Love Contract (The Match Broker)

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Love Contract (The Match Broker) Page 17

by Watson, Lisa

  Milán blushed slightly before a toothy grin lit up her face. “I think so.”

  “By the two-hundred-watt smile just now, I’d say you definitely know.” She came over and hugged her sister. “I’m happy for you, Lani. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “Maybe we’ll come for a visit. Adrian has lots of friends in D.C. and it’s been a long time since I’ve been to visit you.”

  “I’d love that.” Elena donned her sunglasses and her purse. “Now, let’s go keep an eye on Nyah. She’s gone stone crazy since we got here. I think the climate combined with the overabundance of shirtless men has definitely gone to her head. You’d think this was Vegas,” she said and laughed, pushing Milán out the door in front of her.


  An hour later, Milán was on a chaise longue sunbathing when her sisters descended on her.

  “Milán, tienes que venir a ver este tipo. El es totalmente guapo.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Milán replied not bothering to open her eyes. “Besides, I’ve seen plenty of cute guys today.”

  Nyah grabbed Milán’s bag and started dropping stuff into it. “Not like this. Come on, who knows how long he’s going to be there.”

  “He’s definitely worth a peak,” Elena agreed.

  “I’m not on the market for a boyfriend—I have one.”

  “Who’s not here,” Nyah pressed. “So what’s the harm in looking? He is an Adonis, Lani.”

  Milán readjusted her bathing suit as she sat up. “An Adonis?” she snickered. “Fine, I’ll go. It seems that’s the only way I’ll be able to come back and relax.”

  Nyah smiled in triumph as she handed Milán her bag and hurried off. Milán and Elena had to quicken their pace to catch up with their sister. Nyah slowed as they entered the Port Lucaya Marketplace. With over twelve buildings spread out over several acres, the marketplace was home to many boutiques, restaurants and stores. It overlooked the many boats and yachts docked at the Port Lucaya Marina.

  “Okay, we’re here.” Milán glanced around. “Where is this Greek God?”

  “He was heading into one of the restaurants for lunch with some other guy. They’re bound to come this way eventually.”

  Milán sat down at a table. “Nyah, that’s a big if.”

  “Paciencia,” her sister implored.

  Elena stood up. “You two continue the stakeout. I’m going to get us some drinks.”

  Their patience was rewarded a few minutes later when a man strolled into the square.

  “That’s him—Adonis,” Nyah whispered loudly. “Muy delicioso, eh?”

  Milán scrutinized the man walking along at a leisurely pace. She had to admit that Nyah calling him Adonis was definitely warranted. He was Latin, with smoldering looks and a body that would make a woman do almost anything to run her hands over it. His dark, tousled hair only accentuated his appeal. “Tenías razón. El es precioso,” she replied.

  “Te lo dije.”

  “Yes, I know you told me,” Milán replied shaking her head.

  Elena came back and handed each of her sisters a Bahama Mama. “¡Salud!”

  While Milán sipped her drink, Nyah and Elena argued over the best way to get his attention.

  “I’ll stroll over and ask him to join us.”

  “Direct, but what if he says no?” Elena inquired. “You need a backup plan.”

  Nyah shrugged. “Maybe not. It appears he’s got a friend. Dios mi,” she groaned. “Look at him.”

  “Two Adonises in one day?” Elena said with amusement. “I’d say the odds are definitely in our favor.”

  Milán chuckled and looked up to see the new man her sisters were swooning over. She spit out her drink and dissolved into a fit of violent coughing.

  “Oh my goodness.” Nyah bolted out of her seat with such force it turned over. She began pounding Milán on the back. “Lani, are you okay?”

  “Respirar, Milán, respirar,” Elena commanded.

  Tears ran down Milán’s face from all the coughing. She dabbed at her eyes with the damp napkin her drink was sitting on. “That’s…no…Adonis,” Milán choked out. “That’s Adrian.”


  Through all the commotion, they drew the attention of several passersby, including Adrian and his friend. He did a double take. Striding over to their table, he crouched down in front of Milán with an elated, but worried expression.

