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Hannah Page 11

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  “I’m so glad you’re here. Mother, I love Chad. Wait until you meet him.”

  With a frown, Mother pushed some of Hannah’s curls back into place like she’d done all of Hannah’s life. “And Pierre? Do you like him? He’s a very handsome man.”

  “Yes, Mother. He is handsome, but he is not the man for me. Francesca likes him.” Hannah introduced her friend.

  Mother smiled, but Hannah could see her mother was disappointed. Mother shook Francesca’s hand. “I’m pleased to meet you. As you must know, Hannah’s father and I brought Pierre from France as a match for our daughter. I would appreciate it if you would not interfere.”

  “Mother, I told her she could have Pierre. I don’t like him.” Hannah folded her arms. This was not what she’d expected. “Wait until you meet Chad. He’s the man of my dreams.”

  Mother looked at her with that look that conveyed the message to be quiet about the matter. “I would like to find your father and speak to him and Pierre.”

  “Father’s at the hotel. I’m sure Pierre is with him. Mother, how well do you know Pierre?”

  Looking a bit taken aback, Mother frowned. “You find him that distasteful?”

  “Yes, I do.” Hannah turned to Francesca. “I’m sorry, but I do. I don’t trust him either. and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Francesca grinned. “Don’t you worry about me. I can handle Pierre.”

  “Good. I just don’t want anyone to be hurt.”

  Mother hugged her. “What about your father and me?”

  “I don’t want to hurt you either. But wait until you meet Chad to make your decision.”

  With a sigh, Mother nodded. “Let’s go to your father. You will excuse us, won’t you Francesca?”

  “Oh, yes. I have to get back to the shop anyway.” Francesca gave Hannah a wink and then walked in her swaying way down the steps of the depot and onto the street.

  “Really, Hannah. That woman is not the kind of friend you should have.”

  “Oh, Mother. She’s delightful. A bit of a gossip, but she’s been kind to me.”

  “She wants Pierre, and she will take him from you. Mark my words, Francesca is not your friend.”

  Hannah turned away and walked down the stairs, huffing at her mother’s prejudicial ways. Perhaps it had been a mistake to bring her here. She seemed to be firmly aligned with Father in Pierre’s favor.

  “Hannah, my bags.”

  “We’ll tell the hotel clerk, and he’ll bring them over. Let’s hurry.”

  Mother walked beside her. “The town is quaint, but hardly one you would want to live in. Really, Hannah.”

  Hannah kept silent. Yes, the town was small, but it was nice, and the people were friendly. She hoped that Bridgette would be in town to meet Mother. Maybe a woman lawyer would impress Mother.

  They entered the hotel, and Hannah had to grin. Pierre was sitting in the foyer. A newspaper covered his face, but she recognized him by his shoes. Shiny and new, they stood out from the dusty boots that most of the men wore. He hadn’t seen them, and Mother didn’t notice him.

  She ushered her mother up the stairs to avoid Pierre. Soon, they were on the third floor and in front of Father’s suite. Hannah knocked. “Father.”

  The door opened, and Father smiled. “Darling, what are you doing here?”

  “Paul, so good to see you. I’m here because Hannah wired me to come to her wedding. What have you been doing?”

  “Doing? I’ve been trying to corral your daughter. And like always, she jumps the fence and does what she wants. All because she is so like her mother.” Father embraced her and kissed her so that Hannah blushed.

  Mother pulled back. “Hannah said she doesn’t like Pierre.”

  “Yes, that’s what she says. Dear Hannah, I don’t know how you could be my daughter. Pierre is perfect for you. A perfect match in looks, wealth, and stature.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I don’t like him much less want to marry him. I’ll leave you two now and go find my intended, Chad. Mother, later, I’d like to introduce him to you.”

  “Very well, I would like to have lunch in a little while and request that you join us. This place does have a dining room?”

  Father put a hand on her back. “Yes, dear. And the food is surprisingly good.”

  “I’ll meet you for lunch. Could I bring Chad?”

