Lost in Magic (Night Shadows Book 4)

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Lost in Magic (Night Shadows Book 4) Page 9

by Wulf,Rose

  The impatience in her voice intensified. “And in return?”

  “In return I’ll come quietly,” he said, glad Ali wasn’t there to hear this. She’d surely disapprove. “If we can wrap this up first, if you’ll help me, I won’t resist when it’s time to go.”

  Rhea laughed, the sound echoing across the phone line. “As if you could resist me surrounded by ocean.”

  “Rhea, please,” he said, swallowing the bitter taste of his pride. “This is bigger than us.”

  “That’s debatable,” she said, her tone short. But he sensed her pause and held his tongue. “Still, the Council would disapprove of me turning my back on a vampire problem. So I’ll agree to your terms. But understand that when I say we go, we go. Immediately.”

  This is such a bad call. “Agreed.”

  The line clicked without pause and Mick pulled the phone from his ear. He plugged it back into the charger and moved to the balcony for some air. He was pretty sure he had a lead on their vampire, whether he liked it or not, and his gut insisted he’d need Rhea’s power to survive the fight that would follow.

  The old man, Boris, had put on a hell of an act. He played innocent old man flawlessly. Or, rather, as flawlessly as he could. But Mick’s gut twisted just thinking about the man. Those dark, unflinching eyes. That pale, covered skin. The black attire. The fact that Mick had only caught fleeting glimpses of perfectly white teeth behind the man’s thin lips. As if he were hiding something.

  Most vamps had control of when their fangs descended, it was true, but not all. And Mick suspected this man was older than the vampires he was used to. How much older, he had no way to know. But for a man portraying himself as frail and aged, he emanated a sense of strength Mick couldn’t put his finger on. His grip had been weak, but even that had felt calculated. Deliberate.

  Sure, he could be grasping at straws, but his instincts were usually sound. And his instinct insisted that Boris was dangerous. Boris, and likely the younger man who’d come to fetch him. Another man with dark eyes and long sleeves over pants. Sure, the younger one was wearing denim jeans and dark gray instead of black, with no hat or sunglasses, but they were probably still the only two on the entire ship dressed so completely.

  A soft knock at the door told him Ali was probably waiting on him. She’d texted him just minutes earlier saying she was stepping into the elevator. So now he had to tell her what he’d discovered and, though he didn’t want to, what he’d had to do as a result.

  She wasn’t going to like it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “But I think she was hiding something,” Allison said in conclusion as she watched Mick for a reaction. She’d told him about her conversation with the nurse, and how as they’d talked she’d come to suspect that there actually was something suspicious going on behind the scenes. Though whether the nurse just wasn’t permitted to talk about it or was herself in on this conspiracy was anyone’s guess. But the entire time Allison had been talking, Mick had been acting funny. Like he had something else on his mind.

  When he failed to offer more than a frown and a grunt of acknowledgment Ali sat forward. “Okay, your turn. What’s so distracting?”

  Mick stared at the silent television mounted on the opposite wall for a long minute. Just when she was about to lose her patience he turned his gaze to her on a sigh. “I think I found at least two of our vampires,” he said. “Hopefully the only two.”

  Allison reeled back, nearly losing her sideways balance on the sofa. “What? That’s good! Why didn’t you interrupt me?”

  “Good and bad,” Mick said. “One of them seems older. A lot older. That’s a problem.”

  Frowning and curling one foot beneath her butt, Allison asked, “How is that a problem? What am I missing?”

  Mick leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “The older a vampire gets,” he began, “the more dangerous they are. By nature of the fact that they’ve lived long enough to learn a few things.” He paused and wrapped one hand around his clenched fist. “If a vampire’s strong enough to have a subordinate, especially in a place like this, we could be looking at a situation that’s bigger than us.”

  “Aren’t we already?” It had been her understanding that they were already at a distinct disadvantage here, what with his power being earth-based and her being essentially a civilian in a supernatural battle. To her way of thinking that alone said they were going to have a hard time getting any real traction on the situation. So she shrugged and said, “One vampire, two vampires—old, young—what difference does it make?”

