Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1 Page 20

by C. L. Stevens

  “Your last name is Jones,” She began but paused as if in thought or perhaps unsure. “But that is not your true surname.” She continued, her voice growing firmer, more confident. “You are 291 months old. There is something special about you. Your inheritance. A birthright. Secret, elusive... powerful.” She said the last in tones of near awe. “In your blood. You are Ablanq.” She gasped in surprise, her eyes opening wide. Desiree had been trying to pull her hands free after the woman mentioned her age but hadn't been able to move an inch. She now pulled away with ease, actually nearly toppling over backwards. She steadied herself.

  “Oh, my goodness, you are really Ablanq! How?”

  “I'm done.” Desiree announced. “Here, take your money.” She stood abruptly and began clawing at her small handbag.

  “No, you can't go! I need your help.” She sounded so earnest, so desperate that Desiree paused. “Please.”

  She sat back down. “What do you need my help with?” She asked cautiously.

  “I know a secret about you, about your kind.” The Reader licked her lips. “We can help each other I think. If you help me, I can tell you the secret. A secret no one else knows to my knowledge. No one. My grandmother figured it out only by chance. She never told a soul. She only told me when she was sure, when everyone was sure there were no more Ablanq.”

  “What do you want in return for telling me this secret?” Desiree asked again. “And how do I know this secret is of any use to me?”

  “All knowledge is power. Knowledge of oneself is considered to be the highest knowledge there is. And I assure you, it is of great importance to you. I guarantee you will use it at least once in your life and you will ask for blessing to my name when the time comes just as I will forever do for you if you help me.”

  “I will help you.” Desiree agreed, overwhelmed by the woman’s passion. The Reader gave a sigh of relief. It looked to her as if the woman suddenly found a pulse in the body of a loved one she had previously assumed dead. She wasn't far off.

  “On one condition.”

  “Anything!” The woman responded so fiercely that Desiree could almost feel her desperation like some sort of emotional straight jacket, bulky and cumbersome.

  “That you keep everything you know about me to yourself. Not a word to anyone.”

  “I will, I promise I will! Thank you! Thank you!”

  Desiree felt uncomfortable by the woman's behavior and words. She leaned in closer in an attempt to calm her down.

  “How can I help?”

  “What I need from you is very simple and is actually the heart of the secret. I only need some of your blood.”

  Alarm bells began to go off in Desiree’s mind.

  “What!?” Desiree replied, involuntarily pulling back from the woman. “Why do you need my blood?”

  “Only a little more than you would need to give if you gave blood.” Mina stammered, her face becoming anxious at her reaction. “Please! It’s very important. My granddaughter, she is sick. I need it for her. She will die soon. Please.”

  “How will my blood…” Desiree began but trailed off as she understood. “My blood can heal.” She stated more than asked.

  “Yes. A small amount of your blood in her bloodstream over the course of a few days will heal her cancer.” Mina assured her. “Will you help her?”

  How could she say no when it cost her almost nothing? Of course, Mina could be lying but if she was, Desiree figured she had missed her true calling in life as an A-list movie star with the performance she was putting on. Plus, she had given her word already. The decision wasn't hard.

  “Do you need me to be there with you or can use just take what you need for your granddaughter now?”

  “I can take it now and bring it to her tonight. I can use my insulin equipment.”

  “Go get it.”

  The reader ran off to obey. In moments she came back with a dark leather bag. When all was prepared Desiree surrendered her arm and the reader injected the needle into the vein.

  “No, fill it up more.” Desiree instructed when she began putting away her equipment after only filling 3 syringes. “Just in case it takes more than a few doses.”

  Mina nodded and gratitude filled her features to near bursting as she filled 3 more syringes with what she hoped was scarlet, viscous life for her grandchild.

  Desiree got up to leave when the Reader grabbed her arm.

  “Where are you going?” She asked in surprise.

  Desiree looked back in confusion.

