Love Contract (The Match Broker)

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Love Contract (The Match Broker) Page 10

by Watson, Lisa

  “Jeanie, I’ve got too much going on with work to be too concerned with dating,” Milán said and then began to study her menu.

  “Oh, please. Now you sound just like my workaholic son. You two really need to get out for a night on the town. I know the perfect—”

  “No,” Milán cried out. Blushing, she glanced up at Norma Jean. “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “What I meant was I’ve had enough blind dates for a while. No offense.”

  Norma Jean stifled a laugh. “None taken, dear.”


  Adrian was finishing up with a client when he received a telephone call. He let it go to voice mail. Later, while he was getting into his car he decided to check his messages. After deleting it, he checked his watch. “Damn.” He dialed Milán’s number. After a few rings, he hung up and tried his office. When the line was answered, he asked to speak to Milán.

  “I’m sorry, sir. Miss Dixon left not too long ago with your mother,” the receptionist informed him.

  “Do you know where they went?”

  “No, but she did mention getting a bite to eat.”

  “Thanks.” Adrian hung up and dialed his mother. He breathed a sigh of relief when she answered the phone.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, honey,” Norma Jean replied. “What a nice surprise. Milán and I just sat down to eat. Why don’t you join us?”

  “I can’t,” Adrian explained. “I need to speak to Milán. It’s important.”

  “Sure, hang on.” Norma Jean handed the phone to Milán.


  “Sorry to interrupt,” he began. “I tried your cell, but you didn’t answer. I need a favor and pretty darn quick.”


  Milán lit candles strategically placed around the first floor of Adrian’s two-level brownstone. Located on North Dearborn Street in Chicago’s highly desirable Gold Coast neighborhood, it was convenient to the Magnificent Mile and Oak Beach. Perfect for entertaining, Adrian’s home boasted a small patio area in the front of the gated yard and a courtyard with a fire pit, seating and a water feature in the back.

  An hour after his frantic phone call, Milán had transformed Adrian’s first floor and outdoor area with fresh fragrant flowers and candles.

  “Stop hovering,” she chided seeing the anxious look on his face. “Everything is fine.”

  “Sorry, it’s just that one of our newest clients is a big deal for Anderson,” Adrian explained following closely behind her. “We’ve been trying to get the listing on my house for some time now. That she picked us to list her estate could open up lots of doors. She’s very connected, and in this economy we need every advantage. That’s why I’m…we’re throwing this impromptu mixer. She’ll be out of the country for a few weeks and I wanted to get it done before she left. I thought it would be good to extend the invitation to our other buyers and sellers we’ve acquired over the last few weeks, too.”

  “It’s a great idea, Adrian. I’m glad I could help,” Milán replied lighting the last candle.

  Suddenly, Adrian was right behind her. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against him for a hug. “I’m glad you could, too. You’re incredible,” he whispered into her ear. “I’m sorry for coming between you and your date tonight, though.”

  Not realizing that she had closed her eyes, Milán opened them and eased out of his arms. She turned to face him. “Uh…no problem. He’s fine with coming over here. I’m just glad we were able to get a small group together on such short notice.”

  Adrian snorted. “Free food and alcohol? Who could ever turn down such an enticing combination?”

  As if to prove the point, his doorbell rang.

  Milán ran her tongue over her teeth and smoothed her dress. She faced Adrian. “How do I look?”

  His eyes roamed over her sleeveless wraparound silk dress. The vibrant yellow and orange material reminded him of a tequila sunrise. Milán’s hair was swept up and piled loosely on top of her head. Her strappy gold sandals complemented her dress and the shimmering orange polish on her toenails. She looked amazing.

  “Amazing,” he repeated aloud. “It’s like you’ve been kissed by summer.”

  She beamed at his compliment. “How poetic.” Milán’s hand swept through the air to encompass his black slacks with gray and black silk shirt. “You don’t look so bad yourself—but then you knew that,” she teased.

