Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3)

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Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3) Page 3

by Sherilee Gray

  Adam walked in. “Someone didn’t get their eight hours last night,” he said to her brother.

  She turned to him. “Great, here comes the third stooge.” She was trying for snarky, but failed completely. It probably didn’t help that her eyes were actually stinging and she was close to damn tears. She’d been like that a lot lately.

  By the way Adam straightened from his position, leaning against the doorframe, eyes narrowing as they moved over her face, he’d seen as well.

  That was all she needed. She quickly looked away before he said something and the fifty questions started. “You know how much I hate to agree with Adam…” But she’d roll with it in this instance, anything to get the focus off her and her job search. “You are extra pissy this morning.”

  Hugh grumbled. “Shay’s got morning sickness. Did you know morning sickness isn’t just in the morning?” He scratched his beard. “I hate seeing her like that. She’s not holding much down. I went out and got her some ginger last night ’cause it’s supposed to help.”

  “Ginger what?” Joe asked while he made his coffee.

  “Wasn’t sure, so I got ginger every damn thing. Four grocery bags full of the shit.”

  Lucy swallowed the lump forming in her throat. “Yeah, ginger’s good. Definitely helps.”

  Hugh twisted her way. “Yeah? You know someone that used it? What’d they use?”

  She’d said that out loud? Shit. Her palms grew sweaty. “Um…”

  Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she froze. God, what was that? Number ten? And the day wasn’t even over yet. What the hell was she going to do? She’d hoped the texts and calls would slow down now she was back in LA.

  “Lucy?” Hugh called.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “What’d they use?”

  She blinked at him.

  He frowned. “Ginger?”

  “Oh, the um…she used the tea…plain crackers as well. They’re good, too.”

  Hugh sat up straight and whipped out his phone. “Right, cool. I’ll pick some up on the way home.”

  Suddenly she was feeling goddamn nauseous. She bit the inside of her cheek when tears threatened again, and shoved all the crap swimming around her head back down deep.

  At least now Hugh’s foul mood made sense. Didn’t mean it hurt any less. And being compared to a swarm of locusts didn’t exactly make her feel wanted. But she guessed showing up and dropping a bomb like she had wasn’t helping Hugh’s stress levels. He was already worrying over Shay.

  Adam was right, what he’d said to her the day before. Her brothers didn’t need to be worrying about her. They were in serious relationships. Relationships that hadn’t come easy. That’s what they needed to focus on, not their flighty sister.

  Thank God they didn’t know the truth, the real reason she’d been forced to leave school. To walk away when she was so close to finishing her child psychology degree…


  Her head shot up.

  Joe was holding up the coffee pot.


  “You want a drink?”

  She backed up, shaking her head. “Nah, I’m good. I’m going to go chase up a few of those jobs. I better…” She aimed her thumb at the door behind her. “I’ll…yeah, catch ya later.” Then she rushed out.

  “Not that fuckin’ receptionist position!” Hugh yelled after her.

  Ignoring Hugh, she raced through the workshop. Knowing she’d disappointed her family—how she’d let them down, let herself down—it cut. What she wouldn’t give to be able to tell Hugh everything, let those big arms of his hold her tight, have him tell her everything would all be okay. That she wasn’t the biggest irresponsible, selfish person in the world. But she couldn’t do that, because she knew without a doubt he’d go after Daniel and Joe would be right behind him.

  She was almost at the garage door, and freedom, when someone grabbed her shoulder.

  “Hold up there, baby girl.”


  Swiping a stray tear from her cheek, she spun to face him. “Maybe your hookups like to be called that, but I don’t.” Liar. “Go find someone else to be an asshole to. I’m not in the mood for one of your lectures.”

  Lifting his hands in surrender, he took a small step back. “Whoa. Where the hell did that come from?”

  “Am I wrong?”

  He frowned. “You’re wrong.”

