex. She really did miss her father now and made a mental note to call him when she got a chance. Seeing Meilin’s expression she continued her explanation.

  “Well, you were hurt pretty badly. And you wouldn't feed.” She began. “I was trying to carry you to the car and people were understandably concerned and offered to help. I declined of course but a few got pushy. I had to push some guy off you that wouldn't take no for an answer. I swear, I didn't push him very hard!” She said defensively. “I barely touched the pervert, but he hit the wall, uh, kinda hard. I think he was hurt.”

  Meilin nodded. “You're stronger now. One of your gifts. Considering you held Ivan for even a moment means you are very strong indeed.” She got a far-off look in her eyes and smiled knowingly. “I'll have to remember that.” She came back to the present abruptly.

  “So, the coppers shot you? Why would they want to shoot a young woman?” Meilin asked, cocking one eyebrow suspiciously.

  “Ironically, me being shot was pure accident. The first police officer was going to let me go when another showed up.” Desiree stated, her frustration showing clearly. “To make a long story short, they got a look at you and I knew I was about to be arrested when our friend showed up. The Vampire that got away,” She explained further at Meilin’s perplexed expression. “The one that bit me during the fight.”

  The recollection came crashing home for Meilin and she found herself looking around as if there were enemies about at that very moment. Do they realize what the girl is? She assumed the worst and was sure that they would be hunting them. For the death of Ivan if not for Desiree. They wouldn't stop. They needed to get to the safety of the Sanctuary.

  “Where is the car girl? Hurry, get dressed.” She continued without giving Desiree a chance to answer. “We need to get away from here double quick,” Meilin added, tossing Desiree her shoes.

  Desiree had no idea where they were but when Meilin led her to a place where she could see the hospital, she was able to find her bearings and lead them to the vehicle which she parked a block away. When they got there, Meilin popped the trunk and pulled out her suitcase and Desiree’s bags of new clothes.

  “Put on something less conspicuous,” The Vampire commanded, and with the first rays of the morning light announcing the new day, Meilin proceeded to strip down to her skin right there in the parking lot. Desiree stood there gaping.

  “Don't just stand there staring at me fool girl. We need to make haste.”

  “You talk funny,” Desiree retorted.

  Meilin snorted derisively. “Well? Are you going to put on fresh clothes or are you going to remain in that... that bad Halloween costume?”

  “I should keep this. It would make one heck of a killer nurse costume.”

  “Or a zombie nurse,” Meilin offered helpfully.

  “I think I will change in the car though,” She said, still staring at Meilin aghast.

  Meilin laughed, genuinely amused, the sound ringing like chimes. “What are you ashamed of? You are young and fit and have a nice body.”

  “It's called modesty.” Not that you would...

  “There is not a soul around, Miss Modesty. I would know if there were,” Meilin came back sarcastically, gesturing around them. “Who exactly are you being modest for?”

  There came a sudden noise and both women turned to the sound abruptly but it was only a stray cat jumping out of a nearby dumpster. The pitiful looking thing eyed them suspiciously for a moment before scampering off. Both women shared a nervous grin.

  “Of course, there is Mr. Scruffy there to steal a peek at your goodies,” Meilin said jokingly. “But I am going to go out on a limb and say he does not give a rat’s ass about us, clothed or otherwise.”

  The cat turned back around to eye them for a moment as if it knew they were talking about it before sauntering off with the arrogance only a cat could muster.

  “I'll change in the car.”

  Despite her talk of haste, Meilin spent the next 15 minutes cleaning the driver’s seat and the driver’s side window where Desiree was embarrassed to see she had left several smeared bloody handprints. She used that time to dress, picking a dark blue top that gave a peek at the now smooth skin of her toned middle, and puffy pink shorts. Pink, flat soled Sandals completed the outfit. She would have preferred sturdier footwear, but all that was left in the bags had at least 2-inch heels. And they don't match.

  When Meilin was satisfied that the vehicle wouldn't draw any unwanted attention, they were off.

  “So…” Desiree began a few minutes after they hit the highway. “Strength and accelerated healing.” She announced, counting each off on a finger as she spoke. “What other, uh, gifts might I have?”

  “I didn't even know about the strength part,” Meilin confided. “I mean I figured you might have more gifts, but there was no guarantee.” She turned to her and flashed one of those perfect smiles. “Super healing seemed crazy enough, don't you think?”

  True dat. She had to admit. But another thought came to her before she could reply aloud.

  “You told me that we both get something from this bond,” She stated. “What do you get out of this? I mean besides what you would get from any other of your…” She trailed off but Meilin finished for her.

  “From my victims?” The Vampire said, her huge dark eyes made larger still in mock severity. “From my helpless victims?”