  How long they stood staring at each other was anybody’s guess. The room seemed to hum with a sudden undercurrent that reverberated between them. Adrian opened his mouth to say something, but the doorbell buzzed again.

  Milán was the first to move. “That’s probably the caterer.” She said clearing her throat. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it.” She hurried from the room.

  Adrian turned to watch her leave. He could feel the tension they shared. That along with the way she had practically vaulted from the room told him that Milán had felt it, too. He had to admit that his life had been going along incident-free since Milán had started working for him. She’d done something no woman had yet accomplished. She had become his friend.

  It had been a natural progression that he wasn’t even aware of. She was important to him now. Exploring more than a friendship would complicate matters. Wouldn’t it?

  Several positive things had resulted from Milán being in his life. The first was that their spending so much time together resulted in no dates-from-hell courtesy of his mother. The second and more important was that since Milán had come on board, Anderson Realty was experiencing a surge in interest for her staging services.

  Adrian wasn’t thrilled about her being there on a trial basis, but he’d have six weeks to convince her to stay on full-time. Not that he was worried about the caveat she had placed in her contract. He would win her over in the end. Adrian was very convincing when he needed to be, and thus far the only woman that remained immune to his persuasion, at the most inopportune times—besides his receptionist—was his beloved mother.

  Adrian had to admit that the Love Broker had remained true to her word. His mother had not fixed him up with any women lately, and for that he was truly grateful.

  In fact, Adrian had taken the reins himself and had secured his own date for the evening. A hot beauty named Aria that taught spin classes at his gym. She was tall, had black hair cropped short, a slamming body and a beautiful personality. They’d gone out a few times, and her being interested in casual dating had been an added bonus.

  “Adrian, the caterer is here,” Milán called from the other room.

  “Thanks,” he called out before giving himself a mental shake. Get your head in the game, he scolded himself before heading to the kitchen.

  Chapter 14

  The evening was a resounding success. Justin and Sabrina showed up, as did Tiffany, and most of Adrian’s staff. His newest client arrived with her husband and a business associate, as did several other couples. Since the gathering was last-minute, Adrian had decided on a cocktail party. The caterer prepared delectable hors d’oeuvres along with a table filled with mini-desserts. There was a bar set up, as well.

  Introductions were made, and everyone broke off into smaller groups to converse. Milán was speaking with Tiffany, Sabrina and Justin when her date arrived.

  “Excuse me, I’ll be right back,” she told them hurrying to meet him.

  “Hi. Glad you could make it,” she said when he came in.

  “Me, too.” He gave her a light hug and followed her into the party.

  When she arrived at Adrian’s side, she reached up to touch him on his shoulder. He turned around.

  “Adrian, I’d like you to meet Stephan.”

  “Hey, how are you?” He shook the man’s hand. “I’m glad you could make it.”

  Adrian introduced Aria to both of them.

  “A pleasure meeting you,” Aria told Milán. When she turned to Stephan, she stared at him. “You look familiar to me. Have we met before?”

  “I don’t think so, and
believe me I would’ve definitely noticed.”

  Aria blushed as she laughed up at him. Milán glanced over at her date in surprise, but refrained from comment. The four of them parried a few topics until they were interrupted by Adrian’s new client. Milán watched as he was pulled away to discuss business. She made an attempt to interject herself back into Aria and Stephan’s conversation, but it was pointless. They were discussing the merits of almond milk over soy which was definitely not her forte. After a few seconds of trying to seem interested in health food, she excused herself and left.

  She walked straight to the dessert table. Grabbing a plate, Milán piled a few sinful-looking delights onto her dish. When she bit into the first miniature cheesecake, Milán couldn’t keep the look of euphoria off her face.

  “If that’s what you look like with food, I’d hate to see you with a man.”

  Milán opened her eyes to find Sabrina observing her.

  “They say that some people use food as a substitute for sex.” Tiffany chimed in when she reached Milán’s side.