  Father frowned. “I promised Pierre we’d have lunch together. I think he is worried that you are being swept away by Chad. He cares for you.”

  It was all Hannah could do to keep from rolling her eyes. “I‘ll see you for lunch.” She left the hotel as fast as she could. This was not going at all as she thought. Of all people, she thought Mother would be the one to understand.

  Hannah huffed as she walked down the stairs. Her parents treated her as if she were a young girl. She was a woman of twenty-one and fully capable of making up her own mind on who she would and would not marry. She stepped onto the foyer, and Pierre happened to look up from the paper.

  Hannah groaned.

  Pierre smiled. “Why, Hannah. Were you looking for me?”

  “No. I’m on my way to see Chad. Goodbye.” She looked away from him and was at the door before he could rise. Still, he caught her as she went outside.

  “Hannah, please give me a chance. My love for you carried me across an ocean and then a continent to find you. To ask for your hand in marriage.”

  “No, no, and no. I’ll have you know my mother is in the hotel with Father right now, and they are expecting you for lunch.” Hannah saw the wheels in Pierre’s mind spinning. He’d want to go and talk to Mother to get her on his side.

  “Very well, we will have time later. Have a good day, dear.” Pierre smiled. But it wasn’t his usual grin. This one was the kind you give when you have the upper hand, and the other person doesn’t know.

  That bothered her. What did Pierre have that would make him feel so confident? Hannah shook her head and walked away from him. Perhaps, it was time to visit the church. That’s what they’d do. She and Chad.

  Chapter 14

  Chad almost had the desk cleared off. He hadn’t found any other money. But he did have a list of properties with rents due and the receipts marked. He hoped Doug had taken that money to the bank, but he had that sickening feeling that all was not well.

  But no one could say he hadn’t worked hard to get the office cleaned up.

  The door opened, and Hannah walked in. She looked troubled.

  “Hannah, what’s wrong?”

  “Mother is in town. I thought she’d be on our side, but I was wrong. Perhaps after she meets you. So, I thought it would be good to talk to the preacher. We could use some prayer.”

  Chad went to her and hugged her. “Anything you want. I have some good news.”


  “The house is ours.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Hannah smiled as Chad twirled her around.

  Chad looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s lunchtime. Want to go to the preacher first?”

  “Yes. Let’s do.” She grinned.

  Chad locked the door, and they walked up the hill to the church. “I haven’t been to church yet. Bridgette said I should, to help keep me out of trouble.”

  Hannah nodded. “It’s important to go, and we can ask him about our wedding. I thought Mother would want to help me plan it, but now I’m not so sure.”

  Chad walked with her, his arm around her shoulders. He felt so protective of her. And what could be more protective than to make sure they went to church and were in good standing with the preacher.

  “Keep your hopes and chin up, Hannah. I think everything will work out.” Chad knocked on the church door.

  The preacher opened it and welcomed them in. “I’m Preacher Brett Gentry. How can I help you?”

  Chad introduced them. “We want to get married.”

  “Oh, when? I know that you’re one of Bridgette’s Bounty Brigade men. And I guess that you, Hannah, are one
of Bridgette’s mail-order brides.”

  Chad looked at her. “We still have a few things to work out. But I’d say within the month.”

  Hannah nodded. “We love one another.”

  “Is there something or someone that is preventing you from marrying?”

  Chad glanced at Hannah. “Her parents are here and want her to marry a man from France.”

  Hannah shook her head. “I don’t like Pierre at all, Preacher Brett. But Chad,” She sighed. “I loved him the moment I saw him. Do you believe in love at first sight?”

  The preacher looked uncomfortable. “Well, I have heard others mention it. I suppose that it can happen.”

  Hannah shook her head. “It happened to both of us. We belong together.”

  Chad nodded. “Yes, it did. And our love for each other has grown every day.”

  “That’s good to hear. But what about your parents and this man from France?”

  Hannah frowned. “I don’t like Pierre at all. Father wants me to marry him because he is rich. Mother likes him because he is aristocratic and knows important people.”