  His blue eyes weren’t all icy and cynical for once; they were kind of soft. Wonderful. He felt sorry for her, and she’d just been a bitch, taking her pain and frustration out on him. But it was easier that way. For her at least. If they were actually nice to each other, how would she keep her feelings for him in check? She wouldn’t be able to.

  “Look, whatever. I have to go.” She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm and tugged her out the door toward the steps that led to her apartment. “What are you doing?”

  Adam ignored her and carried on up to her place, pushing the door open and pulling her in after him.

  “What the hell, Adam?”

  When he turned to face her and she got a load of the expression on his face, she snapped her mouth shut.

  “You hate my guts, I get that. I’m an asshole.”

  He moved in, and before she could stop herself, she’d backed up until her back met the door behind her. Hate his guts? He thought she hated him? “Hang on a minute—”

  “But for five minutes, we’re going to put that aside and you’re going to tell me what the hell is going on with you.”

  Everything inside her seized. “W-what?”

  His jaw hardened. “You heard me.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and, shit, he looked…pained. Worried. About her?

  “I’m…there’s nothing…”

  “Cut the shit. I saw. I fucking saw how upset you were down there, and it’s not just because your brother snapped at you. You’re tougher than that.”

  Adam thought she was tough?

  He ate up the distance between them in two long strides, stopping a mere foot in front of her. “Talk to me, Luce.” His blue gaze searched hers. “What’s going on with you?”

  Who the hell was this? This Adam was starting to resemble the old Adam, the guy he used to be, the one she’d fallen for when she was a kid. That was the last thing she needed. Her head was already a mess. She didn’t need him confusing her, messing with her feelings like this. A siren started wailing in her head. Stop signs, red flashing lights, flickered like a strobe in her mind. He had no clue what this could do to her. Showing her this side of himself again.

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  His nostrils flared, eyes sharpening. “Bullshit.”

  He didn’t budge, didn’t break eye contact, waiting for her to explain the tears he’d seen in her eyes, the reason for her hasty exit from school. She couldn’t tell him any of those things. The need to get away thrummed through her and she shoved at him, trying to get past. He closed in even more, crowding her, towering over her. His hard, lean body pressed against her softer one.

  He dipped his head. “I saw your tears.” He slid his fingers under her chin, tilting her head back, and looked deep into her eyes. “Who hurt you, baby? Just say the word and I’ll make them pay for it. I promise you that.”

  Lucy drew in a sharp breath, heart racing, banging against the back of her ribs. God, the fierceness in his expression, the heat. He meant it, every word. That’s when she became aware of the way her breasts were pressed against his chest, and the way her nipples had grown impossibly hard. How the heat of his body warmed hers. The denim of his jeans rubbed against her bare legs.

  The way the skin of his fingers felt rough against her throat, and hot. Moving in that moment, hell, breathing was an impossibility. Then he swiped his thumb down her jaw, from her ear to her chin. The intensity in his gaze changed, shifted into something else, and she could barely believe what she was seeing.


  No, fire.

hot she felt scorched from it.

  He made a harsh sound and moved closer, just a fraction.

  His cock pressed against the softness of her belly.

  Oh God. He’s hard.

  “Adam?” She whimpered, unable to cage the needy sound another moment.

  He froze, nostrils flaring, then barked out a curse, low and harsh, jolting her.

  Shoving a hand through his hair, he took a sudden step back. “Look, if you won’t talk to me, would you at least talk to Hugh or Joe?”

  Right, so they were going to pretend he hadn’t just pressed her against the door and got hard while doing it? Like it never happened?

  This was insane. What the hell was going on? Home was supposed to be predictable. These people were supposed to be predictable. Hugh should have gotten over her leaving college after a small amount of grumbling. Joe usually took her side not Hugh’s. And Adam, he was the asshole. She relied on him being an asshole…or ignoring her.

  He was not supposed to care. And he sure as hell wasn’t supposed to get hard when he pressed up against her.

