The Mating Game

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The Mating Game Page 18

by Melissa Snark

  Zach stiffened and held her hand hard enough to hurt. His mouth adopted a downward turn. “Bollocks. Don’t twist it. I waited so you’d have time to get to know me. I wanted to earn your trust. More than anything, I had to be sure that you chose me because you wanted me.”

  Theresa pursed her lips in a thoughtful gesture. “What changed? How did you go from waiting one day to initiating an active courtship right before this competition for pack leader?”

  Zach’s grip on her remained tight, allowing her to feel the strain his lean frame endured as a result of bunched and corded muscles. The tension between them soared. His lips compressed, and his jaws ground together. For a moment, she thought he’d refuse to provide her with an answer once again. Then, he exhaled, releasing a pent up breath.

  “Adam came to see me Saturday afternoon,” Zach said. “He told me that he intended to retire and that Robert and I would be in competition to become the new Alpha. There was nothing I hadn’t known all along.”

  “But?” Theresa stroked a hand across his forearm, at least so far as his hold on her permitted. “I sense a big but. Is it because Robert is bisexual?”

  Zach’s brow shot up and his mouth opened. “You know about Robert’s orientation?”

  His surprise forced a giggle from her. “Of course I know. Robert spends as much time looking at men as he does women.”

  Zach snorted and shook his head. “Just keep what you know to yourself, love. Adam would use it as ammunition in his personal vendetta against the Beta.”

  The deadly serious nature of his demeanor scared her. “What does Adam want from you?”

  “Adam would rather I kill Robert than allow a black man to become the new leader.” Zach spat the words out, giving voice to the ugly truth. The light in his eyes was murderous, and restrained violence defined his every move.

  Theresa gasped and strained against his grip. This time he let her go, and she pressed a hand to her throat in heartfelt disbelief. “Adam said that?”

  “Yes, he did,” Zach said, speaking as if he had something nasty in his mouth.

  Theresa stared at him in shock. The pack’s Alpha had saved them all from abusive leaders and had long been regarded as a hero. Her recent disillusionment with Adam aside, she still didn’t want to believe such a thing could be true.

  “I don’t get it,” she said. “We’re not human. We’re wolves. Discriminating against someone for the color of their skin is like holding the shade of their fur against them.”

  A sardonic smile twisted Zach’s lips. “Believe me, pet, there are those of our kind so elitist and narrow-minded that they do just that. And frankly, love, I’d rather leave Nevada and head home to London than kill a man for such a reason.”

  She had no desire to undermine him, but there were certain inescapable possibilities that needed to be addressed. “There’s no guarantee that you’d win, Zach.”

  He continued to smile and met her eyes without wavering. “I know that, too. I have even less desire to die to please Adam Teller’s purist ideals.”

  The dark colors and calm of his aura communicated the steadfast nature of his resolve. She understood then where his thoughts were heading and it chilled her to the bone. “You’re thinking of leaving Iron Stone.”

  He nodded. “After I spoke with Adam, I knew my time for courting had run out. I fully intend to take you and Isabel with me if I’m forced to go.”

  Theresa sat in mute silence, attempting to process it, to make some sense of the news. She hurt for Zach, but with each passing second, an absolute certainty became increasingly clear. “I can’t leave, Zach,” she said softly, staring at him with her heart in her eyes. “You can’t leave either. We’re all connected now to one another. Sure there are a few bad people, but there are many more good ones who need us. The pack magic binds us.”

  His grim expression, the tilt of his chin, the look in his eyes acknowledged the reality of what she said. “I won’t go without you, Theresa.”

  “Maybe you and Robert won’t have to fight,” she said, grasping at straws, desperate to find some other solution to their dilemma.

  Zach gave a slow, inevitable shake of his head. “Robert and I are both too dominant for this to have any other outcome. Even if we agree not to kill each other, instinct would take over once combat started. You saw what almost happened in the kitchen this morning.”

  She clung to him and refused to admit defeat. She couldn’t lose him, and she refused to believe that the only solution was violence. “We’ll figure something out. We will.”