  “If we were on solid ground,” Mick said, finally looking over at her. “None. We’d still have good odds. But we’re not, Ali. I have barely any earth to work with on this ship and we’re completely isolated.”

  Allison leaned forward and rested a palm on his forearm. “We’ll find a way, Mick. We have to. Now tell me about these suspects you found.”

  “Suspects?” Mick repeated, a flash of amusement flickering in his eyes. But it passed and he released a breath. “I met an old man in one of the restaurants. Complete cliché, all in black with long sleeves, pants, a hat—even sunglasses.”

  Ali found herself drawing a mental image of the nice elderly man she’d met twice now in passing. Come to think of it … both times she’d seen him he’d matched that description. But did that mean he was a vampire? “Couldn’t he just not like the sun?”

  “Sure,” Mick said. “But on a cruise? That’s kind of suspicious. Especially a cruise to the Bahamas.”

  He did have a point.

  Pursing her lips, Ali asked a question she didn’t want to know the answer to. “Is his name Boris?”

  Alarm lit Mick’s eyes and he shifted to better face her. “It is. You’ve run across him?”

  Ali nodded, letting him tangle his hands with hers without resistance. “Yes, in passing. He always seemed friendly.”

  “Of course he did,” Mick said, tightening his grip. “Ali, does he know where your room is? Does he have any clue?”

  Attempting to ease his worries with a smile, Allison said, “He shouldn’t. I met him on the dock before we set sail and then again in line for breakfast.”

  Mick released a breath and lifted her knuckles to his lips.

  Trying to ignore the useless fluttering of her heart, Allison asked the question burning inside her. “What else is distracting you?”

  His grip loosened and he looked up at her. Something akin to guilt stole across his face for a beat and her heart clenched. What could it be?

  “After I got back from my meeting with Boris,” Mick said carefully, “I realized how out of our depth we are here. Especially with at least one younger vampire answering to him. Who knows how many more there might be.”


  She wasn’t sure what she’d intended to say, but when his cell phone went off she dropped it. He would probably have to answer that.

  Mick frowned again and released her hands in order to move to where his phone was resting, charging on the side table. He lifted it without unplugging it. “Jude?”

  Allison’s heartrate doubled as she worried what kind of trouble Jude could be calling about. They’d asked him to call Mick’s cell if anything strange happened. But they’d also expressed their sympathetic desire to be there supportively and she had to hope that was why the grieving man was calling now.

  “No, no, you did good,” Mick said, unplugging his phone and turning a glare out the window. “I agree, that’s very suspicious. You should contact someone you’ve already dealt with and follow-up. Just to verify it.”

  Verify what? Oh, Ali wished she could hear Jude’s half of the conversation.

  “Out of curiosity,” Mick asked, “could you describe him?” Another, longer pause and some head nodding. Allison wondered if Jude was describing one of the vampire suspects Mick had met earlier. “Really? He said that? I’m no expert, but I’d feel the same way if I were you.” A brief pause followed before Mick added, �
��Please do. Okay, try to get some sleep. And keep your phone charged, okay?”

  Mick disconnected, rubbed a hand down his face, and returned to the sofa. He dropped the phone back onto the table and turned his attention to her. “Someone matching the younger vamp’s description came to Jude’s door, asking questions about his mom. He tried letting himself in and everything.”

  “Oh my gosh,” Allison said, the breath rushing from her lungs. “But he’s okay?”

  Mick nodded. “The guy backed off when one of Jude’s neighbors walked by. I told him to contact one of the crew members he’s been dealing with.”

  “But is he going to be all right?” Ali pushed, concern filling her chest. “What if the vampire comes back while he’s asleep?”

  Mick sighed. “Hard to say. I guess it depends on how much of an easy target, or a necessary target, they think he’ll be. I’ll call him in a little while to check on him.”

  Allison brought a hand to her mouth, mumbling, “This is crazy. It’s so complicated.”

