Battle Mage: Winds of Change (The High King: A Tale of Alus Book 11)

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Battle Mage: Winds of Change (The High King: A Tale of Alus Book 11) Page 31

by Donald Wigboldy

  They let the matter lie, though the questions Sebastian had for what lay beyond that portal continued to eat at him. It would linger through his time at White Hall and beyond.

  Sebastian had finished his time at White Hall and created gates for Norcrom and Blackwall before he finally received an answer on his request to build relations with the mermaids' people. A summons to visit Raven Leros passed on the wishes of the king. It had gone through channels all the way to King Alain, which only slightly surprised the mage.

  Standing before the elder mage in his black uniform with a gold bar on each shoulder, it was one of the few times that he hadn't been in trouble lately it seemed. Though nothing had been completely out of hand to the point of punishment, being there without worry of a stern word was a nice change of pace.

  A single aide to the man joined them in discussion. Falconi Brelan was a strong woman, which was obvious by her position. One of two falconi directly serving under Leros, the brown haired woman was quieter than her opposite, a man named Neven. She had always been the one to hold her tongue to wait for all the information, while he had been quicker to act and blame.

  When Raven Leros said, "King Alain likes the idea of working with the tribe you found on these... Siren Isles as you've named them. Perhaps we can even create a settlement there to help build a stronger trade relationship with the island nations. It is also close enough to the Grimnal's island to trade with them, if that is what they want.

  "Lord Grimnal has been strangely reluctant to let us send ships to his people. I'm not sure why. Do you have any reason that you can think of from being there, Falcon Sebastian?"

  Having promised Gerid to say nothing of the merfolk living beside the islanders, Sebastian shook his head saying, "They were cut off for a long time and have a nice self sufficient island. I suppose that is something the Grimnal is simply unsure if he wants to change, but weren't we talking about an expedition to the Siren Isles, sir?"

  The history of Yaroma and Naoromi's people was as worrisome as those of the merfolk under the sea by Gerid's island home. Both were people of mystery to the land dwelling nations. Mere myth to most, it was feared that men would come seeking the merfolk either to enslave them again or try to bully them into giving up their magic.

  With the history of the mermaids' people for a precedent, Sebastian had to agree with that fear. What remained of their tribe was apparently a fraction of what they had once been. The Cataclysm had driven them from the sea and pirates had found them stealing away their people to be sold as slaves in the southern markets of Taltan most likely.

  Raven Leros took the deflection of his question in stride. It had been his tangent after all and not the point of the meeting. "Falconi Brelan will lead a small team to help negotiate terms with these people. The wizards will have to send a diplomacy wizard or two, I am certain; but Brelan is very good at not stepping on people's toes also."

  The woman looked a little red at the offhand flattery. The raven's opinion meant a lot to her, the younger mage thought. It wasn't surprising, since Leros was the head raven of Southwall. His opinions shaped the corps despite sharing the title with seven other ravens.

  "There are several islands," Sebastian stated, though such knowledge had been in his report as well. "We could look into resources and build settlements there without cutting into the local tribe's environment."

  Raven Leros waved off the worries of the younger mage and said, "No need to worry yourself over such things, lad. Brelan and the other negotiators know all this and will do their best to bring such things into the discussions."

  "I won't be part of it?" he asked slightly surprised by the fact. "As the leader making first contact, I assumed that they would want me to at least make introductions."

  "You said the two women with your entourage were part of the tribe and recommended sending Falcon Olan, who apparently wishes to marry one of them? Anyway, you will go initially since you said that you can make a portal gate to there.

  "Can you make such a thing secure?" the older man finished voicing a worry Sebastian had as well.

  "I would propose making the gate on an island separate from the islanders. Even if the enemy found and used it, they would have to explore the islands to discover why it was there. I think some islanders shared necklaces or maybe it is simply that I can sense their racial traits. This should let me forge a connection. Using something other than my magic to base the gate on should make it much harder to find as well and less likely to be a danger to them either way."

  Falconi Brelan noted his attempt to cover up the magic of the necklaces. It was his belief that, like following someone else's magic, the unique necklaces of the sirens should guide him straight to the islands.

  "You can use magic to sense a particular race of people?" the woman asked skeptically.

  Shrugging as Sebastian worked to maintain the secret of the siren magic, the sole remaining bit of power remaining to the mermaids' people; he replied, "I am not sure exactly what it is, but I have used the map and can sense something in the area of the islands that will lead me there either way."

  The older mages gave pause while they scrutinized his answer and watched the look of his face. Whether they believed his excuse or not, the two knew less about portals than he did, since neither of them could summon one. Mages were still being cycled through a training program in Hala looking for any who might be able to create portals, even if they required help building one with their lesser power. Only Sebastian had the strength required of a battle mage to open one by himself.

  Raven Leros let the matter lie and said, "How soon can you have your people prepared to leave? You will be bringing the two natives back with you and Falcon Olan, but do you have any others in mind?"