  “My God, are you okay? What are you doing here? How long have you and your sisters been in the Bahamas? He was pulling Milán to her feet and into his arms before she’d even answered.

  “Adrian,” she said, then kissed him. “You said you’d be in the Bahamas, but I didn’t know you’d be here,” Milán stammered with excitement. “I can’t believe it.”

  Nyah was the first to find her voice. “You’re Adrian?”

  “Yes, he is.” His friend responded for him.

  With Milán and Adrian caught up in their own reunion, the other three made introductions.

  Finally, Milán turned to the group. “Adrian, I’d like you to meet my two sisters, Nyah and Elena.”

  “A pleasure to finally meet you.” Adrian extended his hand to Nyah, but she batted it out of the way and gave him a big hug.

  “We’re a family of huggers,” she said by way of an explanation.

  “So I’ve heard,” Adrian replied before turning to embrace Elena. The guys took two chairs from a nearby table and sat down. Adrian introduced everyone to his friend.

  “I’d like you all to meet my friend, and business associate, Tómas Moreno.”

  “Oh, we’ve met,” Nyah said looking the man over with admiration. “So tell us how you ended up here. I thought you were going to Nassau?” Milán asked.

  “We did…are,” he told her. “We’re just here to look at a few properties.” Adrian twisted his fingers around one of her curls. “I never, ever expected to see you here, Lani.”

  “I didn’t know I was going to be here until I reached Miami,” she explained. “This is an amazing coincidence.”

  “So it is,” Tómas chimed in. “To find three additional flowers of beauty to add to this tropical paradise is more than any man could hope for.”

  Elena pursed her lips to hide a smile, but Nyah leaned forward propping her chin in her hands. “Well, aren’t you lucky.”

  “Muy afortunada.” He grinned.

  While the three of them conversed, Milán and Adrian were deep in a conversation of their own. Finally, he stood up and then helped Milán to her feet.

  “You all don’t mind if we take a walk, do you?”

  Elena smiled knowingly. “Not at all. Hasta luego.”

  Adrian waved and placed his hand at the small of Milán’s back. They began to walk.

  “So where are you staying?” he inquired when they had more privacy.

  “At the hotel across the street. Aren’t you staying in Nassau?”

  “I was,” he corrected.

  A smiled brightened her expression. “Was?”

  Suddenly, Adrian stopped and placed her in front of him. He watched her closely. “Sweetheart, I realize you’re here with your sisters, and I don’t mean to interrupt your family vacation but…”


  His question was loud and clear. He was asking her to spend the night with him. Milán thought she would have a week to build up to their sleeping together, but things didn’t always work out according to plan. The moment their eyes had locked across the courtyard, she knew the week’s wait was over. He looked so incredibly sexy, and she had missed him terribly. Fate had intervened to bring them both to this place at this time. There was no way she was going to squander the opportunity for them to be together. She wasn’t that crazy.

  “Hey?” Adrian squeezed her arm. “Are you in there?”

  “Yes, of course,” she recovered herself. “Yes.”

  “Is that yes, you’re here, or yes you want to be with me?”

  For a split second, Milán thought there was uncertainty in Adrian�
�s expression. How could he doubt my feelings for him? she wondered. Not once had she ever seen him display anything but pure confidence and control. Except on a few occasions when he and his mother had not seen eye-to-eye, she corrected herself.

  Milán whispered in his ear, “Both,” before she nibbled on it.

  She felt his hand tighten against her back. “That’s going to get you in all sorts of trouble,” he said thickly.

  “I certainly hope so,” she replied saucily.

  By the time they returned to the group, Nyah and Tómas were acting like old friends.

  “So, what should we do this evening?” Nyah asked the crowd. “Dinner and dancing?”

  Adrian sat down and pulled Milán onto his lap. “I’m not sure, but whatever it is, Milán and I will take a rain check.”

  Chapter 26

  With a blush, Milán leaned backward and whispered into Adrian’s ear, “Do you have to be so obvious?”

