Captivated by Shy Angel: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Captivated by Shy Angel: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 9

by Claire Angel

  I saw a flash in my peripheral vision and the gun in front of me went off with a deafening roar echoing in my ears. His aim was off. The bullet meant for me went into the ceiling blowing out the bulb in the overhead light.

  There was some kind of stain on his shirt. The smoking hole in his jacket was from gunpowder residue. He was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out.

  The blood spread and bled through the fabric. My eyes were wide in shock. I looked down at my hands to see the glitter of broken glass.

  The door opened and I looked up to see my savior holding the smoking evidence. He might have been my next door neighbor, but he had become my hero. He was reaching out his hand. I understood what had transpired in the last few seconds.

  He had fired seconds before Jerome.

  “Are you hurt? You do know that you are going to have to testify against Frankie to bring down the organization. You’re going to be the district attorney’s star witness on the stand.” I turned towards Jerome and rummaged through his pockets until I found his phone.

  I had heard rumors in hushed tones that Jerome always recorded his conversations. I took a chance and perused those recordings to discover the one I was looking for. I turned up the volume and gave Nathan a reason to smile. Frankie was going to be nailed by his own words. The contract on Nathan’s life was very clearly made by Frankie before he even mentioned anything of the sort to me.

  “This is more than enough to send Frankie away for a long time.” I continued to look for other recordings and found one to implicate Benton.

  The meeting was recorded most likely for some kind of leverage in the future against Frankie.

  “This is the mother lode. I couldn’t have done this without you.” The sound of the gunshot in the enclosed space of the car was still ringing in my ears.

  I was still shaking. Nathan took the opportunity to take me back to his place. I was to remain there until he came back. He was gone for three hours.

  He came back and told me they coordinated an attack to take down the prime players including Frankie and Benton. They flipped a couple of his lieutenants for a lighter sentence. They revealed where the shipment was coming in.

  It was a three prong attack, but Frankie remained at large by finding a way through the net they had thrown over the city. It wasn’t ideal, but his power base and influence was taken out of his hands. He would need to lie low and find suitable transportation out of the city to parts unknown. I secretly hoped he got away.

  Chapter 5


  Nathan stalked me from across the room after he had emerged from the shower draped in only a towel. I took a deep breath and made short work of what was covering the one thing I coveted more than the air I breathed.

  “I don’t want you to do this out of some kind of misplaced obligation. The slate is clean between the two of us. I no longer have my thumb pressed heavily on your freedom. You can walk out that door and there will be no hard feelings.” I answered him by grabbing his appendage with 6 of the 9-inches protruding from my fist.

  “You really have no clue. I’ve fantasized about this from the moment you moved in next door. I never thought you saw me. Your divorce was painful and kept you from seeing the lust in my eyes. Did you think what we did the other day was against my will?” I was stroking the length and feeling the thickness warming my fingertips.

  “I don’t know anything about women. I’ve been told it’s part of my charm. I was hoping, but I never presumed anything.” I could feel the slickness of his juices captured on the end of my thumb. I swirled it around to hear him gasp with animal enthusiasm.

  I painted the surface of his manly blank canvas with his own natural lubrication. More of his boiling seed bubbled over the top. I ran my finger up that pronounced vein and watched intently the way that it was flexing for my amusement.

  I tasted the ambrosia on the tip of my finger. It made my eyelids flutter with my eyes going to the back of my head.

  Abruptly, he tore open my shirt and was flinging the buttons across the room. He reached behind to unzip my skirt letting gravity do the rest.

  “You’re not the only one who has been thinking about this. In retrospect, I think I made the wrong decision, but there’s no time like the present to make up for lost time.” He kissed me and forged a weapon out of the tip of his tongue.

  I still had him firmly in my grip and his finger found the soaking crotch of my panties. He easily maneuvered them out of the way to slip his index finger seamlessly passed the lips of resistance.

  “I like the way you think. A man should always know when to make the next move. I’ve given you the green light and you have more than exceeded my expectations.” I moved my hand a little quicker and his finger matched my strokes with the same momentum.

  We were daring each other to manually stimulate our libido to the breaking point. My legs quivered and my knees were practically knocking together. We stared at each other and I felt him lurch in my fist. I was close and only needed a little something extra to push me all the way.

  With the expertise of a seasoned lover, he flicked open the clasp of my bra to expose my nipples to his gaze. He quickly devoured one with his tongue striking a match to the fuse of my libido. I was dynamite and he was going to watch me explode.

  The walls of my sex convulsed around the invading force of his finger. I struggled to remain standing using one hand on his shoulder to support my weight. I moaned and drove my teeth into his shoulder. I shuddered through the worst of it. That one finger was making this sloppy wet sound echoing in my ear.

  I had the semblance of mind to stop before it was too late. Dropping to my knees gave me an eagle view of his manhood. I struck like a serpent with his body reacting like a live wire had been touched to his privates.

