Love at the Italian Lake

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Love at the Italian Lake Page 19

by Darcie Boleyn

  ‘Can’t you hire someone else local to help?’

  Phoebe shook her head. ‘Tried. But everyone is busy. So I have no idea what I’m going to do. You know, Sophia, you work so hard and try so hard and before you know it… everything just crashes down around your ears.’

  ‘No it doesn’t.’


  ‘It doesn’t have to.’

  ‘But it has.’

  ‘It seems that way right now but I have an idea. Will you be okay for half an hour if I just pop out?’


  Sophia tapped the side of her nose. ‘I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure. What time’s the wedding tomorrow?’

  ‘Two. But they need photographs at the bride’s hotel first.’

  ‘So from one o’clock then?’


  ‘I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

  Phoebe nodded, then swayed suddenly and crashed into the small fridge in the corner of the room.

  ‘Phoebe!’ Sophia rushed over to her. ‘Have you been drinking?’

  ‘Noooo…’ Phoebe shook her head and giggled.

  ‘Have you taken something?’

  ‘Just a teensy little pill to help me through the day.’

  ‘What pill?’

  ‘They’re prescribed by my doctor to help keep me calm. I don’t take them very often because they’re actually quite… strong.’

  ‘Come on.’ Sophia led Phoebe over to the sofa in front of the office window and helped her to lie down. Stay on your side and have a nap. You’ll feel better if you sleep it off.’

  ‘Okey-dokey!’ Phoebe waved at Sophia then closed her eyes, wriggled a bit and released a huge fart.

  Sophia bit her lip to stop herself laughing loudly in response. Phoebe was usually so refined and composed. She must be seriously stressed. Sophia didn’t want to see her new friend so worked up and she felt compelled to help her in any way she could. This meant, however, that she had to deal with thinking about something she had been hoping to delay for at least another few hours, if not another day, by going to see Joe.

  She grabbed the keys off Phoebe’s desk and went out into the sunny morning, closing the door behind her.

  If anyone could fix this, Joe could. But would he be willing to help?

  Sophia had a feeling that the kind and generous man would be happy to.

  Which was great for Phoebe.

  But it also meant that Sophia, in spite of her vow to distance herself from Joe, would now have to spend the next day in his company.

  And she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that right now.


  ‘Explain exactly what you want me to do.’ Joe folded his arms across his chest and stared at Sophia. She’d come rushing into his uncle’s hotel, red-faced, shaky and a bit sweaty from running, then blurted out something about a wedding, Phoebe and a disaster, and he hadn’t understood exactly what it was that she needed him for. ‘Did you say you need to borrow my camera?’

  She nodded, then shook her head, then frowned.

  ‘Not quite. I need you.’ She took hold of his hands and squeezed them tight. ‘We need you.’

  ‘We being you and Phoebe?’

  ‘Yes. Will you do it?’

  ‘Will I do what?’

  ‘Oh… Sorry. I’m just a bit of a muddle this morning and I need to get back to Phoebe because she’s taken some sort of tranquiliser or something and she was sleeping when I left her but she might wake up and—’

  ‘Sophia, calm down. Take a deep breath then explain slowly.’

  ‘Right. Phoebe’s partner is pregnant and off work – well, she’s leaving in fact to return to the UK, but that doesn’t matter right now as she’s on bedrest – and she normally does the wedding photographs. Phoebe can’t get another photographer and I suggested you might be able to do it. Will you do it, please?’

  ‘Look, I used to take photos for a local paper, and for pleasure, but wedding photography is a totally different thing.’

  ‘But you’re great. I’ve seen the photographs you’ve taken of the scenery and people and that blon…’ She bit her lip and looked away. ‘And flowers and the castle and I just think you’d be really good at it. You’re going to do things for your blog, right?’

  ‘Yes, well I’m considering it… but a wedding would be a lot of pressure.’

  ‘I know. It would. But I believe you could do it. You’re good with people and you have a great eye for taking excellent photographs.’

  He paused. Being made redundant had rocked his self-confidence and he hadn’t realized how much until this moment. He did enjoy taking photographs and had loved taking them of Sophia in Verona, but doing them for a wedding was a huge responsibility. He didn’t know if he was up to the challenge.

  ‘You can do this, Joe.’

  ‘You honestly think that?’

  She nodded. ‘Absolutely. You know, you could do a bit of research today and get some ideas.’

  ‘You’ve thought this through?’

  ‘Yes. I believe in you, Joe.’ A flush crept up her chest and into her cheeks as she smiled at him. Her dark eyes were luminescent in her beautiful face, windows to her heart and mind.

  She believes in me!

  His heart felt so full of emotion that it caused him to press a hand to his chest.

  ‘Joe, what is it?’ Sophia’s expression had changed to one of concern.

  ‘Oh. It’s just… something you said.’

  When had anyone actually told him that they believed in him? He’d spent his whole life trying to prove he was good enough, that he matched up to James, only to be told that he never would. Even with his declining mental state, his father’s treatment of him hadn’t softened, hadn’t improved. And his mother just went along with it all, following his father’s lead like a lost sheep. And it had hurt so badly for so long.