  "I will bring what I have left of my old team and falcons Elzen and Rilena. They have been indispensable to my work training other mages and setting up the gates. Only Olan plans to remain after the initial making of a gate, though Elzen might like to stay for awhile. He seems to like the other sister, but I don't think he plans on remaining behind or marrying her like Olan says he plans to do."

  The elder raven started to shake his head at all the talk of marriage. Sebastian wasn't sure if the older man had ever been married. Falconi Brelan glanced to her commander looking less uncomfortable with the idea. She was married from what the younger mage had heard.

  "Well, how soon will you want to leave?" Leros asked sounding a little gruff considering the matter being discussed.

  "If Falconi Brelan and whoever else are ready, I can test my theory on the map tonight and be off tomorrow or the next day at the latest," he assured his commander.

  "Leave at nine in the morning in two days. I will send word to the wizards and king. They can have the proper people there on time or not. With these portals shortening distances thanks to a quick use of a gate, there isn't much of a problem sending more personnel on a different day.

  "You can use the fire wizards' portal area for the meeting and leave from there."

  Thinking he was dismissed, Sebastian started to turn to leave. Raven Leros cleared his throat and added, "Take two days to help them set up negotiations. Then I will expect you back here. I'll leave a message with the inn keeper to remind you.

  "Another matter has come to my desk, but it can wait a little longer."

  Surprised by the vagueness of the raven's statement, the younger man nodded and left for the Black Smith Inn to work on the connection he was looking for to make his gate.

  Chapter 21- The Siren Isles

  Sebastian stepped through the portal into a surprising amount of heat. The sound of waves lapping the sandy beach to his left reached his ears before his eyes could adjust to his new surroundings. That was the problem with portals. There was always a momentary need to recalibrate and adjust to your surroundings. Even using a reflex spell, there was lag between arriving physically and having one's senses understand the new environment.

  Noting the battle mages who had riske
d going first before him, Sebastian noted their wary looks, but no weapons in their hands. In theory, this should be a peaceful meeting with Yaroma's people; but it had been five months since they had left them to protect themselves while holding more than thirty pirates in the pens originally designed to hold the former merfolk. After so many months, they couldn't assume anything.

  Using the amulets of the mermaids, Sebastian had pinpointed the location of their sister sirens. He had managed to recalibrate his jump point northward hoping that he could blindly position the gate. His first try had landed Elzen in water up to his knees. The adventurous mage had brought lodestones with Sebastian's magic in them and walked north onto the beach they were standing on now before the owl set up a stronger portal.

  Making sure to move forward as more of the group used the gateway held open by the portal wizards in Hala, Sebastian looked around at the tropical island. Lush greenery to his right led into a jungle. To his left, the mage saw familiar stone outcroppings standing like thick pillars blocking much of the view to the southeast. They were part of the many defenses of the islands.

  The islands he had named the Siren Isles for the map were protected by stones rising up from a reef surrounding many points around the main islands. Few of the stones were as obvious as these. Ships had broken apart on the rocks lurking beneath the water so often that the area had been avoided by the other local island nations. He had been warned to avoid it, but the compass pointing to the Grimnal had led him there despite the warnings.

  Magic and caution had led his ship safely to the north island through a break in the reefs and stones. Siren magic had pulled many of the men towards the mermaids using their amulets and song to draw them towards the water where many would have died, if not for the quick work of the female wizards with them. The women were unaffected by the magic and Sebastian had managed to avoid falling completely under the spell by separating his mind in time to ride the wind near his body.

  He had steered his body alongside Yara and the other women including Ashleen to stop the sirens. The young women had been forced to use their magic to keep their captive people safe from the pirates who threatened to kill those who remained. Unfortunately over the years, the tribe had been sold off into slavery. Those who remained were a combination of workers for food and breeders for the children who would one day see their parents taken away and repeat the process.

  The pirates had discovered the sirens' magic. It had been their small defense, but led by a woman pirate, the magic hadn't been enough.

  His team had freed his men from the magic and then freed the islanders from the pirates. When he had left, Sebastian had told them that he would alert one of the nearby nations to pick up the captured pirates and hoped that all had gone well since.

  "I'm surprised you managed to continue your journey after coming here," Elzen said looking at the beauty of the island around them.

  Rilena nodded and added, "This is like paradise, though I suppose even paradise would get dull after awhile."

  "We almost didn't leave," Sebastian stated thinking of how close his men had come to drowning in the sea thanks to the sirens. He held no anger towards the young women forced to do the pirates' bidding, but he didn't doubt that there had been quite a few ships which had avoided the rocks only to die beneath the water trying to follow their siren call.

  The other two mages knew the story. When it had become certain that they would return to the islands, Sebastian and the others who had been there had told the tale to those coming along.

  Ashleen stepped onto the sand with Evie who looked incredulously at the surrounding jungle and sea. She was young and had lived in the cave city of the emperor most of her life. The mountains, where Garosh's fortress was located, were very similar to the Dragon's Spine Mountains the Dark One controlled. While White Hall was pleasant enough and had forests nearby like the fortress in the mountain; this tropical world was very different.

