Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1

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Sanctuary_Bloodlines_Book 1 Page 29

by C. L. Stevens

  Meilin turned to her and she was shocked to see unshed tears in her eyes.

  “I am so sorry Desiree. I had no right. I…”

  Desiree put her hand over her mouth to stop any more words. She felt so ashamed herself, probably for making Meilin feel so bad, though she still felt stupid for it. But try as she might to be angry, she only felt shame. The feeling was almost overwhelming. She wanted to cry as well.

  “What's done is done and I forgive you.” She said somberly. “After all, it's not like I would have said no had you asked, of course you should have,” She added harshly, “But I would have said yes. And besides, like I said, I would probably be dead right now had you not, so maybe it was fate or something.”

  At her words, the shame she was feeling began to lessen and seeming to defy reason or logic, her anger began to build again but she fought it down. It was all very confusing to say the least. She wanted to be angry but felt so much uncontrollable shame that she had to work hard to think of a reason to be angry. Now she really was and truly angry and found herself desperately trying to come up with reasons NOT to be. Deep down she knew anger was not the way though. Nothing good would come of it and they needed to move on from this, to continue to grow as friends, as sisters.

  “Thank you for forgiving me sister.” Meilin said in a near whisper. “I promise, I only meant to help you, to help us both when I did it. I didn't plan it, I just found myself doing it before I even knew what I was doing. It just seemed so right at the time.”

  Desiree forced a smile while her heart felt torn in half.

  “I think it was the right thing to do as well.” She said and tried her hardest to believe her own words.

  The genuinely warm and grateful smile Meilin returned her helped a bit. They rode in silence the rest of the way.

  “We have arrived.” Meilin said, shaking Desiree out of her deep inner thoughts.

  She looked up to see a large hospital, the many buildings spread out before them. She was glad to see that is was not the same one they had visited those weeks ago, just in case they were recognized. She had no doubt that anyone and everyone would remember the 2 of them.

  Finding Anastacia took longer than they both would have thought, despite Meilin’s gift of persuasion. Oh, the employees they met were quick to offer aid, it was just that most were ignorant of her location. At last they found her after inquiring on one of the floors.

  The head nurse seemed happy to see them, well not them in particular but happy Anastacia had any visitors at all. The plump woman's uniform was pristine, Desiree could not find a single wrinkle. Her gray hair was pulled into a tight bun, not a single one out of place, all of which giving her a very professional look. She was tall for a woman as well. Desiree was sure that she would have been able to look Meilin straight in the eye had the heels of their footwear been of equal height.

  “How fares the child?” Meilin asked her casually. “Will she recover?”

  The nurse eyed the vampire with a raised eyebrow. Desiree could practically hear the woman's thoughts.

  “Child? You cannot be much older yourself young lady.”

  But what she said was, “It is hard to say. That is the way of severe head injuries. She could come out of her coma tonight and be fine in a few days, or wake and never be like her old self. Or she could never wake.” She shook her head sadly. “You can never tell with these things.”

  A coma! Oh, poor Stasha!

  “Can I go inside to see her?” Desiree asked hopefully.

  “Of course.” The nurse replied. “You should talk to her. Some say the person cannot hear you but I've always thought it helped.”

  Desiree nodded and walked in. Meilin caught her hand and she turned back.

  “Take as much time as you need.” She said somberly. She handed her a cellphone. “My number is on speed dial. I will be back in an hour or two but call me if you need me.”

  Desiree only nodded. Meilin placed her hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly.

  “I am sure your friend will be well sister. Be strong for her.”

  Desiree blinked, and then nodded.

  “What?” Meilin asked curiously.

  “It's nothing. You just reminded me of something.” She said, looking thoughtful despite her words. “Go ahead and handle your business. I will call you if I need you.” She added, holding up the cell phone.

  Meilin paused, eyeing her suspiciously for a moment, looking her in the eyes. She seemed satisfied with whatever she saw and nodded.

  “I will be back soon.”

  Desiree watched her leave and moved to one of the two chairs in front of her friend. Anastacia looked fine to her, peaceful even. She would have thought her only sleeping if not for the bandage wrapped around her head and the IV attached to her arm. She leaned forward and spoke in a whisper.

  “I will be your strength Stasha. I will be strong for you, I promise. You are going to wake soon and be absolutely fine.” She continued talking in that same low voice for many minutes.

  She didn't even know what she was saying half the time, only that it made her feel more comfortable doing so. Besides, the tall, older nurse would poke her head in from time to time and nod with approval.

  A little while later a different nurse came into the room and poked around Stasha, adjusting her bedding and checking her vitals. She then reached into a front pocket and pulled out a syringe. He added a small amount of the clear looking contents of a small bottle and then administered it to Stasha’s IV. Desiree watched as the nurse placed the used tool into a weird looking trash bin. When she was gone Desiree fished it out again.

  “You are going to be just fine.” She said under her breath as she rolled up her sleeve and stuck the used needle into her own arm and began drawing blood. When it was almost full she heard someone else coming in and hid the syringe up her sleeve. She cursed as blood trickled down her arm but thankfully it seemed to stop quickly. She surreptitiously wiped it away with her other hand just as the head nurse walked in.