  But now, here was a woman untainted by prejudice; who hadn’t known his brother, who hadn’t heard his parents’ version of events and who hadn’t heard anything about him from anyone else. Sophia was taking him at face value, as she found him, and he liked it. He liked the way she saw him, the way she looked at him and the way she made him feel.

  Was this what love was all about? The love that people died for, surrendered crowns for and moved thousands of miles from home for?

  Am I in love? Really, truly in love?

  He’d sworn he’d never marry, never let anyone close again after the disastrous way his first attempt at love had gone and because he never wanted to be in danger of repeating his parents’ mistakes, of creating a family, having more than one child and treating one less favourably than the other. It would be wrong and he would never want to do that to someone.

  Yet Sophia made him think that anything was possible.

  He’d lost his job, another thing for his parents to find fault with, and here he was in Italy, trying to find himself, to decide what it was he wanted to do, when opportunity had suddenly landed on his doorstep. It was scary, yes, but it was the chance to prove himself. Sophia needed his help and he wouldn’t let her down.

  ‘I’ll do it.’

  ‘You will?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Sophia flung herself into his arms and as he hugged her, he lifted her off her feet. She was so light and warm and soft, and she fit against him just right. Her arms were tight around his neck and her face was pressed against his. He could have held her like that all day.

  ‘Joe?’ Sophia whispered.


  ‘I think you better put me down.’

  ‘What? Why?’

  ‘People are looking.’

  He reluctantly released her and she slid down to her feet where she straightened her blouse and tidied her hair. When she looked up and met his gaze, she beamed at him.

  ‘So you can go tell Phoebe she’s got herself a photographer.’

  ‘I’m so grateful, Joe. You’re just… you’re the best!’

  ‘You’re the best.’

  ‘No, you’re the best!’

  They stood smiling at each other.

  ‘I think you two should maybe get a room?’ It was Uncle Niccolo, walking past with a tray of glasses.

  ‘Excuse me?’ Joe turned what he hoped was a shocked expression on his uncle, but Niccolo just shrugged.

  ‘You two… electricity crackling… glances smouldering… hearts appearing above your heads. You are in love. It is obvious to everyone around you. Romantico!’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ Joe tried to laugh but it caught in his throat and when he glanced at Sophia, her mouth had fallen open.

  ‘Yes. That’s just… ridiculous.’ She shook her head.

  ‘This time next year, there’ll be campane di nozze.’ Niccolo hummed the wedding march as he walked away.

  ‘Don’t mind him. He’s just teasing.’ Joe said, wondering what Sophia was thinking now. Would his uncle have shocked and terrified her?

  ‘I don’t mind. But I’d better get back to the office. Are you working later?’

  ‘Until eight but then I should do some research, charge the camera and all that.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘What time tomorrow?’

  ‘Wedding’s at two but they want bridal party pictures taken before that, so could you come to the office around twelve and we can go through some plans?’

  ‘See you then.’


  Sophia reached out and gently patted his arm, as if afraid to get too close to him again, then she turned and walked away. He watched as she went down the steps to the lake path.

  But he couldn’t let her go like that.

  He ran after her.


  ‘Joe?’ She gazed up at him.

  ‘You didn’t say goodbye properly.’

  ‘I didn’t?’


  ‘How should we say goodbye then?’ Her eyes danced with mischief.

  ‘Like this.’

  He slid his arms around her waist and lowered his head until their lips met. Then he kissed her slowly, gently, tasting her and breathing her in. He didn’t want to let her go but he also knew that he now had a mission. She trusted him, so he’d do his best to repay that trust.

  ‘See you tomorrow.’

  ‘Okay.’ Her smile was bright and her eyes shone. ‘Until then.’

  She turned and walked away, then disappeared from sight.

  Joe had work to do in the hotel then planning to do for tomorrow. He could do this and he’d do a great job. He already had some ideas about the type of shots he’d like to take and how he’d use the beautiful scenery to his advantage.

  Sophia had just provided him with an opportunity to prove himself in more ways than one.

  Yet he didn’t believe that he actually needed to prove himself to her at all.

  He had a feeling that she believed in him anyway.

  After all, she’d told him so herself.

  And that felt pretty damned good indeed.

  Chapter 20

  ‘Isn’t it beautiful here?’

  ‘Incredibly,’ Sophia replied. Her mother had insisted on walking her to the office the next morning so she could get some fresh air.

  ‘I do hope Phoebe is feeling better today.’

  ‘I’m sure she will be.’ When Sophia had returned to the office after going to see Joe, she’d found Phoebe still fast asleep and she had stayed that way for the next three hours. Then she’d been raring to go when Sophia had told her that Joe would be their standin photographer, and had taken Sophia out for dinner to celebrate.

  ‘It’s a challenge running your own business. Lots of pressure.’

  ‘I know that for sure. Seeing what you and Dad went through while I was growing up.’

  ‘We have worked hard to keep it all together.’

  ‘Do you ever think about moving back out here?’

