Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4) Page 8

by Nicole Dykes

  I hear Dani cheering for me and Cam telling Luke to “suck it”. I don’t think and I give Hunter a big, excited hug. He hugs me back for a split second and then we both pull away. “Thank you!”

  Luke rolls his eyes, “You guys, that was one round.”

  We all laugh and then continue bowling for three hours. At the end of the night our team won, but just barely.

  We walk out to the parking lot that is a lot emptier than it was when Dani and I walked through it earlier. Cam stretches, “I’m fucking starving. Bob’s?”

  Luke nods, “I’m in.”

  Hunter agrees too and looks over at me and Dani, “You guys hungry?”

  I laugh, these guys are always hungry. Dani nods her head eagerly. “Absolutely. I need a ride though.”

  Cam grins, “We have room for one.”

  I look nervously over at Dani, but she’s already accepted. Hannah looks at Luke, “I’m riding with Vanessa.” She then turns to me, “Cassie, Luke has room in his car.”

  Great. I’ll ride with my brother. I look over at Luke, “Is that alright?”

  He laughs and ruffles my hair, which drives me crazy. “Let’s go.”

  I watch Dani walk with Cam, Hunter, and Duncan to what I’m assuming is Cameron’s car. Tyler and Samantha left an hour ago. Hannah and Vanessa go to Hannah’s car and I follow Luke to his.

  I wonder if he’s noticed my childish crush on his best friend.

  Chapter 14


  I follow Luke to where he is parked, looking for his GTO and am surprised when he stops at a late sixties model Chevy Nova. It has custom paint that screams Luke. “Where is your GTO?”

  “At my house.” He unlocks the driver’s side and hops in, unlocking my door manually.

  I climb in and fasten my seatbelt. “Where did you get this one?”

  “Jax found it in Topeka this summer, all beat to hell. We fixed it up at the shop.”

  I nod my head, not surprised at all that this is the first time I’ve heard of it. Even though it’s likely I heard them talking about it several times, I’ve learned to block out car talk. “Well, it’s pretty. I like the color.”

  He rolls his eyes, annoyed that’s what I focused on. We leave the parking lot and head down the main road to exit campus. “So, how’s school going?”

  I give my typical answer to family members, “Fine.”

  “Been to any parties?”

  I turn to examine his face. Is this a trap? Does he know about the party I went to? I try to play it cool and shrug my shoulders. My eyes focusing on the road ahead, “Just one. No big deal.”

  “Uh oh, did you get shitfaced?”

  Did Hunter tell him? Or Cam? My face heats at the drunken, fuzzy memories from that night. I hope if Hunter did tell him, he didn’t tell him everything. He wouldn’t do that, would he? “It was a pretty uneventful night.”

  I slowly turn my head, trying to see if Luke bought my lie. “Well, just be careful. Obviously, you are going to go to parties. You’re in college.” I sigh in relief and look out the window to my right. That is until he adds, “And don’t fuck Cam.”

  My head snaps over to look at Luke, “What?”

  He shrugs, “You heard me. Don’t do it.”

  I stare at him a little shocked. He’s worried about me and Cam? Cam is a good-looking guy, but I have never thought about him that way. I almost laugh thinking that he should be worried about my attraction to Hunter, but don’t when I realize it’s because he doesn’t see Hunter as a threat. He knows that Hunter would never go for me. “You don’t have to worry about me and Cam.”

  He nods his head and I slowly turn away, fidgeting with a loose string on my ripped jeans. “Good. I mean it’s a code between friends. You don’t fuck your friend’s sister, but Cam is kinda a wild card. I never know with that asshole. So, if he chooses to ignore that, don’t let him.”

  He doesn’t trust me either. “I don’t want Cam.”

  “Good. Keep it that way.”

  Ass. I decide to change the conversation to something I know makes him uncomfortable. Maybe for a little bit of immature revenge. “So when are you going to propose to Hannah?”

  I see his fingers tighten on the steering wheel slightly, “I’m not having my wife live in a different city.”