  “I’m here to tell you both that I’ve joined those ranks,” Milán confided sliding another spoonful into her mouth.

  “Trust me, don’t even think about it. All that depressing thoughts will do is cause you to add five pounds to your thighs, and no matter what people say, eating fat-free cheesecake is sacrilege. Honestly, if God would’ve wanted sweets to be healthy for you, would He have made them so sinfully delicious? I think not,” Sabrina observed.

  Milán eyed a miniature torte like it had a hundred dollar bill strapped to it. “You are seriously asking the wrong person right about now.”

  Tiffany popped a dessert into her mouth. “Honey, my fantasy is being immersed in warm liquid chocolate up to my neck and—”

  “Ooh, those look delicious,” Aria replied walking up to the table.

  “They are. You should try a few.” Milán reached over and grabbed a plate. She held it out to Aria.

  “Oh, goodness no. I don’t eat sugar. It’s bad for your body. I love to look, and smell them, but this is my temple, you know? I’ve got to take care of it. Besides, I try to eat only organic foods if I can.”

  Milán. Tiffany and Sabrina exchanged glances. Milán was about to lower the plate on the table when Sabrina snatched it out of her hand.

  “I’ll take that.” She started piling desserts onto it. Picking one up, Sabrina bit into it and beamed with pleasure. “Have mercy,” she breathed.

  “I see what you mean, Milán. Sheer decadence,” Tiffany said loudly.

  “Which reminds me,” Aria interjected. “I’m planning my own little special evening with Adrian this weekend. I’m going to make a sumptuous meal for him. There’s this recipe I’ve been dying to try out. Tofu with scallops sautéed in garlic and roasted seaweed—”

  “You’ll have to go to plan B,” Milán interrupted. “Adrian doesn’t like tofu, seaweed or scallops.”

  Aria frowned. “Oh, I see. There’s always another one of my favorites, seared Ahi tuna with edamame.” She smiled. “That’s soybeans.”

  “Yes, I know.” Milán returned the smile. “Unfortunately, Adrian doesn’t care for those, either.”

  Tiffany and Sabrina exchanged amused glances.

  Aria raised an eyebrow. “Oh. When he told me he was an avid health enthusiast, I just assumed that included diet.”

  “Not that I’m aware of, but then you’d have to speak with him about that.”

  “No problem.” Aria glanced around. “So, is there any lighter fare here?”

  “Uh, I don’t think so,” Milán replied. “This was thrown together last-minute and I don’t think Adrian asked for any food alternatives.”

  Aria nodded and walked off without another word. All three women watched her stride up to Adrian and wrap her arm around his.

  “Now that was interesting,” Sabrina commented. “She looked none too happy.”

  Milán agreed. “I’m sure they’ll work it out.”

  Tiffany shook her head. “Why did she think Adrian was a health nut?”

  “Who knows? The lightest thing I’ve ever seen him eat was salad, and that was loaded with chicken.” Milán lowered her plate onto the table, but not before having one more treat. “Now let’s go mingle.”


  Adrian was in the kitchen looking for another wine bottle opener when Aria came in. She came to his side. “There you are.”

  “Hey. Sorry I disappeared. The bartender needed another bottle opener.”

  “It’s fine,” she told him.

  “So, are you enjoying yourself?” he asked.

  “Not really.”

  Adrian stopped and glanced down at her. “I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem?”

  “Well, there’s really nothing here that I can eat. You invited me to a party. I just assumed you’d have something by way of organic food here.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know you had a special diet.”

  Aria stared at him. “Of course I have a special diet. I told you the first day we met, remember? You were eating a bag of chips at the gym, and I told you how bad they are for you. I must admit I was surprised to see you eating them considering how much of a health nut you are.”

  “Who told you that?” he scoffed. “Aria, I work out, but I’m not a fanatic about it.”

  She tensed. “I’m not a fanatic, either. I’m just very selective in what I put into my body. I assumed you were, too.”

