Collision Force

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Collision Force Page 21

by C. A. Szarek

  Was it really going to be this easy?

  Carlo’s buyer cussed Clint Downs to hell and back as he cuffed him. The Russian accent caught Cole’s attention, but he didn’t tear his eyes from his nemesis. Smart of him to deal with someone new, though. Had Caselli broken into the Russian market too or was Carlo slyer than he looked?

  “C’mon, Carlo, don’t tell me you’re not gonna fight me,” Cole said as he approached slowly, kicking the Beretta farther out of Maldonado’s range.

  “Fuck you, Lucas.”

  “No thanks.” He flashed a grin at the dark look Carlo shot him.

  “Cuff him, partner, I got your back,” Lee said from behind him.

  Carlo growled, but didn’t fight him as he reholstered and slipped behind the bastard. A wave of satisfaction washed over him as he wrenched the guy’s injured arm down and back to cuff him. Other than the curse he muttered, Maldonado said nothing, so Cole held back the jibe he had ready, and restrained the urge to knock him on his ass.

  The click and snap was the best sound he’d heard since he’d left Texas. Lucky and easy had an odd taste on his tongue. But they’d got him.

  “Better you than Caselli—either variety,” Carlo whispered. “What do you want to know, Lucas?” he asked a moment later, his voice steadier and louder.

  “Hmmm, general population not looking so good, Maldonado?” Lee asked, winking at Cole. Being in a regular pod—even Federal prison—could get Carlo killed, given his affinity for sex with young girls. The bastard would want to aim for protective custody, even if he had to beg for it. Surprisingly, even convicts didn’t like paedophiles.

  Chuckling at his partner, he addressed the slippery asshole he’d chased too long. “Maybe we can talk.”

  “Maybe?” Carlo barked, dark eyes wide. “Anything you want to know, I promise.”

  “A promise from you doesn’t mean shit.”

  Maldonado shook from head to foot, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

  Members of their team hovered. Cole said nothing, exchanging a look with his partner. He took a breath and crossed his arms. “Get him out of my sight.”

  Agent Downs stepped forward, grabbing Carlo’s upper arm. “I’ll take him out the back way. Roberts, Morris, you’re with me. Two thugs known to be associated with Caselli the younger were spotted in the lobby.”

  “Wow, Maldonado, you’re popular indeed,” Lee said, one corner of her full mouth lifted.

  Carlo went white, trembling in Clint Downs’ grip, his step sluggish as the other two agents stepped forward. Cole swallowed a curse. They’d been closer to losing him than they’d thought.

  “Lucas, I want to talk. I want to talk, man,” Carlo shouted as he was led away.

  The three teens sobbed, arms around each other as one of Cole’s fellow female agents moved them against the far wall and tried to urge them into the plush chairs in the room. As soon as they calmed, their interviews would begin. Hopefully their families could be located—there would be no telling if they were Americans or illegals until they’d talked to them.

  “You’re gonna listen to what he has to say, right?” Lee asked, taking his attention from the true victims of this whole thing.

  “Oh yeah. But I have to let him stew for a while.” Cole flashed a smile.

  * * * *

  The rest of the day was a whirlwind of interviews and evidence. Carlo’s Beretta was shipped off to the lab, no doubt the murder weapon Texas would need to prove he’d killed Gains and Reese, though the coward had already confessed on paper to Cole. Andi and Pete would be pleased.

  Two of the girls were sisters and their family was located in Montana, where they’d run away from six months before. The third girl was apparently an orphan, and had been taken into custody by Child Services. Hopefully they’d find her a decent foster family.

  Saving three girls was a drop in the bucket, but it did renew his faith in his job. A bit. He still wanted Caselli. But Andi and Ethan kept dancing in and out of his thoughts.

  He stared at Lee as they debriefed with fresh coffee in their shared office. His partner was more than capable to lead the team with Agent Clint Downs at her side. Could he give up control? Was his place in New York or Texas?

  “Great job today, Lee,” Cole whispered.

  Dark eyes widening, she studied him. “Thanks. You too.”