  “All right, we’ll figure something out,” he said with a smile.

  Abruptly, she became aware of how exhausted he looked, dark circles under his eyes and a wan complexion. The scruff on his jaw alluded to more than a full twenty-four hours since the last time he’d shaved. His haggard appearance reminded her that he’d traveled all night to be at her side. Robert had said it was a miracle Zach had made it through airport security without an incident.

  “You look tired,” she said.

  “I’m shagged out,” he said.

  She put a comforting hand on his arm, rubbing the bones in his wrist, and then working her way up along the tense muscles in his arm. “You should get some sleep.”

  A low groan of pleasure rumbled in his throat and he started to rise. “I’ll head home and crash for a few hours.”

  She caught his hand and gripped his fingers. Her heart beat faster and she ached to her very core, longing for his touch. “Don’t go.”

  His brow rose, a distinct question in his eyes. His lips parted, and his pupils dilated.

  “You can sleep here,” she said. Maybe too fast. A blush colored her cheeks. “That is, if you’d like to stay.”

  His wolfish grin, the suggestive gleam in his eyes, made her flush hotter. His chuckle stirred her insides and her breath hitched in her throat. “Love, that’s an invitation that I can’t refuse.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Did you get any sleep at all last night?” Theresa asked, climbing the staircase ahead of Zach. He had a nice view of her round arse. The seductive sway of her hips led him deeper into arousal. He had an incredible hard on, making his already tight pants unbearable.

  “Not much.” Truth be told, he’d remained tense the entire flight from Chicago to Reno until his airplane had set down at the airport and he’d received the phone message from Robert letting him know that Theresa was okay. Then, he had relaxed somewhat.

  Theresa reached the top of the stairs and turned back to face him. Zach mustered a tired smile to reassure her, but his energy was at low ebb, rendering his mind sluggish. He took the two final steps with one stride.

  “Your eyes are pretty bloodshot.” Theresa’s small hands reached for his face. She rose on her toes to close the distance between them. She pressed her palms to his scruffy cheeks and then pushed a stray lock of his blond hair away from his forehead.

  “I’m knackered.” Zach closed his eyes, indulging the simple pleasure of being touched. He inhaled, drinking in her familiar scent, awakening the powerful spiritual connection between them so that his wolf spilled into hers and their auras ran together like wet paint on a canvas.

  Her hands slid to his shoulders, and her fingertips dug into the taut muscles there, wringing a groan of pleasure from him. She pulled his face toward her, and took his mouth in a lusty kiss. Then her tongue parted his lips and rubbed against his teeth to the roof of his mouth. It woke him up faster than a sonic boom. Her boldness delighted him, and he submitted to her advances, eager to encourage her confidence.

  Energy flowed between them; buzz and hum, burn and sting, and an adrenaline spike jolted Zach from his reverie. His eyelids lifted, catching a glimpse of Theresa’s intent expression. Her eyes were closed, long lashes caressing her tawny skin. She tasted like seduction and sin as she devoured his mouth, taking from him, claiming him with a newfound confidence. She drew on his power with perfect impunity.

  Any other wolf taking such
liberties would have triggered an aggressive response, but she only drove him to an unsustainable height of arousal. Their courtship dance demanded such exchanges, increasing levels of intimacy until they chose to take the oath of the mating together. Once mated, their wolves would be irrevocably bound together for life, to be parted only by death.

  A rumble began in his throat and spread, creating a resonating vibration throughout his chest, communicating his carnal excitement. With a giggle, Theresa broke the kiss and turned her face into his throat. She pressed fluttering kisses along the underside of his jaw and then created a trail down the column of his neck.

  With a huff, Zach tilted his head back to grant Theresa full access to his throat. Her hands slid from his shoulders and caught hold of his hands. She backed up, leading him toward the bedroom, and he followed her. Clinging together in a wanton embrace, they made their way along the length of the hallway.

  They passed a mirror in the hallway and Zach caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were solid blue with slit black pupils, no whites showing, glowing within his face. The sight brought him up short, and he halted in his tracks, causing Theresa to whine in protest. She tugged at his arms, attempting to compel him to resume movement.

