The Perfect Bride for Mr. Darcy

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The Perfect Bride for Mr. Darcy Page 1

by Mary Lydon Simonsen


  Copyright © 2011 by Mary Lydon Simonsen

  Cover and internal design © 2011 by Sourcebooks, Inc.

  Cover design by Cyanotype Book Architects

  Cover photography © Richard Jenkins Photography

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  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Simonsen, Mary Lydon.

  The perfect bride for Mr. Darcy / Mary Lydon Simonsen.

  p. cm.

  1. Darcy, Fitzwilliam (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Bennet, Elizabeth (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 3. Austen, Jane, 1775–1817. Pride and prejudice—Fiction. 4. England—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3619.I56287P465 2010




  Front Cover

  Title Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  About the Author

  Back Cover

  To Paul, the love of my life and my own Mr. Darcy, and Deb Werksman, my editor at Sourcebooks, for her guidance and patience

  Chapter 1

  Summer 1808

  Fitzwilliam Darcy paced up and down the side of the road. He had been within five miles of Netherfield Park, the country estate of his friend, Charles Bingley, when the carriage had veered violently to the right. After learning from his driver that the axle was bent, he had sent his footman in search of a horse, so that he might continue his journey.

  A month earlier, Bingley had signed a lease on a handsome two-hundred-acre estate in Hertfordshire with a well-stocked lake and an uninterrupted view of the surrounding countryside. The manor house was the perfect size for Bingley and his small party. The rent on the house, which was owned by the Darlingtons, was reasonable, and above all, it had stables and pastures for Charles’s horses.

  Before Darcy gave his opinion on signing the lease, he had gone into the neighboring village of Meryton and had found a typical market town near enough to the London road so that it had some amenities, such as a circulating library, an assembly hall, and a variety of shops that would meet Bingley’s simple needs, if not those of his sisters, Caroline and Louisa, who were to keep house for him. He also made inquiries as to the local society. With Sir James Darlington, a baronet, gone to take the waters in search of a cure for his gout and relief for his wife’s arthritis, Sir William Lucas, who had been knighted the previous year, was the only person of rank within easy riding distance of Netherfield Park. Darcy knew that Bingley, who loved dancing almost as much as he loved horses, would sign the lease as soon as he heard that there was an assembly hall in Meryton.

  By the time his footman had returned with a horse, a light rain had begun to fall, but Darcy would push on to Netherfield nonetheless and hope that the weather would improve or at least not get worse.

  The weather got worse, and by the time Darcy made his entrance at Netherfield Park, his only interest was in being shown to his room, as he was chilled to the bone. Despite dripping all over the tile in the foyer and his apparent discomfort, Caroline Bingley was attempting to engage him in conversation, and her sister, Louisa Hurst, whose voice resembled a newly hatched chick, was asking if he wanted her to order some tea.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Hurst, but I would prefer to go straight to my room, so that I might change out of these wet clothes.” He looked down at his feet and an expanding puddle, and Louisa directed a servant to show Mr. Darcy to his room.

  A short while later, Bingley came bounding in. Charles’s enthusiasm for life was usually infectious, but Darcy was so tired from the ride that all he could think of was his bed. “Darcy, we were expecting you hours ago. Were you waylaid by highwaymen?”

  Darcy merely shook his head. “If you were hoping for a bedtime story about how I eluded capture by brigands, I am sorry to disappoint you, but perhaps your governess is in residence?”

  “Ah, good old Darcy, always in fine form no matter what the circumstances.” As he watched his friend shed his wet garments, he explained that he had sent a servant to rummage through the house to look for clothes for him. “Unfortunately, Sir James Darlington was a rather rotund man and not a great tall fellow like you are, and you could not get into a pair of my breeches with a shoe horn. So let us hope that your carriage will be here early in the morning.” Bingley exited the room, but then poked his head back in. “Oh, by the way, there is an assembly in the village tomorrow evening.”

  “Bingley! An assembly? We will speak of it in the morning,” the exhausted traveler answered.

  “No need, Darcy, I have already accepted an invitation on your behalf,” and he quickly left the room.


  The next day, Darcy tried to find an excuse for not going to the assembly. But if he did not go, Caroline and Louisa would have a reason to stay behind, and then Darcy would have to play cards with them or listen to Mr. Hurst drone on about how difficult it was to find a shop that stocked brandy and French wines, and if you did, how damn expensive they were. The wars on the Continent were a great inconvenience to Bingley’s brother-in-law.