  “Not really, no. Granted I don’t smoke or anything, but—”

  “You really shouldn’t drink alcohol, either,” she continued.

  “Yeah, well that’s not happening,” he said and then laughed heartily.

  Adrian stopped when he noticed her rigid expression. “Oh, you were serious?” He sat the opener down. “Look, Aria. Let me make it up to you,” he said rubbing his hand on her shoulder. “How about we go out for a late dinner after the party?”

  She shook her head. “It’ll be way too late for me to eat. I’ve got a class in the morning, as well. I don’t stay out late because it’s important that I rest and stay hydrated.”

  “I see.” He lowered his arm.

  “I think it best if I left. To be honest, I really don’t see how this is going to work out anyway.”

  Adrian was incredulous. “Just because I didn’t have bean sprouts on the menu?”

  “It’s more than that,” she said seriously. “You and I aren’t really on the same page. I can’t be with a man that doesn’t view taking care of his body as seriously as I do.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Aria. Would you like me to see you home?”

  She stared at him a moment before she replied, “No thanks. I’ve got it. I hope you have a great evening, too.”


  Sometime later, Milán was talking to Sabrina, Justin and Stephan when Adrian came up behind them.

  “There you are.” He placed a hand at the small of her back. “I need you,” he told Milán. “Our client has a few questions for you.”

  “Oh, sure. I’ll be back shortly, guys.” She hurried across the room.

  “Seems like a pretty demanding client,” Stephan observed.

  “She is,” Adrian conceded. “But that goes along with the territory.”

  “So, how long is this thing going to last? I’ve made plans to take Milán to a comedy show.”

  “Really? Who?” Sabrina asked.

  When Stephan mentioned the name, Adrian shook his head. “That won’t work, my man. Milán doesn’t like him.”

  “Really? He’s gotten great reviews.”

  “I know, but he’s not her cup of tea.”

  “Hmm.” Stephan was thoughtful. “I guess we can go see a movie. There’s this new one I’ve been dying to see.”

  He told them the name, but this time Justin spoke up. “Actually, the four of us went to see that last week. It was great, by the way.”

  “Great,” Stephan said sarcastically. “T
his evening is turning out to be one terrific date night.”

  “We’re almost wrapped up here, and then Milán will be free the rest of the evening,” Adrian assured him.

  “Gee, thanks, that’s awfully nice of you seeing that you’re her boss and all.”

  “Not at all,” Adrian replied, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He scanned the room. His eyes came in contact with Milán. When she glanced up, their eyes locked. She smiled at him and pointed to her watch. Adrian nodded. When he turned his attention back to his group, he saw Stephan’s wary expression. “I’m sorry this has run longer than you anticipated.”

  “This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind tonight,” Stephan said in a tight voice.

  Sabrina placed a hand on Adrian’s arm. “You know, if Milán is going to get out of here any time soon, I think you should go help her out.”

  Adrian nodded. “I think you’re right.” His eyes met Stephan’s again before he strode to the opposite side of the room.

  Chapter 15

  Their new client was holding court next to the fireplace in Adrian’s living room. The deep tan walls, glossy white mantel with the black slate enclosure were the perfect backdrop for his client’s cosmopolitan beauty.

  Adrian stopped at Milán’s side. “How’s it going?” he asked in a quiet voice.

  “Just great,” she whispered back.

  As Milán listened to the woman talk, she wondered if anyone else noticed how many times the woman said “me.” From the enthralled look of her husband and business associate, and several of the other clients, Milán was guessing not. She studied Adrian as he interacted with the diva. He was at ease and never broke eye contact with her. He commented occasionally, but remained silent most of the time allowing her to do the bulk of the talking. It was almost like watching him size up the cougar that night at the restaurant.

  Caught up, she studied his every move. When Adrian spoke, all eyes were on him. There was no denying the powerful presence he had. It wasn’t something you could ignore. Thinking about his previous dating disasters, she almost felt sorry for the women if he had turned the magnetism up full blast. “They’d never stand a chance.”


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