Twice Tempted (Holland Springs)

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Twice Tempted (Holland Springs) Page 8

by Marquita Valentine

Gasping, she grabbed a pillow off of the bed. “You’re so full of it.”

  Yeah, he was but he didn’t give a shit. Besides, the wanker had jumped at the chance to go out with Vanessa, more than happy to cancel his date with Zoe. While Vanessa had been entirely pleased when Christian informed her that Mr. Harper was on retainer for one of the biggest producers in the business.

  She smacked him with the pillow.

  “Would you stop with the juvenile hitting? One would think a woman knocking on thirty’s door would know how to behave with decorum.”

  “Now you sound like an asshat. For your information, I turned twenty eight last week.” She thumped him again, harder this time.

  “Stop hitting me.” He shot up from his chair, dropping his phone on the bed. He grabbed her by the wrist, trying to prevent her from smacking him again.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “Give me the bloody pillow.”

  She managed to get in another blow. He jerked her to him, one arm snaking around her back to grab the pillow from her. A sound of pure pain left her lips. Horrified, he released her. “I’m sorry…I”

  “You didn’t—it’s me,” she said.

  “Oh, hell. Sunburn?”

  Tears leaked from her eyes as she nodded. “I didn’t realize how bad until after I showered and looked at my back in the mirror. And I can’t get the aloe where it needs to go,” she said with a little sniff, then laugh. “I didn’t know how I was going to get through my date tonight. The robe was killing me.”

  He gently wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “Let me. It’s the least I can do for being an asshat.”

  Zoe eyed him, wondering if this was another trick to try get her nude.

  “I promise to be very clinical as I go about it.”

  “The bottle of aloe is over there.” She pointed at the small table placed beside the windows in the room. Turning away from him, she let her robe fall to her waist.

  Christian cursed. “I knew I should’ve told you to put on more sunscreen,” he said, sweeping her hair away. “Do you have something to hold all this up?”

  “I did reapply. Megan, one of the twins, helped me get my back, but it wasn’t enough.” Zoe gathered her hair, taking the hair tie off of her wrist, and placed in a loose knot. She heard him open the plastic bottle and squeeze the green liquid in his hands.

  “This might be a little—”


  His fingers glided, whisper light over her shoulders and down her back. She moaned as the liquid cooled her reddened skin.


  “Please.” Before she could finish saying the word, he spread more aloe on her skin. Then he stopped.

  “Better now?”

  She pulled the robe up and turned to face him. It made absolutely no sense she was disappointed he’d done exactly as he promised. “Thank you.”

  He clapped his hands together. “Now that I’ve ruined any chance of you wanting to ever spend time with me again, I’ll be off.”

  “Wait.” Taking a chance and a deep breath, she said, “Let’s go out to dinner.”

  “Says the woman whose robe was killing her.”

  Gritting her teeth, she strode to the closet and started pulling shirts and dresses out. “I’m sure there’s something backless in here that I could wear.” She found a dark green halter-top and held it up. “Ah-ha.”

  “Won’t work.”

  “Oh ye of little faith. I’ll be right back.” Taking the shirt off of the hanger, she moved to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She shrugged off her robe and hung it on the back of the door.

  Crap, she forgot her skirt. Didn’t matter—she’d get it in a minute. Slipping the shirt over her head, she bit her lip as the material scraped against her skin. She blew out a steadying breath, then quickly tied the straps behind her neck and grabbed a towel to wrap around her waist.

  Christian sat in the chair near the window, playing on his cell as she entered the bedroom. “Tada!”

  Glancing up at her, he frowned. “That particular shade of green nearly matches the color of your face.” He rose from the bed. “Turn around.”

  After she did as he asked, she flashed a smile. “Satisfied?” Yep, she was an idiot. The shirt hurt like hell.

  “Satisfied with you being in pain? Hardly.”

  Conceding defeat, she tugged at the straps around her neck. “You can go. I’ll stay here and order in.”



  He walked around her, loosening the material of the shirt from where it hit her back. “If you had some scissors, I could cut the material down to the hem. You aren’t burnt there.” His fingers lightly touched the skin between her shirt and the towel. “What’s under this?”

  “Very skimpy lingerie.” She slammed her hand against her mouth. What possessed her to say that?

  “For Taylor?”

  Shaking her head, she kept her palm pressed firmly against her lips. There was no telling what she might blurt out next.

  “Can’t be for me either.”

  It was for herself. She loved lingerie. Sexy, trashy or classy—it didn’t matter. “I don’t have any scissors,” she said, her words muffled by her fingers.

  “Let’s get this shirt off of you, shall we?” The shirt slipped over her shoulder and head, much easier this time. “Don’t move.”

  Puzzled, she stayed where she was. The tips of his fingers traced the edge of the towel at her waist. “What are you doing?”

  “Contemplating whether or not it would be worth it to pull this away. Would one glimpse of your body be worth getting kicked out of your room?” The material of the towel grew tight. His breath stirring her hair. “I think it would be.”

  She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

  There was a knock on the door. She jumped, her eyes opening.

  “I ordered room service.” He threw the halter-top on the bed. “Do you have a loose t-shirt to wear?”

