Bound for Keeps (Men of Honor)

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Bound for Keeps (Men of Honor) Page 7

by SE Jakes

  “Remember, you asked for this, the way you always do,” Keith growled, smacking his ass several times until Reed felt himself backing into the hands, his face surely as red as his ass at this point. He didn’t even bother to try to get away because the first smack gave him the pleasure and pain he craved. It calmed him, brought him right to the edge.

  And then Keith stopped cold.

  Fucker would make him beg for it. And he would do it, because he wanted…needed. “Fill me, Keith…please…”

  “Don’t you move, Reed. This is my game now.”

  Keith’s finger played along his ass as Reed swallowed hard. This would be torture—sweet and painful all at once. His skin was drying and he was shivering from that and Keith’s touches and he heard himself groan. His fingers dug into the rug as he tried to be good, stay still. But he couldn’t. He moved back, trying to get Keith’s fingers deeper, and he was rewarded with several hard slaps to his ass.

  “You could’ve just asked,” Keith told him. But of course that would’ve been too easy, and Reed was anything but easy. He squeezed his eyes shut and let the pain from the slaps override everything else in his mind.

  He opened them only when he was sure he could stay still under Keith’s machinations. The man had two fingers inside him, twisted them, brushed his prostate, and he heard himself beg. It was a keening, needy sound, and he couldn’t hold it back.

  Keith must’ve taken pity on him, or else the bastard was too horny himself to wait, because soon the man’s thick cock was brushing his hole.

  “Going to fill you, Reed.” As he spoke, he yanked on Reed’s hair, forcing him up on his knees so his back was against Keith’s chest. He circled Reed’s cock, stroked it hard several times and then stopped.

  “Bastard,” he bit out and Keith laughed.

  “Just the way you like it.”

  “I’d like you to fuck me right now.”

  “You’d better say what I need to hear.”

  He wanted to do nothing of the sort. Had fought this from day goddamned one with both Bobby and Keith. But they’d worn him down in the most blissful way possible and now, Keith knew he needed it again.

  His eyes burned with tears—he didn’t want to be humiliated. Didn’t always understand where these needs and wants came from. But he would get nothing without the words—Keith was a hardass when he needed to be.

  When he opened his eyes, he knew something in the room had changed. Without turning to look, he realized that Shane was watching through the small opening.

  Reed could feel the kid’s gaze on him as surely as Keith’s dick pressing his ass insistently. And if Shane wanted to see what he’d be getting, Reed was more than happy to give him access to the entire show.

  Chapter Ten

  Shane leaned against the doorjamb silently, not wanting to disturb the scene he’d almost walked in on. He’d heard the commotion and he’d forced himself up to make sure Guthrie hadn’t found him. He had a knife he’d picked up from the desk where Reed must’ve left it earlier—Keith’s lucky knife, Reed had called it—and now, he let his hand drop to his side as he tried to control his breathing.

  Because the scene in front of him was nothing like he’d expected.

  Keith and Reed. Naked. On the floor, obviously having just come in from the outside storm, their wet clothing strewn in a path that led from the front door to where they currently lay.

  They looked more like they were wrestling than fucking—Shane supposed that’s how it was with those two anyway—a fight to dominate one another—this time with Keith ultimately winning.

  What did Keith want Reed to say? He could see the words nearly forming on Reed’s lips, but there was a stubbornness inside of that man that burned brightly.

  “Reed, you need to say the goddamned words.”


  The words came out in a rush and Keith smiled and took no time at all to prove his dominance.

  Shane’s cock grew impossibly hard as he watched Keith pin Reed down on all fours and bite the man on the back of the neck—a show of the ultimate alpha, all while his cock pistoned in and out of Reed’s ass.

  Reed’s face contorted—the line between pleasure and pain Shane longed for—and he found himself shoving his hands down his sweatpants and fisting his own cock in response, barely able to hold back his own moan.

  Keith and Reed were loud enough that it wouldn’t have mattered. Thought he was safely tucked away, out of earshot.

