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Finn Page 12

by Madison Stevens

  “I got it last night,” she said. “I was so tired and angry. I didn’t even think about it until Liam said something.”

  Finn stood and leaned over the desk.

  “How can I protect you if I don’t know all the information?” he said loudly.

  Alyssa stood and glared at him. “Well maybe if you hadn’t spent the last two weeks acting like an ass every time you saw me, this wouldn’t even be a problem.”

  He stepped back. He hadn’t spent the last two weeks acting like an ass.

  “Well maybe if you acted with a little bit of common sense, I wouldn’t have to act like an ass.”

  She stepped back. Pain crossed over her face, and he regretted his words.

  Without a word, she walked out of the office and slammed the door behind her.

  It hadn’t been what he was intending. He just wanted one conversation where they didn’t have to fight.

  He sat down hard. She had looked so sad. He just wanted her to understand what something like this could mean. She could be in grave danger and didn’t even seem to know it. She took things at face value, and nothing in his world was like that.

  Finn sighed. There were too many things going on. For the moment, he needed to focus on the press conference. If Claire and Reed were right, she would be primed to head into the council position.

  That could open a lot of doors for them all.

  * * *

  Alyssa scrubbed the bar for about the millionth time that evening. She’d been waiting for him to come apologize, but instead he’d been cooped up in the office. Every time she looked at the door, it just pissed her off even more.

  “Well, don’t you look lovely this evening,” a familiar voice said from in front of her.

  She looked up and found Dylan’s smiling face.

  “It’s nice to see a friendly face.” She smiled at him.

  He frowned. “You’ve been crying.”

  “It’s just not been a very good day.”

  He patted her hand. “Well let’s see if we can change that.”

  She pulled out two glasses and went to get the whiskey when he stopped her. “Actually, I’ve brought something that I think you’ll like.”

  He pulled out a flask, and she gasped. “That’s not allowed,” she said.

  “Tell you what,” he said, smiling at her. “How about you pour it, and I’ll pay like it’s regular whiskey?”

  She nibbled her lip and smiled. “Deal.”

  She poured the amber liquid and brought the glass to her nose.

  Dylan watched as she tasted the drink.

  It burned a little going down.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “Nice," she said and smiled.

  “There.” He smiled back at her. “That’s what I want to see.”

  She set her glass down and stared at it for a moment. “Things have just been a little difficult recently.”

  Dylan reached across and took hold of her hand. “Let me take you out. Cut out early, and let me treat you.”

  She looked up to his handsome face. He wasn’t the man that she wanted to be spending time with. Alyssa looked to the door of the office. But then again, the man she wanted to be with was being an ass.

  “Listen,” Dylan said. “How about some ice cream? No expectations, just ice cream.”

  Alyssa smiled. “Only if it’s chocolate.”

  Dylan laughed. “Deal.”

  She grabbed her purse on the other end of the bar and met him on his side.

  “Okay,” she said, a little breathless. She knew her actions would piss off Finn, but she was sick of him being so controlling. She needed him to trust her with making choices from time to time.

  They walked to the front, where Conor sat at the door.

  “Tell Finn I went to get ice cream,” she said, nodding to the office. “When he’s doing being angry.”

  Conor frowned at the other man but nodded.

  She walked out of the club feeling much better about the evening already. There was nothing wrong with getting a little ice cream. If Finn was going to be pissed no matter what she did, she might as well do something she wanted.

  They walked quietly along the street. A number of people strolled the downtown area, enjoying the mild night air.

  “Does your boyfriend get angry with you often?” Dylan asked.

  Alyssa sighed. “It’s complicated,” she said and laughed. “The funny thing is I’m not even sure what he is to me.”

  “Are you seeing anyone else?” he asked.

  She glanced sideways at him. The overhead lights showed what she already knew to be true. Dylan was handsome. Although he was handsome, she really didn’t have the same feeling about him she got from Finn. There was something familiar about Dylan too. She reminded her of someone that she couldn’t quite place.

  “No,” she said softly. “He’s the right one. He just needs to start acting like the right one.”

  Dylan laughed. “Sounds like a tall order. Wouldn’t it just be easier to find someone else that fits that bill?”

  They stopped at an ice cream stand near the park down the road. She turned to him before they placed their order.

  “It would be easier, but I’m not sure it would be fair to anyone,” she said. “I need him and he needs me. Anyone else who got us would only be getting half a heart.”

  Dylan frowned and placed an order for two chocolate cones.

  She ate her ice cream and walked quietly as they made their way over to the park. It was a nice night, and although she was enjoying the company, she now wished that it didn’t come at the price of pissing off Finn.

  They sat on a bench and watched the people stroll along.

  “What about you?” she asked. “Anyone special?”

  Dylan shook his head. “I think there might be, but she’s in love with my brother, and I’m just no match for him.” A bitter tone laced his words.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said sadly.

  Dylan shook his head and smiled. “It’s not the first time I haven’t measured up to my brother. He was always number one in my father’s eyes.”

