The Knowing One

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The Knowing One Page 34

by Lexy Wolfe

  Nolyn frowned a little, starting to ask for details about the Final Dance when Ash interrupted him as he and Storm neared. "Skyfire, Nolyn. We need your help." Both men looked curiously at the two, especially Storm who was uncharacteristically uncertain. "I believe there is a way we can get Almek to Fortress in time to save his life, but we must try it first before we get anyone's hopes up."

  Putting a hand on Storm's shoulder, Skyfire asked in muted Swordanzen, "Are you all right? You are so pale."

  Eyes fixed on a point in front of her, Storm replied tonelessly. "I will be fine. The sooner this is done, the better." When Skyfire tilted his head curiously, she stated simply, "Ash will explain. We have to trust him in this."

  The two Forenten watched the interplay, curious. Storm never raised her eyes, but Skyfire reacted with surprise, and subdued hopefulness. He kept a reassuring hand on her shoulder when she pressed her lips together, looking away. Skyfire looked up at Ash, waiting expectantly for him to continue.

  Ash cleared his throat, though he reached for Storm's hand again, holding it tightly. "I have discovered that Storm can share her vision with me." Nolyn blinked. Skyfire's eyes went wide as he glanced at Storm, then back to Ash, a small smile touching his chiseled features. To Nolyn, Ash said, "My friend, I wish I could describe how Desanti see the world... It is..." He shook his head, looking more excited at the discovery than he had been in many years. "Goddess, there are no words adequate."

  Taking a deep breath, Ash continued, "Storm also has honed her Guardian vision, but to a degree that surprises even the Dusvet. Forenten magic depends on being able to see the weave of all things. Storm is able to see the weave of time itself. I believe through our shared vision, I can open a portal to Fortress. But we need to try and see if it works."

  "A portal?" Nolyn echoed in shock. "Such an ability is spoken of only in legends and myths." He stared at Ash who regarded him with a serene confidence, waiting patiently. Nolyn finally crossed his arms, expression bland. "But then again, you are pretty legendary already, brother. Even if it were not possible, you would make it possible."

  Ash smiled and bowed slightly. "You honor me, my friend. But as I said, we need to try it first. I do not wish to give the others false hope if I am wrong. It requires Storm and I to work together."

  "You mean chain with someone who isn't a mage?" Nolyn frowned in thought. "With a Desanti? Is that even possible?"

  "What is this 'chain' thing you speak of?" Skyfire demanded, protectively sidling to Storm unconsciously. "Will it harm Storm?"

  "Chaining is how two or more mages can combine their strength into one effort," Nolyn explained to Skyfire. "Usually there is one focus and the others submit to their direction."

  Ash lifted his and Storm's clasped hands, kissing her knuckles reassuringly. "I do not know if it is possible for others, but it is possible for Storm and I." Reluctantly, he confessed, "I do not know what the effect will be on either of us for Storm and I to chain for something so intensive and untried. Chaining is risky enough between mages when it is a known spell."

  "And this will be a spell created on the fly, as it were," Nolyn stated. "You'll be doing all the work of the spell casting. Something like this is no small task.

  The Illaini Magus took a deep breath, exhaling, as he put a hand at the small of Storm's back. "No, but I will only be using Storm's ability to see. My primary concern is how draining this will be for me. It should not be as devastating as the morelmi had been."

  Considering for a moment, Nolyn nodded. "I suggest we ride, because if it is even a little draining, you'll not want the distraction of walking and casting a spell at the same time."

  "We will ride the drizar." Storm still would not look up to meet anyone's eyes, only the barest of quavers in her voice. "He has a mind of his own, not like your horses that need someone to tell them what to do." In a quieter voice, she said, "He will take care of me. He always does." Briskly, she disappeared into the stables to get the drizar.

  Nolyn glanced at Storm and said in Forentan to Ash, "She's terrified. Her heart is beating like a small bird's. And I have never seen her so pale. Even after that brush with death at the Academy, she did not look so heartsick."