  I roll my eyes at him, “That’s stupid. Your girlfriend lives in a different city and you guys make it work just fine.”

  “You have no fucking idea how hard it is. I have a girl like Hannah and get to see her maybe two days a week, but usually every other week.”

  I grin, it’s funny to see Luke like this. “You guys are practically married now. I don’t understand what’s stopping you.”

  “I bought the fucking ring, okay? I have it, but I’m not proposing until we can live together in the same house.”

  “You have the ring already?”

  He stiffens, “Don’t tell Hannah.”

  “I won’t, but if you think she doesn’t want it now just because you can’t live together, you’re crazy.”

  “Drop it.”

  Ah, there’s the Luke I know. We pull up to a restaurant, ‘Bob’s Diner’ and Luke wastes no time getting out of the car. Maybe I pushed him too far. I know he’s stressed that he can’t be with Hannah as much as he wants to. She’s going into psychology and that means at least two more years of college after she gets her undergraduate.

  I climb out of Luke’s car and gather with everyone else. I look up at the old diner, “I thought Bob’s was someone’s house when you guys suggested we go here.”

  Hannah laughs, “No, it’s this old rundown diner with the greasiest food ever.”

  Vanessa adds, “That we all love.”

  Hannah nods her head in agreement and Luke stays quiet. Hunter starts walking inside, “I’m starving.”

  We all follow. Hunter just has that leadership quality that no one ignores. When we get inside I’m seated across from him and next to Hannah and Dani.

  Dani asks, “So, how was your ride over here?”

  I make eye contact with Luke who looks a lot happier now that he’s seated next to Hannah. “Fine. Yours?”

  She flirts with Cam with her eyes, “A lot of fun. I told the guys we are going to the game tomorrow and that we will be cheering them on.”

  I look over at Hunter who is smiling, “You didn’t tell me you have season tickets.”

  Luke gave me a pair of them for Christmas this year, but I wasn’t sure if I would use them. I was a cheerleader in high school. Always trying to be popular and around the football players and Brent who was a basketball player. At the end of the day I just learned how poorly the players treated the cheerleaders.

  I shrug, “Yeah, Luke bought them.”

  Luke scoffs, “Yeah, I thought you were going to scalp them. Said football was lame.”

  I laugh at the joke I made at Christmas, but Hunter looks confused. “You don’t want them?”

  Great Cassie insult the sport Hunter is planning to make into a career. “I was just messing with Luke.”

  He laughs at that, but I’m not sure if he’s buying it. Instead of looking disappointed he seems to be intrigued. “So, you’ll be there then?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Hannah says excitedly, “Well we can pick you and Dani up and take you guys to the game if you want. Parking is hell.”

  “We are going to head there early though.” Luke grunts at me.

  I nod, “If that’s okay, that would be great. It starts at three, right?”

  Hunter answers, “Yep.”

  Cam who was busy talking with Dani about something I didn’t’ catch, finally hops in the conversation. “Hell yeah, we are going to fucking destroy them tomorrow!”

  Duncan who has been quiet since we got here says, “Hell yeah we are!”

  I laugh and shake my head and wait for Hunter to get equally excited. He just smirks, “Well, we had better. Their record is pathetic.”

  Cam slaps him o
n the back, “Oh here we go. It’s not enough of a challenge for Thompson.”

  Hunter shrugs his shoulders after he takes a bite of the hamburger he ordered. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting some competition.”

  Luke laughs, “Well you are definitely gonna get that next week. Roll Tide.”

  Ah, they are playing the University of Alabama.

  Hunter agrees, “Yeah, we better be ready.”

  I smile to myself. He takes football seriously. I find that super hot, but what the hell don’t I find hot when it comes to Hunter?

  Chapter 15


  I fucking love game days. Especially game days where we wipe the floor with our opponents. Fifty-two to three is no easy feat, I don’t care how bad the other team is.

  I stayed behind after our brief team meeting to talk to the offensive coaching staff and then went for a quick run, still pumped from the game.