  Her mum paused for a bit then shook her head. ‘Our life is in England and has been since we had you children. We have roots there and grandchildren now. Yet, having said that, the world is smaller these days with the internet and planes flying from anywhere. Few places are really far away now. But with Kaisha and the children… I couldn’t leave them behind. Even when we retire, I think your brothers will take over, but Dad will still want to be there to help out if they need him to.’

  ‘I can understand that.’

  ‘What it doesn’t mean though, Sophia, is that you have to come back with me. You can choose to live elsewhere. Obviously, I’d miss you, deeply, but my main hope for you is that you’ll be happy. Wherever that is and whomever it’s with. I love you so much and all I’ve ever wanted is for you to grow healthy and strong and to enjoy your life. Our time on earth is so short.’

  ‘Thanks, Mum. I just… I’ve been feeling like perhaps England isn’t where I should be right now. I mean, I love your home but the apartment was never really home; it was just somewhere I slept. After Lee and I split up and I could see that I’d been wasting my time for so long, it made me want to get away. And now I know for certain that I want to… I don’t know how to explain it, other than to say I want to live.’

  ‘Of course you do.’

  ‘Right now, I have no idea what’s going to happen but I feel so optimistic.’

  ‘I’m very happy to hear that, bella.’

  ‘But what about you? What happens next?’

  They stopped walking and her mother ran a hand through her dark hair. Sophia watched her carefully. ‘I’m going to try to find my father.’


  ‘I have to. I need to know.’

  ‘But, Mum… that could just lead to more heartbreak. What if he’s horrible and mean and… what if he turns you away?’ She took her mother’s hand.

  ‘Then so be it, Sophia. But I’ve come this far, learned so much already and after speaking to Stella yesterday, it became clear to me that I needed to find out more about the man who got Maria pregnant, then abandoned her.’

  Sophia’s heart pounded as she tried to think of the best thing to say. This was surely a route that would end in more pain for her mother. She’d had a father in Nonna’s husband. Why did she want to go chasing after a man who never cared in the first place?

  ‘Look, Sophia, I know you’re finding this difficult to process. I’m finding it hard, and don’t know my own mind about it… yet. But I will do. The thing is… time is of the essence. He could already be dead but if he’s not… I could have a chance to see him, speak to him and to ask him why. That at least has to be worth the risk.’

  ‘Oh, Mum.’

  ‘I’ll be fine, bella.’

  ‘You are one of the strongest people I know. But I’m worried about you.’

  ‘Well I’ve worried about you since the day I knew you were growing in my belly. Loving people comes with a whole heap of worry. But better that than not to feel love or to be loved in return.’

  ‘When will you go?’


  ‘So soon?’

  ‘Why sit around driving myself crazy?’

  ‘How will you know where to look?’

  ‘Nonna has an address. It’s not a definite, as Maria wasn’t able to connect with him again apparently, but Nonna managed to procure this from a contact years later. She kept it just in case.’

  ‘I should come with you.’

  ‘I know you have things to do today. Phoebe needs your help. Besides, this is probably something I need to do alone.’

  They’d arrived at the office.

  ‘Well take care.’

  Her mother nodded, then pulled her in for a hug. ‘I will, I promise.’

  ‘Call if you need me.’

  ‘You too. I’ll see you back at Nonna’s later.’

  ‘Love you.’

  ‘Love you too.’ Her mum turned and walked away and Sophia went inside. She was worried about her mother but she had a lot to do with the wedding, so she’d hav
e to put her worries to one side and focus on that. She would catch up with her mother later and hope that it all went smoothly.

  What else could she do?

  ‘How’re you feeling?’ Sophia asked Phoebe when she entered the office.

  ‘Better. And thank you so much!’

  ‘Whatever for?’

  ‘Sorting everything out after I took some… time out yesterday.’

  ‘To be honest, I think you needed that time out. You’ve had a stressful few weeks.’

  ‘But it’s all about to get better, right?’

  ‘Absolutely. So what do you need me to do?’

  ‘Well… I have this list and it’s as good a place to start as any.’ Phoebe held up a piece of paper. ‘But coffee first!’

  An hour later, everything was ready to go, Phoebe and Sophia had downed three coffees and Joe had sent a text to say he was on his way.

  ‘Are you sure that my outfit’s okay?’ Sophia asked Phoebe for the fifth time.

  ‘It is. You look perfect. Smart but not too dressy. We need to blend in like guests so the wedding party don’t feel we’re being intrusive. But at the same time, we mustn’t outdo the bride. That’s rule number one when you’re a wedding planner.’

  Sophia nodded. She’d picked out a simple pale pink linen dress and matched it with a pair of cream wedge espadrilles. Phoebe had insisted on clipping a fresh white rose into her hair but, apart from that, she had kept her outfit understated. She’d blend in all right but be in no danger of overshadowing the bride.

  Just then, the office door opened and Joe entered.

  ‘Good morning, ladies.’

  Sophia’s cheeks warmed at the sight of him and she tried hard to ignore the way her heart skipped when he approached her.

  ‘Hello, Joe, and thank you so much for doing this.’

  ‘Thanks for asking.’

  ‘Do you have any questions?’ Phoebe asked.

  ‘I’d like to go through my plans with you, if that’s all right. Just to check that I’m on the right track and all that.’


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