  “Carlo’s intel will actually further the investigation.” And secure his ass a place in protective custody. Cole had relented on the bluff even before Maldonado had opened his slimy mouth.

  “Caselli’s thugs were gone before Downs and the men hit the lobby with Carlo. Bet he was relieved,” Lee said, sighing.

  “Not like we could have brought them in. It’s not illegal to hang out in public, anyway.”

  “If we could only get back in,” Lee mused, turning her cup and looking at the label that said her name.

  “I know it, but I am pretty sure Maldonado screwed that up. Or I did, anyway.”

  “Nah, you did what you had to do.”

  Cole nodded. “Thanks.”

  Silence descended and once again he wanted to squirm under that dark, appraising gaze. “You know, for what it’s worth, I think you should go back to Texas,” she said.

  Blinking, he wanted to assert a quick denial. Snap that it wasn’t any of her business. But his tongue was glued to the roof of his mouth.

  “I thought it would be more exciting, working with the great Cole Lucas”—Lee flashed a grin—“but your head’s not in the game.”

  What the hell could he say? He’d known her three months, and she’d pegged him one hundred per cent. “It’s not affecting my job,” he managed.

  “Today proves that, and besides, I didn’t say it was. But you’re not yourself.” She shook her head when Cole scowled. “Don’t give me that you don’t know me crap. You’re a lot like me. And I know that look. You are off your game. You’re functioning, not living. You should do something about it.” Her tone took on a sadness that made his stomach flip. “Before it’s too late.” The whisper was an afterthought, and her throat bobbed as she swallowed hard, pain flashing across her dark eyes.

  So, she’d been through some shit too. He sympathised, but what could he say?

  “I don’t want to talk about this,” Cole muttered.

  One corner of her mouth lifted and the constant amusement he was used to was back. “Who does? Ever?”

  A string of curses fell from his mouth and she laughed.

  “Yeah, cover it up. Typical guy.”

  He shrugged and Lee shook her head.

  “How’s your adjustment been, anyway?” he asked. It was the first time he’d bothered to check on her. And this morning’s nosiness aside, he was interested in her answer. “New York growing on ya?”

  She cocked her head to the side, long hair shifting with the movement. “My place is too small, too expensive, and I will always be a Texas gal, but everyone here has been great.”

  “Except your shit of a partner.” He shook his head. “Sorry about that. You’re right, about everything you said.”

  Lee laughed. “Nah, even my shit of a partner has been all right.”

  Cole smiled and she grinned.

  “The question is, Lucas, what are you going to do now?”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When Cole got back into Antioch, the first place he went was the toy store. Ethan’s fourth birthday was in about a week. He got the kid something nice, and would sweep him up into his arms and pull Andi tight to him. He’d never let either of them go.

  He’d never laid his heart open to a woman, and if Andi rejected him, he’d have to deal with it. His fate was sealed. He was out of the FBI—he wouldn’t go back even if Olivia would have him.

  Olivia had called Chief Martin for him with a glowing recommendation, as well as giving him a letter to deliver. He had a job, if he wanted it. And Cole did. Small town detective was going to be a change for sure, but one that could only be for the better. He belonge
d in Texas…for the rest of his life.

  If things didn’t go as planned, he’d have to get over her, move on somehow. Deal with seeing her every day at work. He’d love her for the rest of his life, and he could only pray that she’d forgive his pigheadedness for not realising it. For leaving like a total asshole. Under the guise of work, when there were others who could take up the cause.

  Cass had been overjoyed that he was giving up the FBI, but even more that her baby bro had finally found the one.

  If she would take him back, anyway. His sister had told him to follow his heart when he’d told her about Andi and Ethan.

  Cole smiled. She’d threatened to be on the next plane to Texas. He’d had to bribe her to keep her away. It wasn’t that he didn’t want them to meet…but he had to explain everything to Andi and hope she’d have his sorry ass. Almost four months. Too damn long.

  Chief Martin had been pretty open with his start date, so he’d called and left a message for his new boss. The city would have him show up at HR to fill out paperwork sometime in the coming week. He’d even asked dispatch which detective was on call. It wasn’t Andi or Pete. Good, it meant she was probably at home, spending Saturday afternoon with Ethan. After a two-day drive, and only stopping about six hours to catch a nap, all he wanted to do was collapse, but he had to see Andi and Ethan.

