Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1 Page 10

by C. L. Stevens

  “I don’t have time for your shit Elizabeta,” Meilin snapped. “I am filthy and tired and I want to rest.”

  “Your mother instructs that you attend her. Now.” Elizabeta retorted in obvious satisfaction.

  “Shit,” She heard Meilin curse under her breath.

  The woman let fly with a few choicer words for Elizabeta before turning to Desiree.

  “Walk with me in the manner which I showed you,” She commanded in a whisper. “Do not speak unless addressed Desiree. Someone may try to provoke you. Do not fall for it.”

  Provoke me?

  Meilin started for the stairs and Desiree followed, positioning herself at the woman’s side and one step back. She tried to keep her steps in rhythm but it was difficult trying to match the vampire’s longer strides. Elizabeta opened her mouth as if to protest Desiree’s presence but shut it at a glance of Meilin’s face. The male Vampires, who could only be guards of some sort, moved to flank them on either side. Meilin did not behave as if anything was amiss, so Desiree stayed calm, though the whole scene felt uncomfortable, to say the least. She only concentrated on her steps and soon lost all semblance of direction as their small procession turned down hallway after hallway. But soon enough they were stopping at a large set of ornately carved double doors flanked by guards that looked nearly identical to the two with them. They opened the doors at a wave of Meilin’s pale hand.

  There were several people inside the room sitting in lush, high backed chairs and speaking in hushed tones but their conversations ceased abruptly and all eyes settled on the newcomers. Desiree noticed that gazes lingered on her a bit longer than anyone else but she kept her poise and entered the room in step with Meilin. All four other members of her party suddenly dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. Desiree quickly followed suit. She was rather proud that she got the maneuver down on her first try and was fighting back a smile until she noticed Elizabeta and one of the guards giving her pernicious stares. Oh god was I supposed to do something else?

  The expression on her face changed from contentment to embarrassment to anger, all in the blink of an eye. How was she supposed to know what to do? She had just done what anyone else would have done under the circumstances. Or did they really think that she was going to just stand there like an idiot while the rest of them kneeled? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became and had to mentally take a rein on her temper.

  “You may go.” She heard a woman say and glanced up just in time to see a pale, middle-aged woman with striking blue eyes and thick golden curls wave away their guards. The two men stood abruptly and backed out of the room. Suddenly the rest were all standing and she hurriedly followed their lead.

  Desiree got her first good look at everyone in the room. Sitting next to the blonde woman was a darker skinned man, probably a good ten years older, with jet black hair and eyes as dark as Meilin’s. His features were also like her friend’s and Desiree knew at once that she was looking at her father. She glanced back at the woman and realized that her large eyes were the exact exotic shape as Meilin’s as well. Coupled with the same skin tone and pert nose, Desiree knew that she was meeting both her friend’s parents. She marveled at how Meilin had taken exact copies of her parents differing features to come up with an entirely new look. Sure, most everyone took different features from each parent, but all the opposite ones? Her mother’s eye size and shape, but her father’s color. Her father’s straight hair and color, but her mother’s length and volume. Her Mother’s skin and nose, but her father’s height and fullness of lip. It was uncanny.

  Next to her mother was an ancient looking man with red eyes. Not that his eyes were irritated or bloodshot, but the actual irises of his eyes were a deep amber that seemed to glow softly. It gave them a haunting cast and made the man look downright evil. Desiree peeled her eyes away from him with difficulty. Next to him was a young man, probably no more than 30, with short brown hair and light brown, almost golden eyes. He had sharp features and a large beak of a nose. He stared down that beak of a nose at Meilin with such intensity that Desiree unconsciously glanced her way. Then he turned that eagle-like stare on her and seemed to strip her of every secret she had ever tried to hide. She swallowed hard and gave a visible start when someone spoke.

  “Meilin Aoleh Uvarii,” Stated the final person in the room. Seated far to the left of Meilin’s father, almost off by herself, sat a middle-aged woman with vibrant red hair and large green eyes. Her pale skin was dusted liberally with freckles, both on her face and on her bare shoulders. There was a look of extreme disappointment on that face as she spoke.

  “You are the heir to house Uvarii and as such, you do not have the right to run off whenever you get the fancy. Your mother and father were worried sick about you. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “I meant no disrespect Aunt, nor did I aim to worry you, Mother or you, Father,” Meilin replied, bowing slightly to each in turn. “But I am well within my rights to come and go as I please. You all know that I can take care of myself. Besides, Deidrich was with me.”

  “But when he returned and found out that you had not, he left again immediately in search of you.” Her father broke in, in a deep voice. “He didn't even stay long enough for us to question him. And when we learned that he took two Phalanx.” He finished, spreading his hands as if to say, ‘What were we supposed to do but be concerned.’

  Elizabeta was nodding emphatically and gave Meilin an ‘I told you so’ look.

  “I have had enough of this,” Her mother broke in. “You are running about like a new made. Like there is no danger. I won't stand for it any longer.”