  He was waving his unfurled flag in surrender. I encompassed the knob and gave it the kind of suction to have him clumsily falling back on his heels. I threw away any doubts about his feelings for me by how he surged to the back of my mouth.

  “That is a lethal weapon you have in your possession. I hope you know with that kind of power comes with it great responsibility.” He was repeating a phrase from one of our favorite superhero movies.

  Every inch sizzled in between my lips, but he was a hair trigger from going off from my hand job. I barely had him in the confines of my throat when it went off indiscriminately. I sputtered on the first stream shooting with intensity in a straight line across my tongue.

  The firepower between his legs was unmatched. He burst at the seams like a fountain out of control.

  “Fuck me… fuck me… fuck me.” He unloaded the burden from his balls, but I continued to press those buttons to keep him hot and bothered.

  I squealed with girlish glee when he picked me up over his shoulder and carried me unceremoniously to the bed in the back room. I lie there watching him light some candles before producing a bouquet of roses. He scattered the petals around me. It was a little cheesy. The romance was something missing from my life.

  Nothing was hidden with our bodies on display. I was glistening with perspiration dripping between my breasts. He attacked and spread my legs like I was some kind of gymnast. I didn’t even know that my body bent that way. I was definitely going to feel it in the morning.

  “I know you’re fucking teasing me.” My fingernails had grabbed onto the headboard and I was getting slivers of mahogany wood underneath my nails.

  My feet were over his shoulders and he was giving me a tongue lashing that I was never going to forget. He inhaled my clit and went after it with the pointed end of his oral instrument.

  “I swear I’m going to wake up with no regrets in the morning. Don’t stop… I don’t want you to ever stop. It would make me very happy to wake up like this every morning.” I hammered my heels on his back and it only seemed to spur him on like a wild stallion.

  He had the blueprint of my anatomy and knew what buttons to push to get the desired reaction. The shadows of ou
r entwined bodies crawled across the walls. It was a depiction of what two consenting adults could do with the fire burning out of control between their legs.

  “I have no idea how you are doing that, but I think you’re going to get more than an applause.” My mind short-circuited and my body rode the crest of the wave of my climax. It was pounding a rhythm against my temples.

  My body arched into the air with his hands underneath me. This was the kind of drug that would’ve made any man or woman addicted in seconds. My release was a discharge of pent-up frustration.

  I screamed loud enough to peel the wallpaper off of his walls. It wasn’t possible, but I could almost see the windows shaking in their frame.

  I was coming down when he pierced the walls of my resistance. It enhanced and prolonged the experience. It was a never-ending roller-coaster of emotions.

  I curled my legs around his waist and pushed back with my hands against the frame of the bed to match him stroke for stroke. The bed was having a problem keeping up with the impact of our bodies slamming back down onto the springs. We were giving it a workout to test its resiliency.

  “Yes… so fucking deep.” My fingers and toes went numb and I was flying by the seat of my pants from one orgasm to another.

  “Megan… I know we can agree on one thing… we should’ve been doing this a long time ago.” The fact we didn’t care what others would think was freeing us to express ourselves physically.

  I scratched his chest with my fingernails trailing in red lines. I didn’t break the skin, but it was a little too close for comfort.

  I knew the next orgasm was going to be the biggest one of them all.

  He quickly maneuvered me into another pleasing position. I found myself on my hands and knees with him coming from behind. He slapped my ass hard enough to leave the imprint of his fingers permanently tattooed on my skin.

  “What are you waiting for? This is what I call an engraved invitation.” I reached back with my head in the pillows to spread myself wide open.

  He took aim at the target and drove with one long stroke. His unyielding equipment was firing on all cylinders. I heard the slapping of our flesh with his balls making contact with my clit.

  “I love the way that you take all of it. Your body and your willingness to go the extra mile is what I have been missing from my life. I’ve let the crippling loss of losing a loved one handcuff me.” At the sound of that statement, I heard the audible click and looked up to see how he had made me his prisoner.

  It was the perfect aphrodisiac and the chains rattled as he continued to plow me into submission.

  “If you like that then you’re going to love this.” I was using those telltale muscles to drag him kicking and screaming balls deep.

  I came hot and heavy. With whatever energy I had left, I pushed back to greet him with my lips molded around him.

  He ballooned and swelled with that pronounced vein throbbing. It was pulsating and shooting jets of scalding cream into my depths. He lingered with the mushroom shape of the head grazing my G spot.

  We lay there exhausted looking at the ceiling.

  I went across the hall to get some basic supplies for the morning.

  I opened the door and crossed the room to hear footsteps behind me. I felt the arm around my throat and the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against my head.

  “I was beginning to think you were never going to show up. There’s been a little bird in desperate need of having her wings clipped. I know you have been whispering to the police.” Frankie had found out about my betrayal.

  I didn’t have anything to lose.

  I propelled my body against him and caught him off guard. Frankie grunted when he slammed against the door. There was something wrong with him. His reflexes were making the gun jerk in his hand. It dropped and he began to convulse until he was still.