  Looking at her, Desiree figured that the mass majority of her “victims” were just men who spent more than two minutes with her and fell in love.

  “What you get from any regular person you feed on.” Desired offered diplomatically. “Someone without our bond.”

  “Like I said before, I can go longer without feeding or rest,” The Vampire answered. She seemed to lose herself in thought before continuing. “But I think I too am stronger with your blood. It's the only explanation of how I was able to survive against Ivan.”

  They were both silent for a while, each lost in their own thoughts before Desiree spoke.

  “Who was Ivan and those other Vampires? I mean, they didn't seem to like you very much”

  “Ha,” Meilin chimed. “That's one way of putting it.” She shook her head and chuckled again.

  “Our Covens have been at war for a long time,” She began. “A very long time.” She added, looking now as if she were in deep thought.

bsp; Desiree wanted to ask how long that was, how old Meilin was but wasn't sure if that would be considered rude and held her tongue.

  “Ivan is older than me and much stronger,” Meilin continued.

  “Not from what I saw,” Desiree cut in. “You were standing with him toe to toe and more than holding your own.”

  “I was at that weren’t I?” She said, sounding oddly reminiscent as if the encounter happened years ago instead of just hours. She placed her hand on Desiree’s arm affectionately.

  “All thanks to you Desiree. My Blood Friend. My Suvy.”

  To her horror, Desiree felt her cheeks getting hot suddenly and knew she was blushing. If Meilin noticed, she was kind enough not to say anything.

  “He was surprised more so than I, I think,” Meilin continued. She shook her head and glanced over almost nervously.

  “To be perfectly honest, when I first saw him, I thought we were both dead. Well me certainly.” She amended. “I can't be sure what they would have done with you. Killed you straight away if you were lucky.”

  “And if I weren't lucky?” Desiree prompted.

  “Slave,” She said sadly.

  “They wouldn't have taken me as Suvy?” Desiree asked.

  Meilin chimed again, but there was definitely no mirth in it this time.

  “Von Rothe would never take a human as Suvy. I doubt they even know what it is.”

  “What is a Blood Friend Meilin? What exactly is a Suvy?”

  She turned to her and this time her smile had the warmth of Egyptian Cotton sheets on a cold winter’s night. The simple gesture was probably the most welcoming and genuinely pleasant thing she had ever seen in her life, rivaling even a hug from her father.

  “It means that we are now sisters, bonded by blood, kinship, and purpose. What is mine is now yours and what was yours is now also mine.”

  Desiree swallowed hard, trying to come to terms. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it again with a click. She had no idea what to say to that, so she made a joke to cover.

  “Does that include men?” She asked in mock scandalized tones.

  “It is not unheard of,” Meilin responded.

  “Are you serious?” Desiree asked incredulously. “That seems insane. I mean, sharing a wardrobe, a home or even a bed… but a man?”

  Meilin raised her eyebrows at Desiree’s tirade. “Does it really seem so unsavory?” She watched the road a few moments before continuing.

  “Say two women were blood friends for years and they both set their hearts on the same man, what then?” She asked. “Do you allow this man to come between you? To destroy the bond you have? No.” She said, answering her own question, shaking her head.

  “One of you could step aside,” Desiree offered. “Let your sister have him and choose someone else. There is always someone else.”

  Meilin was shaking her head again. “Obviously you have never been in love Suvy.”

  Desiree didn't dispute the accusation.

  “Love just doesn't go away that easily,” Meilin explained. “Sooner or later resentment would grow, if not outright betrayal. Especially if the one who stepped aside does not find someone else soon or that someone else does not work out.” She shook her head again. “No. The logical choice would be for you to both have him.”

  “Doesn't the guy get a say?” Desiree asked, though now she realized she was arguing just for the sake of argument. While she could think of nothing to refute the vampire's logic, the idea of sharing a man did not sit well with her. There has to be another way.

  “Yes, well, of course, he can say no. But he has a simple choice, both of you or neither.” Meilin cocked an eyebrow at her. “And I am sure you know how foolish men can be. Some are so stupid they actually think having two wives would be a GOOD thing.”

  “What would your family think about you taking me as blood friend,” Desiree asked, wanting to change the subject. “The way the other Vampires, The Von Rothe,” She clarified, trying to put the strong European, or was it German accent to the name that Meilin had, “regarded you, you seem like an important person.”

  “Now that we have saved each other's life more than once, nobody, not even my family can object.” She said, sounding triumphant.

  Meilin continued driving, looking as content as a cat with warm milk still on her breath. Desiree, not so much. She wasn't worried exactly. Wary would have been closer to the mark. She wasn't necessarily wary regarding Meilin herself, just uneasy about what the future might hold for her. How her life would change. If she would ever see her friends and family again. If it was safe to see them again.