  “You like that, don’t you, baby?” Keith asked and when Reed didn’t say anything, he tugged the other man’s hair, bringing his head up. “I don’t hear you.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “That what I’m doing to you, baby. And you love it—love when I fuck you this hard.”

  It took a while before Reed gave in again—Keith slammed his prostate until Reed’s mouth hung open, his hands fisted on the rug in front of him, until he finally cried out, “Yes, Keith—you know…just fuck me—please don’t stop fucking me.”

  Keith smiled then—and Shane thought it was the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. Because, until that point, Keith had scared him—and Shane was a man used to violence. Now it seemed like Reed really did need this—the look on his face was pure heaven.

  Suddenly, without a second of warning, Keith’s gaze caught on him. Shane froze, hand on his exposed cock, mouth opened with impending orgasm, and waited.

  Keith didn’t stop what he was doing. If anything, he began to pump into Reed harder, grabbing his hips and drawing him closer, staring at Shane the entire time.

  “You like that, don’t you?” he asked, and Reed moaned in response, but Shane knew he wasn’t talking to Reed at all. And so he nodded and began stroking his cock again, his body relaxed against the door, his eyes glued to Keith’s.

  “You’ve been thinking about this all day—all night—wanting it. Ready to open your ass to me,” Keith continued and Reed was pretty much incoherent by this point, barely able to hang on to anything because he was being filled so hard—and so good, and again Shane nodded his consent, pictured himself in Reed’s spot, with Keith pounding him…

  And that made him start. Picturing himself as submissive to a powerful, dominant man—spread and fucked and pleasured next to Reed until the three of them couldn’t stand anymore.

  “Come, right now,” Keith commanded, and Reed’s moan was a keening acquiescence, as though it was happening against his will. Shane’s cock spurted as he fisted harder, the orgasms tightening his balls, come shooting along his stomach and chest as he tried to keep his sweat-slicked body upright.

  Shane came at the same time Reed did. Keith swelled with pride for a second, watching his two boys enjoy themselves. It had been a long time since he’d fucked Reed like this and not felt the cloak of guilt from losing Bobby seep into the action.

  Nothing wrong with thinking of Bobby, but Bobby himself would have kicked Keith’s and Reed’s asses for mourning him so somberly and for so long.

  Now, Keith pumped himself harder, his eyes locked to Shane’s as the boy remained on shaky legs.

  And then he let loose, came hard inside Reed, since they’d long ago given up condoms. Reed’s tight ass milked his dick, and Keith rode out the climax, enjoying the feel of Shane’s eyes on him.

  Finally, he stared at the boy again. Shane was no doubt wondering if Keith would follow through on what he’d promised.

  He wouldn’t be disappointed. Neither would Reed.

  “You’re going to count,” he told Reed now as he prepared, grabbing the paddle from the drawer in the nightstand. It was beautiful polished soft black leather on both sides, and it stung like a bitch. “Say it.”

  “I’m going to count.” Reed’s voice was still strangled from the orgasm and Keith gave him the first shot without warning. “One.”

  Keith continued, watching Reed’s ass turn a beautiful shade of pink and then red, heard his voice grow drowsier and more content with each smack
, until they reached twenty and the spanking was over. Reed’s body, which had been drawn like a tight bow after his first orgasm sagged as he came on the last spank. He fell forward on his elbows and Keith put a strong arm around his waist to keep him up. Bent and kissed the back of his neck where he’d bitten the blond man earlier, and he swore he heard a soft moan from Shane float over them like the caress of a hand.

  If they fucked Shane, they’d have to go back to condoms for a while.

  If they fucked Shane… Jesus, where the hell was this coming from?

  When he looked up again, the boy was gone.

  “It turned you on that he was watching.” Reed’s words were casual as he leaned across Keith to grab a cigarette, lit it and blew a stream of smoke toward the ceiling before moving back down to the rug.

  Keith had been lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, the orgasm having thoroughly ravaged him. “You knew Shane was there?”