  Ash nodded regretfully. "I know she is. I am asking a lot of her, but it is for Almek." He pressed his lips together. "She is more afraid of losing him than she is of magic. So am I." Nolyn nodded wordlessly as they went to the stables to get a horse for Nolyn to ride. Nolyn gestured wordlessly towards Storm. The Illaini Magus smiled and went to the young warrior. The drizar lowered himself to the ground to allow Ash to situate himself behind Storm.

  Ash could feel the drizar echoing Storm's emotions, mincing his feet in agitation. He embraced her tightly, kissing her hair near her ear. "Everything will be fine, my heart. I will keep you safe. You will not become lost while scrying. Never again. I promise you."

  "I know," Storm whispered, trembling. "You are the only reason I can do this." She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips against her hair again. He felt her slowly force herself to relax only through sheer self-discipline, her breathing slowing, her heart not thudding in her chest on the verge of panic. The drizar followed Nolyn out of the stables, letting the Edai Magus choose the location they would start from.

  "I think this place is sufficient," Nolyn decided. "Remote, but characteristic enough for you to focus on, Ash." He considered the pair on the drizar. "Do you have a destination in mind?"

  Ash nodded. "Somewhere, as you say, both remote and unique." Taking a deep breath, he murmured in Storm's ear, "Open your eyes, beloved." Expecting to see the world differently, Ash could not help but inhale sharply in shock and stare in awe at what he saw. "Oh, Mother... I had no idea... how beautiful everything truly is," he whispered aloud. Even in the dormancy of winter, the pulse of life was an undeniable glow. Every individual living thing had a discernable appearance that separated it from each other. Even insects were speckles against the background.

  He could see every bird, every small animal, as they raced among the branches, every living thing having a unique, soft glow. Looking up to the magic camouflaged guardsman in the trees, he could easily see the man's life force. He began to understand, finally, why Storm and Skyfire had always been distracted and edgy. If this was winter, when nearly all slept, what would it be like in the warmer weather?

  Storm fumbled for Ash's hand, lacing her fingers through his to hold tightly. "I am ready," she stated. "Are you?" Sensing his nod, she slowly slipped into a scrying trance. Ripples and waves of color traced around everything. Glimpses of the future and of the past danced on the periphery of their vision, but he could feel her focusing on the present alone, pushing the rest away. Even more vivid than the first time they shared her scrying, Ash was left momentarily breathless and awed. More in his mind, he heard Storm's whisper, "Hurry. So hard not to lose myself..."

  Once their visions blended, Ash knew what to do, and the quiet plea shook him out of his daze. Raising his hand, he began speaking in archaic words, carefully constructing the spell. Except for the rock steady drizar, the animals began to mince nervously as the air before them began to shimmer like a summertime heat mirage. Then the mirage split like a hand splitting the flow of a curtain of falling water, revealing a distant destination. So focused, Ash did not notice when the portal he was creating opened.

  "Quickly," Nolyn said, recognizing the effort the two were expending. "We must go through first. He has designed the spell to end when the drizar clears the barrier." Glancing back at the unmoving drizar, he added, "Tell him to follow us. They are too deeply in the spell to move themselves." Skyfire nodded, speaking curtly to the drizar who slowly followed him and Nolyn through the strange doorway.

  The moment Storm and Ash emerged on the other side, the gate closed with the soft rumble of thunder. The Githalin and Illaini both gasped as they were abruptly freed from the thrall of the spell. Hunched over, Storm clung to Ash's arm, eyes shut tightly. The man smiled and held her as tightly as
he could. "Open your eyes, beloved," he said happily. "We did it. Look!" He waves his hand expansively towards the forest spread out below the Magus Academy's mountain.

  "Amazing," Nolyn stated, looking out across the vastness of the forest that surrounded the mountain. He looked at Ash. "Did you choose this place on purpose?" he wondered. "The top of the Academy?"

  Ash nodded, pulling his cloak around himself and Storm who had started shaking with cold and emotion. "I wanted to be somewhere I knew no one else would be to give Storm and I time to recover." Rubbing Storm's arms, Ash murmured soothingly. "All is well, my love. Shhh."

  Skyfire looked at Nolyn, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You look confused."

  "I am just... puzzled. Ash usually does not hide away like this."