  She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover her straining nipples. This wasn’t awkward at all. Nope. “I told you, there’s nothing to tell. I’m fine.”

  He stood there like the man of steel himself, body rigid, shoulders wider than she’d ever seen them, muscles taut, hands slightly out from his sides like he didn’t know what to do with them.

  Her gaze dropped against her will.

  And he was still hard as hell.

  “You gonna stick to that story?” he said, voice gritty.

  “It’s not a story.” Her phone vibrated in her pocket again and her stomach sank to her feet.

  “Goddamn it, you’re stubborn.”

  She opened her mouth to fire a reply, but he shut her down with a shake of his head.

  Then he just stood there, staring at her, completely unreadable. The awkwardness skyrocketed to all new levels and she felt her face flush hot.

  He walked toward her, and she held her breath.

  Stopping in front of her, he stared into her eyes. “You’re in front of the door.”

  “Oh…right.” Her face flamed hotter. She quickly moved to the side to let him past, but he went the same way, then they did it again…and again, until he grabbed her shoulders and bodily moved her to the left, opened the door, and walked out.

  Lucy stood there, staring after him.

  She hadn’t imagined that, had she?

  Adam had just dragged her up there, threatened to go after whoever had hurt her, and had gotten hard while he did it.

  Shaking her head, she grabbed her bag and got the hell out of there. Her heart couldn’t take another encounter like that. She’d planned to borrow Joe’s truck, but didn’t want to risk going back into the workshop and seeing Adam after what just happened.

  The bus would do instead.

  Maybe he got off on fighting. Maybe that’s what the hard-on had been about? That had to be it. The alternative was too absurd to think about. Completely crazy.

  No, she couldn’t believe that monster in his pants had been for her.

  Adam Grady didn’t even like her…right?

  The bus stopped in front of her, and she climbed in and slid into a seat.

  No, that heat in his eyes hadn’t been lust; it had been anger on her behalf. That’s all. That’s the only thing that made sense. He’d seen her tears and got hit with some dormant protective instinct. That’s all.

  No way could Adam want her.

  No way.

  ~ * ~

  Adam pulled into the garage below his warehouse and climbed out, ignoring his annoying neighbor’s shrill voice calling his name as she walked out of the laundry room. He was not in the mood to have his ass pawed at by that woman, dodging her grabby hands and not so subtle come-ons. Not after the shit-storm of a day he’d had.

  After climbing in the elevator, he dragged down the cage, and hit the button for the top floor.

  His skin still felt too damn tight and his mind wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Christ, he could still feel Lucy’s tits hot and soft against his chest, her tight little nipples poking into him, begging to be sucked, kissed, and licked.

  He wrenched the elevator door open, strode to his door, and let himself in. He still didn’t know what had come over him, why he’d followed her out of the breakroom and dragged her up to her apartment. All he knew was he’d seen the tears in her eyes, the pain she was trying to hide, and every one of his protective, possessive instincts—a part of himself he’d been fighting around Lucy for the longest damn time—had roared to the surface.

  He didn’t have the right to demand her trust. Why the hell would she talk to him when he’d done everything in his power to push her away time and again? Maybe he was seeing things, drama where there was none. Maybe it was as simple as Lucy feeling crappy for letting down her brothers. She put up a good front, but he knew there was a soft woman underneath. That girl who had tried, more than once, to get him to open up to her. That girl was still there.

  Lucy and her brothers were close. Having Hugh so obviously pissed at her, knowing he and Joe were disappointed, had upset her. That had to be it.

  Time to lock away the caveman and back the fuck off. Now.

  It shouldn’t be too hard. He was his father’s son after all. Stop. Do not go there.

  He growled as he tore off his shirt. His skin was too damn hot, and he was pissed at himself…and so fucking hard he thought he might explode if he didn’t get off right fucking now. Usually he’d go out, find some company for the night, let off some steam, but the thought of being with anyone else made him damn near sick to his stomach. Which meant he was pretty much fucked, since the only woman he wanted could never be his.