  Nodding, she moved to the dressing area and grabbed the first one she found in the top dresser drawer, then pushed her head through the opening. While Christian opened the door and talked to The Oasis employee, she changed out of her lingerie and into a pair of blue and green striped pajama bottoms.

  The cotton shirt didn’t hurt too badly.

  She applied mascara and clear lip gloss. Yeah, she wasn’t going out, but she liked the way makeup made her feel. She heard the door close.

  Walking into the bedroom, she blinked at the two carts of food. “How many people were you planning to feed?”

  “Wasn’t sure what you liked.” Christian gestured at the bed. “Make yourself comfortable; I’ll be at your service.”

  “My every beck and call?”

  “Of course.” His eyes roamed her body, making her entirely conscious of the fact that she was in bed, and waiting for him to join. She was also aware of the fact that she wasn’t the first woman to do so, nor would she be the last.

  “How will staying in my hotel room, where no one can see us, help your image problem?”

  He opened lids and unwrapped platters of food. The aroma made her mouth water. “It won’t.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “All part of my evil plan to get you into bed.” Glancing up at her, the corner of his mouth quirked. “Mission accomplished.”

  Grabbing one of the remaining pillows on the bed, she shook it at him. “That’s all you’ll be accomplishing tonight.” Their fingers touched as she traded the pillow for a glass of water. “So what are we doing?”

  The mattress dipped under his weight. He set two plates of assorted chocolate covered fruit beside him. “Labels are important to you?”

  She hesitated, then said, “When it comes to what I’m doing or who I’m spending time with? Yes.”

  “Chocolate covered strawberry?” At her nod, he held it up to her mouth. “Bite.”

  Mouthful of chocolatey goodness, she moaned. “So g

  “Did you ever see the film, Two Weeks in Bollywood?”


  He ate the rest of her strawberry, his lips in the exact spot hers had been. Then he picked up another piece of fruit. Except he didn’t eat his food like a normal person, he savored and shared it with her. Offering her the first bite, then feeding her the rest. His fingers dusting her lips, her chin and jaw. Desire sparked, sending heat to very specific places that remembered him, his touch.

  “Small budget, even smaller release in the European market. Anyway, the main couple accidentally met at this out of the way restaurant that usually only the locals frequented, because of an order mix-up. Talking ensues. Then Ajay and Penelope end up having dinner together that night and every night for a week, getting to know one another without the constraints of their families or careers. A love affair is the direct result of said dinners. Unfortunately, he ends up dying at the end in a freak car accident while on the way to the airport to stop her from going back to London. Never gets to confess his undying love to her and she mourns him forever.” He raised his brows at her frown. “Sorry, not a happily ever after type of movie.”

  Was this a warning directly from the horse’s mouth? She scrunched her forehead. “I’m not following.”

  “Damn, this is a first.” Grimacing, he wiped off his hands with a cloth napkin. “What I’m saying is that I’d like to get to know you without cameras around. I want to be able to be me.”

  “So everything, the dinner, in the elevator and by the pool today was an act?”

  “Not precisely. In public I always have to be on—good day or bad. Sick or well. Death in the family or baby born. Doesn’t matter.” He threw the napkin on the bedside table and cleared away the empty plates. “I’d like to be a normal bloke for once, spending time with a woman, who despite knowing who I am, isn’t with me because of it.”

  “But we are together because of it. You asked me to be seen with you.” No matter how tempting his words, she would stay sensible.

  Undeterred, he said, “Think of it as the inciting incident to throw us together.”


  He clapped his hands, then rubbed them together and sat down beside her on the bed. “Brilliant. And go.”

  “As in action?” At his nod, she looked around the room. She hadn’t been on a date in years. Not the get to know you kind, anyway. “Tell me why you got into acting. What motivated you?”

  “Money and women aren’t enough?”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “Then tell me how you get into character instead.”

  “When I take on a character I talk to myself in the mirror and make the facial expressions that they would. I become that person. I assume their habits, attitude, swagger, what have you, but lately, it’s been getting kind of…”


  “Exactly, easy and boring. Not that it’s not challenging, but now it’s more physical than mental. You know: run here, look intense. Jump on top of that and look really concerned.” The bed dipped as he moved closer. “At first I only took parts for what they inspired in me. What they could inspire in others, but now it’s just for the payout.”

  “Have you ever considered going back to the way things were before?”

  In the blink of an eye Christian was back on. “And miss out on running into you at the airport? Never.”

  “You would’ve avoided being stabbed.”

  He rubbed his chin. “Your version of foreplay is rather violent and bloody.”

  “While your version of flirting is rather graphic and smug.”

  “Can’t help what I am, love.”

  “So humble.”

  “Always.” He gave her a wicked smile and wink, then sobered. “Can we stop with the acting questions? It’s all people expect me to talk about. You could tell me about the first time we met.”

  He wasn’t the first man or woman in history to forget who they made out with at a New Year’s Eve part, but it didn’t stop her from saying, “Or you could share that story since I’m…what was the word you used? Unforgettable.”

