Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 20

by Lexi Archer

  And boy did Kristi have something for me!

  It wasn't a text message. At least it wasn't words. No, she'd sent me a picture of my wife leaning over a pool table with some muscular college stud standing behind her. It was hard to tell from the angle, it looked like Kristi had gone to pains to make sure she took the picture from an angle where Laura wouldn't be able to see her taking the picture. It was enough for me to see everything though. It looked like this random guy was leaning right up against my wife. It looked like he might even be pressing against her ass though I couldn't tell for sure.

  I felt lightheaded. I wasn't sure if that was because of the feelings overwhelming me after waiting for so long to see something like this, or if it was simply because I was running out of blood to think because all of it was draining from my brain and other important parts of my body and moving down to my cock which was calling all hands on deck. Whatever the reason, I was having one hell of a hard time thinking. I was having one hell of a hard time doing anything but concentrating on every pixel of that picture on my phone screen.

  Damn that was hot! My hand moved down towards my cock, but I stopped myself. No, I didn't want to jerk off. Not right now. Not when there was a very good a possibility that there were more pictures to come. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin the fun before it started by having a dishonorable discharge right out of the starting gate.

  And so it was back to the terror and the tedium. I didn't send a message back. I figured if Kristi wanted input from me then she'd ask for it. I didn't want to risk sending her a text, having her phone buzz at the wrong moment, and accidentally get her caught or anything. No, that was the last thing I wanted. So I waited. I looked over that picture. I looked over it again. And again. If I could burn a hole through my phone's screen by staring at it then I certainly would have done it by now.

  I tried to will Kristi to send me a message. To send me an update. To send me anything that might tell me what the hell was going on out there. I even briefly considered just going out there to see what there was to see, but I immediately shot that down. I wasn't sure where they were for one, and it would certainly ruin any chances of anything happening with that guy the moment Laura saw me strolling through the door if I did manage to find the place.

  So I waited, as much as it was killing me.

  My phone vibrated again and I very nearly had a heart attack. I didn't nearly drop it this time though. I figured that was an improvement.

  "Looks like your wife is really having a good time with the guy she pulled," Kristi texted.

  I decided that was an invitation for me to send a text back. Either she was playing fast and loose or she was in a spot where she could send a message safely. Whatever. I was going to throw caution to the wind.

  "Oh really? How do you figure?"

  Once more the answer wasn't a text. It was a picture. It was difficult to make out exactly what was going on since she was taking it from a weird angle again, the image was a little blurry, and it was dark in the bar which would make it difficult to see things even if I was there in person and not squinting at pixels captured through the lens of a crappy cell phone camera on a smart phone that hadn't been updated in a couple of years because Kristi tended to be a cheapskate when it came to getting the latest and greatest in cell phone technology.

  Still, it was more than enough for me to get the gist of what my wife was up to. And damn. She was being even more naughty out there than she'd been last night when she was out on the dance floor with that guy.

  I could clearly see the guy she'd been flirting with earlier, the guy she'd been talking to actually. I didn't know if they were flirting, though their position made it seem like that was a pretty good guess. And what I was seeing now made it seem like that was definitely a really good guess.

  She was leaning over the pool table once more. And once more he was right behind her. He was leaning over her. Only this time Kristi had taken the picture at an angle which left absolutely no doubt that he was grinding up against my wife's ass.

  And she was smiling! She was actually grinning at the contact. He was leaning over her with one hand down grasping her arm. The other one was on her other side almost encircling her. It looked like he was giving her pointers on how to play pool. I'd pulled that move often enough with girls back before I got together with Laura that I knew how the game was played. I knew exactly what this guy was doing. And damn was it a turn on watching that. Damn was it a turn on seeing my wife being so naughty like that! I could hardly believe it. We'd gone from her refusing to even entertain the idea of a hall pass to her letting some random guy she'd just met grind up against her ass in a bar. Letting some guy lean over her and practically dry hump her!

  To say my cock was throbbing would be an understatement. My cock was pulsing so hard, all the blood was leaving my body at such a rapid pace, that I worried I might actually lose consciousness. Now that would be a trick. I was imagining Laura and Kristi coming back to the hotel room only to find me collapsed on the floor.

  "Looks like things are going well," I said. "You're a good wing woman."

  "This is all your wife buddy," Kristi texted back. "I was just the one who got her out to the club. Everything from there was all her."

  I smiled. Now that was very interesting. So it appeared that Laura was up for a little fun. Was up for maybe taking advantage of my hall pass after all. I never would have imagined it actually happening given the way she objected so vehemently every time I brought it up in the past, but at the same time I wasn't going to argue with Kristi's results.

  "So where do we go from here?" I asked.

  There were a few minutes between my message and her next response. I started to worry that she'd gotten caught. Immediately worst-case scenarios ran through my mind. Laura storming back to the hotel. Coming into the suite and screaming at me for setting her up like that. She claimed she wanted to take baby steps despite her actions screaming something else entirely, and I could see her somehow blaming me that she'd gone from baby steps this morning to a letting that guy a dry hump her in the evening. It wasn't exactly my fault, except for setting the whole thing in motion by having the fantasy in the first place of course, but I knew that's not how things would it play out if she discovered that Kristi and I were working together.