  “I see.” Preacher Brett stood and paced the floor. “I will marry you, but you will have to reconcile with your parents.”

  Chad wanted to disagree, but he knew the man was right. Chad wanted their marriage to begin on a firm foundation without controversy.

  Hannah shook her head. “I’m not sure that will be possible, but I’ll try and convince them.”

  Preacher Brett folded his arms. “You’re both young and untested. Chad, I know your past, and you’re going to have to prove yourself to the town and, more importantly, to yourself. Hannah, I don’t know you. I take it your parents are wealthy, and this Pierre is a wealthy man.”

  “Yes, and my parents think I am spoiled.”

  “Are you?” Preacher Brett looked at her with a gaze that went to her heart.

  Hannah matched his gaze. “Yes, I am. But I love Chad. I’m not afraid to work hard to help Chad become a success. He’s already doing so well.”

  Chad smiled at her.

  The preacher nodded. “I think you’re both on your way to a good life and possibly marriage. But you both need to give yourselves a chance. Be honest with one another, and you, Hannah, need to be honest with your parents. They can’t force you to marry this Pierre. But the Lord’s Word does command you to honor your parents. And that comes with a promise that it may go well with you. So, heed the Word of the Lord. There is no reason to rush into marriage. Love will wait, for it is patient. Love will listen because it is kind.”

  Chad squeezed her hand. “You’re saying you won’t marry us?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying. I’ll marry you when you both feel the time is right. I leave that up to you both. I’m here if either of you want to talk. Chad, I suppose you know, but I’ll tell you anyway, I spent five years in prison. Judge Taggart took a chance on hiring me as the preacher of this church. I take the challenge to heart.” Preacher Brett smiled. “Don’t worry. Love never fails. Trust in the Lord and see how things work out.”

  Chad shook the preacher’s hand. “Thank you. We’ll do as you suggest.”

  Hannah wasn’t as happy as Chad sounded. She wanted to marry him right away. As they left the church, she nudged him. “Why did you say we’d wait?”

  “Because he’s right.” Chad looked at her. “You need to make sure you’re not wanting a quick marriage just to show your parents you won’t be controlled by them. I trust the feelings and love I have for you to let you choose. And I think you should find out without any doubts in your heart how you feel.”

  Hannah stopped walking and pulled him to a stop. “I am sure. I promise you that.”

  “Then it doesn’t matter if we get married today or in a month or two. We’ll just love each other even more.” Chad pulled her to him. “Trust me, Hannah, and I’ll trust you.”

  She nodded and leaned against his chest. She loved listening to the beating of his heart, and to feel his arms around her. He was the one. She knew it.

  He had to be.


  Chad comforted Hannah. She seemed shaken and sad after visiting the preacher. Chad had to admit the man was right. Chad loved Hannah, but he didn’t want to marry her if she wasn’t sure. And he had his doubts about her feelings.

  Yes, she said she’d loved him when she first saw him. He’d felt it too. But they needed more than that to live as husband and wife. He was in for a long struggle.

  Hannah didn’t realize how hard life could be. Chad would have never gone down the wrong path if things hadn’t gone so wrong early in his life. Hannah had never experienced that. As her parents said, she was spoiled.

  Although Chad felt he could make a good living as the land agent, he’d never make enough to go in the wealthy circles Hannah’s family walked in. He didn’t think she understood the implications.

  Hannah needed time to see how she really felt.

  Hannah hugged his arm. “I’m so excited. The house is our first thing to do as a couple. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Hannah, I meant what I said. About you finding out how you really feel. Do some hard thinking to see if you can be happy living out here in Montana and getting used to not having everything you want. Life can be hard. I know that. I don’t think you do.”

  “Don’t underestimate me, Chad Dawson. I know I’ve had it easy all my life. I also know that I don’t want to marry a man just because he is wealthy. I want to feel. To know that our love is real. Together, we can work through any troubles that come our way.”