  Looked like he had a lot of sleepless nights to look forward to. He didn’t do well at night alone. As soon as darkness rolled in, it was like being strapped into a seat at a movie theater in his own personal hell and being forced to watch and relive all the memories and other shit in his head, shit he did not want to think about. He couldn’t get away from it. So that’s why he went through the motions night after night. The small talk, the come-ons, the meaningless fucking—all so he didn’t have to sleep alone, so he could get some fucking sleep.

  He was fucked in the head, messed up beyond repair. He’d come to terms with his screwed-up way of life. Now Lucy had shown back up and shaken the shit out of him.

  He kicked off his boots, shoved his jeans down and off, and strode to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he climbed in before it had fully heated up. The cold might do him some good.

  But then an image of Lucy slammed through his mind—her looking up at him, eyes wide, cheeks pink, lips so damn red he just knew they’d taste of cherries—and his hand went to his stiff cock.

  In his mind, she hadn’t let him leave her apartment, but had moved closer.

  “I’ve never stopped wanting you, Adam. Never.”

  “You’re all I want,” he rasped, rough voice echoing off the tile walls.

  Imaginary Lucy reached out, touching the side of his face. “Will you kiss me?”

  He’d never wanted anything more in his life than to feel her mouth under his.

  Both her soft hands were on his face, moving down to his neck. Adam gripped his cock harder, stroked faster. He could actually feel her fingers sliding up the back of his neck, into his hair, fisting it lightly. He groaned, balls drawing up.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, let me taste you.”

  God, this was wrong, thinking about her like this, but he couldn’t stop.

  He pictured Lucy pulling him down, those soft cherry lips mere inches from his.

  He thrust into his fist, slumping against the wall at his back as his orgasm slammed through him. He groaned through it, working his dick until he had nothing left. And just to prove how fucked in the head he was, the orgasm he had with his dream Lucy, as always, surpassed any he’d had with a real flesh and blood woman strainin
g under him. He never got any further than Lucy asking him to kiss her. That’s all it took.

  He never did touch his lips to hers, though, because even in his dreams he knew he wasn’t good enough for her.

  Chapter Three

  A car pulled up outside the garage and Adam cursed under his breath. He got that his two best friends were loved up to the goddamn eyeballs, but the long lunch breaks had to stop. He shut the hood on the Cadillac he’d finished working on, wiped his hands, and walked out to the front of the garage to greet their customer since he as the only damn one there.

  That’s when he saw Lucy, who’d climbed out of a red Chevy truck and was standing beside it. The driver shoved his door open as well and walked around to her, a fucking huge cheesy, I-just-won-the-motherfucking-lottery grin on his face.

  Brian fucking Larsen, owner of Larsen Auto Repairs, walked right up to her, put his filthy hand on her shoulder, and planted one on her cheek.

  Adam was moving before he knew what he was doing. “What the hell are you doing here, Larsen?” With Lucy.

  Brian turned his fat head Adam’s way and smirked. “I offered to give Lucy here a ride…and”—he winked at her—“was congratulating her on her new job.”

  You have got to be shitting me.

  Lucy blinked up at him. “I got the job?”

  “Sure thing, babe. You were the best candidate for the position.”

  Of course she was.

  “But I just dropped off my resume. You haven’t even read it yet,” she said.

  The asshole tweaked her nose like she was some naive idiot. “Don’t need to, honey.” His eyes dropped to her chest and he grinned wider. “Is your brother here?”

  Oh, hell no. That possessive, protective…and yeah, jealous part of him flared to life and Adam was by her side in a heartbeat. He flung an arm around her shoulders, tugging her in close to his side. “Well, what do you know?” Adam said to the other man. “Looks like my girl got the job. Good for you, babe.”


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