  “Come now, Darcy. It will do you of world a good. I am told there are many local beauties, and they most certainly will be in need of partners.”

matter was finally settled when Mr. Hurst, who had been sprawled out on the couch, sat up and let out a loud belch.

  “If you insist, I shall go, but I warn you, Bingley, I am in no humor to dance.”

  “Darcy, I cannot force you to dance, but may I ask that you remove that scowl from your face? We do not want to frighten our neighbors.”


  In late morning, Darcy’s manservant arrived at Netherfield Park. Mercer, who had been with Darcy for the past five years, was the most capable and ingenious man he had ever met. Upon hearing the sound of crunching gravel on the main drive to the house, he went to the window and laughed when he saw his servant at the reins of a farm wagon carrying all of his chests.

  Darcy was not looking forward to attending the assembly. He was always uncomfortable in these country settings. Even in Lambton, the nearest village to Pemberley, or on the farms of his tenants, where he knew everyone by name, he did not know how to converse with people not of his class, especially if they were of the opposite sex. You could discuss breeding sheep with a farmer, but what did you talk about with the farmer’s daughter? Fortunately, his young sister, Georgiana, had no such difficulties and was able to converse on any number of subjects, including, to his amusement, the need for road improvements between Lambton and Matlock with a local farmer.

  Upon entering the assembly room, the party was introduced to Sir William Lucas and his daughter, Charlotte, a rather plain lady, but one who seemed to have a pleasant disposition. Following on Sir William’s heels was the master of ceremonies, who asked if there was any lady to whom Darcy wished to be introduced, but he answered by saying that it was not his intention to dance. Within minutes, the hall was buzzing with news of the amiable Mr. Bingley’s unpleasant friend, who refused to dance because he was above his company.

  Darcy spotted Bingley dancing with a lovely creature with blond hair and blue eyes. This was all so familiar to Darcy. Wherever they went, Bingley’s engaging ways quickly won over his new acquaintances. Within minutes, he would be besieged by gentlemen wishing to arrange introductions for their daughters, and he would always end up dancing at least two sets with the prettiest girl in the room.

  “Come, Darcy. I must have you dance,” Bingley said during a break in the music.

  If Darcy gave any hint that he might be persuaded, he would have Bingley after him all night. So with great emphasis, he answered, “I certainly shall not. You know how I detest it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner.”

  Bingley continued to push and encouraged him to dance with the sister of the golden-haired Miss Bennet. “Miss Elizabeth Bennet is very pretty, and I daresay very agreeable.”

  After a quick glance, he said, “She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me,” and told his friend that he was wasting his time. After Bingley left, he looked over his shoulder and realized that the young lady had heard what he had said.

  “Blast it all,” he thought. He had not meant to give offense. His intention had been to stop Bingley from further entreaties. He was sure he had offended, but since he would not be seeing her again, he made the decision to say nothing. Instead, he went into the cardroom, where he soon found himself playing against competent players, who lightened his purse by a pound or two.

  After spending most of the evening in the cardroom, he returned to the assembly and watched as Miss Elizabeth made her way through the complicated steps of a quadrille. Now that he had an unobstructed view of the lady, he saw that she was quite pretty, especially when she smiled, and he also noticed how softly her long, dark curls fell upon her shoulders and the brightness of her eyes and the fullness of her mouth. Shortly after realizing how appealing Miss Elizabeth Bennet was, he told Bingley he was sending for the carriage.


  A few weeks after the assembly, on a lazy summer’s day, Charlotte and Elizabeth were walking along the wagon road between Lucas Lodge and Longbourn, discussing how their friend and sister seemed to have captured Mr. Bingley’s heart. And they were not the only ones who had noticed. Ever since the dance, the town was humming with rumors of an engagement between the two, and some of the shopkeepers were busy circulating the news that Miss Bennet had been in their shops looking at bonnets and ribbons and other paraphernalia, which would obviously become a part of her trousseau. This greatly amused Lizzy because Jane and she often went into the shops to see what new goods had come in on the London coach, but now everything Jane did had a hidden meaning.

  Another topic of conversation was Mr. Darcy of Pemberley. Because Lizzy was one of the prettiest girls in this corner of Hertfordshire, Mr. Darcy’s remark that Lizzy was only “tolerable” had insulted every lady who was less attractive than she was. But Charlotte Lucas was of a different opinion.

  “Lizzy, at the risk of challenging one of your reasons for disliking Mr. Darcy, I must say that I do not think his comments were directed at you.”