  The old man chuckled hoarsely, sounding downright brittle. Though when he gestured towards Meilin, there appeared to be robustness in his limbs that belied that frail looking body. He got up slowly and made his way over to Meilin. His red eyes touched Desiree’s and she suddenly had the urge to strike out at him. Her entire body shivered as she fought the surprisingly powerful urge. The elderly thing, with his wispy white hair and precise movements, seemed harmless, but something deep inside of her said that he was dangerous. She dropped her gaze and after a few moments, the feeling began to subside. When she glanced back up Meilin was taking his hand with a huge smile on her face.

  “Now all of you leave my goddaughter be.” He admonished of them all, though there was obvious mirth in his voice. “She is just spirited like her parents before her.”

  He looked over to Meilin’s father and tsked in a most unusual fashion, sounding like a mix between a cough and a sniff.

  “I remember you being not so different William. Nor you Janelle. I can recall you giving your mother quite the fit a time or two.”

  “Thank you, Godfather,” Meilin said and kissed his hand.

  “Besides which, I believe you have important news for us, do you not honey.” He finished, giving Meilin a knowing look. Meilin’s smile faded slightly.

  “Now Grandfather, you promised you wouldn't do that anymore.” She chastised.

  The old man put his hands up as if to ward off a blow.

  “I hardly needed to read your mind child. it's just that you get that look when you have something up your sleeve. A trump card if you will.”

  “If you have something to say, say it Meilin.” Said the brown-haired man. “I would love to hear the reason why you deemed it necessary to stay outside the coven with no protection. Why you insist on making my job harder than it needs to be.”

  “I have told you, I do not need a babysitter!” Meilin retorted. “Why can't you get that through your…”

  “Your lady mother,” He shot back, cutting her off, but was cut off himself in turn.

  “Enough!” Meilin’s father roared and Desiree cowered from the sheer force of the words. He was obviously very tired of their exchange, an exchange that Desiree predicted had gone on many times before. By Meilin’s face, she was murderously angry, but she held her tongue. Desiree noted that at least the browned haired man
had the decency to look embarrassed.

  “What were you doing out without protection after you gave me and your mother your word that you would not do so again.” He asked, sounding equal parts angry and disappointed. “I take it that it has something to do with this lovely young woman you have brought before us.”

  At his words, all eyes turned to her, even Meilin’s. Desiree stared right back at her, not knowing what to do or say.

  “I have found my Blood Friend,” Meilin stated.

  There was a moment of silence before everyone started speaking at once.

  “Preposterous,” Her mother gasped, at the same time her father offered his congratulations.

  “You can't be serious?” Asked the brown-haired man.

  “This human?” Elizabeta asked in tones of stark disbelief.

  The red-headed woman laughed aloud, shaking her head in consternation.

  “The girl is insane. Just pull a human off the street like a stray cat and call it Blood Friend? My niece is absolutely insane.”

  “I won't have it William, I won't!” Janelle was saying to her husband. “She goes too far. I will not have it.”

  The only one who was not speaking was the old man. He only watched it all, and hardly took his eyes from Desiree. When he moved slowly to her, Desiree backed away until her back touched the ornate double doors. He stopped when he got within arms distance and slowly raised his hand to her face.

  “Meilin.” She called in a broken whisper. “Meilin!” She said again more forcefully as his ice-cold hand cupped her chin. The hand turned her face to regard him and she was surprised by the strength in that hold. She met his eyes again, those red, evil looking eyes and she could not turn away. Suddenly and unbidden, random thoughts began to appear in her mind's eye. She could see those images reflected in his eyes and knew that he was reading her mind. She willed herself to think of mundane things like SpongeBob SquarePants and the Video Game Tropico 5. Soon those images appeared in his eyes and when he jerked back in obvious surprise, she slid a little way down the wall away from him.

  “Godfather! Are you OK?” She heard Meilin ask, though it was her own arm that she took protectively. She pulled her close and Desiree huddled under her without even realizing it. She could only watch the old man in consternation.

  Meilin narrowed her eyes at her godfather as her Suvy trembled in her arms. She had only caught the tail end of their exchange but she didn't like what little she had seen. Now Desiree was scared out of her mind and he looked as if he had just seen her cat Roy stand on his hind legs and spout poetry. What in bloody hell was he doing to her?

  “Just because Meilin has gone crazy doesn't mean you should hurt the poor girl.” She heard her aunt bellow somewhere behind her. “I am sure she will listen to reason regarding this whole blood friend nonsense.”

  “What exactly were you doing to the human, Kisiv?” Her mother asked suspiciously.

  “I was merely probing at the girl's origins,” Kisiv replied though he addressed Meilin. “I can see that your mind will not be changed on this matter, so I wanted to ensure that the child had no… malicious reasons for being here.”

  “You were reading her mind?” Meilin began angrily. “A human? What if you had hurt her. I just told you that I am taking her as blood friend. She is under my protection. Whatever you do to her, you are doing the same to me. That goes for all of you.” She added, taking in everyone in her gaze. “Desiree has saved my life more than once in the last two days. I will not have her mistreated.”

  All in the room were taken aback by the news. She was surprised to see Saerce of all people nodding in approval. Then again, the captain of the Phalanx would have reason to approve of someone saving her life. Everyone else other than her father looked nothing less than unbelieving. Her father appeared… curious.