  “Do you need anything honey?” She asked her in a motherly way.

  “No thank you.” She replied, returning her smile. The woman nodded and looked over to Stasha.

  “I tell Yeah, it is good to see her with some visitors for a change. It is just plain sad to think that no one cares about her, know what I mean? Just not right.”

  “No family has come to see her?” Desiree asked in surprise.

  “Not a soul,” She said sadly. “In fact, no friends either. You and your lovely friend were the first.” She shook her head. “God bless you for doing so. Her having no one to care about her just wasn't right.”

  “I know she is an orphan, but I thought someone would have come to see her by now.” She said, taking her eyes from the Nurse to look at her friend. “But don't you worry. She has people who love her same as family.”

  “That is good to hear, very good.” The nurse said and surprised her by planting a motherly kiss on her forehead.

  Before she had time to collect herself the old woman was called away and Desiree just watched her leave dumbfounded. When she came too, she went over and emptied the entire syringe into the IV. She tucked it away into her purse for later use.

  About an hour later she got up, nature demanding to be heard and went in search of a restroom. A male nurse at a desk pointed her in the right direction and before long she found it. She was shouldering her way through the heavy door when she saw a small girl approaching, dragging a pole with an IV bag. She paused to hold the door for her.

  “Why isn't someone helping you with that?” She asked when the girl got close.

  The child looked to be only about six or seven.

  “I can do it all by myself.” The girl promised, a little defensively she thought ruefully, and she nodded, successfully holding back a grin.

  “I guess you can at that.” Desiree agreed, giving her an impressed nod. The child nodded back emphatically.

  Desiree went into a stall and handled her busi
ness and came out to wash her hands when she saw the girl struggling with one of the other bathroom stall doors.

  “Here, let me help.” She said hurriedly. “My door hardly worked for me too.” She added when the girl looked about to protest. “Let me just wash my hands really fast.”

  She did so in probably record time and went to help.

  “What is your name sweetie?” She asked, as much for something to say as really wanting to know.

  “Danielle.” She replied, grunting with effort to move the pole passed the doorway. “What's yours.”

  “Desiree.” She replied without thinking. They had used other names on the visitors list and she cursed herself for a fool for not remembering to watch her tongue.

  “Here. Let me hold the pole out here, while you do your thing in there.” Desiree offered. “I am sure the cord will reach.” The girl nodded and soon the door was closed.

  “Don't worry, it won't be always like this.” Desiree found herself saying. “One day you will be happy and healthy as any other brat kid.” She laughed but she noticed that Danielle did not join her.

  “I was just kidding sweetie. I don't think you are a brat.” She said apologetically.

  “I use pray every night for that.” Danielle said in a voice so soft she doubted she would have heard if they were not in the enclosed restrooms. “My mom said if you pray to God and really, really mean it, he will answer your prayers but he never did.”

  There was a long silence before she added in an even weaker voice.

  “I am dying.”

  Desiree felt as if the words were reaching into her chest and ripping her heart out. She never thought mere words could hurt so. The utter hopelessness in the child's tone threatened to drag her down into despair deeper than when she was in the darkness. She didn't know what to say. What could anyone say.

  “You can help her.” A voice deep inside said. “You know what you can do to save her.”

  Desiree dug into her small purse for the item she was now doubly glad she had saved.

  “What are you doing?” Danielle asked, hard suspicion painting her words brightly.

  Desiree had been concentrating so much on what she was doing that she had not noticed the girl opening the stall door. She paused in the act of pushing the needle into the child's IV. She had to admit, it looked guilty as sin.

  “Are you trying to poison me?” The girl asked wearily.

  And she did look weary. Desiree had not noticed before but Danielle looked sick, very sick. Her face was pale and drawn and her arms looked thin as a rail. Dark rings around her eyes almost made her look like she was turning into a zombie.

  “Of course not.” She said hurriedly. “This is magic and it is going to help you.” She added with all the confidence she could muster but she also made no attempt to add the contents of the syringe to the girls IV.

  “I don't believe you.” Danielle said, reaching for the pole with a shaky hand. “There is no such thing as magic.”

  “How do you know that magic does not exist?” Desiree challenged.

  The girls mouth worked as if she were looking for a reply and then it shut again. She looked as if she were about to give in but her weary face suddenly hardened.

  “There is no magic because nothing can make me well.” She replied, sounding more sad than angry. But her words left no room for doubt either way. “The doctors and my mother told me so. They said I am going to die.”

  “How do you know that God did not send me?” Desiree found herself saying. “You told me that you prayed to him. I can imagine that you prayed with all your heart. What if it was god who sent me to you and now you are refusing. Remember, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  “Don't what? Look a horse… what?” The child asked again in confusion.

  Desiree grimaced.

  “Yeah, I know. I have always thought that a stupid saying too sweetie.” She said, shaking her head. “The point I am making is, this can help you when you asked for help and need it badly. Don't turn away help because you don't like how it comes.”