  She watched as his face contorted with rage. The angry expression quickly faded.

  “I guess I’m just always doomed to be second best,” he sighed.

  Alyssa reached out and took his hand. “That’s not true,” she said. “I’m sure neither of them meant to hurt you.”

  Dylan smiled warmly at her. “I wish everyone was as sweet as you.”

  She smiled at him.

  His phone chirped in his pocket, and he pulled it out to look at it.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve got to take this.”

  Alyssa nodded and watched the wind blow in the trees, enjoying the last bits of her ice cream.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Finn yawned. It was done. Claire had pulled it all off without a hitch, and the after reports from the press conference were looking favorable for her. She really was poised to take the council seat. He was just glad they could venture more into the business side of things. The club had been doing well prior to all the Russian business. He was certain he could make a success of other places.

  And now that he wouldn’t be blocked at every turn, it could finally happen.

  He stood and stretched. Talking to Alyssa had to wait until he had some things taken care of. It wasn’t that he didn’t care, but the last thing he wanted was to lash out at her again. She didn’t deserve it.

  Finn walked out to the bar and looked around. Liam sat near the door, waiting.

  “Where’s Alyssa?” Finn asked.

  Liam’s brows shot up. “I thought she was in there with you,” he said. “Didn’t you make up?”

  Panic stuck Finn. He scanned through the crowd.

  He raced to the back room, but it was dark and undisturbed.

  “When was the last time you saw her?” Finn said to Liam, who had followed behind him.

  “She was behind the ba
r just before I made my tour of the building,” he said.

  Finn ran to check when she normally placed her purse and found it gone. At least she had walked out on her own, he thought.

  He turned and placed both hands on the bar for support. He just couldn’t think where she would go without telling someone. Sometimes she could be a little careless, but she’d never been outright cruel.

  Finn glanced to the bar and narrowed his eyes on the glass, or, more specifically, the napkin that was placed under it. He picked up the glass and put it to his nose.

  “Knappogue,” he whispered.

  His heart raced at just the scent of it. The chances of his brother’s favorite whiskey being in a glass at his bar were more than just coincidence. This was the long play.

  He didn’t know what Ennis could possibly want with Alyssa, but as long as she was near him, nothing was certain.

  “Knappogue?” Liam repeated. He frowned as apparently the same revelation about Ennis struck. “Do you think he has her?”

  Finn picked up the napkin.

  Care for an ice cream?

  Finn crumpled the napkin. There was only one place they got ice cream.

  “Get the car,” he said to Liam. “And grab Conor. We’re taking her back.”

  * * *

  Alyssa tried not to listen to his conversation, but the longer it took, the more interesting it became.

  She looked over when he got a little louder while talking.

  “Well than I guess we’re moving on to plan B,” he said loudly and then listened. “They are going to know about you after tonight, so you might as well just come. That life is gone. Think of your sister. You want her to see that doctor in Belgium, you had better fall in line.”

  The smile he gave chilled her, and she wondered who he was talking to.

  “Fine,” he said and looked over at her. She quickly looked away.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she heard him say. The grass rustled as he moved to sit next to her again.

  For some reason, she felt like things had changed between them even though they had only been sitting and enjoying ice cream.

  “Sorry about that,” he said. She turned to look at him. “One of my business deals didn’t go as planned, and it’s pushed other things into action a little faster than I anticipated.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said sympathetically.

  Dylan laughed a little. “You might not be soon.”

  Alyssa frowned.

  “I just want to say, regardless of everything, I’m glad I got to know you, Alyssa.” He smiled.

  He had taken one little call, and it was like he was talking in riddles.

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “Are you leaving?”

  Dylan nodded. “I don’t think I’ll have much a chance,” he said.

  “But what will you do?” Fear grew in her the more he talked. It was like he was planning on something more permanent.

  “Oh, the same family business I’ve always done,” he said. “Although if I were being completely honest, it would be nice to try something different.”

  “Maybe you should,” she said, the anxiety rising in her.

  Dylan shook his head. “I’ve been in the business too long. I don’t think I can do much else.”

  He sighed and stood. She looked at him, trying to figure out what was going on.

  “I think that’s it for us,” he said and gave her a sad smile.

  She opened her mouth to ask why when she heard someone shout across the park.

  “Alyssa,” Finn shouted.

  She stared at him in awe as he raced through the park, gun drawn yelling her name. Several people nearby yelled or screamed. Everyone started to scatter.

  “What the hell?” she said aloud.

  “Seems to me like he really loves you,” Dylan said from behind her.

  She nodded and looked back at Finn. He had stopped just twenty feet away from them.

  “Have you lost your mind?” she said to him and stared at his now raised gun.

  “Alyssa, step away from him,” Finn said.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” she shouted. “It was just some ice cream.”

  Finn glanced at her with confusion and then back to Dylan.

  “Alyssa, I really need you to step away from my brother,” he said slowly.

  She took in a deep breath, like she’d been punched in the gut.

  “No,” she whispered. “His name is Dylan.”