  "Ah. It is a Swordanzen thing." Skyfire shrugged one shoulder. "We see impairments as weaknesses that enemies can exploit. Swordanzen try to avoid being seen at all costs when they are in a weakened state, because the edict to answer all challenges overrides any moment of weakness. Not all would wait for a Swordanzen to be at their best, when all they seek is being able to crow about defeating such a strong warrior." Nolyn nodded, understanding. Skyfire turned back to Storm and Ash. "Come. There is shelter from the wind over here."

  In the small cave-like hollow that looked out onto the forest, the four sat together, the drizar settling himself in front of the opening protectively. Ash watched as Storm sat by Skyfire, the Desanti man pulling her close and wrapping his cloak around them both.

  "You're not jealous," Nolyn observed quietly in Forentan, studying Ash closely. "Knowing they are lovers?"

  "Th'yala. It's more than about sex. They complete each other in ways that she and I cannot. I do not totally understand it, but it does not take away what she and I have. I understand that now." Ash smiled faintly at Nolyn. "You were right. She is not like Forentan women." He pulled together several small branches that had gotten swept into the crevice, piling them together and setting them on fire. The flames cut into the chill of the wind, the two Desanti visibly relaxing. "I do not know how to explain it. I feel complete. It is like we have always known each other."

  Nolyn shrugged as he settled onto the ground, crossing his legs. "Perhaps you had." He waved towards Ash's right hand. "The gods would know. She would know. You could simply ask the Knowing One if somehow you and Storm knew each other in a previous life."

  Ash considered the eternal braid on his hand for a long time, then shook his head slightly. "I... don't want to know. It is the one thing I do not want to know." He closed his eyes, clenching his hand into a fist. "I cannot explain why the question fills me with such dread. It is illogical. Irrational! But I cannot... I dare not ask it."

  Nolyn shook Ash's shoulder to jar him out of the inexplicable panic his suggestion brought. "So that trick you did. Now that you've done it, think you could teach someone else to do it?"

  "No, not right now. I would not even be able to do it without her help right now. Until I learn to see as she does, I need her vision." Ash sat back against the rock next to Nolyn, gazing towards the sky as the stars began to fade with the rising sun. "Desanti see things differently than we do."

  "What do they see? I could tell before it must be something phenomenal. The awe you felt." He held up his right hand, looking at the scar. "I had not felt that kind of wonder in you since... we created this bayuli-volsha between us."

  Ash smiled fondly towards Storm, shaking his head. "I cannot put words to it. I can only show you." He held up his scarred right hand. "I have never been more grateful this bond between us allows us to share memories. I want someone else to know this."

  Taking Ash's right hand with his own so the star-shaped scars touched, Nolyn closed his eyes as Ash shared the recent memories prior to casting the spell. The Edai Magus inhaled sharply in shock. "Dear goddess," he breathed, opening his eyes as the connection ended. "Do they all see the world like that?"

  "I suspect not. It is like with our people. The more we use our vision, the better we can see. Some start out more gifted than others." Ash hugged his right hand, rubbing the colored mark absently. "Storm and I... are very much the same. We both honed our gifts to levels not normally seen in anyone else. We had put everything we were into our arts because..."

  "It was all you had to call your own." Nolyn sighed softly, resting his head back against the rock wall behind them. "I have to confess. All this bothers me, Ash."

  "What? After all your talk about Storm sharing my path, you're changing your mind?"

  Nolyn snorted softly. "No, of course not. I said before, Storm's the only woman strong enough to keep up with you. And you're the only man she will let keep up with her."

  "Then what is worrying you?" Ash frowned slightly as he watched the Desanti. Not out of jealousy, but concern. "You're not buying into the arguments the Desanti mean to attack Forenta."

  "Gods, no." Nolyn looked sideways at Ash. "I may not be a Guardian or have the talent, but I can feel... something in the air. Something is changing. Something... dark is looming." He closed his eyes again. "And it is centered around all of Almek's students."

  Ash nodded solemnly, unable to stifle a yawn. "I know. It worries me, too."

  "Get some rest, Ash. Skyfire and I will watch over the two of you."