  “Really! Mr. Darcy’s comments were not directed at me?” Lizzy said, laughing. “Charlotte, it will not do. He looked right at me, and please do not concern yourself. This matter is no longer of any interest to me. Any hurt I might have felt has long since passed because my father has assured me I am definitely more than tolerable.”

  Because Charlotte lacked the good looks possessed by many of the young women of her neighborhood, she often found herself without a dance partner. No matter how unenviable her situation, it afforded Charlotte an opportunity to observe the subtle beginnings of a new relationship: the covert smile, the accidental touch, the whispers, and the long gazes. Lovers rarely realized how obvious they were to others.

  “You must hear me out, Lizzy. Mr. Darcy was directing his remarks to Mr. Bingley, and before you start laughing again, let me tell you what I think actually happened. Despite Mr. Darcy repeatedly telling Mr. Bingley that he did not intend to dance, he would not let the matter rest. That was the cause of the harshness of his reply. I was looking right at Mr. Darcy, and I can tell you that from where he stood, it was impossible for him to take your likeness, especially since he merely glanced at you over his shoulder. Contrary to what you think, Mr. Darcy admires you.”

  “Nonsense, Charlotte! Mr. Darcy spent most of the evening in the cardroom. If he had wanted to make amends, there was ample opportunity to ask me to dance, but he chose not to do so.”

  “But you did not see how he looked at you when he came out of the cardroom. At first, I thought he was looking for Mr. Bingley or one of the sisters, but then he walked by his friend and kept looking until his eyes had settled on you. And the same thing happened the other night at Lucas Lodge. His eyes followed you everywhere you went, and when you challenged him about listening to your conversation, he admitted he had been doing that very thing.”

  “That is because we were speaking of dancing. Earlier, Mr. Darcy had been talking to your father about that same subject, in which he expressed the opinion that, ‘Every savage can dance.’ And I do not care what Mr. Darcy thinks of me. I shall be very glad when I hear he has returned to London or to his grand estate in Derbyshire.”

  “Lizzy, I do believe you are making a mistake. When a man of consequence such as Mr. Darcy admires you, you would do well to take notice.”

  Chapter 2

  In light of all that followed, Darcy regretted that he had not left Hertfordshire shortly after the assembly. The dark-haired Elizabeth Bennet had succeeded in capturing his attention as no other woman ever had. With each subsequent meeting, his admiration grew, and he soon found her occupying most of his waking moments.

  While attending a gathering at the home of Sir William Lucas, he had listened in on her conversations and had followed her movements like some lovesick puppy. When Elizabeth came to stay at Netherfield Park to care for her ailing sister, her proximity exposed an underlying sexual tension that he found disconcerting. But it was no longer just the physical that he found so alluring. A series of conversations ha
d revealed a woman who possessed a natural intelligence and who was confident enough to challenge the opinions of those with whom she disagreed, including his own.

  Humiliated by his behavior, he had returned to London. But Elizabeth had followed him there. In his dreams, her presence was so real that he had imagined that he could taste her lips, smell the scent of her hair, and feel the rhythm of her body as she moved beneath him. And although it had been his intention to send word to Bingley that his business affairs required that he remain in town, after less than two weeks, he was on the road to Hertfordshire to attend the ball Bingley was hosting at Netherfield Park.

  It was during his absence that George Wickham had made his first appearance in Meryton, and in that short time, Wickham, a man without scruples, had managed to convince Elizabeth that Darcy was someone who could not be trusted and who did not keep his promises. But Darcy did not know that at the time and was caught unawares when Elizabeth had remarked during the Netherfield ball that Wickham had lost his friendship “in a manner for which he was likely to suffer from all his life.” That remark, and the general consensus that Bingley would shortly make an offer of marriage to Miss Jane Bennet, spurred him to action.

  The next morning, he wrote a letter to George Bingley, in which he informed Charles’s eldest brother that there were expectations within the neighborhood that Charles would soon become engaged to Miss Jane Bennet, and he outlined his objections to the match. With all of his being, he believed that such a marriage would be a disaster. It was not just a matter of the lady’s inferior position in society or the lack of propriety displayed by her family; Darcy believed the lady did not love his friend. But because it would be financially beneficial to her and her family, she would agree to an offer of marriage.

  However, George Bingley’s intervention was not required as Charles yielded on the matter the day after they had reached London. He relied heavily on Darcy’s superior knowledge of such affairs, and considering his sisters’ emphatic opposition to the match, he had allowed himself to be convinced that any such union was doomed to failure.


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