  “Don't you want to use that as soon as possible?” She replied, indicating the small leather bag she was tucking away as carefully and protectively as one would an infant.

  “I will just put this on ice but I cannot leave the Sanctuary until dusk.” Mina explained. “I will see Violet tonight. And I can administer it unobserved much more easily then as well. Besides which, I dare not pack up and leave directly after your visit. It would draw too much attention.” Desiree found herself nodding in agreement.

  “And we still have your reading to perform.”

  Desiree shrugged, almost having forgotten the initial reason for the visit after learning such a profound revelation about herself. She waved away the idea.

  “No.” Mina stated firmly. “I do not believe it chance that our paths have crossed. We should perform the reading. I can practically feel the magic stirring with you so near. There must be something urgent you need to know.”

  That got her curiosity stoked once again and she hesitated.

  “OK.” She said, returning to her seat. “How does this work.”

  The reader sat across from her again and her demeanor became much less casual. Not completely business like, but that air of friendship and familiarity that radiated from her a moment ago noticeably faded.

  “When a reader feels the magic only slightly as with the 2 or 3 that came before you, it is very simple. I fall into the magic and something of their near future will come to the light. Often ambiguous in nature but also straightforward in other ways.” Her eyebrows raised seeming of their own accord. “When I feel the magic as strongly as I do now, with you, it will be as if the story of your life is being told. I say story only in that it will cover all the important aspects of any good story or explanation… who, what, where, when, how and why.”

  Desiree noted that there seemed to be a sort of ritual aspect to the way she said it.

  “Sometimes you can ask questions and the magic will respond, other times I am told that it is more a scripted dialog. As if I were reading a note to them.”

  “Wait, you do not know what you tell the person you are reading?” Desiree asked in disbelief.

  Mina shook her head. “No, never.”

  That made Desiree feel better for some reason. It was not that she particularly distrusted the woman, it was just that secrets, being inconspicuous, was what it was. A protective shield of sorts against the world.

  “Once the reading begins, it cannot be abandoned until it has run its course. Are you ready?”

  Desiree nodded.

  Mina took her hands and closed her eyes once again. Only this time she began muttering gibberish under her breath as well. This went on for a full minute, her face appearing to become more and more strained under Desiree’s scrutiny. Then the words ceased and her face became passive, almost serene. They sat there like this for several long moments. Just when she was going to ask the reader if something was wrong, she spoke. It was an unnatural voice. A male’s voice, deep and strong and grating on her ears. She tried to pull away at the sound but it was as if her butt was now glued to the seat. No, like she had become part of the seat itself.

  “Who stands before the magic to be read?” The voice boomed. Seeing the old woman's lips move in time with words seemed to make it all seem even more creepy if that were possible.

  “I am Desiree.” She said after a moment. She was shaking her head and wasn't even aware of it. “But I no longer…”

  “Desiree.” Th
at awful voice said softly. The old woman's lips moved as if she were fighting the urge to smile.

  “Who is this Desiree?” It muttered wonderingly.


  “Hush woman. That was not a question for you. There is nothing to be gained by listening to your ignorant ravings. I could inquire of a rat, a cockroach scurrying across the floor and learn as much as you could tell me of Desiree.”

  Desiree started back in alarm at the response but quickly leaned forward almost threateningly.

  “If I am so ignorant, enlighten me then.” Desiree stated, her frustration overriding her unease.

  “You ARE ignorant woman. Make no mistake on that! Your ignorance of just yourself is so vast, the entire sanctuary could not contain it.” The voice now laughed. It was a dry chuckle, devoid of any real emotion or mirth. “It would take a lifetime to enlighten you.” The voice put the same inflection on the word she had, obviously mocking her. “It is my burden to be the one to try though I fear.”

  “Who am I then? Who?” Desiree demanded angrily.