  “It is,” Mick said with a nod. He lifted a guilty gaze to her and her stomach twisted. “To complicate it more, there’s one other thing I need to tell you.” He didn’t pause long enough for her to ask the obvious question. “I called Rhea.”

  Sucking in a breath, Allison asked, “Why would you do that?”

  “Because we’re in over our heads out here,” Mick replied. “Because like it or not, Rhea’s damn good at what she does and we could use the help. So I made a deal with her.”

  Dread settled like heavy, leaden weights in her chest. “And I’m not going to like this deal, am I?”

  Mick shook his head. “I agreed to go with her without incident if she’d help us first.”


  Warner paused, keycard in hand, at the sight of the elderly man knocking on Allison’s door. He’d seen the man once or twice before around the ship, but never around Allison. What the hell’s going on? First that prick stayed over, then that other guy showed up crying this morning, and now some old man was looking for her?

  “Excuse me,” he called, tucking his keycard away and turning toward the man. “Are you looking for Allison?”

  The elderly man turned and smiled, arm lowering to his side. “As a matter of fact, I am. Are you friendly with her?”

  “I am,” Warner said. “But I don’t think she’s in right now. I haven’t seen her since this morning.”

  “Ah, how unfortunate,” the man said. “Does she have a usual time returning? I thought I might check in on her, what with all of the strangeness going on.”

  Warner inclined his head. “I understand,” he said. “I worry about her, too. She’s hooked up with some sketchy guy.”

  “Has she?” the man asked.


  The man hummed thoughtfully. “A woman traveling alone should be especially vigilant.” He smiled and added, “It comforts me to see a strapping young man looking out for her, though.” He tipped his hat to Warner. “Perhaps I’ll just look for her at breakfast tomorrow, then. Thank you for easing my mind.”

  “Glad I could help,” Warner said with a smile of his own. He watched the older man walk back down the hall and then cut a glance to Allison’s room. She’s probably still out with that guy. He’d just run to the restroom real fast and then he’d keep an eye out to make sure she made it back.

  Someone had to look out for her, after all.


  “You did what?” Ali demanded, anger and surprise in her voice, as she shot to her feet. Mick couldn’t say he was in the least surprised by her response. “What were you thinking?”

  He did his best to keep his response under control. “I already explained, we need the help.”

  “But she’s going to take you away,” Ali argued. Her arms began gesturing and she said, “You’ll wind up in, what, witch prison? For taking a vacation? That’s not okay!”

  He was touched by her concern, but in this moment it was causing unnecessary friction between them. “Ali,” he said, “I wasn’t intending to start a fight on the middle of a cruise ship. And Rhea wouldn’t hesitate to cause a scene if I pushed it.”

  He watched her jaw work as she processed his words. At length she crossed her arms over her chest and said, “I don’t like it. It’s not right. What’s going to happen to you?”

  Pushing to his feet and stepping up to her, Mick said, “I don’t know. I’ve never gone AWOL before.” He placed his hands on her elbows and tugged her up to him. “But I’ll be okay, baby. They’re not going to kill me for this.” They could be unreasonable, but the Council he worked for wasn’t so heartless. Although a part of him whispered “I hope” at the end of that assertion.

  Allison released a breath and slumped into him. “It’s too much,” she admitted. “I can’t even handle the vampire thing, and adding you getting arrested for exerting your basic human rights … I can’t deal with this, Mick.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, Mick pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered. “I wish I could keep this from you.”

  Ali uncurled her arms and wrapped them around his waist. “No,” she said, “I want to be included. I just need a minute to breathe. Vampires … are a sore subject with me. That’s all.”

  He held her tighter, knowing from her tone that she wouldn’t want to talk about why. Maybe someday. The thought gave him pause. Were they working on a “someday” kind of relationship?