  “My control is slipping,” Zach said in a gruff voice.

  “That’s the plan.” Theresa flashed a mischievous grin and writhed so her full breasts pressed against his chest. Her nipples were erect buds, straining against the cotton of her shirt.

  Zach sucked down a sharp breath and his throat reverberated with a soft growl, which he modulated to a rough chuckle. “You saucy minx.”

  “Guilty as charged.” She laughed and rubbed up against him again, rolling her hips so her mons bumped against his upper thighs, her stomach pressed to the prominent bulge in his pants.

  “Keep that up and I’m going to take you against this wall.” He snarled the threat, provoking further giggles from her. He inhaled a deep breath and the scent of her arousal flooded his nostrils. It was enough to drive him mad.

  “Promises, promises.” She fluttered her long lashes and dodged his attempt to scoop her into his arms. Her laughter taunted him, leading him onward, a siren’s call, straight off the precipice into desire.


  Theresa evaded Zach’s arms, but by mere inches. His growl of frustration inspired her to put forth a burst of speed, racing toward the bedroom with him hot on her heels. She made it as far as the entryway before he seized her from behind, his powerful arms closing about her waist.

  She squealed as he yanked her off her feet and carried her the final distance into the bedroom. On swift feet, he drew alongside her full-size bed and lowered her face down onto the mattress. The comforter was already folded down and the sheets rumpled as she’d risen just hours before without taking the time to make it. The messiness caused her cheeks to warm, but she quelled her inner neat freak, determined to enjoy the romp with Zach and not spoil it with self-conscious fussing.

  “How long do we have until we need to get Isabel from school?” Zach asked. His hot breath huffed against the nape of her neck. He encircled her waist with his arms, pressing his broad chest to her back, and her ass pushed against his groin. His burgeoning erection strained against the denim of his jeans, jutting against her buttocks. She shivered, titillated and yet nervous, so aroused that the sensitive flesh between her thighs ached.

  “We should leave by two to find parking and be there on time.” Theresa whimpered and bucked her hips, longing to feel him riding her, even if her only satisfaction came from dry humping him through their clothing.

  He snickered. “Plenty of time then.”

  “Plenty of time for what?”

  “You’ll see,” he said in a smug tone, insufferably so, but she did not mind. The man had her under his spell, and she waited on his pleasure, so very eager to please him.

  She cried out in frustration when Zach lifted his torso, supporting his weight on his arms, and then she reached behind her back with grasping fingers, seeking to hold him to her. He chuckled and evaded her hands. “One second, pet.”

  “I hate waiting.” Theresa pouted and turned her head to the side so she could see him.

  “You sound just like Isabel.”

  “Isabel doesn’t like waiting either.” She watched from beneath hooded lids as he shrugged out of his jacket and set it aside on the nightstand. He hooked his fingers beneath the bottom of his shirt. With a smooth motion, he pulled the garment over his head, baring that broad expanse of his chest, and turned to place it on the dresser. His muscles expanded and rippled, corded steel beneath his tanned skin, and her gaze coveted his powerful arms and his flat abdomen. His tight pants clung to his ass and long legs like a second skin.

  A strand of blond hair flopped onto his forehead, and he flashed a lopsided smile. With a quick puff, he blew the hair from his eye. His boyish grin touched her heart, creating a painful ache, reminding her how much she adored and valued him.

  Uncertainty and doubt overshadowed her, causing Theresa to worry her lower lip with her teeth. She still had secret reservations. Were they about to ruin a good friendship? She couldn’t stand to lose him if things didn’t work out. So much at risk, so much to gain…

  Twisting onto her side, she gazed up at him. “Zach, I’m not ready to commit to a mate bond yet,” she said, wanting no misunderstandings between them.

  Wearing only pants, Zach settled lightly on the bed beside her, moving with the dedicated grace and precision of a predator. His bulk took up most of her full-size mattress, a sharp reminder of how he dwarfed her. The hunger in his eyes made her insides melt. She felt so incredibly desirable beneath his admiring gaze.