  I was breathing hard. Blood was pumping through my heart as well as through my cock. I hadn't felt this nervous about waiting for a phone call, waiting for a text message, since back when I started dating Laura. Back when we were doing that initial getting to know you dance that everybody does, when you're still not quite sure about the other person or whether they're even going to call you back in the first place.

  That was a dance I didn't miss. Having it suddenly come into my life when I was happily married and settled down wasn't exactly welcome, but I figured it was part of the price of admission if I was going to do this. Particularly if I was going to have to rely on a partner in crime like Kristi.

  Then Kristi texted me and all those worries went away.

  "How far do you want this to go?" she asked.

  Such a simple question. How far did I want this to go? Eight words. Eight words that could change the course of my life, could change the course of my relationship with Laura forever.

  I knew how far my cock wanted this to go. I knew how far I'd want this to go if I was in my fantasy world where Laura alternated between being a seductive temptress who lured other men into her web and an outright wanton slut who cheated on me at every opportunity. In that fantasy world I'd immediately give Kristi the go-ahead.

  Only I thought to what Laura talked about earlier today. All that stuff she said about this potentially threatening our relationship, about the need to take this slow, had been running through my mind on repeat. And so that set up a situation where if I'd been asked that question yesterday I would've said yes in an instant. Only today I hesitated for just a moment.

  Another buzz. Another message. "Gonna need an answer on that soo
ner rather than later. The opportune moment might go if we wait too long."

  Damn. I was on a timer. This was killing me. I was playing with fire and I was risking having our relationship burn as a result. I worried that even if Laura was having fun right now, even if she was enjoying being just a little bit slutty with this guy, that in the cold light of the morning she'd be pissed off again just like she was this morning.

  Only I thought back to that picture. I thought about how fucking hot it looked. The smile on her face. And through it all my cock was throbbing. My cock was doing most of the thinking for me.

  And I knew what my answer was. I knew what my answer was always going to be, regardless of how much navel gazing I was doing. It was the answer I was always going to give, even if my brain was paying lip service to all of Laura's worries.

  I started tapping into my phone.

  "Take it as far as it will go," I said.

  My thumb hovered over the send button for the briefest of moments. This was it. This was the moment of truth. This was the moment that could either destroy our relationship or bring us to a new understanding that would finally fulfill my deepest fantasy and obsession.

  I hit send. The die was cast. Now it was time to see how things played out.

  14: Wing Woman

  I came up for air and disentangled myself from Ray's arms. Damn was he a little handsy. He looked like he might've been my type a year or two ago before he discovered the joys of unlimited drinking at the frat house and put on the freshmen fifty, but now he left something to be desired. I hoped Dave appreciated everything I was doing as his wing woman.

  I also hoped that all the booze this Ray guy had been packing away would do the trick when we got back to the hotel room. I moved over to Laura and leaned in close, whispering just loud enough that I figured her guy could hear everything I was saying.

  "So it's still pretty early and Ray mentioned they had some booze back in their hotel room," I said.

  I expected to see a look of panic crossing Laura's face. She did look a little worried, to be sure, but not nearly as much as I would've thought. No, there was something else there. Excitement. Interesting. This might be easier than I thought.

  Not that her excitement stopped her from putting up just a little resistance.

  "Don't you think we should be getting back to our own hotel room?" Laura asked.

  Okay, so maybe I was going to have to do a little bit of encouraging. I grabbed Laura's arm and pulled her away from the pool table where we wouldn't be overheard. As I yanked her away I reflected on how nuts this scenario was. I was duping her into thinking she was acting as my wing woman while I was acting unbeknownst to her as her wing woman to get her with another guy and at the same time knownst to her husband I was acting as his wing woman at the same time with that move. It was all very convoluted and I went cross-eyed just thinking about it.

  "Come on Laura, I need this."

  "You want me to go back with you to some strange guy’s hotel room? No way."

  "Laura… They're nice enough. And they did save us earlier."

  "No way."

  "I don't see what the big deal is."

  "I'm married," she said. "I can't be your wing woman no matter how hot the guy is because of Dave!"

  There was a sudden twinkle in Kristi's eye. "So you do think he's hot? I knew it!"

  Laura blushed and slapped a hand to her mouth. Did she really just say that out loud? Either she was letting this guy get in her head or those frozen drinks and the beers were going to her head. Either way I knew an opening when I saw it. Laura looked down. "That's what I'm afraid of. How much I want to. Things... I almost lost control last night. If I put myself in that position again I don't know what'll happen."

  "Come on Laura. Just think of it as another part of our adventure. It's not like you have to fuck the guy, no matter how much you want to."

  Laura smacked me on the arm. "Fine. I'll go with you just to prove that no one can keep her legs shut like a married woman."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Those sound like betting words to me."

  Laura raised her own eyebrows. "Maybe they are. What are the terms?"