  He hugged her and kissed the top of her head. “I do love you, Hannah Durand. For now, let’s do as the preacher recommended. Let’s just agree to be honest with each other in every way. I want you as my wife, but only if it is the desire of your heart.”

  “It is.” Tears rimmed her eyes. “Please, believe me.”

  “I do. Let’s go and see the house.” Chad put her arm in his as they walked to the house.

  Hannah tugged on Chad. “I can’t believe it’s our house.”

  Chad smiled at her and fished the keys from his pocket. “Do you want to go inside now?”

  “Do you have time?”

  Chad looked at his watch. “Not really. I better get back to work.” He handed her the keys. “If you want to, go ahead and look inside.”

  “I’ll wait until we can look together. I better go and talk with Mother. Pray for me.”

  “I have been praying for you. The first day I saw you and fell out of my chair, I started praying for you. I love you, Hannah.”

  She blew him a kiss. “I love you.”

  “I’ll see you for dinner?”

  “Yes, and you can meet my mother.”

  “I’ll be at the hotel as soon as I lock the place up.” Chad watched her walk away. He smiled and prayed that the Lord would protect her. And if it was God’s will, that Hannah would be his wife.

  Chapter 15

  Hannah walked up to her father’s suite. She hoped Pierre wasn’t there but had the feeling he would be. She knocked on the door, and Mother opened it.

  “Oh, good. I was just wondering where you were. We have plans for dinner tonight. The four of us.”

  Hannah followed her into the suite and saw Pierre and her father in a game of chess. “Make that five. Chad will be joining us. He’s anxious to meet you, Mother.”

  Disappointment shone in her mother’s eyes. “Oh, Hannah. I will meet him, but not tonight.”

  Hannah was determined to stand her ground. “I asked him to dinner.”

  “He can meet with us tomorrow.” Father stepped in between them. “Please, Hannah. This is your Mother’s first day with us.”

  Everything in Hanna wanted to stomp her foot and say no. But the preacher’s words echoed in her mind. Honor them that it may go well with you. Well, thinking of it that way, she’d have to tell Chad to change their plans. She hoped he’d understand.

  “All right. Tonight. Then tomorrow, w
e will have dinner with Chad. You and mother and me.” She shot a look at Pierre, who smiled at her as if he didn’t have a care in the world. It was clear, he thought he would win her over. He was wrong.

  “Why don’t you go to your room and change. This town is so dusty.” Mother brushed some dirt from her skirt.

  With a sigh, Hannah nodded. “I’ll do that after I send word to Chad to cancel for tonight. I hope he isn’t too disappointed.”

  Mother smiled. “He will understand. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  Won’t mind? Hannah shook her head as she left the room and walked down to hers. She was tired, but her mind was running full speed. So much to think about. The new house. Chad’s job.

  For tonight, she’d wear something nice, but save her best for tomorrow. Yes, she’d endure tonight and try and enjoy her time. It would be good to visit with Mother. And she’d be cordial to Pierre.

  But her heart belonged to tomorrow night when she had dinner with Chad. She’d wear the blue dress with her matching gloves and fancy shoes. She wanted more than anything to please Chad. And tomorrow, she would in many ways.

  She laid on the bed to rest just for a minute, then she’d go and tell Chad about the change in plans. The sheets were so fresh and cool, and the view out the window so inviting.


  A knock on her door jolted Hannah awake. Long shadows outside told her she’d slept for more than a minute, and she hadn’t told Chad.

  “Hannah, are you ready?” Mother sounded concerned.

  “No, not yet.” Hannah ran to her wardrobe and pulled out the skirt and blouse she’d thought about. After a quick pass by the mirror, she cringed. Her hair was a mess. She ran to the door and let her mother in. “I fell asleep.”

  “Oh, dear. Hannah, the men are already waiting for us. Get dressed, and I’ll help you with your hair.”

  “Mother, I didn’t tell Chad about the change in plans.”

  “Well, we’ll make do with whatever comes up. Goodness, Hannah, what were you thinking? This wasn’t the way I raised you. Being out here in the wilderness has not been good for you.”


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