  “A coward. That is who you are.” Mina’s face smiled. “Even now you wish to run, just as you have done your entire life. Run.” The chuckle came again. “You wish to flee from simple words. Is this not the truth? Is this not what you do girl? Run? Run away from challenge, run away from opportunity, from commitment, from relationships, from confrontation, from answers, the truth? Desiree is a coward. That is who Desiree is.”

  Her vision began to blur as tears filled her eyes. She wiped them away repeatedly but they just filled up again. The things the voice was saying. She did not believe, could not let herself believe.

  “But who’s are fun, are they not? Like... who can you truly call friend? Who among your so-called friends will betray you? Who plots against you since the moment you met? Who will save you from yourself?”

  “What are you talking about?” Desiree asked but the voice went on as if she had not spoken.

  “Desiree, Desiree… always pleasant and soft spoken. Forever trying to please. To make others more comfortable. Always the right word to lift one’s spirit.” The reader’s face sneered. “I must admit, I liked the move with the stuffed animal. Classic Desiree.” The voiced tsked. “Classic cowardly Desiree.”

  “Since when is being nice to someone considered being cowardly?” She asked angrily.

  The reader shook her head. “California couldn't hold it all.” It mused, sounding almost regretful.

  “Why do you have to be such an asshole?” Desiree stated, her anger managing to rise above the myriad of the other emotions that threatened to tear her apart.

  “Why?” The reader sat up straighter. “Whys are my favorite. There are endless whys in the world. The great conundrum of a humanity. Here's a good why for you. Why haven't you contacted your father?” The voice asked, accusation dripping like venom. “Or have you forgotten about him with all the handsome boys running about. Or was it the stargazing and the making of new friends that caused him to slip your mind.” The reader shook her head as if in reproach. “You know the military would have contacted him by now, looking for you, threatening him with who knows what to reveal information he doesn't have.” The voice suddenly brightened. “Oh! You kept him ignorant for his own safety!” The voice returned to its normal cadence. “You know that he is worried to death about you. He sits alone in his room, wallowing in that protective ignorance, crying every night and thinking the worst. He always did have one heck of an imagination, that one. He has managed very little sleep and fortuitous that. Then he would have to contend with the dreams. They could make one heck of a movie from his nightmares.” The Reader raised her eyebrows as if for emphasis. “He hasn't gone to work since they called. And a good thing he hasn't or they would have found him by now.”

  Desiree sat up straight in the alarm. Who would have found him? The voice continued.

  “But there are so many more lovely whys. Like, why does Meilin keep such secrets from her pet?” The voice chuckled again and again it was utterly devoid of any true mirth.

  “Oh, excuse me, I meant to say, her sister. Why was she so uncharacteristically nice last night? What has she done to warrant such unusual behavior? What was she trying to hide behind that pathetic mask of hospitality? And where oh where has she run off to now? You could ask her, but you won't. She might even answer you, she certainly feels guilty enough. At least she may answer about some things. But it makes little difference. You won't ask anyway. Of course, you won’t ask. You are too much of a coward. So, I will simply tell you. She has already bonded you. Bonded you without your knowledge or consent. That is akin to rape you know. Worse than. You are tied to her now. Tied to her in ways that to hear it all would put gray in your hair like you put gray in your father’s even now. And it cannot be easily broken. To even try would leave one or both of you… changed.” The voice finished sounding frighteningly ominous.

  Desiree’s mind raced. It seemed to be in competition with her heart as it pounded like a drummer on speed and the tears now flowed freely down her cheeks.

  “You lie.” She finally managed, her voice sounding pathetically weak compared to the other. “Why would she do something like that? And you don't know anything about my dad, so keep him out of your filthy mouth. He is beyond your petty insults.”

  The voice laughed then. The sound of it hit her like a slap to the face it was so knowingly mocking.

  “Back to why again I see. I did not know you cared for me so, little Ablanq.” The voice was now sweet but still mocking. “You know how I love the whys of life. Why you ask? She did it for the same reason your father has not eaten for 36 hours and for the same reason you do the self-destructive things you do… fear.”