  “Sorry about that.”Cheeks turning red, he looked down and pulled his cell out of his pocket, playing with the screen. He acted as if he were ashamed of his behavior, only that was the problem. He was a really good actor. “I’ve spent most of my life drunk, high or a combination of the two. I can’t remember a lot of people or the things I’ve done. It’s one of the reasons why I need you.”

  This time, the sharp pain she’d been expecting didn’t come. It was still there, only dulled. Manageable. Searching her brain, she tried to think of topics that didn’t involve his previously hurtful behavior. Maybe this was why talking was over-rated. They needed to do something.

  The carts overloaded with untouched food caught her eye. She touched his leg and his head jerked up. “Want to do something fun?”

  “That is the naughtiest I’ve seen you look thus far—I’m in.”


  “Best two out of three.”

  “No more,” she laughed, white teeth flashing at him as more hair cascaded over her shoulders.

  A cotton candy-colored tongue licked at her sweet lips and he had to adjust himself. Again. Make that for the five hundredth time. He would be sporting blue balls come tomorrow. “Not even if I promise to let you win this time?”

  Talking her into playing ‘Angry Birds’ with him had been too easy. She’d practically jumped at the chance. A small part of him wondered if it was because she didn’t find him interesting beyond his actor’s persona.

  He had thought she’d had fun while they’d gone door to door, giving away the food he ordered. He’d posed for pictures when people recognized him, and had been gleeful when they didn’t. At the last hotel room, when a woman old enough to be his great-grandmother had propositioned him, Zoe had tried to save him by saying, “Are you trying to take my man?”

  “Good God, please take me far, far away from here,” he’d said under his breath.

  Only pervert granny had invited Zoe to join in on the fun as well. Then two of her friends, men wearing black leather and ball gags appeared at the door.

  Zoe had grabbed his hand and shouted, “Run.”

  They’d taken off, running like zombies were after them. When they’d gotten back to her room, she‘d collapsed on the bed breathing hard and giggling. Until he’d tried kissing her, then she’d nearly fallen off the bed in her hurry to get away.

  He sighed, then focused his attention on her as he waited for her answer.

  “I’m really tired. At home it’s almost five in the morning, not two,” she said.


  “What will we do tomorrow to impress the press?” she asked, handing him the iPad he had sent down from his penthouse. As soon as he learned she didn’t have one, he’d ordered one from the nearest store. He couldn’t wait for her to get it.

  “I take it you’ve forgiven me?”

  “Ordering things covered with chocolate helped your cause. Besides, I’m a sucker for—”

  “Handsome English actors with a big… bank account?”

  “I was going to say the runt of the litter. You know the one that gets tossed to the side because he’s not big enough.” Without knowing it, her remark hit a little too close to home.

  “You would choose what no one else wants.” He set the iPad to the side.

  She briefly touched his cheek. “Christian Romanov, there is more to you than meets the public eye.”

  His skin felt too tight for his body and an uneasy silence settle between them. But she didn’t say more. Didn’t try to press him. Just looked at him with her dark eyes and waited patiently for him to decide his fate. Their fate.

  What the hell was wrong with him? This was just a date. And not even a planned one. “I’ll take you where ever you want,” Christian said after regaining his composure. “We’ll call it a late birthday present.”

  “Fly me to Paris and let’s eat at an outdoor café
where they serve fancy coffee in small cups,” she said with a dreamy sigh.

  “Ah, yes, I should have guessed the romance author would want to go there. Got a passport handy?”

  “Believe it or not, I do. Melanie—my best friend—must have slipped it in my carry-on.”

  “Brilliant. We can go tomorrow then.” He’d arrange everything when he got back to his room. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, they should be in Paris before dinner.

  “I’m only teasing, but…” she said, her expression completely serious.

  An uneasy feeling passed through him. “But what?”

  Her lashes lowered. “I have to confess something and it might change your opinion of me.”


  She waved him closer and whispered, “I don’t like coffee, not even the all decorated not to taste like coffee, er, coffee.”

  He widened his eyes in mock horror. “I can’t be seen with a woman with such unrefined taste.”

  “Didn’t stop you when you dated Jaylen Stone.”

  Not what he was expecting. “You really want to know about my past?”

  She nodded, plucking at the comforter. “What would you do if she suddenly turned up again? You know, if fate threw her back into your life and things seemed different? She was different, nothing like you remembered.”

  “I don’t get back together with exes, especially ones that aren’t truthful with me,” he said sharply, making her draw back from him.

  “What if she apologized and had a really good reason for being untruthful?”

  “I might be able to forgive, but forget is a whole other story.” Grudges were championed like ancient Roman Gladiators in his family. “Besides, she isn’t the only woman in the world.”

  “Must be nice to have a choice,’ she said, laying her head down on the pillow and staring up at him.

  He made it easier for her and plumped up the pillow closest to him. The cool fabric under his face wasn’t as smooth as his pillows. Maybe he should send some down to her. Or better yet, have her sleep over. “I would think a woman like you has lots of choices. You’ve got me and Taylor Harper chasing after you.”

  She laughed, the sound doing funny things to the beat of his heart. “I’m not a player. That would be you.”


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