  He ached every time he looked at the wallpaper on his cell phone. Ethan’s grin warmed his heart and Andi’s smile flipped his stomach. He’d snapped the picture not long before he’d left. Cole had never intended on taking the photo, let alone using it on his phone, but now it was a lifeline, pure hope of a future.

  His heart thudded as he made the turn off the main thoroughfare into her subdivision. It sped into overdrive when he hit her street and Cole actually gulped as he pulled into her driveway. He forced a deep breath and had to prise a white knuckled hand off the steering wheel to put the car in park. After swiping his thumb across his cell, he kissed the picture of Andi and Ethan as it popped up.

  Pete’s grey pickup was parked next to Andi’s silver SUV.

  Don’t lose your nerve now, coward.

  Her partner was a big part of her personal life. He might as well accept that right now. He wasn’t jealous…exactly. He just wanted his face in one piece, an unbroken nose and no bruises.

  Cole grabbed the huge teddy bear from the back seat and slipped it under his arm, ignoring his roiling stomach. He jogged up the three steps and stared at her front door, stepping onto the welcome mat. Bile rose and he swallowed against the lump in his throat.

  This is it. Please, God, let her love me back.

  Cole made a fist, hesitating for only a moment before knocking hard. His knuckles smarted, but he clung to the sting.

  Minutes were more like hours and he shifted on his feet. Finally the door opened.

  She gasped, then their eyes locked. They stood frozen and staring.

  “Cole…” His name was a whisper that fell from her lips and snapped him out of his stupor.

  Eyes trailing her body, he froze again, glued to Andi’s stomach. It was…distended…round. Her light blue tee did nothing to hide it, especially tucked into her cuffed denim capris.

  No. Shit.



  Blood drained from his head, but his heart thundered in his ears. He swayed on his feet.

  A baby. His baby.

  He should be scared shitless…but he wasn’t. But what was he feeling?

  Ethan’s oversized bear slipped from his grasp and hit the porch.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” The words tumbled out. Not the demand he’d planned, but a cracked whisper. Cole cleared his throat.

  He wanted to shout, but wanted to hold her, kiss her and wipe the shocked look from her face, too. His hands remained at his sides—he couldn’t reach for her. Was he afraid?

  “Andi, who was at the door?”

  He heard Pete’s voice before the man appeared around the corner, Ethan on his heels.

  “Cole!” The little boy bounded towards him, and Cole squatted down just in time to catch the kid as he jumped into his arms.

  Ethan kissed his cheek with a loud smack and Cole hugged Andi’s son tight.

  God, he smelt good, just like Cole remembered. Sunshine, detergent and all little boy. He closed his eyes and buried his face in Ethan’s soft red curls, taking a deep breath. This kid was his son. It didn’t matter that they shared no blood.

  “Well, it’s about damn time,” Pete muttered.

  Andi’s partner threw his hand out for a shake. Cole propped Ethan on a hip and gripped Pete’s hand, letting his comment slide. If he’d known Andi was carrying his child he would have been by her side. Hell, for all he knew, Pete could think he’d known about the pregnancy and didn’t give a damn.

  “Hey, man,” Cole said. He almost sighed at the appraising look Andi’s partner gave him. Pete hadn’t changed in the time he’d been gone.

  “Good to see ya,” Pete said, returning his shake. “Too bad it wasn’t sooner.” He shot a look at Andi.

  Pete knew she hadn’t told him about the baby. Interesting.

  One glance at Andi and his heart stuttered. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. Cole made himself look at Pete and be polite. “I’m here now.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Pete said.

  Ethan noticed the stuffed bear and leant down in Cole’s arms. “Mine?” he asked.

  Cole set Andi’s son to his feet. The little boy grabbed the bear’s arm and righted it, his big blue eyes wide.

  “Yes, sir,” Cole said, squatting in front of him. “I know your birthday isn’t until next week, but Teddy said he couldn’t wait to meet you.”