  “Damn right, I do,” he said aloud. “Sorry all, but we’re disappearing.”

  “Oh, really? Where to?” Milán said excitedly.

  “Yes, where indeed?” Elena chimed in.

  “I think I might be able to help with that,” his friend said standing. “Excuse me a moment while I make a phone call.”

  Tómas came back less than ten minutes later. “It’s all arranged,” he said smugly.

  “What is?” Adrian asked.

  “Your trip. You’ll be staying at my rental cottage in Eleuthera.”

  “What?” Milán’s eyes widened. “We couldn’t possibly—”

  “Yes, you can. It’s just a forty-five-minute plane ride to Nassau and then a connecting flight that’ll take you right in to Governors Harbour Airport. From there it’s a twenty-minute drive to the house. My assistant is booking the flights and rental car as we speak, and the caretaker will meet you at the house to give you the keys.”

  Adrian set Milán on her feet and stood up. “We can’t let you do this,” Adrian began.

  “Nonsense. It’s my pleasure. You flew all the way here to look at properties with me. It’s the least I can do.”

  Nyah took Milán by the elbow and pulled her to the side along with Elena. “Lani, what’s the problem? It sounds like a wonderful trip. You should go.”

  “But what about you two?” Milán frowned. “I can’t just up and—”

  “Are you crazy?” Elena demanded. “We’ve been here a few days, and we’re having a great time. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think Nyah and I will have plenty of things to keep us occupied while you…hang out with your boyfriend.”

  Nyah nodded. She looked past her sisters to Adrian’s friend. “Milán, you and Adrian need some alone time. Besides, I can just imagine how beautiful Eleuthera is. You need to go get your groove back, Stella. It’s time you dusted those pipes off, my dear. The man is hot and you know you want him. As Adrian neared, Nyah switched to Spanish and said, “If anyone needs to get sexed, it’s you.”

  “¡No puedo creer que hayas dicho que!” Milán hissed.

  “Creo que debo decirles que puedo hablar en español,” Adrian said from behind them.

  Elena burst out laughing. “¿Usted habla español?”

  “Con fluidez,” Adrian admitted his gaze immediately traveling to Milán.

  “What?” Nyah blurted out and then glanced at her sister. “Why didn’t you tell us?

  “Sorry, I forgot,” Milán said quickly.

  “You forgot?” Elena chuckled. “I guess you were too busy doing…other things.”

  “The day we met, your sister cursed me out in Spanish and then tried her best to slam my door off its hinges.” Adrian smiled at the memory. “I was pretty angry at that moment, so I didn’t let on that I knew what she’d said. Suffice it to say, your sister can use some very colorful metaphors.”

  “Now that it’s all settled, you two have to get moving if you’re going to make your flight. Milán, you get packed and I’ll bring the car around.” Before anyone could protest, Tomás hurried off.

  “Wait up,” Nyah called out. She turned and gave Elena a pointed look.

  “Yeah, we’re coming.”

  Milán watched her two sisters practically run after him. She regarded Adrian. “It seems everything is all arranged.”

  He gathered her in his arms and kissed her deeply. “Good.” His voice caressed her right ear. “Now let’s go get into trouble.”


  Milán packed in record time, said goodbye to her sisters and left with Adrian for the airport. Adrian’s friend had thought out every detail. Upon their arrival in Nassau, there was a driver waiting at the airport to escort them to Adrian’s resort. He packed his bag and they were off again to catch a flight to Eleuthera. Less than an hour later, they arrived at the Governors Harbour Airport. As promised, the caretaker was there to drive them to their cottage. Their escort passed the time with information about the island and places to eat and visit. Milán only heard half of what the man was saying. Every now and then her thoughts turned to her spontaneous decision to accompany Adrian to an island getaway. Her stomach did a somersault just thinking about the upcoming evening.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She started when Adrian’s hand touched hers. “Hmm?”

  “I asked if you were okay,” he repeated.

  “Me? Yes, of course. Why do you ask?”

  “Because you looked like you were worried about something.”