  Chapter 66

  It was not until nearly afternoon when the front door opened and the four missing returned. They were greeted by a cacophony of relief, surprise, and scolding for worrying everyone. Ash kept a protective arm around Storm, sensing her inward cringe being taken to task. Still recovering from the effort of the first spell to leave and the second to return, the Swordanzen woman remained withdrawn and subdued.

  Immediately recognizing something odd about Storm and Ash, Mureln approached the two, waving a hand impatiently at the others to quiet them. "Where have you been? Miss Kelafy has been beside herself when you four missed breakfast. The rest of us were getting rather worried, too."

  Ash stifled a yawn, hugging Storm closer as she rested her head on his chest, equally weary. "It was necessary, I assure you." He looked quizzically at the cup Mureln handed him, arching an eyebrow.

  Mureln grinned. "Trust me. That will wake you up."

  Shrugging, Ash took a long sip, and promptly choked. Shoving the cup back in Mureln's hand, the mage coughed after he swallowed, eyes watering. "Dear gods, what is that vile stuff?" The others couldn't help but laugh at his expression. He leveled an annoyed look at Emil, who was laughing so hard, he had to wipe tears from his eyes.

  The wiry gypsy snickered as he composed himself. "It be a secret gypsy brew." Eventually collecting himself, he continued to chuckle as Ash glared mildly at him. "Oh, gods, the look on yer face! If I'd ha' known ye never had it b'fore, I'd ha' given ye some sooner!"

  Storm took the cup, sniffing at it a moment before draining it without blinking. She tossed the cup back to Emil casually. "Not bad. A little weak. The bitterweed beans were harvested too early for the soil they were grown in, and I think the breed must be tamed because of being grown here in the north." Matter-of-factly, the woman continued, oblivious to the stares leveled on her. "I tend to feel bitterweed brew is better when it is hot. How do the Vodani call it? Coffee?" At Emil's blank look, the Desanti woman just smiled faintly as the others laughed.

  Almek watched the recently returned group curiously. "Storm. Ash. Come over here." Obediently, the two stood in front of him silently, waiting. Squinting, he said, "There is something... different about the two of you."

  The Illaini and Githalin traded knowing looks. "Storm and I... have come to a mutual understanding."

  "That be what they callin' romps in the hay here in Forenta?" Emil asked drolly. He oofed loudly when both Terrence and Emaris elbowed him in the sides.

  Ash only smirked. He leaned forward slightly, becoming earnestly serious. "We can get you to Fortress, Master Almek."

  Almek's eyes were resting on the pair's entwined fingers before blinking at Ash as what he said re
gistered in his consciousness. "What do you mean? Get me to Fortress?"

  "Ash is able to share Storm's unique vision and ability to scry to open a portal across distance," Nolyn stated succinctly. "We went from a clearing near the house to the top of the Academy's mountain. And back." Regarding Ash with brotherly affection and infinite respect, he said, "It was... something of legends, Dusvet, truly. If I had not accompanied them, I would not believe it possible myself, even for Ash."

  "But it is extremely risky," Skyfire tempered in a low voice, looking at Storm with a proud but deeply worried expression. "It requires Storm to scry as she had when she was nearly lost to us, and Ash to do this... 'chain' with a non-mage, that Nolyn says is unsafe."

  "Is this true?" Almek frowned thoughtfully. "I do not want you to risk..."

  Storm fixed Almek with a hard look, startling the Guardian. "How dare you? Skyfire and I nearly died for you, Lord Almek. How dare you speak as if you are not worth dying for?" She stood over Almek, her eyes flashing with a feral light. "You accepted my Blood Oath! If you are so worried about me living, then you will need to live, Lord Almek, because I will do whatever needs to be done to protect your life until my final breath, whether you like it or not!"

  Ash smiled a little when she went for the hall that led up to the hidden desert room. "If you will excuse us." He looked to Terrence. "Please assure Miss Kelafy we will be down in time for dinner after we have rested. The effort was considerable." Terrence only nodded to the request as the other man followed Storm.

  No one had made a sound after Storm stalked out of the room or for several moments after Ash had disappeared after her. Finally, Emil said dryly, "If she's goin' t' be that cranky, we better not let 'er have anymore coffee." The others blinked before they began laughing.


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