  When I get home I’m still sweaty from my run and want nothing more than to take a relaxing shower. As soon as I reach my house I’m immediately tense when I see several cars in the driveway and parked in front. Fucking Cam.

  I can’t believe he has the balls to throw a party after what happened last weekend.

  I walk into the house, pissed off. Surprisingly the house isn’t full. In fact there is only one person inside and that’s Luke. He’s carrying two beers, “Hey. Hell of a game, man.”

  I smirk. It was. “Thanks, where’s Cam?”

  He nods to the sliding glass door that leads to our backyard, “Out back with everyone else.”

  He kept the party outside? “Who is everyone?”

  Luke grins, “It’s nowhere near as bad as you are thinking. Just a few people, really. Thought we would grill and have a barbecue to celebrate that awesome win. Is that cool?”

  I sigh relieved and nod my head. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

  He laughs and pats my shoulder. “Heard about last weekend. Sorry we missed it.”

  He has no idea how wrong he is. He must not know Cassie was here and I intend to keep it that way. “He better not pull that shit again.”

  Luke just saunters toward the door, “He will.”

  I laugh at that totally realistic statement. “Yeah I know.”

  “Most of us already ate, but there is plenty leftover.”

  “Alright, thanks. I’m gonna shower and then I’ll be out.” I say as Luke rejoins whoever is outside and I go into my bedroom. Luckily I have my own bathroom and Cam’s bathroom is in the hallway for guests to use.

  I take a quick shower and cool down from the day. When I get out, I dress in a pair of jeans and grab a t-shirt, pulling it over my head as I walk out into the hallway.

  I’m startled when I collide with Cassie’s small body, coming out of the hallway bathroom. “Shit, Cassie. I’m sorry.”

  I notice her eyes are on my bare stomach and I right my shirt, tugging it down. I really wish she wouldn’t look at me like that. Memories of the last time we were in my house together come racing back. She has that same look of lust on her face now, but it’s quickly replaced by embarrassment at she looks up and into my eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were home yet.”

  I smile at her, trying to ease the tension in the hallway. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  She looks nervous. She uses her hand to toss her thick, long blond hair out of her eyes. I hate how sexy I find her hair. It’s just hair, but it’s long and unruly. “Yeah, Dani and I came here with Hannah and Luke. Is it okay that we’re here after last weekend?”

  “Of course, it’s fine. You’re always welcome here, Cassie.”

  Her smile brightens and I realize we are standing in the middle of the hall. I motion for her to follow me into the living room and she does. I sit on the couch and she actually joins me instead of going back outside.

  She’s dressed in a K-state tank top that dips dangerously low and a jean skirt that goes to mid-thigh when she sits on the couch. I suddenly wish the weather would cool down. I don’t know how much more of the skin baring season I can take around Cassie. “That was a great game today, Hunter.”

  I grin over at her, “So you didn’t hate it, huh?”

  I can’t resist giving her a hard time about telling Luke she was going to scalp the season tickets he got her. She looks slightly embarrassed, “No, of course not. I don’t really think football is lame.”

  “It’s okay if you do, Cassie. I know not everyone likes football.”

  She shakes her head, “It’s just I grew up with Luke. It was always about Luke playing football and how amazing he was. And then I was a cheerleader in high school so maybe I got a little burnt out.”

  I laugh. I wonder if my younger sister feels the same way. “I get that.”

  She looks over at me with admiration, “But watching you….wow. I can tell you really love to play, don’t you? I’ve never seen you so free.”

  I lean back into the couch, shifting in my seat from being uncomfortable. “Yeah. I really do. Always have. Kinda pathetic, huh?”

  She shakes her head adamantly and places her hand on my thigh. Shit. Her hand is way too close to my dick. The same dick that does not want to cooperate with me right now. “No, not at all. I think it’s incredible and wish I loved something that much.”

  Our eyes lock and I’m trying like fucking crazy to not think about her hand on my thigh. I should get up and shake it off. I’m a selfish asshole, so I stay. “You will, Cassie. So, did you have fun bowling?”

  “I actually did. Surprisingly.”