  I couldn’t understand how he was still standing until I got a closer look. The hook behind the door had driven into his head.

  Nathan called the coroner and I was released after they determined it was self-defense. The prosecution wasn’t going to make a case.

  We walked down the hall in the apartment building and I followed him into his place. It was a long night of answering the same questions over and over again.

  There was never anything to indicate a feminine touch until now. All of my belongings were scattered on the floor in open boxes.

  “I called in a favor while we were down at the department. I don’t want you to go back to your place. I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds.” I was dreading living with the nightmare of Frankie’s death on my conscience.

  I leaped into his arms and he fell back into the chair with me in his lap. I rained kisses all over his face. I knew I was home.





  “I can get any girl I want with just a flash of a smile… But lately, I’ve been finding myself smiling at the same girl.”

  Just like my name, Hunter, I hunt for prey every night.

  Seeking out a young lady to accompany me to bed.

  If you’re thinking about naughty stuff, then you’re so right.

  Those are the things I would do to the women squirming beneath me.

  As they moan my name.

  By morning, they’ll be gone and ties will be cut.

  It was easier that way.

  I couldn’t afford to have any weaknesses.

  No woman can bring me to my knees.

  And I tend to keep it that way.

  But who knew that a Bambi like girl with innocent eyes could drive me out of wits and curb my desires for other women?

  Innocently, she gets under my skin.

  I knew then that I had to have her.

  She’s innocent and I don’t deserve her.

  But I’m greedy and selfish.

  I’m the CEO. The boss here.

  Who knew that a little lady could bring me to my knees and become my kryptonite?



  Chapter 1


  It wasn’t a surprise by the time I entered the room, all eyes were on me. From women to men, straight to bisexual, the old and the restless, elites to plebeians and most of all from the sexiest people to the okay people.

  I will not deny that people do find me attractive. Even without my fame or fortune I was known for being a smoldering bachelor. Even the women whom I have taken to bed has only praises about me, not one single complaint. I was a CEO of my own company and I was only in my late twenties.

  Life for me was absolutely perfect.

  My company was raising money for charity. So all the elites were here in my building and socializing. They introduced me into the room and like always, the room was filled with awe and applause. I said a few words to them and started making my way to the bar.

  Just like my name, Hunter, I was on the hunt for my prey tonight. All the women eyed me hungrily, and all I needed to do was flash a dashing smile towards them and they’ll be on their knees, literally.

  “Who’s the lucky lady tonight?” My best friend, Cody, asked. Cody was not only my best friend but also the COO of my company as well. I smiled as I took a sip of my scotch. “Still deciding,” I told him. My eyes were on a certain blonde wearing a sparkly green dress. She eyed me as she bit her lower lip but before I could send a smile towards her, Cody placed a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my hunting trance.

  “Look over there man…” he pointed towards the corner of the room. And once my eyes landed on the person he was pointing at, I felt breathless. She was stunningly beautiful. The young brunette doesn’t look a day older than 25. She had beautiful curves that were wrapped in a short red silky dress. She looked uncomfortable wearing the dress just by her hands pulling down the hem of her dress to keep it from riding up her white creamy thighs. Her hair was pinned up with her bangs shaping her lovely heart shaped face.

  With a cute button nose and luscious pink plump lips that are just begging me to kiss. She looked innocent with rosy red cheeks but that’s what made her even sexier. Her baby blue eyes scanned the room like a lost puppy. A smirk slowly made its way on my face by just staring at the innocent young woman. “She’s a new employee of yours… rumors have it that she has a huge crush on you,” Cody gossiped and just by the thought of this young vixen having a little crush on me made my groin stir in excitement.

  “What department?” I asked him without taking my eyes off my prey. “She’s in marketing,” he replied. Not only innocent beauty but brains as well. This only made me want her more. I downed the rest of my scotch as I started making my way towards her.

  Once her gaze landed on me, her eyes widen like a deer caught in the headlights. She looked even more innocent with her wide eyes, almost Bambi like. I was almost knocked off of my feet once her intoxicating smell hit me. She smelt of blueberries and roses. I stood in front of her as she fidgeted with her fingers.

  “What’s a beautiful girl like you standing alone?” I asked her and I couldn’t help but clench my fists as she blushed. I had to stop myself from ravaging her this instance, but I was slowly undressing her with my eyes.

  “Hello,” was her timid reply. Her voice sounded angelic and graceful, it stirred something deep within me making me groan in content.

  “May I buy you a drink?” I asked her. She bit her lower lip as if she was thinking about what to answer. I shut my eyes to calm myself. I lost myself because of the little things she would do, and I can only imagine what I would feel like when she starts taking off her clothes.

  She gave a simple nod and I slowly guided her towards the bar. I ordered another scotch for myself while she had a margarita. I turned towards her and said “My name is Hunter Maxwell, what’s yours pretty one?”


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