  Both girls pulled off their shoes to play with their toes in the sand walking closer to the water. The waves lapped onto the beach and over their feet while they waited for the rest of their group to arrive. Sebastian smiled at the youthful enjoyment on their faces.

  Rilena and Elzen looked jealous of the girls. As mages, they were part of the security detail. Ashleen had come because Sebastian had and Evie was there for much the same reason. She was like a new little sister to him and had wormed her way into their lives. Sometimes that made Ashleen frustrated, though she liked the girl like a sister as well.

  Going shopping with the younger girl was enjoyable for the wilder and they were both similar as wizards, since they were both wilders. Evie was a changeling wizard, but had little true training. Her magic was instinctive like Ashleen's lightning though.

  When Evie would sneak into their room in the night, it was like having had a child added to their lives. The problem was both Sebastian and Ashleen had a feeling the young teenager knew enough about life to be less innocent than she pretended to be. She wasn't really a child coming to her parents for security, though that was part of it. Evie was a young woman trying to worm her way into his life as more than just his ward.

  They couldn't bring themselves to shut her down completely and Ashleen in particular had been working on training her on civilized society and its rules. Still the girl had woken them up joining them in bed often since that first night. When she wasn't subtle enough they made her use the spare bed while trying to get back to sleep. Sebastian worried about it, but it was among the least of his problems.

  As he looked at the little red head, Sebastian was just glad that after the shopping trip, Evie was dressing like a girl her age should. Today wearing extended shorts which touched her upper calves and a red blouse, the wilder looked less wild and more like a carefree teenage girl.

  Ashleen's hand found his as they walked and habit made him take her hand though this was technically a battle mage mission. The warm island air, hypnotizing crash of the waves onto sand and stone, and late morning sunlight made for a scene that was rather romantic in tone. He noticed the mermaids doing the same with their boyfriends.

  Meanwhile Evie joined Serrena splashing through the waves as they lapped past their feet. Sebastian doubted that the little wilder had ever had a chance to play in the water during her lifetime. While the wizards tended to be enjoying themselves walking barefoot, the bulk of the team consisted of battle mages wearing their boots.

  Rilena was youthful enough to have joined the young women in the surf, but like the other mages, she walked with her boots on watching the green jungle somewhat warily. These were supposed to be people who owed their freedom to Sebastian and his ship full of wizards and mages, but even the beautiful surroundings couldn't make those ready for war settle completely without scouting the island.

  "I bet, if you told some of the rich folk of Hala about this place, there would be those willing to build an inn or two if your wizards were willing to send customers via the portals. People would pay good money to visit a beautiful place like this," Ashleen said as she pulled him to the left towards the wet sand. Her bare feet sunk into the sand and he thought as she slowed her pace that the girl worked the sand squishing it between her toes as if massaging the earth.

  "If the islanders agree to such terms, I suppose that it would be possible. I don't know if the wizards or the king would approve. They might need to send lumber and other supplies if there isn't enough good wood here to build such a place though."

  Falconi Brelan overheard their brief discussion and stated, "I think that building some form of resort is getting ahead of ourselves; though if such a place was available by walking through a portal in an instant, I could certainly see the draw."

  "The king would probably demand a small garrison here to protect it and the people who came here. If pirates still roam the islands in any kind of numbers, it might not be as safe as it seems," Sebastian added.

  Grunting a laugh, the falconi replied, "I'd volunteer to lead a garrison he
re. It would be like a permanent vacation, even if there was a bit of work to do."

  They were getting closer to the river like channel separating the north island and the one to the south holding the wooden fort of the pirates when a single voice carried on the wind. Sebastian felt his mind getting foggy.

  Yaroma cried out, "A siren's song, cover the ears of the men!"

  Ashleen's hand had been released as the spell's affect started to take hold of Sebastian and she quickly moved in front of him clapping her hands over his ears. The thump as her hands slapped over his ears trying to keep him from hearing the song was enough to make the mage order his protective spell, "Freedom."

  With his mind freed, Sebastian watched as the other women quickly worked to prevent the male mages and wizards from falling under the siren's spell. They had brought ear plugs along since only Sebastian could separate his mind from his body and navigate through the power of the song. The owl had found that he couldn't be controlled if his mind rode the air, even if he could hear the music while using the spell. His consciousness on the wind heard without his ears and managed to keep him free, while staying near his body let the mage control his movements with only a little delay.

  Olan stood with Yaroma and Elzen had been protected by Naoromi. The two mages waited watching for directions unable to hear more than the loudest noises near them. They had brought along two diplomat wizards, one male and one female. The woman, Dinah, had protected Oltus, her opposite. Brelan took care of her falcondi, Felden, while remainder of their party took care of those that they were assigned to help.

  As the men shook the cobwebs from their heads, Sebastian moved closer to their mermaids saying, "The magic didn't seem as powerful this time."


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