  Milán relaxed her features. “Of course not. I’m just tired, I guess. It’s been a long day.”

  “That’s true. Quite a few surprises, too.” He smiled.

  “I’ll say. All good ones.” She smiled back.

  “We’ve got some time before we get there. Why don’t you try and take a nap?”

  Milán decided that sounded like a good idea. Adrian put an arm around her and pulled her into his side. A few minutes later, she was sound asleep.


  “Sleeping Beauty, we’ve arrived.” He rubbed her shoulder a few times.

  Milán yawned and slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before glancing out the window. Her jaw dropped. “Adrian, que es el paraíso!”

  “That it is,” he agreed. “Welcome to Eleuthera. Come on, beauty. Let’s look around.”

  The elderly caretaker had stocked the kitchen with food, and mentioned that he was a phone call away if they needed to go into town. Taking their bags into the house, he commenced a guided tour. Milán was surprised at how bright and modern it was. Their cottage had stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and panel doors that recessed into the walls, giving the rear of the house an uninterrupted view of the ocean.

  The decor was neutral and calming. The wood furniture was black making a very nice contrast to the white walls and ecru-and-black cushions. While they followed their host around, Milán kept resisting the urge to run out the door and down to the water’s edge. The scenery was that beautiful.

  They were surprised to hear the cottage had only one bedroom.

  “It’s a very popular honeymoon destination,” the man chuckled cutting a look between them. “Most find that one bedroom is plenty.”

  He opened the louvered French doors and then he stood aside allowing them to enter. The secluded retreat was at the back of the house, and its biggest asset was the massive four-poster king-sized bed engulfed in a canopy of cream-colored mosquito netting. The regal wood frame monopolized most of the room.

  Milán tried to look nonchalant, but it was all she could do to keep her face from turning scarlet as they passed it on their way to the bathroom.

  Moments later, the tour had concluded and they were alone. Adrian turned toward her. She tried her best to look like this sort of thing happened to her every day. She failed miserably.

  “¿Tienes hambre?”

  Milán shrugged. “Un poco. Did you see the size of that tub?” she said excitedly.

  “Yeah. It looked more like a hot tub than a bathtub.”

p; “I know. It’s almost as big as the bed.”

  “Almost,” he joked. “Come on,” he said taking her hand. “Let’s eat.”


  Taking inventory, they chose a container of conch salad on a bed of lettuce, a fruit plate and some crackers. They decided to dine alfresco. Milán located the plates and silverware while Adrian took the food outside onto the deck. He came back for the wine and two glasses.

  By the time he returned, Milán had already fixed their plates. He sat across from her and poured the wine. He held his glass up. “To paradise.”

  “To paradise,” she repeated.

  They took a sip and then began eating.

  “I have to admit, this was the best idea I’ve ever had,” Adrian said between bites.

  “Your idea?” she laughed. “If I recall, it was your friend’s plan.”

  “Yes, but he knew how much I wanted to be alone with you, so when you look at it, I was the catalyst to putting all this in motion.”

  “You’re so full of it,” she teased. “Do you have to take credit for everything?”

  “Almost everything, yes.” He grinned.

  “Well done then. Honestly, this place is so beautiful it doesn’t seem real.” She looked around. “I keep thinking this is just a dream and I’ll wake up.”

  “This is real, Lani.” He slid a finger down the top of her hand. “Imagine. We’re on a deserted island. It’s just the two of us—no interruptions.”

  Her breath caught in her throat at the flash of desire that swept across his face. She lowered her eyes to her plate.

  Adrian studied her. “You aren’t sorry you came, are you?”

  Her eyes locked with his. “The only thing I’m sorry about is that we have on all these clothes.”

  Seconds later, she stood up and bolted down the steps and onto the sand. Laughing, she ran toward the water pulling off clothes as she went. By the time she was down to her bathing suit, Adrian was right behind her. He scooped her up and continued running. Milán laughed so hard she starting hiccuping. When he reached the water, he ceremoniously dropped her into the rolling waves.

  “It’s so warm,” she said, once she came up for air.


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