  “Lies.” She said defiantly.

  “I lie, do I? What need is there of lies when I can read you as if your every action and thought were captioned? I can see through you more clearly than the nightgown you pretended not to enjoy wearing last night woman.” The voice sniffed disdainfully.

  “Do I lie when I tell you that you are a coward as I watch you hide from the truth as usual? Do I lie when I tell you that attacks have come at you that you are not even aware of. That one is being orchestrated against you even as we speak, here and now in this very Sanctuary? That the one you are bonded with now fights for her very life because of an attack meant for you?” The voice now spoke more quietly but just as intense.

  “Do you think you deserve the gifts given to you coward?” The voiced asked. “Are you worthy of such power?”

  Desiree started in confusion, the abrupt change in tone and topic completely throwing her off. She rubbed her forehead and was surprised to find it dry.

  “No.” The voice continued, answering its own question. “You do not believe so. I can see it in your eyes. You stand before the mirror and see a stranger. The body you see is not yours. Nothing so perfect can belong to someone like you, am I right? That is what you think. Perfect skin, perfect hair... Teeth perfect and straight. Did you know that your body, your blood is so perfectly potent that you could go the rest of your life without brushing your teeth and you wouldn't even get so much as bad breath? Why is that? Why would there be a need for something like that? What purpose does it serve? Almost sounds like the gifts the damned, the ones that call themselves vampires receive. Funny that, no?” The voice suddenly laughed and this time there appeared to be genuine amusement instead of blatant mockery.

  “Oh, what a slut you are.” The voice chuckled again. “I know who you are thinking of right now. Will you play the coward with him the way you have with the others? Will your cowardice continue to blind you to what is obvious to all others? The fear in you is so great that not even the magic can see who you will choose. But enough of this. Your cowardly thoughts have begun to irritate me no end. You cloud what should be clear as the finest crystal. But you have solved the riddle so I must answer one question I suppose. Make it good. And I swear if you ask me something pretentious like the secret t
o world peace I will slap you silly.” Riddle? What riddle?

  “My patience is not endless. Ask Desiree.”

  “Who or what are you.” She whispered. “Who are you really?”

  The reader stared at her blankly for a moment and then slowly began to clap.

  “Now that is an interesting question. The first time it has been asked in generations. I am curious, with all you could have inquired about, why a question about me?”

  “Because you have told me more than I wanted to hear about me already. And because your answer will give me a better idea of how to react to everything you have said.”

  “Your most important asset is not your newfound power. Not the strength or the speed, not your ability to self-repair or the ability to facilitate it in others. It is and always will be that mass of gray matter between your ears.” The voice stated. There was a measure of respect in it now, if only a minute slice of the pie.

  “Your new body and your blood are amazing tools but they pale in comparison with your powerful mind. That is, when you are not feeling sorry for yourself and actually use it. To answer your question as simply as I can… I am you.”

  “What? What does that mean?” Desiree asked, completely confused now. “That doesn't even make sense!”

  “Our time ends but I leave you with this Desiree. One more tidbit to mull over Coward. A last vestige of insight powerful Ablanq. Stick with the blonde. Stick to her closely. Your new friend will save your life someday but she can only do so if she is near.”

  The woman then casually reached out and touched her forehead with an outstretched finger before Desiree could manage to pull back out of reach. There seemed to be a flash inside her head and when her vision returned, she was staring at a thoroughly flustered looking Madam Mina. The woman was blinking repeatedly and she realized that she was as well.

  “Did it work?” Mina asked, her gaze unsteady.

  Desiree began to reach over the table with every intention of forcibly shaking clearer answers from her before it mentally registered that the voice had changed. The unsettling male voice was now gone, replaced by the Reader’s original, if obviously weaker than normal voice. The change made it now seem almost grandmotherly by comparison. The Reader’s eyes were still blinking repeatedly but becoming more lucid with each flutter.


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