  Reed’s mouth tugged slightly to one side. “Yeah, I knew—a while before you did. You forget, that was me, watching you and Bobby…wishing it could be me, you and him.”

  Keith cursed roughly and pushed up off the floor. “Fuck you, Reed. I know what you’re doing. But we don’t know anything—don’t even know if he’s interested.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Reed took another long pull on the cigarette. “I’m pretty well willing to bet that if he jerked himself while watching us, he is.”

  “I’m not doing this.” Keith tried to move away but Reed was up and on him in seconds—man moved like a cat when he wanted to. “Why are you pushing him away? He wants us. And you want him, if the way my ass feels is any indication.”

  Keith stuck his chin out. “What—I’m suddenly not enough cock for you?”

  Reed smiled then, reached out and touched Keith’s cheek, even when Keith tried to turn away. “Is that what this is about? You think that I need more?”

  Keith shrugged. “We said, after Bobby…”

  “We were in mourning. Bobby kept telling us that we would find someone else. And if that person never came, I’d sure as hell just be happy with the two of us. But the boy has come here, Keith. And Jesus, it’s like seeing myself. I know what he wants—what he needs—and that’s us. And if we’re the ones who are supposed to make him happy—to protect him—well, I’m thinking that can only strengthen what we have between us.”

  “You feel this way because he showed up like you.”

  “And you think that doesn’t mean anything?” Reed asked.

  “I’m trying not to think about it.”

  “You’re the one who believes in signs.”

  “Fuck. I never expected…not like this.”

  “I wasn’t looking either. You know that.”

  Keith did. But Shane coming had shifted the balance just by being him. There was no denying it. “You’ve barely talked to him. How do you know this is something you want, never mind what he wants?”

  “Come on, man. You know as well as I do that we didn’t speak—or even like each other much—before you fucked me.”

  Reed was one hundred percent correct. They’d connected through fucking and lying next to Shane on the floor while warming him up had made them realize what they’d been missing. It was a revelation, maybe a wake-up call that they’d been in mourning for too long.

  “Just because we told Bobby we’d look—”

  “Doesn’t mean we have to accept the first gay man who passed out at our door,” Reed finished.

  Keith had been trying not to notice anything about Shane. But he knew he could get hard again just thinking about the way Shane looked when he came. “Just be careful.”

  “You’re not going to try to get to know him?”

  “Doesn’t mean you can’t.”

  Reed sighed, stared up at the ceiling. He might’ve needed tonight badly, but that didn’t mean Keith didn’t need something too and Reed wasn’t sure how to go about giving it to him, felt as helpless as goddamned hell.

  As if seeking to calm him, Keith reached out and rolled him so Reed was trapped. “I thought I fucked the thinking out of you.”

  “Ninety percent,” Reed told him. “If you’re up for the other ten?”

  “For you, always.”

  Reed was sore from earlier, but it was the best kind of sore. Keith’s cock eased into his ass, the man had his thrust perfected and Reed locked his ankles around the man’s back and let himself be taken—claimed—again.

  Keith liked face-to-face fucking the best. Reed could only enjoy it after something like the sex and the spanking that had happened previously. Now, he felt like he was flying as Keith rocked against him, his cock hitting the gland that make Reed cry out.

  He’d never been loud during sex before Keith. Even with Bobby, he tended to be quieter when it had been the two of them. But when Keith was near, he touched something primal within Reed—and Reed appreciated that with his vocalness.

  Keith didn’t mind—his dark eyes glowed as Reed called his name in between other things like fuck and hurry and oh yeah, right goddamned there.

  Reed’s body tightened, balls hard and close to his body, but he wanted to prolong this, the sensation of climbing, flying…right here, this was perfection. He stared up at Keith and Keith smiled down at him, his expression one of near bliss. His cock filled Reed until he didn’t think he could stand it another minute.

  “Love you,” he managed. He clung to the man as the rhythm sped up, until the bed creaked under their movement and the floor shook under it.