  Ethan grinned and wrapped his little arms around the stuffed animal. Pete chuckled and Cole couldn’t hold back his grin. The bear was almost as tall as the kid.

  Andi was much too quiet, but Cole straightened when she sniffled. He’d made her cry. Great—add one more point on the asshole list.

  God, he needed to touch her. He smiled but her expression became even more fragile.

  “Thank you,” Ethan said politely, hopping up and down.

  Cole ruffled his hair. “You’re welcome, buddy. Anytime.”

  The little boy beamed up at him, still latched onto his new toy.

  “Well, squirt, I think it’ll just be me and you for lunch,” Pete said, taking the bear from Ethan and tucking it under his arm.

  She said nothing, but Andi’s chest heaved as if she’d taken a breath. Cole watched her rounded tummy, his heart flipping. There was a piece of him—them—growing there. He was going to be a father. She was still gorgeous, even puffy-eyed and pregnant.

  “Gonna stand on the doorstep all day?” Pete asked, one corner of his mouth lifting.

  Pete led the way into the house. Cole rested his hand at the small of Andi’s back like he’d done dozens of times. She jolted, but didn’t pull away as they headed into the living room, Ethan tugging his bear from Pete’s arms.

  Plopping onto the couch with the giant stuffed animal beside him, Ethan beamed, unaware of the growing tension in the room.

  “We were actually going to head out for lunch, but I’ll take Ethan. You two need to talk,” Pete said, giving Andi a pointed look before his intense gaze landed on Cole.

  He managed a nod to Andi’s partner. He agreed completely.

  She paled, her blue eyes wide. Was she afraid of him? Cole’s gut ached. Obviously she was planning on having his baby, but what if she didn’t want him? What if she didn’t love him?

  Andi swiped at her cheeks and took an audible breath.

  “C’mon, squirt,” Pete said, holding out his hand.

  Ethan slipped off the couch, his eyes wide. “I want to stay with Cole.” He looked up at Pete, then back at him, shifting on his little feet.

  “C’mere, buddy,” Cole said, sitting on the edge of the couch and gathering Andi’s son to him. “You go have lunch with your Uncle Pete, okay? When y
ou get back, I promise I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed Ethan’s forehead and looked at Andi, making sure she’d heard his vow, too.

  She worried her bottom lip with her teeth, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. God, he wanted to hold her. Comfort her. Make her worry free. Always.

  “Promise?” the solemn question quavered and he met Ethan’s innocent gaze.

  “Promise,” Cole said.

  Pete flashed a smile that broadcasted approval. “Ready?”

  “Okay,” Ethan said, scrambling off his lap.

  “Work it out, Andi,” Pete said, his low tone carrying.

  Heart dropping to his stomach, Cole forced a breath. Pete was on his side, after all.

  The door closed.

  He crossed the room in two strides and wrapped his arms around her. She tugged against his hold, hesitating for a moment, but then she came to him, her arms shooting around his waist and squeezing him almost too tight. Sobs were muffled by his shirt as she buried her face against his chest.

  Andi’s heart pounded against his, and he rubbed her back, letting her cry. It was killing him, but she needed to get it out so they could talk. Really talk.

  He rested his cheek against her soft hair. It was loose and fell past her shoulders in soft waves he needed to touch. The strawberry scent tickled his nose. She smelt the same, felt the same in his arms, except for the firm roundness of her stomach pressing into him.

  Cole closed his eyes and inhaled. How had he lived without her every day?

  He loved her so much. The three words should have been out of his mouth first thing, but were clogged in his throat. “Andi…” When she lifted her head, he cupped her face and thumbed her tears away. “No more tears,” he whispered.

  She closed her eyes and he couldn’t resist. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. He moaned as she opened for him and their tongues mingled. She tasted as sweet as she always had. Deepening the kiss, he pulled her closer.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Andi didn’t resist him. How could she? She slipped her arms around his neck, burying her fingertips in his thick dark hair. It was longer than she’d ever seen it, but she liked it. He was still gorgeous, and being in his arms was even better than before.


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