  Finn looked back to her, fear in his eyes.

  “Ennis Dylan Kelly,” Finn said loudly.

  She looked back to him.

  “I’m sorry,” Ennis said. She could see the sorrow in his eyes. “I never meant for you to be shot.” He glanced to Finn. “Dale was never supposed to do that. If he wasn’t already in jail, I’d made him pay.”

  Finn nodded. “Too bad it came to this.”

  She looked between the two of them, and her knees trembled. If she had only looked a little closer, she would have seen the similarities. It all seemed obvious now.

  Ennis laughed. “Of course it did. Did you really think I was going to be fine with Father leaving you as the head? I’m the older brother.”

  She backed away from him. The cold from earlier was back in his eyes.

  “Oh put down the damn gun,” Ennis mocked. “We both know I wasn’t going to hurt her. I was the one who paid to keep her away from the Russians. That’s more than what you did.”

  “They hurt Noel,” she said softly. Her voice quivered with emotion.

  Ennis glared at Finn. “That was his doing,” he said and looked to her. “Your boyfriend had a choice, but instead of going with the norm, he just had to go piss of the Russians.”

  “They were getting into human trafficking,” Finn roared.

  “When did you suddenly get a conscience?” Ennis yelled.

  “When we buried our father, and I was allowed to have one,” Finn said quietly. “What happened to yours?”

  “It was beaten out of me until there was nothing left,” he snarled.

  “I don’t believe that.” Finn lowered his gun. “It doesn’t have to be this way. We could run it together.”

  Ennis laughed, and Alyssa stepped closer to Finn. “Oh it’s too late. Things have been set in motion now.”

  “I suppose you heard about your ace in the hole?” Finn smiled. “Too bad you’re little city council puppet is done.”

  Ennis shook his head and smiled. “You just couldn’t go down easy,” he said.

  Alyssa stopped moving when she was standing next to Finn.

  “Drop your weapon,” someone shouted to the side of them.

  Alyssa turned to see Conor with his gun aimed at Liam’s back and gasped.

  “You fucking traitor,” Liam ground out.

  “Just do as he says,” Finn said to him.

  Alyssa was surprised and turned to look at him. He started intently at Conor who, she noticed, averted his gaze.

  “Yes, little brother.” Ennis smiled at Liam. “Do what your older brothers ask.”

  Liam froze. “What the hell?”

  “Fuck,” Finn said quietly beside her.

  “Brother?” Liam said and looked between Finn and Ennis.

  “He never told you that did he?” Ennis smiled, but only hate radiated off him.

  “Why?” Liam said quietly and turned he gaze to Finn. “What does that mean?” he shouted.

  “He didn’t tell us until the end,” Finn said, glancing at Ennis.

  She hated that Ennis seemed to get so much joy out of their shared pain.

  “You should have told me,” he said quietly. His eyes burned into Finn’s. “I had a right to know.”

  “Really? And how was I going to tell someone I knew as a cousin that our father had raped his mother. In fact, raped her so much that the only child she would ever have would be conceived out of that rape,” Finn said quietly. “Was I supposed to tell you all of that so you could ask your
mother who would then have to relive that hell?” Finn shook his head. “Better you not be infected by his hate,” he said and then looked to Ennis. “But I guess there’s no escaping that.”

  Liam stared out, his expression blank, and she ached for him. This wasn’t the kind of news that a person ever wanted to hear.

  “She would never say,” Liam said quietly. “I would ask who my father was, and she would never say.”

  Finn shook his head. “She didn’t want to see him ruin another man.”

  Liam looked at him and he nodded. Alyssa watched as he sealed off any expression and stood solemnly next to her.

  “Nothing to say about Conor?” Ennis said to Finn.

  Finn shrugged. “I had already suspected it.” He narrowed his eyes. “Plus, he was working the door. There’s no way you walked in and out with Alyssa without him noticing.”

  She turned to look at him, surprised that he had suspected anything.

  Alyssa looked over to Conor, who was looking anywhere but at them.

  “This is getting old,” Finn said. “Are we done here?”

  Ennis’s face contorted in rage. “You think you’re so fucking smart,” he said. “The men aren’t going to stay with you if they aren’t making the kind of money they were before. And you can’t when you’ve gone soft.”

  “We don’t have to be the same kind of men we were,” Finn said. “But you never could see that. As much as you hated our father, you certainly had no problem being like him.”

  Ennis turned to look at her. He was no longer the same man that she had seen earlier.

  “Remember what I said.” He smiled at her. She felt sad that things had ended up as they had.

  They watched as Ennis and Conor retreated up the hill. Liam picked back up his piece and started to follow when Finn called out to him.

  “Leave them,” he said. “I’m certain he has something on Conor.”

  “When he was on the phone,” she began, “Ennis said something about a Belgium doctor.”

  “I thought it might be something to do with Teagan. When the doctor said he hadn’t seen them, it seemed odd,” Finn said.

  “What are we going to do?” Liam asked.


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