  He sure as hell hoped so.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I’ll be fine,” Ali repeated to herself as she watched the other passenger step out of the elevator. She’d meant it when she said the words to Mick just minutes ago. It was amazing how quickly doubt could creep in. She didn’t normally consider herself prone to insecurities, but this cruise was proving to her that everyone worried about something. Or, in her case, that she hadn’t properly dealt with the demons that haunted her. Demons … I hope those aren’t real, too. Something to ask Mick about. If they ever had another moment together not focused on vampires. Which is a big “if” now that he’s promised himself to Rhea.

  Ali hadn’t met the woman and already she disliked her.

  She was so distracted by her thoughts she almost didn’t see Warner in time. He was standing in the hall, between his door and hers. Obviously waiting.

  “Allison,” Warner called, reaching for her shoulder as she neared.

  Ali jerked, side-stepping awkwardly to keep out of Warner’s reach. “Warner.” She really had no desire to ever speak to this man again. Not after the way he’d barged into her room uninvited. How had she thought she could evade him now? More importantly, why is it too much to ask to be able to return to my room for a change of clothes in peace?

  Arm falling to his side, Warner said, “Tell me what’s going on. Is that guy threatening you? And who was that other man?”

  Wow, demanding much? It amazed her that she’d ever found him remotely attractive. “No, Mick’s not threatening me.” You are. “And frankly what’s going on with me is none of your business.” She almost felt guilty for that. Technically all the passengers, Warner included, had a right to know there was a murdering vampire on the ship. But spreading rumors like that would only incite a panic. Panic was the last thing they needed.

  Warner frowned and an uncomfortable chill raced down her spine. “Allison,” he said, “don’t be like that. I’m on your side.”

  The hell you are. “No, Warner, you’ve got your own agenda.” She drew herself up and added, “Please step out of my way.”

  Something flashed in Warner’s eyes, something she didn’t have time to process. Then he’d grabbed her face and slanted his mouth over hers. His kiss was firm. Frightening. She unfroze, anger thawing her shock, at the first stroke of his tongue over her lips. Acting on instinct, Ali threw herself back and brought her palm down on the side of his face.

  “Don’t you dare,” she snapped. “Never touch me again.”

  Without waiting
for his reaction she turned and strode with feigned confidence back the way she’d come. Away from him. No way was she staying alone anywhere near Warner.

  The adrenaline was wearing off by the time the elevator reached Mick’s floor. She couldn’t believe she’d hit someone. But she didn’t feel bad about it. If anything she was proud of her reaction. It was the least that scumbag deserved. I ought to report him. And if she weren’t busy on a vampire hunt she might have. But Warner was the least of her problems.

  Honestly, as screwed up as it was, the vampires barely felt like her biggest problem. She couldn’t get past the imminent threat of Rhea. Mick might have agreed to surrender to her at the end of this, but she hadn’t. She wasn’t giving Mick up without a fight.

  Not that she intended to tell him that just yet.

  Ali pulled her thoughts together, or as together as she could, just in time for Mick to open his door again.

  With one arched dark brow Mick joked, “That was fast.” He stepped aside, a frown settling on his face as he likely realized what she didn’t have with her. “What happened?”

  Allison released a breath as she plopped back on his sofa. She’d left his room in order to grab a change of clothes, intending to stay the night this time in his room. Partially because of Warner and partially because it was easier to have one place to come and go from than two and Mick insisted she not split from him again. A point he wasn’t going to concede after this story.

  “I ran into Warner,” she said before he could repeat his question. She fought a shudder as she remembered Warner’s dry lips pressed into hers. “He was waiting for me.”

  Mick cursed and curled his hands into fists in his lap. “And you couldn’t get in without him shoving his way inside again?” It was barely even a question. He’d clearly made the assumption and he was visibly angry about it.

  Trying not to be touched over Mick’s upset reaction, Allison shifted until her head was resting against his shoulder. “Honestly, I didn’t even try.” The last thing she wanted was a repeat of the last time Warner had been around when she’d been alone in her room. She reached out and caught Mick’s nearest fist, wrapping her hands around it and holding on. “He … he’s scaring me, Mick. As much as I hate admitting it.”


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