  “Meilin,” She said in a near whisper. “Sister,” she continued a little more firmly. “If I wanted to leave, would you let me?”

  “Do you want to leave Suvy?” Meilin asked in reply. Desiree found herself oddly touched that the vampire sounded surprised and more than a little bit put out by the question.

  “No.” Desiree had to admit. While the prospect of being involved with a vampire unnerved her, especially considering how they had met, she would never forget the fact that Meilin and Deidrich were going to murder her father, the thought of having such a close friend, a sister, was infinitely appealing. She considered herself to be a nice person, a good person but she had never been very adept at making friends. She always seemed… different from everyone else. Almost as if she were really from a different planet or was, in fact, a different species or something. Just generally at odds with most things that everyone else found right as rain.

  At 21 years old, she didn't really drink. She certainly did not do drugs and very rarely partied. But it seemed that everyone who was anyone drank. And most who drank preferred others who did the same. She suddenly thought of a famous comedian who once said that he would rather die in a fiery auto crash than hang out with a “designated driver.” While of obviously not that extreme, the reality left similar footprints. And now she was being offered friendship closer than any she had ever experienced, more than most would ever experience. And by a woman who was smart, beautiful and sophisticated and could offer a world unlike any she had ever dreamed. How could she say no to that?

  “Then what does it matter?” Meilin countered.

  Desiree frowned and was about to reply when flashing lights behind them drew her attention. A Highway Patrol car was right behind them and there was no doubt that the flashing lights were for them.

  “What do we do?” Desiree asked nervously.

  Meilin pulled the car to the side of the road.

  “Let me do the talking,” She replied. “Attend me sharply sister. This is called compulsion, minor compulsion. Take note.” She said again with a wink.

  Meilin’s unwavering confidence was having an effect on her and quickly washed away her own unease. Truth be told, she found that she was looking forward to seeing what Meilin could do.

  The CHP officer stopped behind them and shined a bright light, illuminating the inside of the car and chasing away the bedraggled remains of the early morning shadows. It seemed like ages before he exited his car and walked slowly forward. Desiree noticed that he had his hand on his firearm.

  “Morning Miss. Can I see your license and…?” He cut off abruptly, choking as if he accidentally swallowed a bug or something the moment he got a full view of Meilin. He sputtered for a second or two before anything intelligible passed his lips.

  “What's the problem officer? Meilin asked, her voice sounding even sweeter than normal.

  “Well Miss, you were speeding back there,” He replied sounding as he was apologizing for noticing.

  Meilin reached out a pale and delicate hand and touched his.

  “I do not think I was going THAT fast,” she stated.

  “No, you weren't really going that fast,” He readily agreed. “But the car fits the description…”

  “Obviously a misunderstanding officer. We look nothing like those you seek now do we?” She said shaking her head, cutting him short. The officer was shaking his
head along with her.

  “No, you don't at that Mam.”

  “We are in a bit of a hurry fine officer. It is OK for us to be on our way no doubt?” Meilin cooed.

  The CHP officer bobbed his head like an idiot. “A thousand pardons miss, I don't know why I stopped you. Please, be on your way.”

  “Thank you so much.” She said and sped off like she was drag racing, the BMW churning up smoke and the smell of burning rubber. She turned to Desiree with a purely triumphant grin covering her face from ear to ear.

  “Like a Jedi mind trick, right?” She bragged.

  “You know about Star Wars?” Desiree asked, a bit surprised.

  Meilin stared at her in confusion. “Who in bloody hell does not know about Star Wars?” The vampire asked, perplexed.

  Desiree had to concede the point.

  “But almost like a Jedi, right?” Meilin pressed. “That was the first of my powers I mastered. No one is as proficient.” She said, not bragging now, just stating a fact.

  “Yes. Hmm. I wonder why.” Desiree said with a laugh.

  Meilin looked confused. “What do you mean?”

  “Uh, I think you would have managed similar results if you weren't a vampire Meilin,” Desiree replied cryptically.

  Meilin looked even more confused which made her laugh all the more.

  Dr. Schroeder took the proffered cup of coffee from his wife with a nod of thanks. The surprise two guests to his home declined similar offers. He took a sip of the rich mixture, savoring the aroma for a moment. He looked at the male over the rim of the fine china and deduced that he was the senior despite looking a good decade younger than his partner. Mid 30’s by his guess. The man had an undeniable air of leadership about him.

  “Now what's this about? Who are you?”

  “As we told your wife Dr., I am Federal Agent Grimes and this is Morris.” He said, gesturing vaguely to the dazzling blue-eyed woman seated next to him. “We are here to ask you some questions regarding the incident that happened at the hospital during the early hours of the morning.”


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