  I laugh at her honestly. “See there are plenty of PG rated things to do in this town that don’t involve alcohol.”

  “I believe you now. Are you going to show them all to me?”

  My mind drifts to not so PG rated things when she says that. I really need to get a grip. No one has had this effect on me since Miranda. “Yeah, of course. I have to go out of town this weekend, but definitely the weekend after that if you’re up for it.”

  She smiles, “Absolutely.”

  Her hand pulls back suddenly when we hear the sliding glass door open and Luke and Hannah walk in. Luke walks up to me, “See ya later, Hunt. I’m out of here.”


  He nods, “Well Vanessa is here and probably will be for a bit. That means Hannah’s house is wide open for us so we don’t have to be quiet.”

  I chuckle and I hear Cassie say, “Gross.”

  Hannah just shakes her head at Luke who then turns to Cassie, “So this is where you went to?” He turns to me, “She bothering you?”

  He says it like she’s a pest. I guess to him she will always be his annoying little sister trying to hang out with his friends. “No, she’s fine.”

  He nods his head, “Alright, well I’ll see ya next time.”

  “Yup. Have fun.”

  He winks at me and wraps his arm around Hannah’s waist. “Always.”

  She rolls her eyes at him, “See you around, Hunter.”

  I give a quick nod and then she turns to Cassie, “Call me sometime and we will go get some coffee, okay?”

  Cassie smiles at her, “Okay, sounds great.”

  Luke walks over to Cassie and gives her a quick hug while she’s still sitting on the couch, “Be good, okay? I’ll see you soon.”

  She rolls her eyes at him, but smiles. “Okay. Bye.”

  Hannah and Luke head out and I turn to Cassie who is looking out the sliding glass door. “Ugh.”

  I look outside, but I’m not sure what has her upset, “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes move from looking outside back to my eyes, “It’s just Dani.”

  “Is she okay?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, “No, not really. She had a rough year. Her boyfriend cheated on her and her solution is to screw every guy in sight.”

  I nod my head. “I think a lot of people use that method.”

  I’m the freak that went with celibacy after getting cheated on. “Yeah, but now I think
she has her sights set on Cam.”

  My eyes widen. I’ve seen them flirt, but it just seems like their natural personalities. I don’t think Cam will act on it, “Cam?”

  She nods, “Yeah. I mean she says she won’t go there, but she’s got her hands all over him tonight. It’s like she changed her mind. And she totally can. I can’t tell her she can’t, but she has to know it’s a bad idea.”

  I laugh at that, “Yeah it is. I mean Cam is a good guy, but he’s not looking for anything serious.” Except for with Vanessa, but I don’t think either one of them know that.

  “Well, neither is Dani, but still. I don’t think it’s a great idea.”

  I study Cassie’s expression, trying to find out why this is bothering her so much. Is she interested in Cam? “Do you like Cam?”

  She looks shocked by my question, “God, no! Why does everyone think that?”

  She seems genuinely pissed off I even asked that. “Who else thinks that?”

  “Luke. He actually went on to give me a speech about how there is some guy code where you don’t mess around with a friend’s sister and how I shouldn’t allow that. Blah, blah, blah.”

  “He’s not wrong. There is definitely a code.” A code I hate right now.


  I nod my head, “Yeah, it’s like an unwritten rule.”

  “Do you have a sister?”

  “Yeah actually. She’s a senior in high school right now and I would give anything to be there to enforce that rule and keep all of those pricks away from her. Really we don’t want anyone dating our sisters.”

  I’m a total asshole because I do believe in that code, but then can’t stop staring at Cassie as she laughs at me, “That’s crazy. Shouldn’t you want your sister to grow up and be loved?”

  I shake my head, “Nope. Guys aren’t logical when it comes to their little sisters.”

  She laughs again. “You don’t have to tell me. Does your sister have another big brother to help you intimidate those ‘pricks’?”

  “Nope, just me.”

  “Well she’s lucky. Having two big brothers is a pain in the ass. And a Jax on top of all of that.”


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