  He cocked his head and considered her for long enough that she stopped breathing for several seconds. “Let’s be specific, shall we?” he asked eventually. “Sex seals the mate bond but only after we take the vow. You tell me what’s allowed and what’s not. I’ll respect your limits.”

  Her face heated. Theresa exhaled and chose her words with care. The last thing she wanted was to hurt or offend him. “I want to make love with you, Zach. I’m just not ready to take a vow with you yet. We can consummate our relationship, but I want to use protection. Is that okay?”

  “So, I can do this?” His hand slid across her flat stomach and covered her breast, teasing her with a light squeeze so her heart leapt within her breast and heat pooled in her abdomen.

  “Yes,” she said in a strangled voice.

  “And this?” He leaned forward and the tip of his tongue flickered against her lips. “What if I want to lick and taste every delicious inch of your pussy? Can I do that too?”

  “Yes,” Theresa said as her core clenched in anticipation, drenching with wetness. “And yes please.”

  His smile grew wider. “You’re demanding sex without strings? Who am I to complain?”

  Laughing, she touched his face with her fingers, tracing his high cheekbones. “So, you’re not upset?”

  “No, why would I be?” Zach moved forward, using his arm to support his upper body, and swooped to capture her mouth in a passionate kiss. Their lips met, smashed together, parted, and clung. The kiss modulated, growing softer, and Zach suckled her upper lip with his mouth, grazing the tender flesh with his teeth, and then released her. His hand touched the middle of her back, brushing her dark hair aside. He pressed his mouth to the nape of her neck so the stubble of his beard prickled her skin, creating delicious tingles up and down her spine.

  “You need to shave,” she said, giggling even as the folds of her sex heated and clenched, panties growing wet with proof of her arousal.

  He kissed her, lips heavy, and his shoulder-length blond hair spilled to conceal one of his blue eyes. The other gleamed with deviltry. He rubbed his face against hers so his scruff abraded the tender skin of her jaw and throat. “Don’t you like my beard, love?”

  “I like my men clean shaven,” Theresa said with a smirk.

  His brow rose, his expression gr
ew dangerous. “Man.”

  “Man?” she asked, as if she didn’t understand.

  “You mean your clean-shaven man.” Zach’s open palm smacked her denim-clad ass.

  Theresa jumped and squealed, giggling as she tried to escape, but he pinned her down with one lazy hand on the middle of her back. Those clever fingertips fluttered across her sides, tickling so that she dissolved into helpless laughter.

  After several failed attempts at escape, Theresa gasped and surrendered. “You win. Man, man!”

  “Damn straight,” Zach said, laughing. With a deft action, he hooked the bottom of her shirt and drew it over her head. Theresa cooperated, lifting so that the garment slid over her skin, leaving her bare to his gaze. She wore no bra. She settled face down on the mattress, luxuriating in the way her full breasts smashed against her chest and the sheets agitated her sensitive nipples.

  He lowered his face to press a trail of butterfly kisses along the length of her spine. The rough stubble of his jaw created a startling contrast to the silken feel of his long hair as it trailed across her skin. He settled some of his weight atop her lower body, pinning her legs beneath his own.

  “You’re so beautiful, Theresa,” Zach whispered, kiss her nape. “I’ve fantasized about you for so long.”

  She blinked and struggled to focus. After a second, her lust-addled mind brought his meaning into focus—between them, they had years of mutual longing. A cold splash of shock hit her. Her heart thudded in her chest before missing a beat. She ached with her love of him, so much so that her throat closed and her eyes filled with tears.

  Zach stilled. No doubt, he had smelled her sorrow. “What’s wrong?” he asked in a husky tone.

  “Nothing,” she lied, even though he would detect that also. Belatedly, she realized that he must be aware of her feelings for him. The newly awakened pack bond had rendered her an open book. In fact, she wondered if she’d ever fooled him.

  If only Zach were so easy to read. Thanks to his stoic nature, he maintained walls around his emotions, leaving her wondering if his affection for her went any deeper than friendship. Fortunately, Zach caressed her body with capable hands, distracting her from more serious thoughts.


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