  The girl scrunched her nose in thought.

  “What do you really have to lose sweetie?” Desiree added.

  At last Danielle nodded and she emptied all the blood into the IV.

  “It tingles a little, like the medicine they give me sometimes when I feel bad.” Danielle said with a light giggle as she stared at the arm which the IV was attached.

  “That means that it's working.” Desiree said and kissed the girl on her forehead like the nurse had done to her. To her credit, the child took it a lot more smoothly than she had.

  Desiree was helping her out into the hall when she leaned in close and said,

  “I may have to give you more since you are really sick sweetie. What room are you in?”

  Danielle told her and she waved goodbye and made her way back to Stasha’s room. Meilin was there waiting for her.

  “We should take care of some things while we are already out of the Sanctuary.” Meilin said when she was close. “I will need to rest soon but you can return afterwards and stay with your friend as long as you wish.”

  Desiree nodded and gathered her things. She said goodbye to the head nurse, promising to return soon.

  “I wanna be here when she wakes.” She said with a wink.

  “That's the spirit honey.” The nurse replied, waving farewell.

  They walked out of the hospital side by side with the eyes of both men and women following them wherever they went. Desiree figured that she did not even need the bond to know where the vampire was. All she needed to do was follow the men's hungry eyes and the women's hard ones to know where she was. She watched Meilin glide along as if she were completely oblivious to it all.

  “What things were you referring to Sister.” Desiree asked when they were in the parking garage.

  “For one, we need to get you a proper wardrobe.” She replied. “My father also wishes to speak with you, though that can wait.”

  “Sooner or later I also have to deal with the whole U.S. Army thing.” Desiree added with a grimace. “I don't think they take too kindly to people that just leave.”

  “That has already been addressed.” Meilin said, waving her hand.

  “What? How?” Do they think I am dead too?” She asked warily.

  Meilin tsked. “Of course not. I had someone gather the proper paperwork stating that you left for medical reasons. All the proper signatures were in order.”

  “Wow, thank you Meilin.” She said, genuinely grateful. “That takes a lot of weight off my shoulders.”

  Meilin nodded as it were nothing.

  Chapter 19

  They went to many of San Francisco’s most popular shopping areas over the next few hours. Meilin was extremely helpful in choosing clothing, though she noticed that the vampire bought as many things for herself as they got for her. Attendants at whatever store they patronized seemed to flock to Meilin like ducks surrounding a swan. She shopped as if money was no obstacle and they seemed to have an inner radar for that kind of thing. The vampire was also asked out more times in three hours than Desiree had been in her entire sheltered life.

  They were also helpful and attentive to Desiree as well, at least once it was known whom she was with. She was bombarded with skirts and blouses and shoes and dresses. When she looked at the price tag on one dress she thought she might like she nearly dropped it in shock. When she showed her sister, Meilin only nodded with a smile saying,

  “Oh, that would look great with your figure. And practically a steal at that price.”

  Desiree only nodded, vowing to not look at any more tags.

  She thought that she would hate it, hate shopping on this scale. She normally liked to get in and get out quickly, already knowing, or at least having a good idea of what she wanted to buy before entering the store but she found that she was enjoying herself.

  Desiree shook her head and gave a disgusted look at the dress Meilin came out wearing.
r />   “Not with your skin tone.” She appraised. “Perhaps in black or dark blue maybe?”

  When they were finally done, they both had so many bags, two employees had to carry it all to the car for them.

  “That was fun.” Desiree admitted when they were all set.

  “That it was.” The vampire agreed. “But unfortunately, we have to put all this shit away.” She added and laughed.

  “It must be amazing to live like this.” Desiree said wistfully.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know,” She began awkwardly, waving a hand inarticulately. “To buy whatever you want, not even bothering to look at the price. To have people scrambling to attend to you and making sure you are satisfied. To have not a care in the world.”

  Meilin snorted, even going so far as to roll her eyes.

  “So basically, you are stating that it is great to be rich.” Meilin said with a tinkling laugh.

  Desiree frowned.

  “Yes! But it's more than that, far more.” She grasped at the air as if she could pluck the idea from it. “It's you Meilin. You are so… so…”

  “Ravishing? Sophisticated? Charming? Powerful? Intelligent?” Meilin offered helpfully, smiling her impossibly perfect smile as she ticked off each word on a long and delicate finger.

  “Well, yes!” Desiree admitted angrily.

  Meilin stopped laughing then and studied her from the corner of her eye. That look had a distinctly disapproving cast that Desiree failed to notice.

  “I get the feeling that this really has nothing to do with shopping or the cost of things.” Meilin stated sourly.

  Desiree went on anyway unaware or uncaring of the vampire's less than pleased expression.

  “Why did you even bond me.” Desiree said disgustedly. “You are all those things and more. Almost every man I see stares at you as if you were the woman of their dreams. Women stare at you as if they want to be you. Even children look up at you as if you were an angel or something. I feel like a lump of coal next to a diamond when I'm with you.”

  “Have I ever looked at you or treated you as if you were coal.” She asked almost dispassionately.


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