  “Beautiful baby,” Keith murmured into his ear, and that was it. Reed roared to a climax with Keith’s words, the name he’d given Reed within the first weeks of meeting him.

  The first night that Keith had called him beautiful boy, the night Keith had really shown Reed what he needed started innocently enough. Reed had slept with Bobby a few times with Keith there, but the man had somehow managed to keep his distance when he joined them. Spent more time with Bobby than Reed, and Reed hadn’t liked that at all, just couldn’t figure out why, because Keith made him nervous as anything.

  He’d been there for two months and Keith had never approached him when he was alone, although they’d had opportunities. When Bobby was there, Reed always felt safe enough to push Keith with little digs about the Marines that he knew annoyed the big man.

  That particular night, he’d spent dinnertime antagonizing Keith, goading him with Marine insults and other jabs that he knew would get Keith riled up.

  The more he tried to piss the Marine off, the calmer Keith got. And then Bobby went out unexpectedly—and Reed found out later he’d left purposely because he knew what was going to happen—and at that point, Reed realized how badly he’d miscalculated.

  He and Keith remained at the table, but Keith was suddenly staring at him like he was prey. Reed’s stomach fluttered, like a fucking girl with butterflies, and he struggled to say something snide but no words came out. His throat was tight, mouth dry as Keith’s hands tapped a drumbeat on the table.

  Reed had escaped from a lot of men in his day—but he knew instinctively that there was no place to run far enough away from Keith. And still, instinct insisted he try.

  He got as far as the guest room door before Keith was on him. He hadn’t even heard the big man get up, had assumed—hoped—that Keith hadn’t decided to follow him after all.

  “You can dish it out, Reed—now it’s time to see what exactly, you can take,” Keith murmured against his ear as his body pressed Reed’s to the still-closed door.

  Reed wanted to tell him he could take anything a Marine could dish out, but he didn’t think that was true. What was true was that his dick turned traitor, had been rock hard from the second the chase had started.

  Maybe even a bit before that too.

  “Keith, get your hands off me,” he growled.


  Reed struggled but it was useless. He was highly trained and to this day he didn’t know if it was because he was still recove
ring from nearly dying, or if he’d actually somehow let Keith win—and Keith would deny the latter—but Keith had him cuffed in seconds, but hands in front of him. Reed thought smugly that he could retaliate cuffed like that, but he’d been so damned wrong.

  Keith dragged him over to a chair in the living room, had Reed flipped over his lap, pants down, trapping his legs. “You have pushed this as far as it can go, boy.”

  “Fuck you,” Reed spat in lieu of anything more coherent because his brain turned hot with panic. He shuddered when Keith chuckled and said, “Later, I’m going to fuck you. For right now, you’re going to find out who’s in charge here.”

  “No one’s in charge of me.”

  “You definitely need someone to take you in hand,” Keith said. “I’m the one to do it.”

  Reed had been about to make a snide comment but realized how completely, utterly trapped he was. But before the panic could truly set in, Keith’s hand came down on his ass. Hard.

  He cried out, a combination of surprise, anger and pain. The slaps that followed weren’t gentle, had Reed squirming and then yelling and finally, he realized how rock hard he still was. How much his body was responding to the perfectly timed blows Keith peppered onto him until finally the cacophony in his head stopped and there was blissful, peaceful silence and a matching pleasure he’d never felt before.

  His body jackknifed without warning and he came. Didn’t recall much beyond a blinding white light behind his eyes, heard himself crying out, and he didn’t know how long he remained like that, but was pretty sure he’d come hard enough to make himself pass out.

  Finally, when he stirred, Keith allowed him to slide to the floor. He remained on his knees, half afraid to look up, tears streaming his cheeks. Mainly because he was worried that Keith would laugh at him, tell him to get out. Tell him that he could never again experience that feeling because now that he’d been found, he never wanted to be lost again.

  When he finally gained the courage to meet Keith’s eyes, he noted that the man had been watching him, waiting patiently. When he spoke, his voice was firm but his eyes were kind.


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