  “Ivan is Dead,” She announced to the room.

  There were several gasps. Her godfather took her arm.

  “How do you know this?” He asked skeptically.

  “I saw it with my own eyes,” She answered.

  There were more gasps, and the others in the room began to talk. This time their words sounded as if they finally began to believe.

  “Are you positive you saw what you think that you saw?” Saerce asked, still sounding unsure of the news. “It is probably some trick to put us off our guard.”

  “It is no trick,” she assured them. “He died by my hand.” She pulled Desiree even closer and hugged her warmly. “With Desiree’s help. With my Suvy’s help.” She added.

  “What good would a human be against the likes of Ivan?” Elizabeta asked incredulously. “That girl would have only been dessert after he was done with you Meilin.”

  Her father was nodding his agreement. So was Saerce and her Aunt. Meilin was trying to decide what, if anything she should tell them about Desiree when her godfather took the decision out if her hands.

  “The girl is Ablanq,” He announced without fanfare. The words quieted all in the room more quickly than a command from her father. “It is the only explanation.”

  Meilin could only nod.

  “Ludicrous!” She heard her aunt mutter emphatically. “I mean, sure, the girl smells wonderful but she doesn't smell THAT good.”

  “I have to agree with Yanae,” Her mother announced. “There are no more…”

  “The child resisted my probe,” Her godfather admitted. “She… she resisted and then started to reverse the flow.”

  There was a cacophony of gasps and Meilin was shocked to find that her own was part of it.

  “Elizabeta, will you leave us please?” Her father commanded.

  She watched Liz move for the door with obvious reluctance. She continually glanced back, eyes only for Desiree.

  “Elizabeta,” Her mother called before the red-headed vampire opened the doors to leave. “Take this child to the kitchens and see that she gets something warm put in her.” She instructed, putting a comforting hand on Desiree's shoulder. Meilin noted that Desiree gave no reaction to her mother's touch. “Stay with her and when she is satiated, take her to my daughter’s quarters.” Her father added.

  Elizabeta bowed and gently took Desiree by the arm. Meilin whispered softly to her and the girl went with her cousin without complaint. Before Elizabeta could close the door behind them, her father spoke again.

  “And Elizabeta, share nothing of what you learned here.”

  All were quiet until the door shut behind the two and then all turned to her.

  “Tell us everything.” Her mother commanded. And under their unwavering gazes, she did. When her story was complete, she sat down feeling drained.

  “How can this be?” Her aunt asked no one in particular. “Ablanq have been extinct for what, two hundred years? Longer?”

  “The bloodline was wiped out. No descendants.” Saerce stated. “We all know this.”

  “Well, obviously it was not.” Her father replied matter a factly.

  “But William, how could they go unnoticed for so long?” Her mother asked, sounding completely bewildered. “I mean, I could hardly contain myself, the child smelled so sweet. She would stand out in a crowd like a bonfire.”

  “I don't know.” Her father replied.

  “I don't like it being here,” Saerce said loudly. “I don't trust it.”

  “She saved my life.” Meilin retorted dryly and gave the guard captain a quick look to show her displeasure at his comments.

  “She is dangerous honey.” Her mother said and Meilin stared at her in shock. Before she could gather what to say, her father took her arm and deflected her attention.

  “How strong is the girl Meilin? What gift does she have?”

  “Very.” She admitted in answer to her father's inquiry. She stared at Saerce and dared him to open his mouth.

  “And her gift?” Her aunt prodded.

  “She can heal of course.” She began but was reluctant to go on.

  “And?” Her aunt prompted.

also seems to have all the physical gifts as well, Strength, speed… everything.”

  “That Thing’s will is already strong enough to thwart even Kisiv, she has full regeneration, and she has all the physical gifts? All of them?” He shook his head. “And what happens when she comes into her own?” Saerce added angrily. “She’s just a kid. She cannot have been long since she has awakened. And she is already this powerful? I mean, she subdued Ivan for blood's sake. She resisted you Kisiv. If she can resist you, none of our gifts will probably work on her.” He pounded his fist into his hand for emphasis. “What happens when she is too strong to control?”

  “No,” Meilin said hurriedly. “I can compel her. I have done so before.”

  “Yes, well, I am quite sure any of us could handle her now. But what happens in a year or two?”

  “Don't be so dramatic Saerce,” Her father cut in. “There is no one to train the girl. Her line may have endured somehow but their art is surely lost.”

  “Does she know what she is?” Her godfather asked, who had been remarkably quiet so far, she noticed.

  “No. Only the name. Nothing else.”

  “She is too dangerous I tell you. I say kill her now while we still can.” Saerce cautioned.

  “You will have to go through me to get to her,” Meilin stated with fire.

  “If you are not going to add constructive ideas Saerce, then keep your mouth shut.” Her aunt admonished in scathing tones.

  Saerce looked over at the woman with enough malice in his gaze that it could be almost felt physically.

  “What are you even doing here? What possible use can you be? Ha!” He laughed mirthlessly. “When have you made a decision in the last generation more meaningful than the color of your next gown or which plaything you wanted for the day.”

  The two went back and forth before her father put an end to it.


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