  "Well little miss self-righteous," I said. "You resist that stud and I leave you alone and let you enjoy your vacation in peace. No more adventures for the rest of the week. I go out and rebound all on my own."

  "Fair enough. And if pigs start flying and you win?" I asked.

  What I was thinking was crazy. What I was thinking was impossible. And yet I thought back to how crazy I'd gone this weekend looking at Dave. Looking at Laura. I thought back to that night interrupted so long ago. I looked Laura up and down in an appraising way that had her eyebrows shooting up even more. And the words came out of my mouth before I could stop it. I was thinking with the brain down below, and the brain down below was wanting a little bit of the impossible this evening.

  "Maybe it's the whiskey talking, but seeing you in that halter top and skirt reminds me of the Luau at the Lambda Delta Iota house our sophomore year," I said. I took a step closer and ran a finger down Laura's arm. I was gratified to see that she shivered and goose bumps rose along her arm. She looked at me and smiled a hesitant smile.

  Oh yeah. She remembered that night too. At the time we'd stopped because of the potential for ruining friendships. Now, on this vacation, so far from home and with so many inhibitions already being thrown out, I realized I didn't give a fuck. I realized that I wanted Laura as much as I wanted Dave.

  And besides, I figured I could always play it off as a joke later. Say it was the booze talking. If I lost.

  "Kristi. You know we can't. Dave..."

  "Dave won't be a problem if you lose this bet," I said with a smile.

  "Fine. You're on."

  Damn. I couldn't believe that worked! I searched her face for some indication that she was joking, that she was reluctant, but instead I just saw her breathing pick up a little. I saw her pupils dilate. Okay, so maybe she'd thought of that night more than once over the years. Maybe I wasn't acting as crazy as I felt.

  I giggled and turned to give Ray a thumbs up. He broke into a grin like he'd just won the lottery, which I suppose in a way he had. I'm sure there wasn't a shortage of hot girls who were willing to bed slightly chubby frat types here, but he was acting like he'd just won the sexy girl lottery or something. Either I was that hog, which was an ego boost, or he was that drunk, which was one hell of a relief since I desperately wanted him to pass out when we got back to the hotel.

  Alex had a smile of his own plastered across his face. Except that smile wasn't the same as the eager grin of his friend. It was quiet.



  It looked like he knew exactly what he wanted even if Laura wasn't quite sure that she wanted it. Yet. Briefly I wondered what it was that had me so caught up in this fantasy. It wasn't just trying to help out Dave and Laura. Not anymore. It had become something more. An obsession for me as much as it was for Dave. I couldn't explain why I wanted Laura to let loose like this any more than Dave could explain why he was so enthralled by the idea of his wife with another man.

  Whatever. I didn't need an explanation. Thinking stuff over was what Laura did. I jumped first and looked later.

  “Besides,” I said with a thin smile playing across my face. “Something tells me Dave would enjoy it if you went back to their room.”

  Laura groaned and rolled her eyes. “I'm starting to wish I never told you about all that.”

  "But you did! Come on Laura. Just think of it as another part of our adventure. It's not like you have to fuck the guy, no matter how much you want to." I winked. “No matter how much Dave wants you to.”

  As we walked out of the bar I pulled my phone out to check my text messages. Nothing new, but that last one from Dave was still glowing on my screen. "Take it as far as it will go."

  Well he was about to get his wish in one hell of a major way.

  15: Fantasy Fulfill

  I was pleasantly surprised when we reached their hotel. It was one of the nicer places, right on the beach. Now keep in mind that nicer is a relative term, especially when it's Daytona we're talking about, but still.

  And their room ended up being a suite on one of the top floors that was almost as big as the place we had back at our hotel which was already pretty swanky. Well, pretty swanky relative to everything else. Apparently these guys had some money to back up their frat boy image.

  "So where's this beer you were talking about?" Kristi asked.

  "I have some in the mini fridge back in my room," Ray slurred. He'd had some trouble keeping his balance as we made our way back to their hotel and I'm pretty sure he fell asleep against the elevator wall on the way up. At least Alex had to nudge him.

  He had the figure of a guy who really liked to pack away the booze, and tonight seemed like no exception. I was starting to wonder if he'd stay conscious long enough for Kristi to have some of the rebound fun she seemed to be looking for.

  "All right! Bring it on," Kristi said.

  And with that she was gone like a flash down the dark hall that led to Ray's bedroom. Ray grinned at Alex and didn't waste a single moment following her, though he did nearly stumble and fall a couple of times and at least once he had to lean against the wall for a few minutes. Long enough that I thought he might've passed out right there, but then he shook his head and lumbered the rest of the way to what I presumed was his room.

  A door slammed shut somewhere in the darkness and I was left standing in the living area with this gorgeous man, not my husband, who I'd only met that night. Exactly the sort of situation I told myself I wasn't going to get in the middle of. Especially after last night when I almost got too carried away dancing. My pulse was picking up. My breath was coming in ragged gasps. I felt impossibly hot and I was so damn wet and excited between my legs.

  Not good even though it felt so damn good.


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